iphone4自带浏览器 ios5.0.1怎么升级safari浏览器

同意楼上兄弟的观点,还是升级之后越狱吧,可能是不完美越狱造成的- -祝LZ好运~
出门在外也不愁The best browser for your Mac is the one that comes with your Mac. Safari is faster and more energy efficient than other browsers, so sites are more responsive and your notebook battery lasts longer between charges. Built-in privacy features are stronger than ever. It works with iCloud to let you browse seamlessly across all your devices. And it gives you great ways to find and share your favorites. Put it all together, and no other browser offers such a rich web experience.
Longer battery life and faster performance.
With a blazing-fast JavaScript engine and energy-saving technologies, Safari is a faster, more enjoyable way to explore the web.
Browse longer. Watch more.
Safari is engineered specifically for Mac, so it takes advantage of the powerful technologies built into every one. And Safari now offers native support for Netflix. So compared with Chrome and Firefox, you can browse for up to two hours longer1 and watch Netflix videos up to three hours longer.2
browsing compared to Chrome and Firefox
watching Netflix videos compared to Chrome and Firefox
Faster than Chrome and Firefox.
Browsing with Safari is blazing fast thanks to advanced JavaScript engine optimizations that make websites and web applications feel snappier.
JetStream: JavaScript performance on advanced web applications3
Safari 1.2x faster
Firefox 1.1x faster
Chrome Baseline
Speedometer: Web application responsiveness4
Safari 1.7x faster
Chrome 1.1x faster
Firefox Baseline
JSBench: JavaScript performance on popular websites5
Safari 6.6x faster
Chrome 1.1x faster
Firefox Baseline
Defending your online privacy and security.
Privacy and security aren’t just something you should hope for — they’re something you should expect. That’s why features to help protect your privacy and keep your Mac secure are built into Safari. For example, it’s the only browser to offer DuckDuckGo — a search engine that doesn’t track you — as a built-in option.
Private Browsing windows.
When you use Private Browsing, Safari doesn’t remember the pages you visit, your search history, or your AutoFill information. Each tab in a Private Browsing window is isolated from the others, so websites you view in one tab can’t see your cookies from websites in another tab. This helps prevent websites you're logged in to from tracking you as you browse.
Third-party cookie blocking.
The web pages you visit often leave cookies from third-party websites. These cookies can be used to track where you go on the web, target you with ads, or create a profile of your online activities. Safari was the first browser to block these cookies by default. And by default it also prevents third-party websites from leaving data in your cache, local storage, or databases.
Protection from harmful sites.
Safari helps protect you against fraudulent Internet sites and those that harbor malware — before you visit them. If a website looks suspicious, Safari prevents it from loading and warns you.
Sandboxing for websites.
Sandboxing provides built-in protection against malicious code and malware by restricting what websites can do. And because Safari runs web pages in separate processes, any harmful code you come across in one page is confined to a single browser tab, so it can’t crash the whole browser or access your data.
Surf seamlessly across all your devices.
Not only does Safari come on every Mac, it comes on every iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, too. And thanks to iCloud, your passwords, bookmarks, history, tabs, and Reading List are always up to date no matter which device you're using.
iCloud Keychain securely stores your user names, passwords, and credit card numbers and keeps them up to date on your trusted devices. So you can easily sign in to your favorite websites and quickly make online purchases. And everything is protected with robust 256-bit AES encryption.
With iCloud Bookmarks, your favorite sites are always close at hand. Bookmark a web page on your Mac and it automatically appears on all your iCloud-connected devices. You can even sync your iCloud Bookmarks in Safari with Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome on a Windows PC.
With Tab view, the last websites you had open on your Mac are available in Safari on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch — and vice versa. So you can go from one device to another without having to search for the web pages you were reading.
Save web pages you want to read later simply by adding them to your Reading List. Then view them on any of your iCloud-connected devices — even if you’re not connected to the Internet.
Discover something great. Then share it just as easily.
Safari makes it simple to find and enjoy the best of the web. And we've made it easy to share what you find with others.
Spotlight suggestions.
With Spotlight built into every Mac, you’re never far from the information you want. As you type in the Smart Search field, Spotlight suggestions display results from sources like Wikipedia, news sites, Maps, iTunes, movie listings, and more.*
Share menu.
Share anything you come across on the web without leaving Safari. Just click the Share button, then choose how you want to send it off. Use Mail, Messages, or AirDrop. Tweet or post to Facebook. And even add comments and locations. A single sign-on sets up sharing to Facebook and Twitter, so you only need to log in once.
Shared Links.
Shared Links is the best way to see what’s up on the web. When you’re in the mood to read something new, quirky, or cool, open Shared Links in the Safari Sidebar, where you can view links from people you follow on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can scroll seamlessly from one story to the next, no clicking required.
View news stories and other articles in a layout that’s optimized for easy reading. Reader lets you focus on the text without being distracted by ads and other items.
Safari is built on WebKit, the industry-leading open source rendering engine. It includes powerful built-in tools, like Web Inspector, that let developers create advanced web applications. And it continues to support technologies that enable innovation on the web.
Safari Extensions are a great way to bring new features to Safari. Customize your browsing experience by adding your favorite extensions.iphone4升级到ios7.0.2怎么降级到5.0.1?求大神赐教。_百度知道
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引用楼主文成三少于 22:04发表的: 如题,那位大侠可以告诉我吗 我搜了论坛都找不到有用的,[有了也是过段时间消失]还有的下载附件我的电脑无法识别放不进去 有详细点的教程吗或知道传送点的给发下3Q去cydia下载 to hk
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