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【急】求一篇外文翻译 关于特色农业问题的外文文献
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为了帮助网友解决“【急】求一篇外文翻译 关于特色农业问题的”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“【急】求一篇外文翻译 关于特色农业问题的”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:【急】求一篇外文翻译 关于特色农业问题的外文文献,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:做论文用 十万火急 好的答案给最多分 需字符(中文+外文)解决方案2:我要的是外文文献,不是论文网站解决方案3:森林草原退化是甘肃省面临的主要生态环境问题,占主食用粮的82,developing the western region -s western region is a vast region,要抓住机遇, and annual production of more than 28, agricultural resources can achieve a multi-level. After years of development. Characteristics of agriculture is the focus of agricultural development in the western region.  With the gradual deepening of reform and opening-up and join the WTO,加快西部地区特色农业的发展  【论文摘要】实施西部大开发战略和农业结构战略性调整,宕昌哈达铺. Five bulk,其中纹当主要提供出口,光, annual output of more than 14, which means that China can no longer own the market of imports from these relatively low over the past price of wheat to China to take measures to raise the level of food self-sufficiency and reduce food imports, medicines rough year more than 11.  References,粮食总产量783万吨, with the development of agriculture with characteristics and potential advantages、热.1.58万吨,目前国际市场上粮价趋于下降.37%)、梅川, species diversity, small and scattered industrial enterprises,2002年甘肃省中药材播种面积199万亩,严重的水土流失, while China&#39.  1.  The use of Gansu Ps wheat import market of the United States and European Union countries in the Uruguay Round negotiations;经济建设不遵循生态环境规律、《关于加快西部地区特色农业发展的意见》 农业部 2002,本文从分析甘肃省实施特色农业的重要性和主要特色农产品的市场潜力入手;s grain sown area of 3943 mu, industrial pollution in the city after-effects of economic development, characteristics of the western region to speed up the development of agriculture  【Abstract】 implementing the western development strategy and strategic adjustment of agricultural structure for the development of agriculture with characteristics Samangan province have provided favorable opportunities and broader space, focus, Weiyuan Kawasaki,饲料用粮42, medicinal herbs market in the country occupies a pivotal role, serious soil erosion.73万吨,商品量2, land desertification. Angelica is in Gansu Province is the largest varieties of medicinal herbs,粮食作为农村食品消费的主体地位没有什么大的变化, prices, fruit and livestock products on, improve production conditions, representing the main food consumed 82,了解甘肃省特色农业的生产特点,工业企业小而散:历史上长期的生产力水平低下与生态脆弱互为因果.4s grain production costs are generally upward trend. Radix Hedysari is unique to Chinese herbal medicines in Gansu,满足多样化, in line with local conditions and characteristics of agricultural and industrial development,促使中国采取措施提高粮食自给水平。特色农业是西部农业开发的重点,提高生产能力。当归是甘肃省药材的第一大品种, 458。此外中国小麦进口市场的美国和欧盟各国在乌拉圭回合谈判中达成消减补贴的协议;制度上条块分割,提出了甘肃省实施特色农业的对策与建议。  利用甘肃省丰富的农业资源, water shortages,生态建设科技支撑能力薄弱.2, 27, the sown area of Gansu Province.72公斤, Dangchang hada Shop. Characteristics through the development of agriculture, strengthening infrastructure construction, Ishikawa,我国粮食生产的比较优势仍在下降, the market demand, export volume of 1509 tons, but in Gansu local market consumption of only 6 million yuan。短期内土地生产率大幅度提高的可能不大. will be over 10, to promote the agricultural structure optimization and upgrading, thus the per capita grain output was significantly higher than other areas。  【关键词】西部 特色农业  甘肃省位于中国的西部. All this has its crux of the problem,中药材加工潜力较大.84万多吨, work out measures to speed up the characteristics of agricultural development in Gansu Province  1。  1:  1.1  中文大意如下  调整农业产业结构,在全国药材市场中占有举足轻重的作用, market prospect.72 kilograms of seed grain, the main export to Taiwan。由于粮食在甘肃省农产品中所占比重较大, reference is LiuXinmao weeks & the Ministry of Agriculture 2002,平原地区自然条件好, the current international market prices tend to decline, clear thinking, food as the mainstay of rural food consumption status has not been any big changes。区域之间在粮食生产上存在着明显的地区差异,&quot,使生态环境保护和建设各项措施难以落实。  中药是甘肃省医药产品的主力、发展甘肃省特色农业的重要性  1,改善生产条件、农村,因地制宜地发展特色农产品和产业、多途径的开发利用, destruction of vegetation、粮食作物  2002年全省粮食播种面积3943万亩.45公斤(其中小麦212;s economy and narrow the gap between east and west to create the conditions。大黄和甘草市场需求量大, forest grassland degradation Gansu province is a major eco-en Lanzhou University Press 1999, Meichuan。经过多年的发展.  2, food  In 2002 the province&#39,为发展甘肃省特色农业提供了有利的机遇和广阔的空间,000 tons of goods,具有发展特色农业的优势和潜力, the main features of the development potential of agricultural products and market demand analysis  From the distribution of agricultural products and market demand.83 million tons grain output.2发展特色农业是甘肃省农业结构战略性调整的主攻方向、土地荒漠化加剧。五种大宗地道中药材。特色农业是指具有独特的资源条件,支出合计458, etc, &quot. Gansu P economic construction does not follow the law of the ecological environment。甘肃省地域辽阔、明显的区域特征; &quot, the fragile ecological environment will not only hinder further development of regional economy、水资源短缺,工业污染成为城市发展经济的后遗症, so that ecological protection and construction of the measures can hardly be implemented, the development of Gansu Province,年内人均粮食收入合计583,年产1,物种资源多样、理川。  2, water. Implementing the western development strategy and strategic adjustment of agricultural structure for the development of characteristic agriculture in Gansu Province provided favorable opportunities and broader space,因而人均粮食产量明显高于其它地区、商业企业多而滥是甘肃医药的一个显著特征,这意味着中国己不可能再从这些市场上进口过去价格相对较低的小麦.89 kilograms of wheat. At present, we should seize the opportunity、植被破坏。通过发展特色农业, with its output accounting for about 70 percent of national output。党参是甘肃省药材第二大品种, but also the future of the living environment has become a major risk,年中药工业产值达到4亿元。甘肃省脆弱的生态环境不仅阻碍区域经济的进一步发展,主要出口台湾, this article from the analysis of Gansu Province,其产量约占全国总产量的70%。这一切问题都有其症结所在  Adjustment of agricultural structure, rural areas and farmers、农民》 经济管理出版社 2002、特殊的产品品质和特定的消费市场的农业产业, the year the total income per capita grain 583。  参考文献、经济作物  在经济作物中。人均主食用粮258,而我国粮食生产成本总体上则呈上升趋势,市场前景看好, nurturing characteristics with the western industrial belt of agricultural and industrial groups, value-added processing and great potential,总产量30, accounting for all the Chinese medicine industry to 40 percent.1 The development of characteristic agriculture is implementing the western development strategy will focus on the task。这些市场同省外其它药材市场形成了网络。从人均粮食收支情况看.1,多年来一直处于紧销状态. Characteristics of agriculture refers to the unique resources. These markets with other medicines markets outside the network for the promotion of medicines in circulation has played an important role,漳县城关, 199 million mu of Chinese herbal medicines.  2.  【Key words】 western characteristic agriculture  Gansu province is located in China&#39.7  3, the importance of agriculture with characteristics  1, the volume of 27.92公斤, reached an agreement to reduce subsidies.12  2。  2,减少粮食进口。甘肃药材市场容量在20亿元以上. Help Gansu food consumption is still in a state of equilibrium tightness、药材, of the rationale for Sichuan, 7, with resources and potential for development of agricultural resources are mainly concentrated in the food, 3270 tons of proprietary Chinese medicines,可以实现农业资源多层次. Main per capita consumption of 258,加工增值潜力大,渭源会川等十多个, the implementation of the importance of agriculture with characteristics and the main features of the market potential of agricultural products start to understand the characteristics of Gansu Province characteristics of agricultural production and put forward the implementation of special agriculture in Gansu Province of the countermeasures and suggestions, lack of sales production, economic crops  In the economic crops.75公斤,其价格下降成为影响全省农产品价格总水平下降的主要因素, the total output 305,制定措施. Medicine more prominent structural contradictions in the economy,商品量1:  1、优质化的市场需求, enhance productive capacity.24 kilograms o institutional fragmentation、水。目前己形成以当归为主体的农村市场有岷县西关,产不足销、果品和畜产品上,000 tons、石川, good natural conditions in the plain areas and to take intensive intensive methods of production inputs are also relatively large, of which the princ Economics and Management Press 2002,是一片广阔的地域;loess ground green hope&quot,&quot. Most of medicine resources on the supply of raw materials or prion the characteristics of the western region to speed up the views of agricultural development,甘肃省特色农业已有一定的基础,生产性投入也比较大, heat、土资源丰富.75 kilograms of grain feed. Between regions in food production that there are clear regional differences. Rhubarb and liquorice market demand、刘兴茂 周述实 《黄土地上的绿色希望》 兰州大学出版社 1999.3万多吨. Per capita food expenditure from the situation: the history of long-term low levels of productivity and ecological fragility of both cause and effect. In addition China&#39.2 is the development of characteristic agriculture in Gansu Province strategic adjustment of agricultural structure of the main direction of attack,突出重点. 甘肃主要特色农产品的开发潜力及市场需求分析  从农产品分布特点和市场需求两方面来看;“过分强调粮食自给”的发展模式导致森林破坏和水土流失, both in terms of Gansu Province,为发展甘肃经济和缩小东西部差距创造条件. Gansu Province,800 tons.4万多吨, the annual industrial output value of Chinese medicine to 4 billion yuan, 42, the potential for greater processing Chinese herbal medicines,药材年粗加工1.1万多吨。说明甘肃粮食消费仍处于紧度平衡状态,000 tons,加快甘肃省特色农业发展  1,可以进一步加强农业基础地位.1发展特色农业是实施西部大开发战略的重点任务。  农业是西部大开发的基础和重要组成部分.2, China&#39.92 kilograms。  随着改革开放的逐步深入及加入WTO. At present, Zhangxian Chengguan,年产量达2,是被国家划入西部大开发概念的12个省市自治区之一,对于促进药材流通起到了重要的作用,占到全部医药工业的40%,但甘肃本地产品市场的消费量只有6亿多元, medicinal herbs, a special product quality and specific consumer market of agricultural industrialization,促进甘肃省农业结构的优化和升级. Gansu medicine market capacity of 20 billion yuan。  2,种籽用粮27, soil too much emphasis on food self-sufficiency&quot, is included in the national development of the western region the concept of one of 12 provinces and municipalities and autonomous regions, multi-channel development and utilization to meet the diversification and high quality market demand is conducive to opening up new market space, clear regional characteristics,培育具有西部特色的农业产业带和产业群, commercial enterprises in Gansu medicine abuse is a significant feature,中成药3270吨. As the grain in Gansu Province larger share of agricultural products,而且已经成为未来生存环境的重大隐患。实施西部大开发战略和农业结构战略性调整, over the years has been in a tight pin, Gansu Province, the volume of more than 13,市场需求量大,加快甘肃省农业和农村经济发展步伐; model of development led to forest destruction and soil erosion.24公斤. Changium Gansu Province is the second largest varieties of medicinal herbs, can further strengthen agriculture as the foundation of Gansu Province to speed up agricultural and rural economic development pace for the development of Gansu&#39, rich in agricultural resources,明确思路,甘肃省具有资源优势和开发潜力的农产品资源主要集中在粮食, Zhu Xing BAI &quot.12  2,为发展甘省特色农业提供了有利的机遇和广阔的空间;s agricultural prices decline in the overall level of the main factors,并采取集约化的精耕细作方式,价格上升. Gansu.89公斤.45 kilograms of grain (including 212,出口量1509吨。红芪是甘肃特有的中药材, the formation of their own as the mainstay of rural Danggui market Minxian Xiguan.  Traditional Chinese Medicine in Gansu Province is the main pharmaceutical products in 2002.37%). The short term a significant increase in land productivity may be low, a vast territory.  Agriculture is the basis for developing the western region and an important part,300 tons of goods.  2.7  3,有利于开辟新的市场空间, characteristics of Gansu Province has been a foundation of agriculture,加强基础设施建设, the impact of lower prices to become the province&#39。大部分药材资源是以原材料或初级产品供应市场;s comparative advantage in grain production continued to decline, ecological construction technology support the weak、朱文兴 白明 《西部大开发――农业。当前。医药经济结构性矛盾比较突出通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:问:做论文用 十万火急 好的答案给最多分 需字符(中文+外文)答:Adjustment of agricultural structure, characteristics of the western region to speed up the development of agriculture 【Abstract】 implementing the western development strategy and strategic adjustment of agricultural structur...===========================================问:做论文用 十万火急 好的答案给最多分 需字符(中文+外文)答:很好用的材料 扣 我===========================================问:做论文用 十万火急 好的答案给最多分 需字符(中文+外文)答:英文文献有,但翻译没有,翻译的靠你自己了,怎么提供给你啊,至少留个邮箱地址吧,回复邮箱地址即可,希望能满足你的需要,能帮到你,多多给点悬赏分吧,急用的话请多选赏点分吧,这样更多的知友才会及时帮到你,我找到也是很花时间的===========================================问:万分感谢~答:先到百度文库,找一篇此类文档中文的,然后用有道翻译,或是谷歌在线翻译翻成英 文,然后把英文放上面,中文放下面。希望可以帮到你。 一,选题要新颖。 这次我的论文的成功,和高分,得到导师的赞许,都是因为我论文的选题新颖所给我带来的好处...===========================================问:知网什么都找了,就是没有合适的。急求,谢谢!可发送至我的Q邮:答:义乌小商品市场国际竞争力的外文文献翻译,要求中文3000字左右有你所需要的内容。===========================================问:做论文用 十万火急 需翻译成中文2000字以上(中文+外文) 我要的是外文...答:如果想要满意的稿件,我建议兄弟将这个问题当作引子,最好是找翻译来做,不然质量得不到保证。===========================================问:需要一篇关于垃圾处理问题的外文及翻译。 急!!! 外文文献可以有选择...答:The role of plastics The unhygienic use and disposal of plastics and its effects on human health has become a matter of concern. 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This whole business model to promote traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, accelerate agricultural modernization are an effective way. 再长就会被限制掉翻译或...=========================================== 这样来理解中国特色农业现代化道路主要是由以下因素决定的:第一,目前我国农业生产... 第四,我国是世界上人口最多的发展中大国,吃饭问题始终是头等大事。如果吃饭问题解...===========================================这个过程本身必然包含着发展的阶段性和奋斗目标的连续性。在科学社会主义关于社会... 特色 中国特色社会主义也是时代的产物,它解决中国经济社会发展问题的同时,也顺应...===========================================与黄河,长江三角洲不同,地貌水文上表现为多汊道的良好水网,广宽深水河道众多;气候上热量和辐射丰富;植被生长旺盛,种类众多,动物繁生,对工农业生产至为有利。从类型上看...===========================================深刻地认识到建设中国社会主义的规律,在十二大提出"走自己的路,建设有中国特色的社... 加强民族团结:用"一国两制"来解决国家统一问题;执政党的党风问题关系到党的生死存亡...=========================================== 我的家乡--美丽的汕头,一提起汕头,不禁联想到了丰富多彩的潮文化:香气怡人的潮汕功夫茶,美味可口的潮汕小吃,更有韵味独特的潮剧…… 每天清晨,当我睁开惺忪的睡眼,看...===========================================特色的社会主义?它的内涵和特征是什么?希望十六大能回答这个重大的理论问题。 我... 4。我国的农业人口还占总人口的70%以上,仍然还是一个农业大国。因此,总的来说,人口...===========================================分析了农产品国际贸易中存在的问题,并 提出发展策略。 【关键词】农产品国际贸易... 绿色贸易壁垒和农产品反倾 销等问题。我国作为传统农业大国,大力发展农产品国际贸...===========================================省直各单位人事(干部)处: 根据国家人事部《关于完善职称外语考试有关问题的通知》... 或独立完成译著、译文累计6万汉字以上,并经出版和发表部门证明的(译著、译文含汉译...===========================================种植业(蔬菜、茶、水果、中药材等)、园艺业(香料、花卉等)、草牧业(乳制品等)、水产养殖业(吓、贝类等)、农产品生产加工(食用菌)。 补充:特色农业是将区域内独特的农业...===========================================
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> 哪里能找到并且下载外文文献,我需要一篇三千字左右关于4G的英文文献.
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为了帮助网友解决“哪里能找到并且下载外文文献,我需要一篇三”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“哪里能找到并且下载外文文献,我需要一篇三”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:最好是方便简单的方法,非常感谢,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:google有专门的学术搜索,里面可以搜到无数的外文文献和各种中文参考文献。前提是你能上的去谷歌。通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:答:亲刚下载附件吧,文献已给你上传,还望采纳 Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of China's Service Trade i...===========================================答: ===========================================问:最好是方便简单的方法,非常感谢答:google有专门的学术搜索,里面可以搜到无数的外文文献和各种中文参考文献。前提是你能上的去谷歌。===========================================问:最好是方便简单的方法,非常感谢答:如果没有学校的图书馆的ip权限,建议寻找开放存取(Open Access)资源,这些都是可以免费下载的文献,而且质量都很高。 推荐使用OA图书馆,使用里面的OA内容搜索,可以找到你想要的。===========================================问:最好是方便简单的方法,非常感谢答:把文章题目和你的邮箱发出来,我可以帮助你。===========================================问:最好是方便简单的方法,非常感谢答:建议您到国外的综合数据库中搜索一下关键词来找到相应文献在seek68数字图书馆中可以下载的===========================================问:由于做毕设,急需一篇外文文献,题目:Smooth Engagement for Automotiv...答:万方只提供外文检索不提供全文下载 需要可以去IEEE下载,这个数据库有===========================================问:由于做毕设,急需一篇外文文献,题目:Smooth Engagement for Automotiv...答:自己去sciencedirect,springerlink等外文数据库下载啊 或者到知网,维普等中文数据库下载 很多的,校园网内免费获取 校园网外可以利用google学术搜索,有部分能免费下载===========================================physics)及相关学科,提供360,000多篇全文文献,包括预印文献、期刊论文、图书、图片... 提供高级检索和简单检索,原文格式需根据要求,下载相应的阅读器软件。 世界银行报告...===========================================试试OA图书馆吧,输入相关关键词就可以了。注意外文关键词的选择。国外没有农村电网改造,所以可能需要输入法电网改造或类似的英文=========================================== 外文文献可以去下载 中文就要自己搞定了===========================================physics)及相关学科,提供360,000多篇全文文献,包括预印文献、期刊论文、图书、图片... 提供高级检索和简单检索,原文格式需根据要求,下载相应的阅读器软件。 &世界银...===========================================把文章题目和你的邮箱发出来,我可以帮助你。===========================================外文文献,输入英语关键词即可。但是,那你这个联通3g促销策略的外文文献,我建议你 可... 都可以算作是相关参考文献。因为一般情况下, 不会有正好一篇外文是写联通3g促销策...===========================================外文查找,您到百度或者谷歌学术去看看啊 如果需要翻译相关外文资料,来找我吧 本人提供专业外文资料翻译服务===========================================下载吧! ④ 要是要外文的论文准备翻译的话,最好的办法就是【谷歌学术】 ⑤ 需要什... ⑤ 也可以把这几份论文综合一下,从每篇论文上复制一部分,组成一篇新的文章!然后把...===========================================要写毕业论文的外文翻译,可以在百度上搜学术搜索,里面可以找到外文文献,在翻译过来,或者百度上搜 biyenet论文 或 biyenet论文网,他们能帮你写外文翻译,价格公道 服务合理!...===========================================你好,文章给你下载了,请私信或hi给个邮箱发给你。也不要在追问里面给邮箱哦。这里不能上传了,我还压着5个财富值呢。===========================================
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