关于公司生产许可证等的“certificate true copy” stamp your feet

英语翻译To verify documents photocopy both sides of each page of the original document and use an official company stamp (in English) including,"This is a true copy of the original",on the front of each page.To complete the verification,documents_百度作业帮
英语翻译To verify documents photocopy both sides of each page of the original document and use an official company stamp (in English) including,"This is a true copy of the original",on the front of each page.To complete the verification,documents
英语翻译To verify documents photocopy both sides of each page of the original document and use an official company stamp (in English) including,"This is a true copy of the original",on the front of each page.To complete the verification,documents must be signed and dated by an authorised person,eg,a notary public,a justice of the peace,a solicitor,a commissioner of oaths,an official of the issuing authority or an approved Massey University agent.The signature and company stamp must be an original and copies are not acceptable.Documents in languages other than English are to be translated into English by a certified translator and verified in English.A verified/notarised copy of your birth certificate or passport (include the student or work permit if you have one already)Officially translated and verified/notarised copies of all academic transcripts and graduation certificates (also include verified copies of these documents in the original language).Including any previoius study undertaken in New Zealand.另请指教:“A verified/notarised copy”是指公证的复印件,还是复印件的公证件.
验证文件的复印件,原始文件的每一页的两面都使用一个公司盖章(英文)包括,“这里原来是“一个真正的复制,在每一页的前面.完成验证,文件必须由授权人签署的日期,例如,一个公证人,一个和平的正义,律师,专员宣誓的,发证机关或批准的梅西大学代理官员.签名及公司印章必须是正本和副本是不可接受的.在英语以外的其他语言的文件是被翻译成英文的翻译证书验证,英文.一个验证/认证的你的出生证明或护照复印件(包括学生或工作许可证,如果你已经有一个)官方翻译和验证/公证的成绩单和毕业证书复印件(也包括验证这些文件的副本在原来的语言).包括任何previoius在新西兰进行的研究.previoius我不知道A verified/notarised copy一个验证/认证的副本
一份你的通过审核/公正的出生证明或者护...{ CERTIFIED A TRUE COPY } Xstamper VX Red Pre-Inked Rubber Stamp #1541
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