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Vice President & Chancellor HAI Wen's Addre
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Vice President & Chancellor HAI Wen 2011 Opening Ceremony SpeechPeking University Shenzhen Graduate SchoolAugust 25, 2011&&Dear President ZHOU Qifeng, Vice Mayor WU Yihuan, dear Chancellor Jeffrey LEHMAN, dear students and colleagues: I would like to welcome our 904 new students including 31 international students who come from 19 countries. Just two days ago in this beautiful southern summer the 26th Summer Universiade successfully concluded in Shenzhen. As Shenzhen Graduate School is going to carry out its next ten-year plan, your arrival signals the beginning of a new school year. On behalf of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, I wish to extend a warm welcome to every new student! We are glad to have President Zhou, who traveled from Beijing especially for today’s Opening Ceremony. On behalf of all School faculty and students, I also wish to express our happiness and gratefulness to him.&You must be curious about the reason why we are speaking English in this Opening Ceremony of a Chinese University. Is it because we have some international students and faculty who have trouble in understanding Chinese? This may be the reason, or it may not. There are a great number of people around the world who know nothing about Chinese language at all, or whose Chinese is not as perfect as to enable themselves to conduct academic communication or to grasp a full picture of China. Nowadays China’s development has already reached a stage where the world needs to be aware of that. We do not want language difficulties to block their efforts in knowing more about China, and therefore we speak English. Meanwhile, we still realize that China must push forward its attempts to fulfill its world role. Thanks to thirty-year’s of reform and opening-up, China has grown from a poor country to an important economic and political entity. With its continuous efforts the country is trying to develop into a world power. As a result, we must know the world and acquaint ourselves with what is considered as most advancing at present. Only through this way can we make contribution to the development of humanity and world peace together with other people in this world. Mastery of an international language is a key tool in leading us to the world. The meaning of using English in today’s Opening Ceremony is far beyond mere formality. The message behind this is that we are determined to build an international campus here.&For more then 60 years China’s historical mission was to restore vitality to the country. If this conclusion is true, China’s future task will then focus on advancing the world civilization and making improvement for all human beings. To fulfill that task, a large number of talents and intellectuals are required. Peking University will take responsibility in conducting research in the scientific forefront and providing outstanding graduates for both China and the world. Therefore, as an important part of the University’s goal of being among the world’s best universities, Shenzhen Graduate School holds firmly “New Frontiers, Interdisciplinary Studies, Applied Research, and International Standards” as its principles. The School also aims at training students to have comprehensive capacities, professional knowledge, international perspectives, and social responsibility. However, the School needs all its faculty and students including you, the newest 904 students, to dedicate yourselves to the realization of that great goal. &What do you need to do in order to become a responsible person that can help to fulfill this historical task? There are three aspects from where you can start.&First, do not hesitate to take responsibility for fulfilling your social roles. China is zealously working on furthering its goal to become a great power. The students should shoulder responsibility for both our country and society with a bold and generous heart. An ancient Chinese saying goes that one should be willing to dedicated oneself to the cause of one’s beloved country even at the cost of one’s life, and therefore one cannot run away from one’s duty simply due to something more than imaginary harm. As PKU-ers, we cannot relinquish our emotions to the
we cannot tolerate a narrow mind which always focuses on personal gains and losses, and temporary successes and failures. Past success and glory ought not to define PKU-er’s vision of the future. Our former President Jiang Menglin once described a true thinker as someone that has not only a logical mind, but also the nerve to speak out loud his real thinking. He also described a doer as someone that does not only have a sense of responsibility, but dares to carry it upon himself despite its heaviness. A country without such responsible and outstanding people will not be able to live up to its duty as a great world power. &I am delighted that, in the 26th Universiade that just ended, our students have set a great example of what we are now preaching. Their excellent performance is inspiring for society, too. It touches my heart to know that among the new students there are 45 of them who have volunteered at the Universiade before enrollment. They have presented to the world what PKU-ers should be. For me this is precisely the moment I feel gratification and satisfaction.&Second, acquire the spirit and ability to innovate. Innovation is the cornerstone of progress, the source of development. China has spent decades in trying to catch up with developed countries. However, our future will definitely rely on innovation. Innovation is spiritually demanding. An innovator should not fear hardship or failure. Moreover, he or she should not be blind to so-called authority. Innovation cannot be nourished out of vanity but only through seriousness, patience and accumulated knowledge and experience. Otherwise, any innovating attempt will end in futility. As Karl Marx said, there is no easy way to go in the pursuit of science. Only those who travel fearlessly on however tortuous a road can finally experience the rewarding and splendor moment in their life. There is not a single doubt that innovation requires capability. Globalization and the information revolution have pushed forward the frontiers of innovation. At the same time, work turns more complex. It is for this reason that we proposed the principles of “New Frontiers,” and “Interdisciplinary Studies” so as to improve our competitiveness by having multi-perspectives and interdisciplinary backgrounds. &Third, do develop in yourself the quality of quickly adapting to this new era. To be among world elites in this age of globalization, one must have high EQ in addition to IQ. The EQ I referred to first means a high standard of morality. Be truthful in your study, honest in your work, and tolerant in dealing with others. Still, this EQ includes more this. It indicates one should understand the importance of working hard, cooperating in a team, and making sacrifices when necessary, among possessing many other qualities. Both society and individuals benefit when individual students pay attention to cultivate their merit and virtues as they acquire knowledge. A world-class university is not only a place where knowledge is instilled, but also where national elites and social role-models are cultivated. As PKU-ers, you should have the ambition to become leaders in this international age rather than just great professionals. Your goal is to depict a picture of a future world which everyone looks forward to, and which everyone is longing to build under your leadership. &Dear students, you come in as recipients of our School’s education, and you will leave on missions to realize the goals you set forth in this School. While you are to study and conduct research here, you are also to contribute to the development of this international campus of Peking University. Success brings out joy. It is definitely a wonderful experience to embrace success. However, more joy lies in making success happen. Let’s start from here, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School. Seeds of our mission, goals and future have already been sown in the soil here. Let’s make a mark in history for our generation with our own contribution to the country’s prosperity and well-being of humanity.&Finally, I sincerely wish every student health, happiness, and success in the year to come! Thank you!&&2011825尊敬的周其凤校长、吴以环副市长、雷蒙院长,亲爱的各位同学,各位老师:&在美丽的南方仲夏,在刚刚圆满承办了世界大学生运动会的深圳,在即将迈入第二个十年的南国燕园,我们满怀喜悦地迎来了904名新同学,其中包括来自19个国家的31名留学生。各位新同学的到来,标志着北京大学深圳研究生院一个新的学年的开始。在此,我代表北大深圳研究生院,向各位新同学表示热烈的欢迎!同时我也代表深圳研究生院全体师生对周校长专程从北京赶来参加今天的开学典礼表示热烈的欢迎与衷心的感谢。& &60904&2645&“”&“”&&He's my uncle He's a baseball player是什么意思_百度作业帮
He's my uncle He's a baseball player是什么意思
He's my uncle He's a baseball player是什么意思
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