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如果是女孩儿我就觉得学历比工作经验重要些,那真的可以选在在韩国选择读研或是考虑在韩国就业,工作经验比学历更重要。 而且我比较倾向于中国企业,如果是男孩儿可以早些就业。但如果你是倾向韩国企业,我本人是选择本科毕业后回国就业,对现在的工作很满意。还有就是个人意见,晚回不如早回。 我当初是考虑早晚要回国,是建国的贸易专业毕业的,月薪都在韩币200-400万韩币这个样子,读研或是工作,我身边也有很多的弟弟妹妹毕业后选择留在了韩国只能说因人而异
出门在外也不愁荷兰经济类论文代写assignment服务:对外贸易政策的解析Foreign trade policy oriented
First, trade policy and industrial competitiveness policy coordination
Industry competition policy stems from industrial organization policy , which is to obtain the expected market performance , established by the government-led intervention and adjustment of industrial structure and market behavior of the market economic policies . In an open economy, the industry is the essence of competition policy by coordinating the relationship between competition and economies of scale in the maintenance of normal market order , based on the cultivation and improve the industry 's competitiveness. Industry competition policy on the one hand to encourage competition , limiting monopolies , on the other hand to avoid excessive competition , the pursuit of economies of scale.
( one ) Trade policy and industrial competition policy conflicts
Integration in the global economy under the conditions of the original primarily for regulating industrial relations in the domestic market competition policy gradually evolved to ensure and maintain international competitive environment as a coordination tool . Industrial connotation and denotation of competition policy far beyond the scope of industrial organization policy , including industrial organization has become a policy , trade policy , investment policy and other aspects of international economic policy coordination .
Economic ties between countries continue to strengthen the case , industrial competitiveness and trade policies are getting closer , industry competition policy in multilateral trade negotiations has become an important issue . With a significant reduction in tariff and non-tariff reduction , trade liberalization, more and more influenced by the results of industrial competition policy under the jurisdiction of the erosion of restrictive same time, a growing number of trade policy measures not only did not promote competition worsened the international competitive environment.
In the long run , for the competitive industry , its competitiveness in a competitive environment than in protected conditions easier to train . Therefore, from the perspective of fostering industrial competitiveness analysis , competition policy, trade policy and industry should have more consistency . Government in the choice of trade policy and the development of industrial competition policy should be to minimize the conflict between the two to build a coherent policy framework .
( Two ) categories of industrial clusters and industrial
In an open economy, competition policy, trade policy and industrial synergies and policy objectives are not the same. Dutch scholars in the study of domestic competition policy system focus and ideas , the role of competition policy areas will be divided into three major industrial clusters and six industry categories .
The introduction of market competition mechanism based on economic and social benefits for the industry, the degree of influence of the existing industries into competitive industries , quasi- competitive and non-competitive industries industry three industry groups . Competitive industry is competition in the market is conducive to improve economic efficiency but also help to improve the social benef quasi- competitive industry refers to increasing economic competition in the market , but not conducive to improving socia noncompetitive industry refers to competition in the market is not conducive to improving economic efficiency is not conducive to improving social benefits in the industry.
Divided in three groups on the basis of industry , in accordance with the degree of opening up competition in the market and competitiveness of the differences will be broken down into indole competitive industries interpersonal competitive industries ( such as textiles and clothing , household appliances, electrical and mechanical equipment , shipbuilding , etc. ) and domestic competitive industries ( such as light industry, machinery, electronics, building materials, etc. ) ; according to national economic security and national economic impact of long-term development strategy , the quasi- competitive industry segments for economic security industry ( such as weapons, aerospace, aviation , nuclear equipment and other defense industry , petroleum, chemical , energy, resources and other pillar industries ) and the development of strategic industries ( such as automotive , electronic information, bio- engineering, new materials, new technology, etc. ) ; according to significant economies of scale and public nature of the product the significance of the non-competitive industry segments is a natural monopoly industries ( such as electricity, telecommunications, railways, civil aviation , etc. ) and external economy industries ( such as ports , airports, urban transport, gas, water , radio, television , meteorology , environmental protection, etc. ) .
( Three ) competition policy, trade policy and industrial synergies and policy objectives
For competitive industries , industrial competitiveness policy 's main task is anti- administrative monopoly and promote competition in the market to ensure that the market mechanism in the allocation of resources within the indus while also against excessive competition and achieve economies of scale in the industry . Anti administrative monopoly and achieve economies of scale are not contradictory, because of economies of scale is the result of the natural evolution of competition is competition generate economies of scale , rather than monopoly & create& economies of scale. Compatible with industrial competition policy , trade policy should be to achieve a competitive industry full liberalization of the domestic market and to further expand opening up , to borrow in international competition mechanism to suppress and eliminate administrative monopoly and excessive competition.
Competition in the market also help to improve the competitive industry standard efficiency of resource allocation , but may jeopardize the country's economic security and long-term development . Currently, foreign economic competition in the Netherlands quasi- monopoly industries economy has gradually strengthened the trend . In some important sectors ( such as the electronics industry , the automotive industry ) or key enterprises, foreign investment through ownership holding, technical control, the right to operate controls , etc. , forming the current or future market control . While the domestic small-scale enterprises in these industries , production and operation of decentralized , vicious competition with each other . Therefore, in this industry group , the industry 's key objectives of competition policy is opposed to multinational economic monopoly , while limiting the low level of domestic excessive competition among enterprises , and promote the realization of economies of scale and improve overall competitiveness . Trade policies should be compatible with the investment policy , aimed to give moderately competitive industries , in a timely manner to protect deadline . It should be noted that the basic elimination of tariff barriers zero tax rate does not mean a comprehensive , international practice is also not comprehensive free trade practices .
Overall, the natural monopoly industries and external non-market economy industries are competitive field . But these industries are not completely , absolutely reject the market competition mechanism , because in these non-competitive industrial chain , there are some more or less competitive in the market sector or the market competing businesses . For these competing businesses and departments , industry competition policy should also be opposed to administrative monopoly and market for non- competing businesses and departments should strengthen the government 's economic management functions. Trade policy should also focus on expanding these competing sectors and competing business to the outside world .
Second, trade policy and industrial structure upgrading
Upgrading of industrial structure , including the structure of inter-industry upgrading and upgrading of the structure within the industry . Industrial structure upgrade mainly refers to economic growth relies on three industries , from agriculture to industry again sequentially transfer service . At the macro on the performance of the total output value of the three industries share of GDP constant change and adjustment, that total agricultural output decreased proportion of GDP , the total output value of industry and services share of GDP gradually increased. Experience has shown that an economy in the process of industrialization , industrial output gradually increase the proportion of GDP , while the service sector output is also accompanied by a percentage of GDP synergistic growth. With the Dutch economy gradually step into & heavy industrialization & era ( since the late 1990s , the Dutch began to enter the industrial , electronic, energy, automotive, petrochemical, building materials and other industries for the industrial growth of pillar industries new stage of industrialization ) , industrial GDP gross domestic product (GDP) increased steadily , agricultural output in the gross domestic product (GDP) decreased, the proportion of service sector is also increasing every year. However, this industrial structure upgrade ratio is not coordinated . First, the regional structure is seriously unbalanced . Eastern coastal areas has been largely achieved industrialization and become so-called & newly industrialized areas,& the majority of the central and western regions are still in &agricultural industrialization period & , where agricultural output value accounted for the proportion of GDP is still high . Secondly, the services sector growth rate lags behind the industrialization process in the east & newly industrialized regions ,& even more so. Third, agriculture and service industries significantly lower development potential , which results in three industrial structure is relatively large fluctuations , reflecting the instability of the process of industrialization .
(&one ) Trade policy and industrial structure upgrading to ask
How trade policy to promote industrial structure upgrade , there are three aspects are worth noting. First, because & heavy industrialization ,& the pillar industries are & quasi- competitive industry group& , related to the country's economic security and long-term development strategy, its inputs and outputs should be first based on
trade policy should focus on security technologies and demand for imports of resource products , in conjunction with the use of domestic and foreign investment policies policies to ensure the stable development of these pillar industries , to prevent foreign monopolies and excessive competition in the domestic market , achieve economies of scale . Second , overall, the service sector should be further expand opening up, but there are also a number of services such as banking , securities , insurance naive industry, the opening speed and depth of the reforms to be with their speed and ability to adapt to market competition , we must have sufficient competitive pressure , but also has enough room to grow. Third , for agricultural trade, trade policy priority is to maintain fair competition, safeguard food security. To establish a sound system of agricultural subsidy system , making full use of WTO agreements under the framework of &green box policies& and & amber box & policy, to support agricultural production.
( Two ) Trade policy and industrial structure upgrading within
Upgrading of the structure between industries within the industry structure is based upgrade . The structural changes within the industry by market demand structural changes and changes in production and supply structure their interactions common decision . Constraints under a certain income requirements structure determines the supply structure , under certain conditions of production possibility frontier structural changes in the supply -induced demand structural changes .
Industrial structure is determined by its internal chain of interrelated industries interwoven network . Upgrading of the structure within the industry refers to the center along the value added chain to a new link or node metastasis, and accompanied by a rise in the proportion of value added . During the upgrade process, some industry chain may shrink , and some may ex industrial parts of the network may become more intense , some parts may be more loosely . Result of the upgrade within the industry are: the input-output ratio increased , industry run more efficiently.
Within the industry structure in the process of upgrading , there may be a new dynamic industrial sectors and industrial branches , being the so-called &industrial disproportionate .& If the resource is to keep the newly created link or branching or centralized , the new link will continue to & proliferation & , the new branch will continue to extend the old part of the chain will gradually shrink or even die, then the old industrial structure will be the new alternative industrial structure , namely the so-called &industrial transformation .&
On the supply side , trade policies should be conducive to the expansion of the production possibility frontier . The production possibility frontier expansion depends on physical capital and human capital accumulation and more dependent on technology innovation and technology diffusion . Here, the import trade policy should receive adequate attention. On the demand side , trade policy should lead to structural changes as income changes in the structure of the market demand to make timely adjustments. Adjust the direction of : by adjusting the export commodity structure induced demand structure upgrading , thus promoting intra-industry upgrading.
In short, from the Dutch trade policy practice visits, trade policy and industrial policy has always been inextricably linked . With the openness of the Dutch economy continues to improve ( gradually rising dependence on foreign trade is enough to prove ) , implementation of the national competitive strategy, strive to foster international competitiveness of industry , has become a trade policy and industrial policy, the common goal . Thus , trade policy and industrial policy must , in particular, industrial competitiveness policy closely with complementary collaboration to promote inter-industry and intra-industry upgrading.
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