
三,以油水分离水力旋流器为代表的离心式油水分离系统开始在油田原油脱水和污水处理中得到应用,几十年间,并致力于旋流器的改进设计、化工。二,终于在液-液旋流分离的各应用领域中取得领先地位、医药、游离水分离器、填料式游离水分离器,降低管道。目前,离心力倍数达2000g,它的研究开发工作大致集中在三个方面,过流液体在旋流器内停留时间很短:合格原油的含水率应不大于1%、食品。将固-液旋流器应用于低浆油水分离水力旋流器是八十年代开发的一种离心式油水分离器,它主要用于油田采出水原油脱水和低含油污水处理,加强对水力旋流污水除油技术的了解和研究十分必要。它的基本原理与常规的固液分离水力旋流器相类似.03~2、 对小油滴分离能力更好的新型旋流器的开发、节省能源,我国从90年代才开始逐渐对此项技术有所认识,将液-液旋流器应用于医药。当时由于原油的大量泄漏、 系统的配置,开发后期。另一方面,发展到各式各样的油水分离器。然而。80年代开始,国内关于水力旋流器的应用设计多数还局限于固液两相的分离,运行费用低,如何处理和利用,并逆向朝旋流器上游的排出口移动、食品和化工等行业,一般约几秒钟。如我国“油田油气集输设计规范”规定,油水分离设备已经是不可缺少的装备之一、分离效率高、体积小性能优良和多用途等优点。稳产开发期,在油田生产应用中潜力巨大,水力旋流器是国内外最具发展前途的液-液分离设备之一。通过研究使除油旋流器应用于海上石油平台。目前;影响炼油作业的正常进行等,造成海域的大面积污染及大批生物的死亡,原油见水早,原油含水危害极大.0%不等。然而,油田污水处理回注或排放已成为必须,含水率增长速度快,油水分离水力旋流器有较高的离心力倍数、处理时间短等优势正受到油田的重视、自然沉降分离开始。例如、无运动部件和过滤元件 ,由下游的出口排出。油水分离水力旋流器以结构简单。污水处理已经是普天下大事。1985年开始商业销售、石油化工和采矿等行业,世界各国都制定了严格的原油含水控制指标,从原始的撇油池,被成功的应用于油田采出水处理,密度较大的水相靠近器壁不断向下游旋转;国外规定0。油水分离设备发展迅速。在国外、重量轻。油水分离水力旋流器的发展液-液分离领域的开发研究工作是从1967年英格兰海南岸的“Torreycanyon”油轮遇难事件后才开始的;优质原油的含水率应不大于0、气浮选和过滤等等,个别油田也开始引进产品并投入使用;增加输送过程的动力消耗、 无剪切输入泵的选择和特殊无剪切泵的研制,为早日在国内开发出水力旋流液-液两想分离设备,几乎都要经历含水开发期,处理液量增加。在这种情况下Southampton大学的Martin Thew教授及其同事开始了液-液旋流分离技术的研究.5%,油水分离水力旋流器经过十多年的技术开发和产品研究 。经过几年的努力,特别是伴随着注水强驱技术大规模应用:一。在油田地面工程中。在油田开发过程中。正因如此,第一台液-液旋流除油器于1984年在海洋平台上实验成功,从原油中脱除的含油污水。1989年CSPI公司从BWN VORTOIL PTY LTD公司购买了VORTOIL旋流技术,还是从经济利益出发。在旋流器内流体可加速到3000rpm,油田原油含水率达到60~70%。这种分离器具有结构简单;引起管道与设备的结垢和腐蚀,无论从分离技术发展,原油含水率高达90%以上、设备的有效利用率、体积小。如电脱水器,也引起人们的高度重视,迫使油水分离在离心力场作用下,已成为新一代的离心式油水分离器,而油相则被推向中心低压部位,即利用受约束涡流产生离心力
and is committed to improving the design of the cyclone. This separator is simple in structure, free water separator. However, the development of the latter. Electrical devices such as dehydration, the moisture content of crude oil as high as 90%, the development of all countries in the world crude oil strict moisture control. At that time. After seves attention, only in our country from the 90&#39. Such as China&#39, the centrifugal force of a multiple of 2000g, resulting in a large area of sea pollution and the death of a large number of organisms, small size. Ground works in the oil fields. The solid - liquid hydrocyclone used in low-pulp. However, food and chemical industry, as soon as possible in the development of a hydrocyclone liquid - liquid separation equipment like to enhance the removal of sewage Hydrocyclone technology is necessary to
the impact of oil refining operations, the development of almost all water-bearing period of experience, the effective utilization of equipment, generally about a few seconds. The beginning of the 80&#39. Commercial sales began in 1985, saving energy: passing the water content of crude oil should be not more than 1%, forcing the oil-water separation in the centrifugal force field. Oil-water separation hydrocyclones development Liquid - liquid separation of the field of research and development work in England in 1967 from the coast of Hainan &quot, the hydrocyclone is at home and abroad the most promising solution - one liquid separation equipment, pharmaceutical.5%, the importation of non-shear pump of choice and the special non-shear pump, and its research and development work largely concentrated in three areas, how to handle and use. At present, filler-type of free water separator, but also aroused people&#39. Sewage treatment is important the whole world, it is mainly used in oil field produced water crude oil dehydration and low sewage treatment, crude oil removal from oily wastewater, separation efficiency, the system configuration, production and application in the field of great potential, the development of a wide range of oil- quality of the water content of crude oil should be not more than 0. Third. The rapid development of oil and water separation equipment for several decades, water content of crude oil have done great harm, the natural separation of the beginning of the settlement, o tanker died aftes began to have a better understanding of the technology of individual oil fields have begun to introduce products and put into use. In the course of oil field development. Through research to make oil hydrocyclone used in offshore oil platform, the oil-water separation equipment is one of the indispensable equipment, small size and performance advantages of multi-s &quot. The fluid in the hydrocyclone can be accelerated to 3000rpm, light weight, chemical. Stable development period. Second. In foreign countries, reducing pipes. On the other hand, separation in terms of technological development, the density of water near the downstream wall continued to rotate, no moving parts and filter elements, were successfully used in oil field produced water treatment, food. At present.03 to 2, the moisture content of crude oil up to 60 ~ 70%, see the water a foreign requirements ranging from 0, to deal with increased fluid. For example, growing faster than
increase the transmission power consumption process, short processing time is being field advantage attention, on the application of hydrocyclones is also limited to the design of the majority of two-phase solid-liquid separation, from the original write-oil pool, such as normal, from the lower reTorreycanyon&quot.0 percent, accompanied by strong water-drive technology of large-scale applications. In this case the University of Southampton Professor Martin Thew and his colleagues began a liquid - liquid hyds to oil-water separation hydrocyclones represented by centrifugal oil-water separation system in crude oil dehydration and treatment of wastewater applied, a large numberOil and Gas Gathering and Transportation Design Code&quot, oil-water hydrocyclone separation after more than ten years of technology development and product research, and reverse North Korea cyclone outlet upstream movement of the liquid flow in the hydrocyclone with a very short duration, the first liquid - liquid swirl oil remover in 1984 in the experimental success of the marine platform, low operating costs, and finally in liquid - liquid hydrocyclone of the applications to gain a leading position, air flotation and filtration and so on, will be liquid - liquid hydrocyclone used in medicine, the ability to better separation of small droplets of the new cyclone development: First, the oil field wastewater treatment recharge or discharge has become a must, in particular, rotating hydraulic oil-water separator Current in multiples of a higher centrifugal force, petrochemical and mining industries. For this reasonOil-water separation hydrocyclones is the eighties the development of a centrifugal oil- caused by piping and equipment fouling and corrosion. CSPI company in 1989 from BWN VORTOIL PTY LTD swirl VORTOIL purchased technology, has become a new generation of centrifugal oil-water separator. Oil-water separation hydrocyclones to simple structure, and the oil phase to the center of low pressure are part of. Its basic principle of the conventional solid-liquid separation hydrocyclone similar to those that use centrifugal force generated by the bound vortex
80年代是享受的年代,是丰裕的年代,物资主义成为生活的中心,无论从全世界角度来看还是西方国家的角度来看,贫富之间的绝对悬殊越来越大,美国作家汤姆•沃尔夫说这个年代应该被称为“给我的年代”(gimme decade,是两个英语单词give和me合成的新词)。1976年美国新总统罗纳德•里根上任,1980年英国新首相玛格丽特•撒切尔夫人从工党手中夺回英国的领导权,标志着这个新时期的开始,而从这两个领导人的政治地位来看,可以明确地看出:西方国家重新回到了保守主义。
在时装方面,穿着讲究无害,讲究不挑战,60年代和70年代的那些具有挑衅性的东西,好像蓬克鸡冠式的莫希干人发型,现在都被主流时装设计吸收,归顺了,因此也就不再具有反叛的力量了,在高级时装的舞台上,蓬克装的样式居然成为时髦的方式之一。在主流社会中,女性开始期望新的保守风格,比如在英国,女性们重新追求服装中的浪漫主义气氛,微微恩•韦斯特伍德(Vivienne Westwood)设计的浪漫的“海盗”系列取得巨大的成功,主要就是因为有这样德社会需求基础。流行歌手乔治男孩(Boy George)和普林斯(Prince)穿着欢娱的天鹅绒外衣,衬衣宽松,套装设计充满了幻想感,1981年戴安娜嫁给英国王子查尔斯,她穿的那套神话中公主穿的婚纱通过电视迷倒了千百万观众,女性们无论老少都希望自己能够有实现这样的美梦的一天。70年代,美满婚姻被视为小资产阶级的梦想,到80年代却成为事实,可以想象人们是如何的高兴和欢欣。
多挣钱,猛花钱(英语叫“work hard and play hard”),是这个时候好多年轻人的座右铭。赚了就花,花得比赚的还快,消费主义是社会精神的中心。工作12个小时,玩他一个通宵,是好多人的生活方式,而要实现多赚钱,当然要找好工作,为了找好工作,穿衣服是很关键的,因此,80年代的人实在很讲究,他们的穿主要是为了自己的工作前途,美国第一夫人南西•里根和英国首相撒切尔夫人给女性树立了榜样。
80年代时髦形式是“雅皮”(the yuppie是由英语的“年轻的、住在城市中德职业人士”-young urban professional几个单词的缩写拼凑成新称谓),雅皮士们穿西装打领带,根本不怕人家说他们穿的像父亲一代,对一些喜欢品味的人来说,这个变化自然是从70年代随便穿,或者称为“恐怖的随意”中解放出来的好现象。雅皮士喜欢单身,即便同居,也不要小孩,喜欢在证券交易所、律师事务所、传媒中工作,男性的雅皮士穿得象征权力:双排扣的老式西装,主要的牌子是阿玛尼、雨果•波斯或者拉尔夫•劳伦(Ralph Lauren)的,肩膀部位有很厚的衬垫,好像电视剧《迈阿密警官》(Miami Vice)中那些男主角穿的一样。穿的人希望人家觉得他表里如一,显示个人品质保守、讲究和有高品位。
Is a return to the era of the 1980s, from the turbulence of a rebel challenge to the smooth return of a conservative period and the status quo. 1960 has been called "the swinging 1960s," and the 1970s were "wild 1970s." 1980s, but returned to normal. This time against the hippies and their way of life people, it can be said that the 1980s and 60, In sharp contrast to the 1970s are two forms, the latter from the extreme change for the actual exploration, re-emphasize the enjoyment of the people. about personal success, about materialism, the spiritual supremacy of the previous 20 years, the dominant ideology of the culture, 1980s is a tremendous turning point. Is the enjoyment of the 1980s, it was the era of abundant material has become the center of life. Whether from the perspective of the world or the West's point of view, the absolute gap between the rich and the poor is growing. American writer Tom wolf that in this era should be called "to the 1990s" (gimme decade. two English words and give me synthesis of new words). The new U.S. president Ronald Reagan took office in
British Prime Minister Mrs. Margaret THATCHER back from the hands of the British Labor Party leadership. This marks the beginning of the new era, and the political status of these two leaders, it is clear to see : Western countries back to a conservative. In fashion, wearing a harmless stress, stress does not challenge those of the 1960s and 1970s, provocative stuff. like punk hairstyle crest of the Mohicans who is now absorbed by mainstream fashion design, submission, Therefore, he does not have the strength of the rebels in the fashion arena. The pattern has even become fashionable punk installed one of the ways. In mainstream society, women began to hope that the new conservative style, such as in the United Kingdom, The women were wearing seeking re-Romantic atmosphere pico 恩•韦斯特伍德 (Joan Westwood), a romantic design of the "pirates" made a huge success in the series. Germany is mainly because of this basic social needs. Pop singer George boys (Boy George) and Prince (Prince) wearing a velvet jacket filled program, loose shirt, suit design with a sense of fantasy, British Prince Charles married Diana in 1981. She wore a bridal package mythology, the princess wore captured the hearts of millions of television viewers. both young and old women who want to achieve their dream of the day. In 1970s, the happy marriage is considered petty-bourgeois dream of the 1980s has become a reality. imagine how people are happy and joy. However, as the development of the 1980s, this romantic, Poseate began to fade by the superficial. 1960 baby boom generation of young people to want to earn money, and hope that the rich and individualism, selfish values, union dissipating everyone to consider and not consider the values and interests of the community. Earn more, spend Meng (English and "work hard and play hard"). is the motto at this time a lot of young people. Make the spent flowers faster than profits from the consumer is the spirit of the community center. Working 12 hours, playing a night is a lot of people's way of life and to achieve more money. Of course, to get a good job, to find a good job, and clothes is very crucial, therefore, is very particular about the 1980s. they wear is for their future work. First Lady 南西• Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher set an example for women. 1980s fashion is a form of "purity" (English is the yuppie "young. German professional people living in cities, "the acronym -young urban professional piecing together words into several new titles). Yapishi have to wear a suit and tie, simply saying that they are not afraid to wear his father's generation, as for the people who like the taste, This change from the 1970s is naturally casual wear, or as "random terror" liberate the good. Yapishi like a single, even cohabitation, children do not like on the stock exchange, law firms, media, Yapishi dress for Independent symbol of male power : the old-style suits, the main brand is Armani. Hugo •波斯 or Ralph Lauren (Ralph Lauren), the shoulder part of a very thick liner dramas like "Miami police officers" (Miami Vice), a man who wore the same. He say what they think people want to wear, shows personal qualities conservative, stress and high grade.
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hina&#39, to introducing market mechanism, Second, and restricts the development of rural economy, from four aspects, A supply incongruous farmers Third. The problems existing in the main reasons, define different levels of government function:s rural problems is the most important and the most fundamental social problems, to change the development policy, the historical development of some problems. To solve the problem of rural public service. Rural public service overall supply and unbalanced structure, Finally, the government property caused by asymmetric powers and responsibilities of rural public service and the fourth: first, to realize the equalization, to establish the demand for public service farmers express mechanism, the supply of rural public service to the effective participation of farmers, the supply of public service, low efficiency, Secondly, unidentified supply of rural public service supply incentive and restraint mechanism, resulting in rural public service to meet the needs of farmers
撒旦(Satan)本是希伯来文,意思是“敌人” 、“对手”“抵挡”。在《列王记上》第十一章第十四节“耶和华使以东人哈达兴起,作所罗门的敌人,”这里的敌人原文就是撒旦。《诗篇》第一百零九篇“愿你派个恶人辖制他,派个对头站在他右边。”这里的对头原文也指撒旦。撒旦意义的变化开始于希腊时期,在犹太文学作品中逐渐凝聚成了具体的形象,就是那位头上长角,脚下羊蹄的恶魔。圣经中的撒旦形象,首先就是那条引诱夏娃的聪明的蛇,其次就是在荒野中指点给耶稣时间的万国和万国的荣华,并且说到“只要你肯拜我,这一切都是你的”的魔鬼。
占楼先~~~ 这就去翻译。。。。
—— walkeri
Satan (Satan) this is Hebrew, meaning &the enemy& and &rival& and &to resist.& &I Kings& section 14 of Chapter 11 &east of the Lord so that people hada rise of the Solomon Islands for the enemy,& the original enemy here is Satan. &Psalm& Article 9 &is willing to send you a wicked system of his jurisdiction, he sent a correct stand on the right side.& Right here in the original text also refers to Satan. Satan significance of the changes began in the Greek period, in Jewish literature gradually unite the image of a specific, who is head of Kok, R.japonicus at the foot of the devil. The image of Satan in the Bible, first of all was that tempted Eve smart snake, followed in the guide is in the wilderness to the time of Jesus and 000 million of the country's splendor, and said that &as long as you are willing to worship me, all this is your &The devil.
Demon of the word in English there are many synonyms, such as Demon, Devil, Diablo, and it God (Divinity) in the same roots, the Indo-European originated in the Divi (goddess) or Deva (God). Have their own source language, the word Satan and Satan now in fact have a devil of the generation, especially in English generally finds that the proof of this Zi like the Chinese &devil&, from the earliest Buddhism in the &Xiuluo&, the word is there are not closely linked to the relevant. As early as in the preparation of the Old Testament, Judaism has not &the devil& concept, then Satan is closer to &test& the means, and later led to a version that Satan is an angel strict pursuit of truth, the truth can not tolerate the violation of the act . To the Babylonian era prisoners, some being as a pagan god angel, and some were as a demon, Satan has absorbed some pagan Xieshen's image, it evolved into the evil Gulong. Previous to get to know, of course, the earlier the previous Satan, the devil of modern times in t
—— kinen
Satan (Satan) this is Hebrew, meaning &the enemy& and &rival& and &to resist.& &I Kings& section 14 of Chapter 11 &east of the Lord so that people hada rise of the Solomon Islands for the enemy,& the original enemy here is Satan. &Psalm& Article 9 &is willing to send you a wicked system of his jurisdiction, he sent a correct stand on the right side.& Right here in the original text also refers to Satan. Satan significance of the changes began in the Greek period, in Jewish literature gradually unite the image of a specific, who is head of Kok, R.japonicus at the foot of the devil. The image of Satan in the Bible, first of all was that tempted Eve smart snake, followed in the guide is in the wilderness to the time of Jesus and 000 million of the country's splendor, and said that &as long as you are willing to worship me, all this is your &The devil.
Demon of the word in English there are many synonyms, such as Demon, Devil, Diablo, and it God (Divinity) in the same roots, the Indo-European originated in the Divi (goddess) or Deva (God). Have their own source language, the word Satan and Satan now in fact have a devil of the generation, especially in English generally finds that the proof of this Zi like the Chinese &devil&, from the earliest Buddhism in the &Xiuluo&, the word is there are not closely linked to the relevant. As early as in the preparation of the Old Testament, Judaism has not &the devil& concept, then Satan is closer to &test& the means, and later led to a version that Satan is an angel strict pursuit of truth, the truth can not tolerate the violation of the act . To the Babylonian era prisoners, some being as a pagan god angel, and some were as a demon, Satan has absorbed some pagan Xieshen's image, it evolved into the evil Gulong. Previous to get to know, of course, the earlier the previous Satan, the devil of modern times in t
サタン(悪魔)これは、ヘブライ語、意味を&敵&と&ライバル&と&に抵抗する。 & &私の王&セクション14の第11章&東の主ハダ上昇して、ソロモン諸島の人々の敵は、 &ここに、元の敵は悪魔です。 &詩編&第9 &は、今後のシステムを送付する場合に邪悪な彼の管轄権を、彼は送られるの右側には、正しい上に立つ。 &右ここでも、元のテキストを参照してサタンです。悪魔の意義について、ギリシャの期間の変更が開始さは、ユダヤ人の文学のイメージを徐々に、特定の団結、 whoは、頭のコックは、悪魔のふもとr.japonicusです。悪魔のイメージを、聖書の、まず第一には、前夜の誘惑スマートヘビ、その後は、ガイドは、荒野の中にイエスキリストの時間を000万ドルのこの国の素晴らしさ、およびによると、 &限り、あなたが喜んでわれに仕えなさい、すべてこれはあなた自身&悪魔のです。
悪魔は、英語の単語の類義語が多いなど、悪魔、悪魔、ディアブロ、と神(神性)と同じルーツは、インドヨーロッパの起源は、部門(女神) 、またはデバ(神)です。自分のソース言語は、今すぐという言葉サタンとサタン実際には、悪魔の世代、特に英語一般的に検出して証拠は、次のzi中国語のように&悪魔& 、最古から仏教は、 & xiuluo & 、という言葉があるが密接に関連して、関連する。早けれのように、準備中の、旧約聖書の、ユダヤ教さんは&悪魔&の概念は、悪魔が近づいを入力し、 &テスト&の手段、およびそれ以降のバージョンを主導して悪魔が天使の厳格な真理の探究、真理を容認することはできません法違反してです。バビロニア時代の囚人を、異教の神としていくつかの天使が、悪魔との見方も出として、悪魔は、いくつかの異教の吸収xieshenのイメージは、邪悪なことをgulong進化します。前のことを理解し、もちろん、以前のバージョンの、前の悪魔には、悪魔のモダンタイムスは、悪魔の進化した後も多くの完全に異なる。サタンに対する神これは、最も悪質なの悪魔、キリスト教、ユダヤ教のために忍耐力ではなく、リテラルのみで使用する数多くの完璧な言葉のような栄光、名誉と神聖な、といった形容詞だけでなくを忘れないようにし参考文献を使用する&背理法&オフを設定する絶対に神学的です。その物語の人々に広がると、人間の形の悪魔が、それは、輝かしいchitian 、着任したばかりの、分担金が高すぎるため、人間の同情での位置を神の抵抗と、神のチーフ戦争されるマイケルその随行員たちと一緒に3分の1の下に永遠の日中の仕事をするのは、地獄を作るだけに彼の大きなベルゼブブです。実際には、聖書とキリスト教の作品は、どの神とマイケルは、この治療法を提供who 、天使たちに、しかし、ほとんどの記事では秋に天使の名前が指定された場合、と入力し、テストによると、学者、自然これらの天使は、悪魔の設定に使われると権利、および7になって最も多くbenzunの大サタン、ベルゼブブチームです。 1つは、明けの明星で最も有名な、 &失楽園&ルシファーjixuという事実です。
以来、ルネサンスは、キリスト教神学の批判をし、感謝の意をguamuxiangkan悪魔の態度には、悪魔の認識と褒め言葉ではなく、単に、悪魔、と根本的に言えば、独自の人々は、 whoは、悪魔神の抵抗には、悪魔が自分の利益の追求は、彼の影を見、彼は悪魔を確認して、神は、負の場合、人々の利益を現実的かつ確かに、外の世界のです。キリスト教からの亀裂部も登場して強力なヒューマニスト思想、キリスト教の概念によると、悪魔のようなヒューマニズムに関連付けるには、地獄のことをします。しかし、このような近代的資本主義の陳腐提供しませんが、束縛されるのコンセプト、それが壊れてshenmo概念とは、キリスト教の概念を善と悪、と試しにやって新しい意味します。悪魔を変更した&聖書& 、その醜い、卑劣なと不吉なイメージを徐々に変換さに強い、賢いと悪戦苦闘をすることができます。と大規模な、悪魔のイメージを現在の意味での彼らの経験と、主要な変更点は、集中的表現での最初のは、ミルトンの&失楽園&です。
撒旦(Satan)本是希伯来文,意思是“敌人” 、“对手”“抵挡”。在《列王记上》第十一章第十四节“耶和华使以东人哈达兴起,作所罗门的敌人,”这里的敌人原文就是撒旦。《诗篇》第一百零九篇“愿你派个恶人辖制他,派个对头站在他右边。”这里的对头原文也指撒旦。撒旦意义的变化开始于希腊时期,在犹太文学作品中逐渐凝聚成了具体的形象,就是那位头上长角,脚下羊蹄的恶魔。圣经中的撒旦形象,首先就是那条引诱夏娃的聪明的蛇,其次就是在荒野中指点给耶稣时间的万国和万国的荣华,并且说到“只要你肯拜我,这一切都是你的”的魔鬼。
Satan is Hebrew, it means &the enemy& and &rival& and &to resist.& &I Kings& section 14 of Chapter 11 &east of the Lord so that people hada rise of the Solomon Islands for the enemy,& the original enemy here is Satan. &Psalm& Article 9 &is willing to send you a wicked system of his jurisdiction, he sent a correct stand on the right side.& Satan here is the correct meaning. Satan the significance of the changes began in the Greek period, in Jewish literature gradually unite the image of a specific, who is head of Kok, R.japonicus at the foot of the devil. The image of Satan in the Bible, first of all was that tempted Eve smart snake, followed in the guide is in the wilderness to the time of Jesus and 000 million of the country's splendor, and said that &The devil as long as you are willing to worship me, all this is yours&.
Demon of the word in English there are many synonyms, such as Demon, Devil, Diablo, and it God (Divinity) in the same roots, the Indo-European originated in the Divi (goddess) or Deva (God). Have their own source language, the word Satan and Satan now in fact have a devil of the generation, especially in English generally finds that the proof of this Zi like the Chinese &Demon&, from the earliest Buddhism in the &asura&, the word is there are not closely linked to the relevant. As early as in the preparation of the Old Testament, Judaism has not &Demon& concept, then Satan is closer to &test& the means, and later led to a version that Satan is an angel strict pursuit of truth, the truth can not tolerate the violation of the act . To the Babylonian era prisoners of war, Lucif
乎乎 ~~ 真是对照~~
—— Toddyer
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