
典型汽车涂装废水处理工艺 摘
要:本文针汽车涂装废水含树脂、表面性剂、重金属离Oil、颜料等污染物特别其电泳废水、喷漆废水份复杂浓度高化性差实际情况采用质处理、混凝沉淀、混凝气浮、砂滤等工艺涂装废水进行处理取良效:CODCr除率于80%实际运行表明该工艺技术经济均合理行Treatment technics of representative coating wastewater of automobile manufacturing
Abstract:In this article, in allusion to the contamination of coating wastewater of automobile manufacturing which contains resin, surface active agent, heavy metal ion, oil, paint, dyestuff etc, especially the ELPO wastewater and painting wastewater which is complex, and has high concentration. we use separated pre-treatment, coagulating sedimentation, air flotation and sand filtration to treat coating wastewater and obtains good results: the removal rate of CODCr could be higher than 80%. The operate of the set proved that under this condition, it would be practicable both in technology and economy.
Keywords:coating wastewater;separated pre-treatment;coagulating sedimentation;air flotation;sand filtration;Fenton reagent翻译
汽车及其零部件涂装汽车制造程产废水排放环节涂装废水含树脂、表面性剂、重金属离Oil、PO43-、油漆、颜料、机溶剂等污染物CODCr值高若妥善处理环境产严重污染类废水传统直接混合废水进行混凝处理治理效理想水水质稳定较难达排放标准特别其喷漆废水含量溶于水机溶剂直接采用混凝处理效差我海某汽车厂经实勘查、量析调研试针涂装废水特点采用质预处理再进行续处理二步处理并选择芬顿氧化—混凝沉淀气浮物化工艺进行处理达排放标准CODCr除率达80%1废水源主要污染物1.1 涂装废水源及害物质
废水含主要毒、害物质:涂装前处理:亚硝酸盐、磷酸盐、乳化油、表面性剂、Ni2+、Zn2+底涂:低溶剂阴极电泳漆膜、铅阴极电泳漆膜、颜料、粉剂、环氧树脂、丁醇、乙二醇单丁醚、异丙醇、二甲基乙醇胺、聚丁二烯树脂、二甲基乙醇、油漆等涂、面涂:二甲苯、香蕉水等机溶剂、漆膜、颜料、粉剂1.2 废水水质、水量
间歇排放废水主要源于前处理槽倒槽废液、喷漆工段排放废液等废水浓度高排放量水质表1所示 表1
间歇排放废水水质污 染物源水废 CODCr mg/L Oil mg/L PO43- mg/L Zn2+ mg/L Ni2+ mg/L Cd2+ mg/L 碳黑 mg/L pH 其 预脱脂槽、脱脂槽废槽液、喷淋、浸渍槽废槽液 2500~ 4000 300~ 950 250~400
400~600 100~150 20~30
电泳废槽液 3000~ 20000
涂、面漆喷漆室水槽废液 3000
5~6 漆渣 连续排放废水主要自于前处理工序喷淋、浸渍槽溢流废水等相间歇排放废水其浓度低、总排放水量其水质表2所示表2
连续排放废水水质源 水废污染物 CODCr mg/L Oil mg/L PO43- mg/L Zn2+ mg/L Ni2+ mg/L Cd2+ mg/L 碳黑 mg/L pH 脱脂冲洗废水 300 25 10~20
7~8 磷化冲洗废水
20~30 12 8
6 钝化冲洗废水
5~6 DI水喷淋槽喷淋废水 3900
4 循环离清洗废水 400
6 自泳水洗溢流废水 100~1000
8 7~9 2.涂装废水处理工艺设计
汽车涂装废水处理工艺关键于合理清浊质部难处理或影响续处理废水根据其性质排放规律先进行间歇预处理再其废水集连续处理仅取较稳定处理效且经济合理行2.1 涂装废水处理工艺流程
涂装废水处理工艺流程图1所示 图1某汽车厂涂装废水处理站处理流程2.2 间歇预处理2.2.1 脱脂废液
另外加酸使脱脂废液阴离表面性剂酸性溶液易解失稳定性失原亲油亲水平衡达破乳经预处理CODCr<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af00~4000mg/L降低mg/L除率<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a%左右;含油量<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af0~950 mg/L降至50~70 mg/L除率高达90%~95%2.2.2 电泳废液
阴极电泳废水含量高机物CODCr高达20000mg/L含量电泳渣些物质水呈细悬浮物或呈负电性胶体状处理加入适阳离型聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)聚合氯化铝(PAC)作混凝剂利用絮凝剂吸附架桥作用快速除废水污染物电泳废液预处理要求pH值<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a~12间较沉淀效反应水CODCr<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a00 mg/L左右2.2.3 喷漆废水
喷漆废水先采用Fenton试剂(H2O2+FeSO4)其进行预处理使其机物氧化解CODCr除效率约<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a%左右再加入PACPAM其进行混凝沉淀经两步处理CODCr总除率达60%~80%由mg/L降至mg/L水排入混合废水调节池
Fenton试剂具强氧化能力pH值较低(控制<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a左右)H2O2Fe2+催化解羟基自由基(·OH)并引发更其自由基引发系列链反应[1]通具极强氧化能力·OH与机物反应使废水难降解机物发部氧化、使废水机物C—C键断裂终解H2O、CO2等使CODCr降低或者发偶合或氧化改变其电云密度结构形量太间产物改变溶解性混凝沉淀性同Fe2+氧化Fe(OH)3定酸度胶体形态存具凝聚、吸附性能除水部悬浮物杂质水通续混凝沉淀进步除污染物达净化目[2]2.3 连续处理
重金属离磷酸盐由于Ni2+Ni(OH)2沉淀及PO43-Ca3 (PO4) 2沉淀佳pH值10;Zn2+氢氧化物沉淀佳pH值范围8.5~9.5pH高形ZnO22-溶解所要二级混凝反应别除Ni2+PO43-Zn2+ 同混凝反应固液离别采用斜板沉淀池气浮池既用斜板沉淀池除比重较重金属化合物沉淀用气浮池除比重较轻机物等2.3.1 混凝沉淀
反应槽采用推流式反应槽三格第格加碱pH调高至10~10.5加入CaCl2第二格加FeSO4第三格加混凝剂PAM反应进入斜板沉淀池进行固液离三格停留间别15min、15min、7.5min斜板沉淀池表面负荷按2m3/m2·h设计级反应CODCr除率50%~60%图2级反应槽示意图图2 级反应槽示意图2.3.2 混凝气浮
二级反应反应槽采用推流式反应槽三格第格加酸pH调至8.5~9第二格加PAC第三格加PAM反应进入气浮池进行固液离二级反应槽三格停留间别10min、10min、5min气浮池溶气水按处理水量30%设计二级反应CODCr除率20%~25%同气浮除Zn2+部表面性剂2.4 深度处理
深度处理采用砂滤性炭滤运行情况看经砂滤水即能达排放标准(CODCr≤300mg/L)砂滤装置滤速度控制<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a~12m3/(m2·h)反冲洗水由监测水箱水加压提供反冲洗强度控制<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a~18L/(m2·s)
砂滤水已能达排放要求性炭滤应急保证措施般情况较少使用2.5 污泥处理
污泥处理坏直接影响废水处理站运行由于污泥含油量高直接进行压滤效较差污泥浓缩槽加入Ca(OH)2pH调整至10左右能达较压滤效污泥含水率经板框压滤机由99%降至75%~80%2.6 连续处理除率析
连续处理程除率表3所示表3 连续处理效率水位置 CODCr除率 斜板沉淀池口 50%~60% 气浮池口 20%~25% 砂滤口 15% 3处理效析
该工程自2002运行至今处理效稳定表4海市环境监测<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af04该厂监测析报告数据汇总监测间3每取<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af(1取包括废水处理装置进口口)表4
废水处理设施总排口监测数据监测 项目 废水处理装置进口* 废水处理装置口 海市《污水综合排放标准》(DB31/199–1997) 浓度值(mg/L) 浓度值(mg/L) 浓度平均值(mg/L) 浓度值(mg/L) 浓度值(mg/L) 浓度平均值(mg/L) pH 6.94 8.96 8.32 7.57 8.85 7.8 6~9
CODCr 434 759 625 73 132 115.6 300 三级标准 SS 93 351 204 21 145 29 350 三级标准 BOD5 36 145 87 4 83 16.9 150 三级标准 Oil 2.6 11.5 5.1 0.1 0.9 0.6 10 二级标准 Zn2+** - - - 0.02 1.6 0.09 4.0 二级标准 Mn2+** - - - 0.05 0.26 0.16 5.0 二级标准 Ni2+** - - - ND 0.18 0.09 1.0 第类污染物排放标准 苯 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.2 二级标准 甲苯 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.2 二级标准 二甲苯 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.6 二级标准 *废水处理装置进口指连续处理装置进口** Zn2+、Mn2+、Ni2+本监测未析表所列该厂废水处理站析数据
本处理工程技术经济指标总投资/万元 单位体积污水投资/万元 运行费用/万元 单位体积污水处理费/元/m3 800 1.11 30 1.67 *工作按250计处理水量720 m35.结论
1、本工程采用质处理、混凝沉淀、混凝气浮、砂滤等工艺汽车涂装废水进行处理技术经济合理行实际运行结证明工艺重金属、SS、Oil除效率超<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af%CODCr除率于80%
2、汽车涂装废水水量水质变化要特别重视废水水量、水质均衡质预处理根据工程实践证明脱脂废液电泳废水、废液喷漆废水三股废水别进行间歇预处理仅利于续处理效率提高体现技术经济统且整系统稳定运行水稳定达标至关重要参考文献:熊忠林衍等 Fenton氧化废水处理应用[J] 新疆环境保护<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad02<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad(2):35~39 张林魏峰等 物理化处理汽车工业电泳涂装工艺超滤液废水[J] 给水排水<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad99<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad(10):33~36 刘绍根,汽车涂装废水处理技术[J] 工业用水与废水<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad01<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad(2):11~13 刘绍根黄显怀 物化—化处理汽车产废水[J] 给水排水<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad01<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad(12):53~56 廖亮吴飞等 磷化-喷漆线废水处理工艺研究[J] 环境技术<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad00<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad(4):18~21
Electrochemical treatment of simulated industrial paint wastewater in a continuous tubular reactor 电镀工业涂装废水处理
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形资产投资(Intangible- assets Investment/ Investment of Intangible Assets) What is the investment in intangible assets? Intangible assets refer to investments of investors in order to have the patent rights, non-patent technology, trademarks, land-use rights as an investment. The two sides should agree to determine the amount of the value of intangible assets, but also the need to deal with the document as a basis. Intangible assets to invest, according to the amount of its investment in China&#39;s financial system, enterprises should not exceed 20% o case the special needs of more than 20% by the relevant departments for examination and approval should be the maximum not more than 30%. Business investment in intangible assets received, debit, &intangible assets& accounts, credit &paid-up capital& account. Intangible asset investment is feature: non-investment entities, a long payback period, investment risk, higher return on investment.What is the intangible asset? Intangible assets: refers to the business did not have the kind of shape will enable the companies to obtain long-term over-income assets. (1) and intangible characteristics: 1, there is no physical shape. Usually pass special rights. 2, to bring excess profits. 3, for a long time to play a role. Because it can have long-term. (2), intangible assets, including: 1, patents 2, know-how 3, the franchise 4, the right to use the premises 5, trademark 6, goodwill (C), the classification of intangible assets: 1, according to the validity of the points: (1), a period of intangible assets: the law provides for a maximum validity period, not extended to protect the (2), no period of intangible assets 2, according to whether or not there may refer to: (1), there may be referring to the intangible assets: to identify the individual, separate access. If the patent (business) and so on. (2), does not refer to the intangible assets: alone can not identify, can not be achieved separately, together with the enterprise can only be purchased net assets. Such as goodwill. 3, according to whether or not protected by law: (1), the right to assets: protection of the law, such as patents, copyrights and so on. (2), the rights of non-assets: protected by law, such as goodwill, know-how. Analysis of intangible investment: Investment is the largest investment in intangible assets, long, multi-link, the risks of systems engineering. In a knowledge-based economy under the conditions of intangible assets represent over profitability would be to create a source of competitive advantage. According to statistics, some of the OECD-the-art enterprise tangible assets and intangible assets ratio has reached 1:2 to 1:3. The United States in 1995, many enterprises intangible assets ratio of 50% to 60%. An enterprise has a number of intangible assets of how much value is high or low technical level and competitiveness of the mark. In our country, not only in the corporate intangible assets in the proportion of the total assets on the low side, but also in the composition of intangible assets, technology assets, in particular low. Investment management of intangible assets: Intangible asset investment decision-making methods and decision-making investment in fixed assets the same way. Also need to calculate the decision-making targets. However, it is more complex than the investment in fixed assets. Because: 1, intangible assets are invested in various forms. 2, intangible assets and the investment period has been over-time earnings is difficult to predict. 3, intangible assets increased over the proceeds of uncertainty there. The day-to-day control of intangible assets: include the following: 1, an increase of intangible assets management Whether purchased, the self-built, or other inputs, for all legal procedures, according to the actual cost, or by the rating agencies to assess valuation. 2, amortization of intangible assets management (1) the effective useful life of intangible assets: ① law and the provisions of the contract are valid in accordance with the principles of the short side. ② no legal provisions of the contract, according to the provisions of the contract determine the number of years. ③ not provided for by not less than 10 years to determine the validity. 3, the calculation of the amount of amortization of intangible assets: = Amortization in the amount of the original price / effective service life 4, the use of intangible assets management: (1) potential to improve the utilization of intangible assets. (2) to implement centralized management at different levels. Such as patents, technology must be managed by the technology sector, the franchise, the right to use the site to the production and marketing departments. Sales by the trademark management, in order to clear responsibility to enhance the effectiveness of the use. Intangible assets investment accounts and tax-related issues to deal with: According to the intangible assets to obtain a different way, namely by the following provisions to deal with. &Enterprise Accounting System,& the 44th article stipulates: &The business acquired intangible assets, measures should be based on actual costs. Made at the time of the actual cost should be determined in the following way: (A) acquired intangible assets, according to the actual price paid for the actual cost. (B) investors into the intangible assets, investment by the parties identified as the value of the actual cost. However, for the first time to issue shares and investors to accept the input of intangible assets, intangible assets should be in the investor&#39;s book value as the actual cost. (C) the business of the debtor to accept non-cash assets to cover liabilities of the acquired intangible assets, or debt-for-entry due to intangible assets, according to the book value of accounts receivable claims to be paid together with the related taxes and fees, as the actual cost. Involved in premium, according to the following provisions of the transferee to determine the actual cost of intangible assets: 1. Receipt of the premium, according to the book value of the debt receivable less the premium, plus related taxes and fees should be paid, 2. To pay the premium, according to the book value of the debt receivable plus the premium paid and to pay related taxes and fees, as the actual cost. (D) to non-monetary transactions for the entry of intangible assets, according to the assets of the combined book value should pay the relevant taxes and fees, as the actual cost. Involved in premium, according to the following requirements for entry to determine the actual cost of intangible assets: 1. Receipt of the premium, according to the assets of the combined book value should be recognized in the income and pay less taxes and fees related to the balance of payment of a premium, 2. To pay the premium, according to the assets of the combined book value should pay the relevant taxes and fees and premium, as the actual cost. (E) to accept donations of intangible assets, the following provisions shall determine the actual costs: 1. Donation to provide relevant evidence, according to the evidence indicating the amount to be paid together with the related taxes and fees, as the actual cost. 2. Donor did not provide such evidence, according to the following order to determine the actual costs: (1) the same or similar intangible assets of the existence of an active market, according to the same or similar intangible assets is estimated that the amount of market prices, together with the related taxes and fees should be paid, (2) the same or similar intangible assets no active market, according to accept the donation of intangible assets is expected to present value of future cash flows, as the actual cost. & The 45th article stipulates that: &in accordance with legal procedures to apply for self-developed intangible assets acquired, according to the law made when the registration fee, lawyer fees, as the actual cost of intangible assets. Occur in the course of research and development of materials Cost of personnel directly involved in the development of wages and welfare, development occurred in rent, the cost of borrowing, and so on, into direct current profit and loss. Periods have been included in the cost of research and development costs, and the success of the intangible assets in accordance with the law The right to apply, no longer have been included in the original cost of the capitalization of research and development costs. & The 47th article stipulates: &The corporate purchase or sell gold to cover the cost of land acquisition of land use rights, not yet in the development or use of the construction project, accounting for intangible assets in accordance with the present system of the period provided for a phased amortization. Room Real estate development companies to develop real estate, land-use rights should be the book value into a business as a result of the use of land for the construction of a project for their own use, land-use rights to the book value into all-in-progress costs. & Enterprises with investment from outside of intangible assets, the same non-monetary transaction regulations. Guoshuifa [1993] No. 149: &Investment in real estate shares, investors accept to participate in the distribution of profits, the share of investment risk, do not levy sales tax.& &With regard to equity investment business income tax notice of a number of issues& (Guoshuifa [2000 ] No. 118) article 3, paragraph 1, a &business to business activities of some non-monetary assets of foreign investments, including shares of the company&#39;s shareholders for its corporate operations in non-monetary assets to buy shares of company stock allocation should be Investment in the transaction occurs, will be broken down into its fair value based on sales of non-monetary assets and economic investment in the two operations to deal with income tax, calculated in accordance with the provisions of the asset transfer income or loss. &Based on the above provisions to intangible assets outside Investment, from paying business tax, but be required to pay income tax.希望您帮助 翻译打手打都酸望楼主采纳


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