The Tower(Vienna Teng史逸欣 绿岛小夜曲的歌)除了中国移动彩铃网,还有没有其他网站可以下载此歌彩铃的

歌曲 The Tower(专辑版) 歌手 Vienna Teng (史逸欣)
Vienna Teng (史逸欣)
怀念起华人女歌手Vienna Teng的The Tower,发现大家推荐的尽是3分50秒的短版,于是便有了推荐专辑版的冲动,专辑版为4分15秒的,与短版歌词出现了略微的差异,差异并不是很大,在此推荐给大家,希望大家能够喜欢,多多支持。
热度 21010
19 人认为非常好听
The Tower(专辑版)
相关专辑:史逸欣好听的歌_史逸欣的歌_史逸欣最新歌曲 - 虾米音乐
史逸欣Vienna Teng
突然发现这货是斯坦福毕业的...还特么学CS的啊 【长跪不起
原名Vienna Teng的这位华裔女唱作人我一点都不了解,看了资料发现是个斯坦福的高材生,这也许就是她天生透出了感动的地方。
Vienna Teng 2014 首次中國巡演信息
8月22日 深圳 一渡堂
8月23日 香港 Backstage Live Restaurant
8月25日 北京 愚公移山
8月26日 上海淺水灣文化藝術中心
大学时一朋友在我ftp下载了不少歌后上传了史逸欣的《warm strangers》,这专辑和肖邦的夜曲陪我度过了大学里无数个夜晚。想想也十年了,音乐还在,但当年那朋友的名字我早已忘记
长得像张楚- -
(第1页, 共447条)
Teng&& 史逸欣
it's desert ice outside
but this diner has thawed my ears
hot coffee in a clean white mug and a smile when the waitress
that I was born in North Carolina
not an hour from her home town
and we used to play the same pizza parlor pinball
and there's a glance in time suspended as I wonder how it is
we've been swept up just by circumstance to where the coyote
where my days are strips of highway
and she's wiping tables down
holding on and still waiting for that
but I've come
even though I've never had so far to go
I've come home
I pay the check and leave the change from a crumpled ten-dollar
head across the street where VACANCY is burning in neon still
well the night eats up my body heat
and there's no sign of another
and I find myself slipping down into that black
but things are good I've got a lot of followers of my faith
I've got a whole congregation living in my head these days
and I'm preaching from the pulpit
to cries of “Amen brother”
closing my eyes to feel the warmth come back
and I've come
even though I swear I've never been so alone
I've come home
I just want to be living as I'm dying
just like everybody here
just want to know my little flicker of time is worthwhile
and I don't know where I'm driving to
but I know I'm getting old
and there's a blessing in every moment every
thin white terry bars of soap and a couple
little plastic cups
old Gideons Bible in the nightstand drawer saying “Go on open
well I'll kneel down on the carpet here
though I never was sure of God
think tonight I'll give Him the benefit of the
off the lights and imagine that waitress outlined in the bed
her hair falling all around me
I smile and shake my head
well we all write our own endingsand we all have our own
but tonight I think I see what it's all about
because I've come homeI've come
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。优习音乐厅:The tower-Vienna Teng_优习音乐厅_优习英语网
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优习音乐厅:The tower-Vienna Teng
歌手简介一个来自美国旧金山的华裔女创作人Vienna Teng(中文名史逸欣),以她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴创作,获得美国媒体乐评如AMG网站、娱乐周刊、华盛顿邮报等的大力赞赏。2002年个人首张专辑一推出,旋即获得美国各大媒体包括CBS、、NBC、等争相报导,受邀演出于美国艾美奖权威电视节目主持人David Letterman的节目&Late Night with David Letterman&,并曾与香岱儿、琼奥斯朋同台演出。一年365天,她有140天是在路上演出及打歌,甚至还为著名民谣歌手Shawn Colvin演唱会暖场4场。极理性聪颖与感性温柔于一身的史逸欣,放弃美国西岸高科技产业,投身音乐创作与表演,希望能以歌声温暖每一个短暂相逢的陌路人。她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴教美国乐评爱不释手。歌词The towerVienna tengthe one who survives by making the livesof others worthwhileshes coming apartright before my eyesthe one who depends on the services she rendersto those who come knockingshes seeing too clearly what she cant bewhat understanding defiesshe says I need not to needor else a love with intuitionsomeone who reaches out to my weakness and wont let goI need not to needIve always been the towerbut now I feel like Im the flowers trying to bloom in snowshe turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around herand watches the duskthe words wont comeshe carries the act so convincingly the fact issometimes she believes itthat she can be happy the way things arebe happy with the things shes doneshe says I need not to needor else a love with intuitionsomeone who reaches out to my weakness and wont let goI need not to needIve always been the towerbut now I feel like Im the flowers trying to bloom in snowreach out hold backwhere is safetyreach out and hold backwhere is the one who can change mewhere is the onethe one a... .........reach out hold backwhere is safetyreach outand hold backwhere is the one who can save mewhere is the onethe one a...a...a...I need not to needor else a love with intuitionsomeone who reaches out to my weakness and wont let goI need not to needIve always been the towerbut now I feel like Im the flowers trying to bloom in snowI feel I like Im the flowers trying to bloom in snowI dingerous I the power find down the floorOver...


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