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一个网站设计得成功与否,很大程度上决定于设计者的规划水平,规划网站就像设计师设计大楼一样,图纸设计好了,才能建成一座漂亮的楼房。网站规划包含的内容很多,如网站的结构、栏目的设置、网站的风格、颜色搭配、版面布局、文字图片的运用等,你只有在制作网页之前把这些方面都考虑到了,才能在制作时驾轻就熟,胸有成竹。也只有如此制作出来的网页才能有个性、有特色,具有吸引力。如何规划网站的每一项具体内容,我们在下面会有详细介绍。 四、选择合适的制作工具
尽管选择什么样的工具并不会影响你设计网页的好坏,但是一款功能强大、使用简单的软件往往可以起到事半功倍的效果。网页制作涉及的工具比较多,首先就是网页制作工具了,目前大多数网民选用的都是所见即所得的编辑工具,这其中的优秀者当然是Dreamweaver和Frontpage了,如果是初学者,Frontpage2000是首选。除此之外,还有图片编辑工具,如Photoshop、Photoimpact等;动画制作工具,如Flash、Cool 3d、Gif Animator等;还有网页特效工具,如有声有色等,网上有许多这方面的软件,你可以根据需要灵活运用。
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您是一个拥有储蓄帐户,还清了有息债务,参与、推动了401(k)计划,总之您全方位的财务状况都不错。因此,现在的你该何去何从呢? 我们这些人需进一步掌握哪些知识,才能让手头的现金更好地为我们工作呢?本文介绍了让您手头的钱生崽崽的一些思路。
How to Put Your Money to Work for You, Beyond the Basics怎样做才能让您的钱为您做除了获取基本利息以外的工作?MAY 30,
AM BY ALAN HENRY很多人可能都面临着很严重的财务问题,但这绝对不能是您Some people have serious financial problems, but that's not you. You've got a savings account, have cleaned up your interest-bearing debt, are contributing to a 401(k), and all-around are in pretty good financial shape. So where do you go from here? What's the next step for those of us who know the basics but want to put our cash to better work?当前可能有很多人面临着很严重的财政问题,但这绝对不可能是您——您是一个拥有储蓄帐户,还清了有息债务,参与、推动了401(k)计划,总之您全方位的财务状况都不错。因此,现在的你该何去何从呢?&我们这些人需进一步掌握哪些知识,才能让手头的现金更好地为我们工作呢?Facebook's recent IPO got a lot of people excited about investing in companies (though the subsequent tanking of their stocks post-IPO may have made many of the same people gun shy). Still, you may be wondering how you can—or if you should—get in on some of that action. Unfortunately, the depths of the market are largely off-limits to individuals with a few bucks here or there to invest, but you can boost your personal portfolio in a number of ways after you've exhausted the basics of investing. That's what this post is all about.F公司的IPO(公开股权招募)让很多人对投资公司(尽管以往IPO公开募股所购股票随后让很多投资人中枪)兴奋不已。您可能仍然在想自己如何才能(或者您需要)参与一些类似的投资活动,投资市场的水很深,极大地限制了仅有少量资金的个人投资者的介入。但是,在掌握投资的基本知识后,在很多方面升投资水平本文的宗的就是帮您做到点
Don't Jump The Gun: Make Sure Your Money Isn't Better Spent Elsewhere别去撞枪:把您的钱投给最佳对象Before you jump head-first into riskier financial waters, we need to make absolutely sure that you're really at the point financially where you have money to invest. J.D. Roth, editor of Get Rich Slowly, explained that before you start looking for new ways to invest your money, make sure you have the basics covered—and we don't just mean a 401(k), a positive balance in your checking account, and a $0 credit card balance. Photo by _e.t..在准备涉足风险投资领域前,我们需要有余力分出钱《Get&Rich&Slowly》杂志社编辑J.D.&Roth,解释了您开始寻求手头现金新的投资渠道之前需要满足的基本条件——这里并不仅仅意味着有一个401(K)计划,一个积极平衡的支票账户和零负债的Before you venture beyond the basics, make sure you've hit all of the areas on this checklist first:除了掌握投资的,在您开始冒险之前,符合下面检查表中涉及的所有领域:You have a budget. This may sound obvious, but it's important. Make sure that you have a budget and you're sticking to it, so you know at all times where your money is going, including this cash you want to save or invest.要有投资——一点然,它非常投资对应,并有效执行该预算。,在都了解,不管是把这笔开支用做投资、还是作为现金存款You're saving for retirement. Your 401(k) and Roth IRA are great, but they're the bare minimum. Before you start thinking about other things to do with your money, consider how much you'll need in retirement, and commit to save as much as possible to make those long-term goals.拥有的计划退休金计划很有用的,它只是保障用手头的钱去做情的时候,您时的花费,留下达成所需资金You've paid off your debt. We're not just talking about credit cards here. Your money isn't really yours until you've paid off your other debt. Student loans, car loans, mortgages, even if it's "good debt," your extra cash is better spent towards getting your net worth in the black before anything else.还清您,指的债务。在您还清所有其他债务之前,手头并不真正属于。,“”,期望取得任何,现金开支这些方面You have an emergency fund. Usually 3-6 months of expenses saved up and stashed away, just in case. If you don't have one, here's how to start one.拥有为,应急基金需要保存还没有应急基金,就是为什么要应急基金的原因。You know how to save for life events and desired purchases. This means you know how to budget well enough to save for that new laptop you want, for your wedding, or for that dream vacation you've always wanted, without wrecking your budget or plunging into credit card debt to make it happen.应对合理编制,以便为您购买的、准备,或拥有,投资麻烦J.D explained that if you've hit all of the points above, you're ready to start thinking about intermediate savings, or taking that extra cash and putting it aside for other things. If you're not out of debt, or don't have a fully-financed emergency fund, you're better off putting your money there instead.J.D,您符合,说明——考虑存钱,或把投入到上还有没的,准备好应急,您头在这些方面That can be daunting for a lot of people, because it implies you're better off paying off your home or your student loans before you start playing the investment game, or saving for luxury purchases. Of course, we've discussed how you can pay down your debt and invest at the same time, so you have options. Just choose your path wisely.很多,最好是偿还清住房贷款或学生贷款后,玩,在提升您的投资能力的同时偿还您您有选择的权利,只需要做出的选择
Option 1: Use "Targeted Savings" to Save for Specific Goals选项1:采用“目标储蓄”法为特定目标存钱If you have the basics covered, it's time to do some brainstorming. What exactly do you want to do with this excess money in your budget? Do you want to stash it away so it makes you more money? Perhaps there's something you've always wanted—a specific model of car, or a vacation home? Maybe you want to start your own business, or found a charity? Whatever it is, J.D. calls these goals "targeted savings," which usededicated savings accounts and automatic deposits to keep you saving towards specific goals. He explains that this allows you to name and prioritize what you're saving for, and you can easily monitor your progress at any time. Photo by Jeff Turner.目标,就有必要的点什么您的预算中,准备用些您是把它们起来,期待今后有更多可以支配还是想用来买东西——比如,,,您还生意,把它们捐赠给是什么,JD把这些目标称作“目标储蓄”,使用专用的自动形式,持续接近,样做对下来的钱进行并它们的,是您随时都储蓄Whatever your dream is, J.D. suggests you set up an interest-yielding savings account for it, and start diverting that extra money to it on a regular basis. Consider signing up for a service likeSmartyPig, which helps you save for specific goals, to help you. It's not as sexy as investing or playing the stock market, but it uses skills you already have, puts your money to work for you, and most importantly, gets you where you want to go.
Option 2: Contact Your Retirement Fund Provider and Expand Your Portfolio什么,J.D的,定期地钱存入其中可以类似于SP的服务,为储蓄,虽然不像那样有趣,已经具备让您的钱“生钱”的能力。更重要的是,它把钱放到了用Talking to your investment firm about what to do with the extra money in your budget implies you want to put it somewhere it can grow and make more money for you, as opposed to save it for a specific goal. A good place to start is with the investment firm that holds your 401(k) or IRA, like Fidelity Investments or Vanguard.选项2:供应,讨论。投资这笔钱作为另一个具体的目标投入到,使它们、让您获得。是投资者类401(K)项目管理或IRA项目管理公司联系Even if you're in a group retirement plan with your company, you can contact them about expanding your portfolio to include personal investments. It's worth noting that depending on the funds you want to invest in, you may have to front a certain amount of money just to get started, but if you have it, use it. Give the firm you have your retirement funds with a ring—they may just suggest you add the extra money to the funds you're already in, but others will be more than happy to help you open new lines of investments, and offer you some financial guidance to help you make the smart choices as well.
Option 3: Hire a Financial Planner and Sail for Risky Waters选项3:投资高风险行业Sometimes you have to spend money to make money, but a good financial planner can help you make smart decisions about other, more advanced options. Sure, a financial planner can help you make the smart saving decisions we've discussed up to this point, but that kind of advice is free—what you really want a financial planner or accountant's advice with are the tricky investment options, like these:,不得不,,提供投资,上面讨论的这一点已有定论,是否采纳自由——需要提出的意见,是难以捉摸的投资盈利,:Buy/remodel an investment property: Many people buy a condo or vacation home just for a little rental income, but if you're not sure where to start, get help before you go shopping. The market is much different now than when this was more popular, and your mileage will vary depending on where you live and what you plan to do.:得到少量的要投资入度假屋,又不知道从哪里着手,那么在您外就得比以往任何时候的都大,花费的多少住在哪里,计划要。Start a private portfolio: Mutual funds offered by your 401(k) are one thing, but if you want to get into index funds, options, or even just start buying up stock in well-performing companies that you want to invest in, you'll need some assistance. By all means, go for it—just don't neglect your research.·&:,投资或其他选项,想购买那些您想投入的、的股票,获得尽可能的去关注——而不是Consider annuities: The folks at The Motley Fool suggest annuities, despite their cost and limited insurance coverage, are an option worth considering if you've already started investing elsewhere. They can be difficult to cash out of, but they can yield decent returns if you find a good one. The key, of course, is finding a good one, and The Motley Fool has some tips on how to do that.·&企业:尽有价值和的限制,如果您已经开始投资,The&Motley&Fool市场的企业年金投资也是一个不错的选择获得收入,如果你找到了一个好的品种,也是获得不错收益的当然,要到年金项目,The&Motley&Fool提供了怎样的一些提示Buy an investment vehicle: Depending on your age and the amount of risk you're willing to take, you can stash your extra money away in government bonds (low risk, low reward) or stock options and futures (high risk, high reward.) It's especially important to get a professional's help before wading into these waters: there are plenty of vehicles that do little more than fleece unsuspecting customers, so do your research and get help before writing any checks.:,在购买一点是,在你准备涉入这些行业时,获得专家的帮助:投资路上的风险出现的概率总是较高。因此,在填写您的支票时,要做好你的研究并尝试获得必要的帮助。
Or, Stop Worrying and Manage Your Current Investments Instead,好的,只顾There are plenty of options available if you're wondering if there's a way to make your money work harder for you, as you can see. Even so, the vast majority of us will have a hard enough time paying down our debt and putting together an emergency fund. We mentioned it earlier, but you shouldn't go running into the wilds of investment properties and annuities until you're in sound financial shape. There's an old adage about gambling that applies here: "Don't play with money you can't afford to lose." Photo by 401k.,如果您想知道一些“钱生钱”的方法的话,你可以有。即使是这样,要有很长一段来和筹集在这里得前警告:不到您的财务状况非常好的时候,都不要随意去做物业或企业年金的投资——的在这里也:“拿你无法失去的去赌博”Despite all of these options, you may be better off simply putting your extra cash into your retirement fund, whether it's a 401(k) or an extra contribution to your Roth IRA at the end of the year. It's just easier to dump it into an interest-yielding savings account or a CD offered by your credit union, forget about it until it matures, and then roll it over or cash it out. The market rat-race can be alluring, especially when you read about IPOs that make investors boatloads of cash, or venture capitalists shoveling money into companies with big ideas and no products. However, J.D. points out thatfinancial independence means different things to different people, and it's more than just "having a boatload of cash." Find out what it means for you, and work your way there.尽管上面这些都是可选项,您最好结束只把额外现金放入退休基金的做法,无论是401(k)计划或是在一年结束时额外贡献Roth&IRA。您只需利用有利息的储蓄账户或一张您的信用卡联盟提供的CD就可把他们转走,它忘了,直到计划成熟,然后把它转走或取现。前把一个光盘的提供了您的信用卡联盟,忘了它,直至成熟,然后其卷或现金。当你读到那些吸引风险资本家投入大量资金给光有想法、没有产品的公司去的投资的,特别是那些可以令投资者兑现的IPO报告或时候,老鼠式的市场竞争可能非常诱人。但是,J.D.公司指出:投资的独立性意味着,投资对不同的人、意味着不同的事,更多的——它不仅仅是“一堆现金”。找出投资对你意味着什么,然后以你的方式工作。How are you saving for the future? Do you believe in any specific investment vehicles beyond the tried and true ones everyone should have, or are retirement funds and IRAs really enough for most people? Share your financial thoughts—and advice—in the comments below.今后将对待储蓄?您是每个人都应该具有获得超常收益的能力?还是相信或者是认为退休基金与IRA基金真的可以满足大部分人的需要?请您把自己的理财-或-共享在下面的评论中J.D. Roth is the editor of Get Rich Slowly. He offered his expertise for this story, and we thank him.J.D.&Roth&是《》杂志社编辑,他在本文里极少了他的看法,特此鸣谢Title photo by isak55 (Shutterstock).Title photo by isak55 (Shutterstock).
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