china daily移动手机报停每天都是早晚两份吗?周末也是?

ChinaDaily手机报(ChinaDaily Mobile News),中国首份中英双语手机报,首份可以听的音频手机报。由专业外籍语言专家团队和国内顶尖新闻精英倾力打造,以独特新闻视角报道每日要闻酷讯,让您在潜移默化中成为“英语高手+信息达人”!
畅畅:我从大三开始订阅ChinaDaily手机报, 手机报陪伴我通过英语专业八级考试,保送研究生,通过层层面试,签约英文编辑……手机报一直在更新我的词汇,巩固我的语感。每天阅读手机报已经成为一种习惯,我向很多朋友推荐过它。真得太爱手机报了!
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China Daily 手机报57
China Daily 手机报日,中国日报社总编辑朱灵和中国移动通信集团公司董事长王建宙在北京共同宣布,中国第一份中英文双语手机报“手机报-China Daily ”正式开通。“手机报-China Daily”由中国日报报业集团和中国移动通信集团公司共同打造,通过无线传输方式将中英文双语资讯,以彩信的方式直接送达用户手机。在奥运年,中国迎接了超过300万世界各国的运动员、官员、游客和商人。“手机报-China Daily”将让外国友人在踏进中国国门的第一刻起,就能用英语了解中国的国际化、感受中国的科技进步、享受中国通讯和资讯的发达。中国日报报业集团2008年年1月正式获得了北京2008年奥运会会刊的主办权。该集团拥有一支强大的英语新闻采编团队和外籍语言专家队伍。倚靠着这支团队,“手机报-China Daily”365天向手机用户提供权威、独家、健康、实用的中英文新闻资讯。中国移动的全球通和动感地带用户只要发送短信CD至,即可订阅“手机报-China Daily”,每月资费5元。“手机报-China Daily”分为早晚报,每天两期。每期包含10~20条资讯,分为要闻资讯、名人动态、奇闻趣事、健康贴士、英语热词和英语竞猜等栏目。其中,要闻资讯关注当日国内、国际时政大事;名人动态聚焦国内外政界、商界、娱乐体育界名人最新动向;奇闻趣事将大千世界众生百态一网打尽;健康贴士介绍最新的国内外健康新知、养生之道;中英文对照的笑话活泼有趣,给用户奉上一道独特的开心大餐;英语热词和竞猜,让用户在兴趣盎然之中轻松掌握经典俚语和对白。手机报-China Daily”每期都精选新闻中热门、常用的英语词汇和句子,另外还有生动有趣的英语竞猜,让用户不仅以时尚、便捷的方式掌握中英文资讯,还能随时学习英语,促进英语水平的提高。近期,China Daily 手机报推出附有音频资料的“有声百科”栏目,既能看又能听,满足用户全方位感受原汁英语的需求。作为继报纸、广播、电视和网络之后出现的第五媒体,手机报是在手机用户数飞速增长条件下诞生的一种新媒体形式,具有传统媒体无法比拟的优势。“手机报-China Daily”在手,既能知晓天下大事,跟踪名人动向,了解天文地理,又能以最便捷、最轻松的方式学习英语知识。手机报例可以免费查看过去的手机报)ChinaDaily早报9.1Updated:
17:18【Markets】Dow Jones.92 -0.50%Nasdaq.71 -0.97%【Highlights】&1st space station in 2020我国2020年开建空间站&Women vulnerable to e-crimes电信诈骗:女受害者占70%&New-home prices set record沪8月房价突破1.8万/平&China Mobile launches OPhone中移动发布OPhone手机&25 NATO tankers destroyed25辆北约供给车被烧毁&Kiwi women most jealous新西兰女人嫉妒冠全球【Gift】教师节送真情大礼!(详见尾页)【Cover Story】&BJ's Line 4 tests begin北京第9条地铁试运行Test runs began Monday on Beijing's new Metro Line 4 ahead of its first services on September 28. Chen Gang, vice mayor of Beijing, and more than 200 residents previously living along the line, became the 1st batch of passengers. The new track is the capital's 9th metro line and links tourist attractions such as the Summer Palace, Peking University and Yuanmingyuan, as well as the Zhongguancun area and Beijing South Railway Station. Trains on the new line will run every 3 minutes.8月31日,北京地铁4号线开始试运行,北京市副市长陈刚与200多名4号线沿线搬迁居民成为首批乘客。4号线是北京的第9条地铁,连接了颐和园、北京大学、圆明园等旅游景点以及中关村、北京南站等地。4号线将于9月28日正式通车,试运营期间,将进行3分钟间隔测试。【Top News】&1st space station in 2020我国2020年开建空间站China will launch 2 or 3 space laboratories from 2010-15 to lay the groundwork for the country's first space station, which is planned to be built in 2020, the Modern Express reported, citing Gu Yidong, commander-in-chief of China's Manned Space Engineering Program. Several spacecraft will be launched to dock with the space labs. The core and experiment modules will be launched around 2020.据《现代快报》报道,载人航天工程应用系统总指挥及总设计师顾逸东日前表示,从明年开始到2015年,我国计划发射2-3个空间实验室到太空,将有多艘飞船与之对接,为我国首个空间站的建造打下基础。2020年前后,我国将发射空间站核心舱和科学实验舱,开始建造空间站。&Women vulnerable to e-crimes电信诈骗:女受害者占70%A crackdown on e-crimes has revealed older people and women as the most vulnerable to callous gangs, an official from the Ministry of Public Security said Monday. More than 1400 people suspected of involvement in such crimes had been detained, said Huang Zuyue, vice director of the criminal investigation unit of the ministry. Most hook their victims through text messages that claim to be from banks or police, tricking them into giving their bank account details. More than 70% of the victims are women and elderly.8月31日,公安部通报打击电信诈骗犯罪专项行动阶段成果,其中显示受害者多为中老年人和女性。刑事侦查局副局长黄祖跃介绍说,目前全国公安机关共抓获电信诈骗犯罪嫌疑人1400余人,骗子通常冒充银行或警方,给受害者发送手机短信,诱骗其透露银行账户信息。从受害者性别上看,女性占70%以上,从年龄上看,中老年人超过70%。&PLA tough on drunk drivers军人醉驾一律吊销驾照Military drivers under the influence of alcohol will have their licenses suspended for 6 months and undergo traffic education, while those caught exceedingly drunk at the wheel will have their licenses revoked and be transferred to other duties, according to a statement issued by the PLA's General Staff Headquarters. The new penalties are more severe than those under Traffic Safety Laws, which stipulate a license suspension of 1-3 months for people who drive after drinking.
总参谋部日前下达通知,规定军人酒后驾车,一律暂扣驾驶证6个月,并组织集中整训;醉酒驾车,一律吊销驾驶证,并调离司机岗位。新规比我国《交通法》严格,《交通法》规定,饮酒后驾驶机动车的,暂扣1-3个月机动车驾驶证。&China Mobile launches OPhone中移动发布OPhone手机China Mobile released its self-developed smart phone operating system and OPhone handsets (see photo) Monday. The company said more than 20 vendors, such as Lenovo, Dell, LG, Dopod, Hisense, were developing OPhone. The OPhone platform is designed to accelerate the industrialization of TD terminals, and significantly lowers the threshold of developing TD smart phones.8月31日,中国移动发布其自主研发的智能手机OPhone操作系统平台及在此基础上开发的OPhone手机(见图)。据悉,已有联想、戴尔、LG、多普达、海信等20多家厂商在研发OPhone手机。OPhone平台的开发旨在加速TD终端的产业化,大幅降低终端厂商开发TD智能手机的门槛。&New-home prices set record沪8月房价突破1.8万/平The average price of new homes in Shanghai soared 17.32% to RMB18502 per sqm in August, local media reported Monday. That was also the highest monthly price for new homes ever registered in Shanghai. The previous record was set in June 2008 when new homes were sold atan average of RMB17247 per sqm. New home sales, however, dropped by 14.43% to 1.66m sqm in August.当地媒体31日报道,8月,上海商品房成交均价达18502元/平方米,相比7月上涨了17.32%,并创下该市房价历史新高。上一历史高点是2008年6月的17247元/平方米。然而,8月上海商品房成交面积为166万平方米,相比7月大幅减少了14.43%。&25 NATO tankers destroyed25辆北约供给车被烧毁25 NATO oil trucks, trailers and vehicles bound for forces in Afghanistan were destroyed by fire after a rocket attack near the Pakistani border Sunday evening, Xinhua reported Monday. Local police said Taliban militants used rockets to launch the attack in the Chaman area on the Pak-Afghan border. Soon after the incident, Pakistani Frontier Corps and police placed a security cordon around the area.
据新华社报道,巴基斯坦为驻阿富汗北约部队运送物资的车辆8月30日晚在巴阿边境遭袭,油罐车、补给车以及补给车上装载的共计25辆车被烧毁。巴基斯坦警方说,这些物资补给车和油罐车在巴边境城镇杰曼遭到塔利班武装的火箭弹袭击。袭击事件发生后,巴基斯坦边防军和警察立即封锁了该地区。【In Brief】&The first China-Russia border emergency rescue drill was held Monday along a stretch of the Heilongjiang River. Fourteen maritime vessels and 240-plus armed forces took part in the hour-long simulation.8月31日,中俄首次联合处置口岸突发事件演习在黑龙江水域举行。演习历时1小时,共出动船艇14艘,官兵240余人。&An earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale struck Qinghai at 6:15 pm Monday, the China Earthquake Administration said. There were no immediate reports of casualties or property losses, local government said.据中国地震局消息,8月31日18时15分,青海发生里氏5.9级地震,当地政府尚未接到人员及财产损失报告。&Regular traffic across the border dividing North and South Korea will resume from Tuesday, officials in Seoul said Monday. The traffic across the border was restricted since December 1, 2008.韩国官员8月31日表示,从9月1日起,恢复自去年12月1日起切断的韩朝陆路交通。&The Walt Disney Co said Monday it has agreed to buy Marvel Entertainment Inc for $4b, bringing characters like Iron Man and Spider-Man into the Disney family.迪斯尼公司8月31日表示,以40亿美元的价格收购美国惊奇娱乐公司,这笔交易将给迪斯尼家族带来钢铁侠和蜘蛛侠等经典角色。包含各类专业文献、幼儿教育、小学教育、生活休闲娱乐、高等教育、文学作品欣赏、外语学习资料、中学教育、行业资料、各类资格考试、专业论文、应用写作文书、China Daily 手机报57等内容。
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