Application supports screensiTunes file sharing 设置成为yes

主题 : Application supports iTunes file sharing
级别: 骑士
可可豆: 2113 CB
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在线时间: 171(时)
发自: Web Page
Application supports iTunes file sharing&&&
在plistInfo里面把Application supports iTunes file sharing 设置成为yes。然后可以通过itunes管理程序的document目录。但是我要怎么才知道document里面的内容把itunes修改了呢?同步完成的一些回调函数还是notification呢?都没找到呢[ 此帖被magicfish在 10:24重新编辑 ]
级别: 骑士
可可豆: 2113 CB
威望: 2113 点
在线时间: 171(时)
发自: Web Page
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 40 CB
威望: 40 点
在线时间: 65(时)
发自: Web Page
楼主你好,请问怎么把documents里面的文件写到itunes的共享文件 ?谢谢!
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 443 CB
威望: 853 点
在线时间: 590(时)
发自: Web Page
回 2楼() 的帖子
LZ 肯定是想说“但是我要怎么才知道document里面的内容被itunes修改了呢?同步完成的一些回调函数还是notification呢?都没找到呢”
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 62 CB
威望: 62 点
在线时间: 21(时)
发自: Web Page
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 62 CB
威望: 62 点
在线时间: 21(时)
发自: Web Page
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让iOS app可以从iTunes中添加文件到app 需要在程序的info.plist文件中配置
“Application supports iTunes file sharing” 键,键类型为 Boolean &,键值为 &YES。
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(4)(20)(2)(6)(29)(23)(3)(8)(1)ios - How to enable file sharing for my app? - Stack Overflow
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I have an image editing app where users can apply effects to photos. How could I enable it so that users can see my app in iTunes in the File Sharing tab and then just drag+drop photos to the app?
Some of the eBook readers like Stanza works like this and it would be a cool option. Maybe someone can point out a tutorial or resource that talks about how to enable and use this technique.
You just have to set UIFileSharingEnabled (Application Supports iTunes file sharing) key in the info plist of your app.
a link for the documentation. Scroll down to the file sharing support part.
You must also define CFBundleDisplayName (Bundle Display Name), if it isn't already there. .
According to apple doc:
File-Sharing Support
File-sharing support lets apps make user data files available in iTunes 9.1 and later. An app that declares its support for file sharing makes the contents of its /Documents directory available to the user. The user can then move files in and out of this directory as needed from iTunes. This feature does not allow your app to share files with other app that behavior requires the pasteboard or a document interaction controller object.
To enable file sharing for your app, do the following:
Add the UIFileSharingEnabled key to your app’s Info.plist file, and set the value of the key to YES.
Put whatever files you want to share in your app’s Documents directory.
When the device is plugged into the user’s computer, iTunes displays a File Sharing section in the Apps tab of the selected device.
The user can add files to this directory or move files to the desktop.
Apps that support file sharing should be able to recognize when files have been added to the Documents directory and respond appropriately. For example, your app might make the contents of any new files available from its interface. You should never present the user with the list of files in this directory and ask them to decide what to do with those files.
For additional information about the UIFileSharingEnabled key, see Information .
New XCode 7 will only require 'UIFileSharingEnabled' key in Info.plist.
'CFBundleDisplayName' is not required any more.
One more hint: do not only modify the Info.plist of the 'tests' target. The main app and the 'tests' have different Info.plist.
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