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1:Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》&&Life Was Like a Box of Chocolates 生活就像一盒巧克力&&Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》&&自认为聪明的人也许不如一个大脑残疾的人。你在算计生活的时候,生活也在玩弄你。未来无法预测,唯有认真地过现在的每一段时日。生活就像一盒巧克力,需要你细细品尝。这是阿甘送给你的至理名言。通缉令1. bet vt.打赌2. awful a.十分;极其Gump: My name’s Forrest, Forrest Gump. Do
want a chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half of these. My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what ’re gonna get. Those must be comfortable shoes. I 1)bet
could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.Lady at bus stop: My feet hurt.Gump: Momma always said that there’s an 2)awful lot you can tell abo where they’re going, where they’ve been. I’ve worn lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it real hard, I can remember my first pair of shoes. 阿甘:我叫福勒斯特,福勒斯特·甘普。你要巧克力吗?我可以吃很多巧克力。妈妈常说人生就像一盒巧克力。你永远不知道会得到什么。你的鞋子一定很舒服。我敢打赌穿这样的鞋你可以走一天的路,而一点儿也不觉得累。我但愿自己能有双这样的鞋。车站的女人:我脚痛。阿甘:妈妈常说看一个人的鞋子你就可以知道他的很多事情。他们要去哪里,去过哪里。我穿破过很多双鞋子。我打赌如果我努力地回想,我肯定可以记起我的第一双鞋子。MP3下载地址: mp3/Life Was Like a Box of Chocolates.mp32:Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》&&Life Was Like a Box of Chocolates 生活就像一盒巧克力Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》自认为聪明的人也许不如一个大脑残疾的人。你在算计生活的时候,生活也在玩弄你。未来无法预测,唯有认真地过现在的每一段时日。生活就像一盒巧克力,需要你细细品尝。这是阿甘送给你的至理名言。单词通缉令1. bet vt.打赌2. awful a.十分;极其Gump: My name’s Forrest, Forrest Gump. Do you want a chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half of these. My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Those must be comfortable shoes. I 1)bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.Lady at bus stop: My feet hurt.Gump: Momma always said that there’s an 2)awful lot you can tell about a p where they’re going, where they’ve been. I’ve worn lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it real hard, I can remember my first pair of shoes. 阿甘:我叫福勒斯特,福勒斯特·甘普。你要巧克力吗?我可以吃很多巧克力。妈妈常说人生就像一盒巧克力。你永远不知道会得到什么。你的鞋子一定很舒服。我敢打赌穿这样的鞋你可以走一天的路,而一点儿也不觉得累。我但愿自己能有双这样的鞋。车站的女人:我脚痛。阿甘:妈妈常说看一个人的鞋子你就可以知道他的很多事情。他们要去哪里,去过哪里。我穿破过很多双鞋子。我打赌如果我努力地回想,我肯定可以记起我的第一双鞋子。MP3下载地址: mp3/Life Was Like a Box of Chocolates.mp33:Scent of a Woman《女人香》It’s Going to Make You Proud One Day 有一天你会为此骄傲Scent of a Woman《女人香》& &和人争辩常常觉得自己的语言缺乏力量,总想用最强有力的音量和言语来战胜对方,更何况在一个众目睽睽的场合下。这一段戏发生在大学礼堂里,上校落地有声的话语让听者有种酣畅淋漓的感觉,虽然他有时的用词粗俗了一点,但正是那一点粗俗和着哲理的逻辑让人拍案叫绝。单词通缉令1. testimony n.证言;证据2. vague a.含糊的;不清楚的3. unsubstantiated a. 不坚固的;薄弱的4. expel vt.开除5. cover-up 掩饰;隐蔽6. snitch n.告密者7. crock n.坛子8. shit n.粪;屎;胡扯9. barrack n.兵舍;军营10. motto n.箴言;座右铭11. at the stake 危难之处,被惩罚12. rat n.鼠; 背叛者13. minnow n.鲤科小鱼14. proclaim vt.宣言;表明15. instill vi.慢慢地灌输16. bow n.框17. jury n.陪审团;陪审员18. integrity n.正直;廉正Mr. Trask: I am left with no real witness. Mr. Willis’1)testimony is not only 2)vague, it is 3)unsubstantiated. The substance I was looking for Mr. Simms was to come from you.Charlie Simms: I’m sorry.Trask: I’m sorry to Mr. Simms, because you know what I’m going to do in this as much as I can’t punish Mr. Havemeyer, Mr. Potter or Mr. Jameson and I won’t punish Mr. Willis. He’s the only party to this incident who is still worthy of calling himself a Baird man. I’m going to recommend to the Disciplinary Committee that you be 4)expelled, Mr. Simms. You are a 5)cover-up artist and you are a liar.Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: But not a 6)snitch.Trask: Excuse me?Slade: No, I don’t think I will.Trask: Mr. Slade.Slade: This is such a 7)crock of 8)shit! Trasklease watch your language, Mr. Slade. You are in the Baird school, not at 9)barracks. Mr. Simms, I will give you one final opportunity to speak up.Slade: Mr. Simms doesn’t want it. He doesn’t need to be labeled “still worthy of being a Baird man.” What the hell is that? What is your 10)motto here?Boys inform on your classmates. Save your hide. Anything sort of that we’re going to burn you 11)at the stake”? Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys stay. Here’s Charlie facing the fire and there’s George hiding in big daddy’s pocket. And what are you doing? You’re going to reward George and destroy Charlie. Trask: Are you finished, Mr. Slade?Slade: No, I’m just getting warmed up. I don’t know who went to this place. William Howard Taft, Williams Jennings Bryant, William Tell, whoever. Their spirit is dead if they ever had one, it’s gone. You’re building a 12)rat ship here, a vessel for sea-going snitches. And if you think you’re preparing these 13)minnows for manhood you’d better think again because I say you are killing the very spirit this institution 14)proclaims it 15)instills. As I came in here, I heard those words, “Cradle of leadership.” Well, when the 16)bow breaks the cradle will fall and it has fallen here. It has fallen! Makers of men, creators of leaders be careful what kind of leaders you’re producing here. I don’t know if Charlie’s silence here today is right or wrong. I’m not a judge or 17)jury but I can tell you this he won’t sell anybody out to buy his future. And that my friends is called 18)integrity. That’s called courage, now that’s the stuff leaders should be made of. Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception I knew but I never took it. You know why? It was too damn hard. Now here’s Charlie, he’s come to the crossroads. He has chosen a path. It’s the right path. It’s a path made of principle that leads to character. Let him continue on his journey. You hold this boy’s future in your hands, committee. It’s a valuable future, believe me. Don’t destroy it, protect it. Embrace it. It’s going to make you proud one day. I promise you.查斯克先生:我现在没有一位真正的证人。威里斯先生的证词不仅含糊不清而且非常薄弱。现在我希望希姆斯先生说出我要的东西。查理·希姆斯:对不起。查斯克:希姆斯先生,我也对不起了,因为你知道我会做些什么,既然我不能惩罚哈福梅尔先生、波特先生或是詹姆森先生,我也不会惩罚威里斯先生。他是这场事故中唯一值得称之为拜尔德人的一位。我将向纪检委员会提议开除你,希姆斯先生。你是一个藏起来的艺术家,你是一个骗子。弗兰克·斯莱德上校:但不是一个告密者。查斯克:再说一遍。斯莱德:不,我不想再说。查斯克:斯莱德先生。斯莱德:这简直就是胡扯。查斯克:请注意你的语言,斯莱德先生。你这是在拜尔德学校,不是军营。希姆斯先生,我给你最后一个机会说出来。斯莱德:希姆斯先生不需要。他不需要被标榜为“可以值得称之为拜尔德人”,那是什么狗东西?你们这里的座右铭是什么?“男孩们,报告同学们的情况。少一些隐藏。任何此类行为将会是引火烧身”?哦,先生们,当粪便砸到风扇上,有些人逃开,有些人留下。这位查理直面大火,而那位乔治躲在爸爸的大口袋里。那么你们又是怎么做的?你们要奖励乔治,毁灭查理。查斯克:你说完了吗,斯莱德先生?斯莱德:没有,我这才刚刚热身。我不知道来这里读书的都有谁。威廉·霍华德·塔弗特,威廉姆斯·杰宁斯·布莱恩,威廉·泰尔,管他是谁。他们的精神死了,如果曾经有过的话,现在也消失了。你们在营造一艘耗子船,一艘告密者的大船。如果你们认为你们是在教育这些小鱼长大成人,你们最好再想想,因为我说你们是在消灭这所学院所倡导灌输的精神。我进来的时候我听到这些话,“领袖的摇篮”。哦,当框架碎裂,摇篮自会坠落,现在就已经坠落了。坠落了!男人的创造者们,领袖的缔造者们,请注意你们缔造的是什么样的领袖。我不知道今天查理的沉默是对还是错。我不是法官也不是陪审团员,但我可以告诉你的是他不会出卖任何人来收买自己的未来。我的,这就是正直,这就是勇气,领袖人物所必需的东西。我现在来到了我生命的十字路口。我总是知道哪里是正确的道路。我知道的清清楚楚,但我没有去走,你知道为什么?因为实在太他妈的难了。那么现在查理,他也来到了十字路口。他选择了一条路。这是条正确的路。这是一条通往人格的原则修建的道路。让他继续他的旅途。委员会,你们的手中握着这孩子的前途。相信我,这是宝贵的前途。别毁灭它,保护它。拥抱它。有一天你们会为此骄傲。我保证。MP3下载地址: mp3/It’s Going to Make You Proud One Day.mp34:Erin Brockovich《永不妥协》Meeting
Neighborhood 初识新邻居Erin Brockovich《永不妥协》单身母亲爱琳一个人抚养着三个孩子。静静的夜晚,忽然门外一阵吵闹的摩托声,孩子们无法休息,爱琳愤然开门,走向摩托车手……单词通缉令1. goddamn a.该死的2. hold on 坚持,等待3. hell n.地狱;阴间4. apology n.赔礼;道歉;认错5. rudeness n.粗野;无礼6. for instance 例如;比方说7. divorce vt.使离婚8. bank account 银行账号9. zero n.零;零点10. off the top of one’s head 随兴所发;即席11. impress vt.使有印象Erin Brockovich: Hey!George: Hello.Erin: What are you doing making all that 1)goddamn noise?George: Well, uh, I don’t know we’re just introducing ourselves to the neighbors, I guess.Erin: Well, I’m the neighbors. There we’re introduced, so shut the fuck up.George: Oh, hey, hey, well, 2)hold on there. Let’s start over, OK? My name’s George. What’s yours?Erin: Just think of me as the person next door, who likes it quiet.George: Hey, come on, don’t be like that. Look 3)hell, we live next door to each other. And I feel bad, I feel terrible. I’m sorry, will you accept my 4)apology? I mean hell we’re living right next door to each other if you need a cup of sugar or some cream…Erin: I don’t need sugar.George: You don’t need any sugar, well, why don’t I take you out to dinner to apologize for my 5)rudeness. Huh? You give me your number, I mean I already got your address so you can’t get away, huh? And I’ll call you up proper and I’ll ask you out and everything.Erin: You want my number.George: I do, I do want your number.Erin: Which number do you want? George?George: George, now I like the way you say that “George”. Well, how many numbers you got?Erin: Oh, I got numbers coming out of my ears, 6)for instance ten. George: Ten?Erin: Yeah, that’s how many months old my baby girl is.George: You have a little girl?Erin: Yeah. Yeah, sexy, huh? How about this for a number six, that’s how old my other daughter is, eight is the age of my son, two is how many times I’ve been married and 7)divorced, 16 is the number of dollars I have in my 8)bank account. 8503943, that’s my phone number and with all the numbers I gave you I’m guessing 9)zero is the number of times you’re gonna call it. George: Hey, how the hell do you remember your bank balance right 10)off the top of your head like that? That 11)impresses me. You’re dead wrong about that zero calling...爱琳·布洛克维克:喂!乔治:你好。爱琳:你在干什么?吵死人了。乔治:噢,啊,我不太清楚,我想我们还是向邻居介绍一下自己吧。爱琳:噢,我就是邻居。我们介绍完了,现在闭上你的鸟嘴。乔治:噢,对了,哦,等等。我们重新开始好吗?我叫乔治,你叫什么名字?爱琳:噢,把我当作你隔壁住的人就行了,喜欢安静的人。乔治:噢,别,别那么气鼓鼓的。你看,我们俩就住在隔壁。我心情不好,觉得很糟糕。我很抱歉,你接受我的道歉吗?我是说,我们住在隔壁,如果你需要一杯糖或奶油什么的……爱琳:我不需要糖。乔治:你不需要糖,哦,我为什么不可以带你出去吃顿饭,为我的粗鲁向你道歉,啊?你给我电话号码,我是说我已经知道了你的住址,你走不掉了,呃?我会在适当的时候打电话叫你起床,请你出去,等等等等。爱琳:你要我的号码。乔治:对,我要你的号码。爱琳:要哪个号码,乔治?乔治:乔治,我喜欢你这样叫我,乔治。你有几个号码?爱琳:比方说有个号码从我耳朵里钻了出来,是十。乔治:十?爱琳:对,这是我小女儿几个月大的数字。乔治:你有个小女儿。爱琳:对。很性感是吗?六这个数字怎么样,这是我另外一个女儿的岁数,八是我儿子的岁数,二是我结婚离婚的次数,十六是我银行存折上美元的数字。 8503943,这是我的电话号码,我给你了这么多号码,我猜你会打电话过来的次数是零。乔治:喂,你怎么会即兴想起你的存款数目的?让我印象深刻。但你说的零次数电话绝对错误……MP3下载地址: mp3/Meeting New Neighborhood.mp35:American Beauty《美国丽人》&&Quarrel争吵American Beauty《美国丽人》莱斯特因为受不了上司的欺压,愤然辞职。然而回到家中,却得不到妻子的体谅。于是一场餐桌战越演越烈,油盐酱醋,什么挖苦讽刺都在这段对话中,听来有盐有味,很丰富。单词通缉令1. blackmail vt.勒索2. asparagus n.芦笋3. Mason jar 玻璃瓶罐4. sink n.洗涤槽;污水沟5. marvel vt.惊异于6. contemptuous a.轻蔑的;侮辱的7. whoops 像声词,激动时发出的声音8. sole a.唯一的;仅有的9. mortgage n.抵押;按揭10. fat chance 没有机会11. psychotic a.精神病的12. laugh meter 一种测量笑声分贝的仪器Jane: Sorry, I’m late.Carolyn Burnham: No, no, that’s quite alright, dear. Your father and I were just discussing his day at work. Why don’t you tell our daughter about it, honey?Lester Burnham: Janie, today I quit my job and then I told my boss to go fuck himself and then I 1)blackmailed him for almost 60,000 dollars. Pass the 2)asparagus.Carolyn: Your father seems to think this kind of behavior is something to be proud of.Lester: And your mother seems to prefer that I go through life like a fucking prisoner while she keeps my dick in a 3)Mason jar under the 4)sink.Carolyn: How dare you speak to me that way in front of her. And I 5)marvel that you can be so 6)contemptuous of me on the same day that you lose your job.Lester: I didn’t lose it, it’s not like 7)whoops where did my job go? I quit! Someone pass the asparagus to me.Carolyn: Oh, oh, oh, oh, and I want to thank you for putting me under the added pressure of being the 8)sole bread winner now.Lester: I already have a job.Carolyn: No, no, don’t give a second thought as to who’s going to pay the 9)mortgage, we’ll just leave it all up to Carolyn. You think you’re going to take care of everything now, Carolyn? Yes, I don’t mind, I really don’t. You mean everything? You don’t mind having the sole responsibility. Your husband feels he can just quit his job and you don’t care what’s going to happen 10)fat chance.Lester: Will someone please pass me the fucking asparagus?Jane: I’m not going to be a part of this.Lester: Shut up! I am sick and tired of being treated like I don’t exist. You two do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it and I don’t complain. Now all I want is the same…Carolyn: Oh, you don’t complain. Oh, please excuse me, excuse me. I don’t feel 11)psychotic then. If you don’t complain, what is this? Let’s bring in the 12)laugh meter and see how loud it gets on that one. Do you know the look…简:对不起,我晚了。凯洛琳·伯翰姆:不,不晚,亲爱的,一点都不晚。你父亲和我正在谈论他今天的工作。为什么不把这件事告诉我们的女儿,亲爱的?莱斯特·伯翰姆:简妮,今天我辞职了,我告诉老板说,去你妈的,然后我敲了他6万美元。把龙须菜递给我。凯洛琳:你父亲好像觉得这种行为很让人自豪。莱斯特:你母亲好像更愿意我像个囚犯似地过日子,可以把我的命根子藏在玻璃罐里,放在阴沟中。凯洛琳:你怎么敢当着孩子的面说这种话。我真服了你了,在丢了工作的当天还可以这样藐视我。莱斯特:我没有丢,哦,我的工作哪去了,这不是那么回事。是我辞职!麻烦谁把龙须菜递给我。凯洛琳:噢,哦,哦,哦,我还要感谢你让我的负担更重了,让我成为唯一的面包供应者。莱斯特:我已经有工作了。凯洛琳:别,别,别再想谁来支付抵押,把这一切都交给凯洛琳吧。你觉得你要负担这一切了吗,凯洛琳?是的,我不介意,我一点也不介意。你是说所有的一切吗?你不介意这都成为你一个人的责任,你丈夫觉得他可以就这样辞职,你才不管会发生什么,没门。莱斯特:有人把他妈的龙须菜递给我吗?简:我不想参于你们的争吵。莱斯特:闭嘴!我厌倦、讨厌被人当作没这个人一样。你们俩爱做什么就做什么去吧,随时都可以做,我没意见。现在我要的同样是……凯洛琳:噢,你没意见。哦,请原谅,请原谅,我没有疯。如果你没意见,那这是什么?可以把笑声测量仪拿来,看看用它测出来的声音有多大。你不知道这种样子……MP3下载地址: mp3/Quarrel.mp36:Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》麦琦在观看垒球比赛中不经意挑逗了好朋友佩琦的丈夫,惹来佩琦满肚子的不高兴。第二天一早麦琪早早来到佩琦的店铺,等着对好朋友说声对不起。对话中两人探讨各自个性的表达很有趣味,用词方面耐人寻味。单词通缉令1. flirt vi.调情2. spaz v. 突然迸出3. excess a.过度的4. flirtatious a.爱调戏的;轻浮的5. land on 落在……6. coral n.珊瑚7. weird a.怪异的8. quirky a. 善变的9. distinct a.清楚的;明显的10. profoundly ad.深深地;衷心地11. irreversibly a. 不可改变的12. screw up 把事情弄糟13. commit to... 交托给……14. make up to sb. 补偿某人15. duckbilled a. 鸭嘴的16. platypus n.鸭嘴兽17. pole n.杆;竿Peggy Flemming: Good morning.Maggie Carpenter: Do you think I 1)flirt with Cory?Peggy: Good morning to you too. You look .Maggie: Thank you. Do you think I flirt with Cory?Peggy: Yes. Maggie: I don’t mean to.Peggy: I know. I think sometimes you just sort of 2)spaz out with 3)excess 4)flirtatious energy and it just 5)lands on anything male that moves. Maggie: Anything male that moves as opposed to anything male that doesn’t?Peggy: Well, like certain kinds of 6)coral.Maggie: I’m definitely about to kill myself.Peggy: Why?Maggie: Because you think I’m all like, “Hey, man. Check me out.”Peggy: No, I don’t. I think you’re like, “I’m charming and mysterious in a way that even I don’t understand and something about me is crying out for protection from a big man like you.” It’s very hard to compete with, especially as married women who’ve lost our mystery.Maggie: Lost…you have…you are totally mysterious.Peggy: No, I’m 7)weird. Weird and mysterious are two very different things.Maggie: I’m weird.Peggy: No, you’re 8)quirky. Quirky and weird are two very different things.Maggie: Peggy, I think there is a 9)distinct possibility that I am 10)profoundly and 11)irreversibly 12)screwed up. Despite that I love you and I promise to no longer flirt with Cory.Peggy: Maggie, I’m not worried about you and Cory, or me and Cory, or you being irreversibly screwed up. Maggie, you’ve been like this since we were kids and all I’m thinking is, now that you’re aware of it and that it hurts people’s feelings sometimes. Maybe it’s time to get on with life and 13)commit to someone of your own like Bob, if he’s the one.Maggie: I know. Is there anything I can do to 14)make it up to you?Peggy: Well, there’s always the thing that brings warmth to my heart and that is 15)duckbilled 16)platypus.Maggie: Duck-billed…that is only funny in like Camp Birchwood on a…Peggy: Just do it, do it.Maggie: Trip with the tent and my leg is the 17)pole and it’s raining, and you know that’s the only time that’s funny.Peggy: Let’s just see.佩琦·弗莱明:早上好。麦琦·卡朋特:你认为我和考力调情?佩琦:你也早上好。气色不错嘛。麦琦:谢谢。你认为我和考力调情?佩琦:对。麦琦:我不是认真的。佩琦:我知道。我想有时候你好像有一股子旺盛的骚劲发作起来,刚好落在任何一个活动着的雄性身上。麦琦:任何活动着的雄性,对比任何不动的雄性?佩琦:噢,好比珊瑚虫之类的。麦琦:我想自杀。佩琦:为什么?麦琦:因为你认为我是这样的人,“喂,男人,看看我啊”。佩琦:不对,我不这样认为。我认为你是那种“我有,有神秘感,就算我不能理解,但我身上有一种东西正呼喊着寻求像你这种高大男人的保护”。这种东西是很难与之对抗的,特别是对那些已婚并已失去神秘感的女子来说。麦琦:失去……你有……你很神秘。佩琦:不,我是怪异。怪异和神秘是两种完全不同的东西。麦琦:我才是怪异。佩琦:不,你很善变。善变和怪异是两种完全不同的东西。麦琦:佩琦,我认为有一种明显的可能性,我错了,错得一塌糊涂、不可收拾。虽然我爱你,而且我答应你不再和考力调情。佩琦:麦琦,我不是担心你和考力或是我和考力或是你错得怎么不可收拾。麦琦,从小你就是这样,我所想的就是,现在你已经意识到了这点,这有时候很伤别人的感情。也许是好好生活的时候了,把自己托付给你自己的人,像鲍勃那样的,如果他是你想要的。麦琦:我知道。我可以做些什么来补偿吗?佩琦:噢,有一件事总能给我心灵带来温暖,就是鸭嘴兽。麦琦:鸭嘴……像在桦树营时才好玩……佩琦:来一个,快。麦琦:带着帐篷旅游,我的腿就是杆子,天下着雨,你知道那时才真叫好玩。佩琦:我们再来一次。MP3下载地址: mp3/Runaway Bride.mp37:Sleepless in Seattle《西雅图不眠夜》 闺中女友在一起谈论感情是很常见的事情。一方喜欢上一个男子,密友一定会倍显关心,先套问,后猜测。全世界的女孩子大致都有这样的经历。对话中一系列描述变态行为的名词很通俗,但却是一般字典查不到的。单词通缉令1. crackhead n. 吸毒成瘾者2. transvestite n.作异性打扮者3. flasher n. 暴露狂4. junkie n.有毒瘾者5. chainsaw n.链型锯6. get down to 着手做某事,本对话中是言归正传的。7. hysterical a.歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的Becky: What was that about up there?Annie Reed: What was what?Becky: What’s with you?Annie: Nothing’s with me.Becky: Somethings’s with you.Annie: No, no…what are you saying?Becky: Whatever it is you can tell me…. Sleepless in Seattle?Annie: That’s what she called him on the show because he can’t sleep.Becky: And now 2,000 women want his number. The guy could be a 1)crack head, a 2)transvestite, a 3)flasher, a 4)junkie, a 5)chainsaw murderer or someone really sick, someone like my Rick.Annie: Actually he sounded nice.Becky: Oh? Oh, really? Now we’re 6)getting down to it.Annie: Please Becky, I’m madly in love with Walter. He did the craziest thing the other night. What was that? Oh, it was so funny. We were 7)hysterical. What was that? 贝琦:那里发生什么事?安尼·里德:什么什么?贝琦:你有什么心事?安尼:我没有啊。贝琦:你一定有事。安尼:没,没……你说什么哪?贝琦:不管是什么事,你都可以告诉我……西雅图不眠人?安尼:那是节目中她对他的称呼,因为他睡不着。贝琦:现在二千名女性想要他的号码。这人可能是个贼、异装癖者、暴露狂、吸毒者、电锯杀手,或是个病得不轻的人,像我的里克那样。安尼:其实他的声音很好听。贝琦:哦?真的?现在我们认真地谈谈。安尼:求你了,贝琦,我深爱着瓦尔特。那一晚他干了件疯狂的事。是什么事?哦,好玩得我们都捧腹大笑,还能是什么事?MP3下载地址: mp3/Sleepless in Seattle.mp38:Sweet November《甜蜜的十一月》萨拉是个性开朗的女孩,一次偶然的机会,认识了尼尔森。她把他带到了自己的住处,并试图通过自己的个性改变他,唤起面前的男人对生活的热爱。本节对话中的结尾部分,萨拉的话非常精彩,充满哲理,属于更深层的会话表达。推荐背诵。单词通缉令1. gift n.天赋;才能2. denial n.否认3. screwy a.扭曲的;4. pet n.宠物5. bust vt.使爆裂6. count vi.计数;算入7. case n.情况;案例8. workaholic n.工作狂9. stage n.阶段10. intimacy n.亲密; 亲昵行为11. wither vi.衰退12. extinct a.灭绝的;耗尽的13. sheer a.彻底的;纯粹的14. perverse a.错误的;反常的15. lunatic n.疯子Sara Deever: Nelson, I can help you. You see I have a 1)gift, a special ability to help men with problems.Nelson Moss: I don’t have problems. Sara: Ah, now see that is usually the first sign.Nelson: Of what?Sara: 2)Denial.Nelson: Denial? Sara: First of all I think you work too much.Nelson: Really?Sara: Umhmm.Nelson: And what do you know about work?Sara: Plenty. You admit it, you do nothing else and it doesn’t make you happy. So how’s that for 3)screwy logic?Nelson: I admitted nothing. I was silent.Sara: No special interests, no 4)pets, you hate dogs. Nelson: 5)Busted, actually I do have a pet, a fish.Sara: A fish? Doesn’t 6)count, cold-blooded. Sorry. Nope, you are a walking 7)case . Look at you. You’re a 8)workaholic at such an advanced 9)stage that your 10)intimacy skills have 11)withered away to almost nothing. Left untreated. Nelson, you could become emotionally 12)extinct. Nelson: Out of 13)sheer 14)perverse curiosity. How does a 15)lunatic like you help a guy like me?Sara: You live in a box. I could lift the lid, let some light in. Nelson: Wow, that’s deep.萨拉·迪普:尼尔森,我可以帮你。你看我有天赋,有种特别的才能帮助男人们解决问题。尼尔森·莫斯:我没有问题。萨拉:噢,你看这通常就是第一征兆。尼尔森:什么征兆?萨拉:否认。尼尔森:否认?萨拉:首先我认为你是个工作狂。尼尔森:真的?萨拉:是。尼尔森:你了解工作吗?萨拉:了解很多。你承认没做别的事,但还是不开心,这种奇怪的逻辑怎么样?尼尔逊:我没承认什么,我什么也没说。萨拉:没有特别感兴趣的东西,没有宠物,你恨狗。尼尔森:胡说,事实上我有宠物,是条鱼。萨拉:一条鱼?不算,冷血动物。抱歉。不,你是一个活物个案研究。看看你自己,你是个工作狂,到了非常的地步,你的亲昵技能几乎衰退到零。如果得不到治疗,尼尔森,你的情感可能濒临枯竭。尼尔森:荒谬透顶,像你这样的疯子怎么能帮助像我这样的人?萨拉:你生活在盒子里。我可以揭开盒盖,让光明进来。尼尔逊:喔,很深奥。MP3下载地址: mp3/Sweet November.mp39:What’s Cooking 1《感恩节盛宴》Thanksgiving Prayers 感恩节祈祷What’s Cooking 《感恩节盛宴》感恩节晚餐,一家大小欢聚一起,按传统,美食前每人都需祈祷,说出自己的感恩祷辞。且看这一家大小到底都说些什么。单词通缉令1. tolerant a.容许的;容忍的2. celebrate vt. 庆祝;祝贺3. harmony n.和谐;协调4. playoff n. 加时赛 5. telescope n.望远镜Woman 1: Dear God, thank You for bringing us all together on this very special day, and for allowing our children to be happy in whatever way they choose to be. We ask that others be as understanding and as 1)tolerant as you are. Woman 2: And for the food we are about to receive. We thank you for allowing us to come together today and for our happiness…Woman 3: I am thankful that the spirit of my late husband could be here with us today to 2)celebrate your goodness.Woman 3: No, no, please.Woman 1: It’s the same at our house. Grace, go ahead.Woman3 : I’m thankful for our happiness, I’m thankful for the food we are about to receive…Child: And we pray for hope, future progress, for 3)harmony and so that we can all get along. And please what…and please help the Raiders win the game so they can make the 4)playoffs and please give me some Christmas presents like a 5)telescope and please watch over my brother Jimmy in college. Amen.All: Amen.All: Amen.All: Amen.All: Amen.女人1:亲爱的上帝,感谢您在这个特别的日子让我们相聚一堂。也感谢您让我们的孩子在自己选择的道路上幸福快乐地生活。我们请求别人也像您一样通情达理和宽容。女人2:感谢您赐予我们即将接受的食物,感谢您让我们今天相聚一堂,感谢您赐予我们的幸福……女人3:为了我亡夫的灵魂可以在今天和我们一起庆祝您的仁慈,我心怀感激。女人3:不,不,别。女人1:在我们家都一样。格蕾斯,接着说。女人3:感谢您给我们幸福,感谢您赐予我们即将接受的食物……孩子:我们祈祷希望,未来的进步,祈祷和谐,这样我们可以一同前进。请,哇……请帮助瑞达队赢球,这样他们可以再加赛一场,请给我像望远镜那样的圣诞礼物,还有请照看我读大学的哥哥吉米。所有人:阿门。所有人:阿门。所有人:阿门。所有人:阿门。句子模仿秀欧美国家流行的祷告词,一种固定的句式,也可以是我们平时表达谢意的句型。学习指导朗读背诵,最佳朗读时间为7秒钟。MP3下载地址: mp3/Thanksgiving Prayers.mp310:What’s Cooking 2《感恩节盛宴》 Thanksgiving Prayers 感恩节祈祷What’s Cooking 《感恩节盛宴》另一人家,同样的情形,大家都在作餐前祈祷。单词通缉令1. exchange n.交换;调换2. measles n.麻疹;风疹3. reservation n.隐藏;缄默4. casino n.赌场,赌博游戏Girl: Turkey.Woman 1: And now it’s your turn.Woman 2: Well, I guess I’m most thankful that we’re all healthy. Girl: Here.Woman 2: That nothing terrible has happened to any of us and that we have good friends who invited us over so I didn’t have to spend the last three days cooking.Woman 1: Ronnie?Ronnie: Well, I’m thankful for having the best mother and wife and children in the world.Woman 1: Michael.Michael: I’m just glad to be home.Woman1: And… (Monica). You’re last.Monica: I’d like to thank our fellow Native Americans who gave us this land in 1)exchange for 2)measles, 3)reservations and 4)casinos so that we can have all this food to celebrate with.Man: Monica, please…Monica: More like Thanks-taking, don’t you think?Woman 1: OK, very good.女孩:火鸡……女人1:现在轮到你了。女人2:哦。我想最该感激的就是我们都很健康。女孩:这里,来。女人2:没有可怕的事情发生在我们身上,我们有好朋友邀请我们来做客,这样我三天都不用烧饭烧菜。女人1:罗尼?罗尼:哦,我感激在世界上有个最好的妈妈,最好的妻子和孩子。女人1:麦克。麦克:回到家真好。女人1:还有……莫尼卡。你是最后一个。莫尼卡:我要感激我们美国的同胞们赐予我们这块土地,换来了麻疹、保留地和赌场,所以我们才有今天庆祝的食物。女人2:莫尼卡,请别……男人:更象是受恩,是不是?女人1:好了,很好。MP3下载地址: mp3/Thanksgiving Prayers2.mp311:What’s Cooking 3《感恩节盛宴》The Coming of Relatives亲戚的到来What’s Cooking《感恩节盛宴》感恩节,亲戚来访,门铃响了,一家人赶紧迎上前,免不了寒暄一阵……Mother: Hello, it’s good to see you.Man: Well, was the traffic bad or…Mother: OK. I know you like my ... Aunt: Hey, oh, Rachel, honey, you look great.Daughter: Oh, thank you.Aunt: Doesn’t she look beautiful?Man: Just like a movie star.Daughter: Thank you. Good to see you.Carla: Hello.Aunt: Is this your roommate?Daughter: This is Carla.Carla: Carla.Aunt: Oh, Carla, nice to meet you.Carla: Nice to meet you too.母亲:嗨,见到你真高兴。男人:哦,如果交通顺畅的话……母亲:是啊。我知道你喜欢我的……姑姑:嘿,哦,拉歇尔,你气色很好。女儿:哦,谢谢。姑姑:她看上去很漂亮,是不是?男人:就象是电影明星。女儿:谢谢。很高兴见到你。卡拉:你好。姑姑:这是你的室友?女儿:这是卡拉。卡拉:卡拉。姑姑:哦,卡拉,很高兴认识你。卡拉:我也很高兴认识你。MP3下载地址: mp3/The Coming of Relatives.mp312:What’s Cooking 4《感恩节盛宴》 The Persuasion of Mother 母亲的劝导What’s Cooking 《感恩节盛宴》晚宴过程,丈夫的婚外情被不经意地透露,母亲震惊万分。随后,她把儿子叫到后花园中,进行劝导。单词通缉令1. betray vt.出卖;背叛2. fix vt. 修正,改正3. give up on sb. 离开某人Mrs. Williams: Robin Williams, how could you have done this, son?Robin Williams: Momma, God knows how sorry I am for 1)betraying them.Mrs. Williams: Sorry is one thing. How you planning on 2)fixing it?Robin Williams: I don’t know. I’ve been trying. I know I hurt them very badly. I mean Michael’s already 3)given up on me and I’m scared Audrey’s going to go next.Mrs. Williams: Think about while she’s still here. Give her that much respect.威廉夫人:罗宾·威廉姆斯,孩子,你怎么可以这样做?罗宾·威廉姆斯:妈妈,上帝知道我有多后悔,背叛了他们。威廉夫人:后悔是一件事。你准备怎么补救?罗宾·威廉姆斯:我不知道。我一直在尝试,我知道深深地伤害了他们。我是说麦克已经离开了我,我怕接下来奥德丽也会走。威廉姆斯夫人:趁她还在,好好想想。好好尊重她。MP3下载地址: mp3/The Persuasion of Mother.mp313:George of the Jungle《森林王子》Warning警告George of the Jungle《森林王子》深山老林中,森林之子乔治救了女孩俄苏拉的性命,从此两人相爱,不久俄苏拉带乔治回到纽约,见她的父母。他们的恋情遭到了母亲的反对。在一次酒会上,比雅特莉斯借机对乔治施加压力,恶毒地警告乔治放弃她的女儿。对话中,出现了美国式的“门当户对”的表达习惯,和中国的成语有异曲同工之妙。单词通缉令1. dumb a.愚蠢的2. concern vt.使关心;挂念3. reciprocate vt.互换;交换4. present v.呈现;提出5. unbefitting a.不合适的;不相宜的6. zebra n.斑马7. leopard n.豹;美洲豹8. stripe n.条纹9. spot n.斑点10. intend vt.想要;打算11. screw up 搞糟12. proceed vi.继续进行;继续下去13. upset vt.扰乱14. loin n.耻骨区;生殖器官15. steak tartare 一种加辣椒和鲜鸡蛋烤的牛扒 16. protein n.蛋白质Beatrice Stanhope: George.George of the Jungle: Umhmm.Beatrice: I want…to talk. Would you mind stepping outside with me…(waiter passing her a cup of beer) thank you so much…(to George) for just a moment?George: Sure.Lady: Hello, Beatrice.Beatrice: Hello, hello. Well, we haven’t been friends for very long, George, but I already think I know something about you.George: Oh?Beatrice: You are in love with my daughter.George: Oh, Mrs. Ursula, not so 1)dumb…Beatrice: Charming. My 2)concern, however, is that Ursula seems to 3)reciprocate your feelings and that does 4)present a problem to me. You see you and Ursula together would be 5)unbefitting her social stature. You see? Let me put it in a way you might understand, oh, where you come from 6)zebras marry zebras, 7)leopards marry leopards, 8)stripes with stripes, 9)spots with spots, well, Ursula is a stripe and you are a spot, one which I 10)intend to have removed as soon as possible.George: So you know Ursula to love George.Beatrice: I would rather have my tongue nailed to this table every morning at breakfast. George: That hurt.Beatrice: Not as much as you will if you do anything to 11)screw up my daughter’s marriage to Lyle Van de Groot. When Lyle returns, this wedding will 12)proceed as planned. If you do anything to 13)upset that I will remove your reason for wearing a 14)loin cloth. Waiter: Steak 15)tartare, Mrs. Stanhope?Beatrice: Oh, no, no, thank you. I’ve had quite enough 16)protein for today. Have a pleasant evening, Mr. Jungle.比雅特莉斯·斯坦霍普:乔治。森林王乔治:噢。比雅特莉斯:我想……谈一谈。你可以和我到外面去吗……(侍者递给他一杯啤酒)非常感谢……(面对乔治)就一会儿?乔治:当然。女人:你好,比雅特莉斯。比雅特莉斯:你好,你好。噢,我们认识不是很久,乔治,但我已经知道你的一些事情。乔治:哦?比雅特莉斯:你爱上我的女儿。乔治:噢,俄苏拉夫人,不至于那么笨……比雅特莉斯:很好,然而我所关心的是俄苏拉好像也喜欢你,那对我才是一个问题。你知道你和俄苏拉在一起不适合她的社会地位。你明白吗?换句话说,你也许能明白,你来的地方,斑马配斑马,猎豹配猎豹,门当门,户对户,哦,俄苏拉和你门不当户不对,这个问题我想尽快地解决。乔治:那么你要俄苏拉爱乔治。比雅特莉斯:那我宁愿每天早餐都把舌头钉在这张桌子上。乔治:那样会痛的。比雅特莉斯:如果你做出什么事破坏我女儿和莱尔·冯·鲁特的婚礼,你会更痛。当莱尔回来后,婚礼会按计划举行。如果你捣乱的话,我会腌了你,这样就不用围遮羞布了。侍者:斯坦霍普夫人,要盐锔牛扒吗?比雅特莉斯:噢,不,谢谢,今天吃了够多的蛋白质了。森林先生, 祝你有一个愉快的夜晚。MP3下载地址: mp3/Warning.mp314:You’ve Got Mail《电子情书》 You Are Nothing but a Suit 你只不过是件外套You’ve Got Mail《电子情书》生活中的有很多误会。虚幻的网络使生活中的不可能成为了可能,这就是网络的可爱。谁能想到唇枪舌剑的敌人却会是甜言蜜语的网络情人。凯瑟琳和乔在咖啡馆的这段对话充满智慧。凯瑟琳的反唇相讥是那么伶牙俐齿,同时却不失涵养。好词好句,强力推荐。单词通缉令1. coincidence n.巧合2. sentimental a. 多愁善感的3. end up 结束;告终4. mochachino 一种饮料,巧克力、咖啡和牛奶混合摇成5. nonfat a. 脱脂的6. gee int.惊讶时所发声音7. complex a.复杂的8. character n.人物;角色9. cash register 收银机10. bottom line 残忍;无情11. breakthrough n.突破; 突破性进展12. confront vt.使面对; 遭遇13. horrible a.可怕的;极可憎的14. insensitive a. 感觉迟钝的15. gift n.天赋;才能16. blend n. 混合17. meanness n.无聊卑劣18. compliment n.称赞;恭维19. crimson a.深红色的20. hanky n.手帕21. generation n.一代;一代人22. cocktail n.鸡尾酒23. can n. 罐头24. olive n.橄榄;橄榄树25. expert n.专家;能手26. Julius & Ethel Rosenberg 俄国间谍夫妇,后在美国被捕,被判无期徒刑,死在牢中27. careless a.疏忽的;粗心的28.multi-level 多级别的 29. homogenize vt.均质化;使均匀30. delude vt. 不切实际地欺骗自己31. benefactor n.恩人32. suit n.外套,暗喻没有良心的商人33.cue n.线索; 要点Joe: Kathleen Kelly, hello. This is a 1)coincidence. Would you mind if I sat down?Kathleen: Yes, yes, I would. Actually I’m expecting someone. Thanks.Joe: Pride and Prejudice.Kathleen: Do you mind?Joe: I bet you read that book every year. I bet you just love that Mr. Darcy and your 2)sentimental heart just beats wildly at the thought that he and, well, you know whatever her name is, are truly honestly going to 3)end up together.Waiter: Can I get you something?Kathleen: No, no, he’s not staying.Joe: 4)Mochachino, decaf, 5)non-fat.Kathleen: No, you are not staying. Joe: I’ll just stay here until your friend gets here. 6)Gee, is he late?Kathleen: The heroine of Pride and Prejudice is Elizabeth Bennet. She is one of the greatest and most 7)complex 8)characters ever written, not that you would know.Joe: As a matter of fact, I’ve read it.Kathleen: Oh, well, good for you.Joe: I think you’ll discover a lot of things if you really knew me.Kathleen: If I really knew you, I know what I would find instead of a brain, a 9)cash register, instead of a heart, a 10)bottom line.Joe: What?Kathleen: I just had a 11)breakthrough.Joe: What is it?Kathleen: I have you to thank for it, for the first time in my life when 12)confronted with a 13)horrible, 14)insensitive person I knew exactly what I wanted to say and I said it.Joe: Well, I think you have a 15)gift for it. It was a perfect 16)blend of poetry and 17)meanness.Kathleen: Meanness, let me tell you something about meanness…Joe: Don’t misunderstand me. I’m just trying to pay you a 18)compliment.Kathleen: Oh, oh, why are you touching that? What are you doing?Joe: Is this a red rose? No, you know it’s a 19)crimson rose. Something you read about in a book, no doubt.Kathleen: It’s funny to you, isn’t it? Everything is a joke to you. Please leave. Please, please leave, I beg you.... Thank you.Joe: You know what that 20)hanky reminds me of? Kathleen: Hmm…Joe: The first day I met you.Kathleen: The first day you lied to me.Joe: I didn’t lie to you.Kathleen: You did too.Joe: No, I didn’t.Kathleen: Yes, you did.Joe: I did not. Kathleen: You did too.Joe: I did not.Kathleen: You did too. Joe: I did not.Kathleen: You did too. I thought all that Fox stuff was so charming. F-O-X.Joe: Well, I didn’t lie about it. Kathleen: Joe, just call me Joe.Joe: Sure.Kathleen: As if you were one of those stupid 22-year old girls with no last name. Hi, I’m Kimberly, hi, I’m Janice. Don’t they know you’re supposed to have a last name? It’s like they’re an entire 21)generation of 22)cocktail waitresses.Joe: Look, I am not a 22-year old cocktail waitress.Kathleen: That is not what I meant.Joe: And when I said the thing about the Price Club and the 23)cans of 24)olive oil, that’s not what I meant.Kathleen: Oh, you poor sad multi-millionaire. I feel so sorry for you.(Someone comes into, Kathleen raises her head and looks forward.)Joe: Take a wild guess that’s not him either. So who is he, I wonder? Certainly not I, gather the world’s greatest living 25)expert on 26)Julius and Ethel Rosenberg but somebody else entirely different. And will you be mean to him too?Kathleen: No, I will not. Because the man who is coming here tonight is completely unlike you. The man who is coming here tonight is kind and funny and he’s got the most wonderful sense of humor. Joe: But, he’s not here.Kathleen: Well, if he’s not here he has a reason because there’s not a cruel or 27)careless bone in his body. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand anybody like that. You with your theme park 28)multi-level 29)homogenize the world mochachino land. You’ve 30)deluded yourself into thinking that you’re some sort of 31)benefactor bringing books to the masses. But no one will ever remember you Joe Fox and maybe no one will remember me either, but plenty of people remember my mother and they think she was fine and they think her store was something special. You are nothing but a 32)suit.Joe: That’s my 33)cue. Have a good night.乔:凯瑟琳·凯丽,你好。真巧。我坐一坐可以吗?凯瑟琳:不可以,真的不可以。其实我在等人。谢谢。乔:《傲慢与偏见》。凯瑟琳:不可以吗?乔:我敢说这本书你每年都要读。我敢说你一定爱上了那位达西先生,你善感的心灵一想起他就狂跳不已,还有,那个你知道叫什么名字的,最终和他真诚地走到了一起。侍者:你要点什么吗?凯瑟琳:不,不,他马上走。乔:穆哈咖啡,无咖啡因,脱脂。凯瑟琳:不,你不能呆在这。乔:你朋友来了我就走。哦天哪,他迟到了。凯瑟琳:《傲慢与偏见》的女主人翁是伊丽莎白·贝纳特,她是小说作品中最伟大、最复杂的角色之一,你不会知道的。乔:事实上我已经拜读。凯瑟琳:噢,是,对你有好处。乔:我想如果你真的了解我,你会发现很多很多东西。凯瑟琳:如果我真的了解你,我知道我会发现什么,我会发现你不是一个有头脑的人,而是一台收银机,残酷无情,没有人性。乔:什么?凯瑟琳:我刚刚有了一项突破。乔:什么突破?凯瑟琳:这要感谢你,在我人生中第一次当面面对一个恐怖、冷漠的家伙时,我确切知道了自己想说什么,并且说了出来。乔:噢,我认为你有这方面的天赋。刚才真是诗意加卑劣啊。凯瑟琳:卑劣,我来告诉你什么叫卑劣……乔:别误会我的意思。我只是想夸夸你。凯瑟琳:噢,哦,你动它干嘛?你想干什么?乔:这是一朵红色的玫瑰吗?不,你知道这是一朵深红色的玫瑰。一定是哪本书里读到的东西。凯瑟琳:你觉得可笑是吗?对于你一切都是开玩笑。你走吧。走吧,真的。我求求你了。……谢谢。乔:你知道那块手帕让我想到什么?凯瑟琳:哦……乔:第一天我见到你。凯瑟琳:第一天你对我撒谎。乔:我没撒谎。凯瑟琳:你撒谎。乔:我没有。凯瑟琳:你就是撒谎。乔:我没撒谎。凯瑟琳:你就是撒谎。乔:我没有。凯瑟琳:你就是撒谎。乔:我没有。凯瑟琳:你撒谎。我以为弗克斯家族的东西很可爱。弗-克-斯。乔:噢,可我并没骗你。凯瑟琳:乔,叫我乔吧。乔:当然。凯瑟琳:搞得好像就像那些不知道姓什么的22岁的笨女孩一样。嘿,我是金伯丽。嗨,我是杰妮丝。他们知不知道你应该有个姓?整个就象是一代鸡尾酒女招待。乔:喂,我可不是22岁的鸡尾酒女招待。凯瑟琳:我不是这个意思。乔:我当时谈到的价值俱乐部和橄榄油罐,也不是那个意思。凯瑟琳:噢,可怜的数百万富翁。我为你感到难过。(有人进门,凯瑟琳看了过去。)乔:猜猜一定也不是他。我在想他是谁?当然不会是我,也不是还活在世上的参加过裘里斯和伊塞尔·罗森伯格案件的侦探专家,一定是个完全不同的人。你对他也会这样卑劣吗?凯瑟琳:不,我不会对他这样。因为今晚要来这里的人和你完全不一样。今晚要来这里的人善良、风趣,很有幽默感。乔:可他不在。凯瑟琳:噢,如果他没来,一定有原因,因为他的身体里没有冷酷漠然这根骨头。但我不会期望你理解那样的人。你和你那主题公园去多层次均质这个世界、莫卡奇诺乐园吧。你以为自己是什么恩人,给大众带来书籍。但没人会记住你乔·弗克斯,也许也不会有人记住我。但很多人肯定会记得我母亲,他们认为她是个好人,他们认为她的书店很特别。而你只是件外套。乔:我现在知道你对我的看法了。玩得开心。MP3下载地址: mp3/You Are Nothing but a Suit.mp315:Sweet November《甜蜜十一月》 You’re My Immortality 你是我的永远Sweet November《甜蜜十一月》如标题所暗示的,这显然是一则爱情对话。女主人翁想爱不敢爱,为了心中的那份完美,为了爱离开爱。心情是凄美的,话自然说得也很凄美,许多表达如果用中文来说,早已是耳熟能详,没多少新意了,但换个方式,用英文道来,却觉得美极了。这些英文句子正是我们一直想说却找不到词句来表达的精品。单词通缉令1. immortality n. 不朽2. deserve vt. 应受;值得Nelson Moss: Sara, Sara, stop running. Sara. Sara, please. I’m not leaving you. I know you love me.Sara Deever: I do. I’ve never felt anything like this. I never thought I’d have the chance and you gave that to me, Nelson. Nelson: Then why are you doing this?Sara: Because it’s starting to happen.Nelson: I don’t care.Sara: Nelson, if you leave now, everything we had will be perfect forever.Nelson: Sara, life isn’t perfect.Sara: All we have is how you’ll remember me and I need that memory to be strong and beautiful. Don’t you see? If I know that I’m remembered that way then I can face anything, anything. God, Nelson, you’re my 1)immortality. Nelson: I want to take care of you, Sara.Sara: I’m gonna be alright. I’m going home. I know I’m coming, I need to do this.Nelson: It just doesn’t seem…Sara: Just like I need to know that you’ll go on and have a beautiful life, the one you 2)deserve.Nelson: I only want you. Sara: You have me forever. Now let me go.Nelson: Alright Sara, alright.尼尔森·莫斯:萨拉,萨拉,别跑。萨拉,萨拉,别跑。我不会离开你。我知道你爱我。萨拉·蒂弗:我是真心的。我第一次有这种感觉。我一直以为不会有这个机会,是你,尼尔森,给了我这个机会。尼尔森:那你干嘛还这样做?萨拉:因为就要发生了。尼尔森:我不介意。萨拉:尼尔森,如果你现在离开,我们过去的一切会永远完美。尼尔森:萨拉,生活不是完美的。萨拉:我们所拥有的是你会记得我。我需要这种使自己坚强美丽。你知道吗?如果我知道你记得我,那样我就可以面对一切,一切。上帝,尼尔森,你是我的永远。尼尔森:我想要照顾你,萨拉。萨拉:我不会有事的。我要回家。我知道我要,我需要这样做。尼尔森:这好像不太……萨拉:就像我有必要知道你会活着,有一个美好的人生,你无愧的人生。尼尔森:我只想要你。萨拉:我永远属于你。现在让我走吧。尼尔森:好吧,萨拉,好吧。MP3下载地址: mp3/You’re My Immortality.mp3
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