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1. The establishment of institutions to cope with crisisIt can be composed of the following: the decision-making level responsible persons, public relations manager, personnel manager, manager, etc.保卫部. These officers should ensure that the path to government departments, media associated flow channels. SMEs are often not due to the cost of suitable full-time public relations officers, media professionals can also be employed part-time consultants, can also be entrusted to a dedicated public relations consultancy services company.2. Attention to corporate signals pre-crisisBefore the crisis, is bound to show some signal. Such as: harm to the image of organization or organizations, decision-makers more and mo in particular by the government, the media or a specific person's &concern&; organizations more and more trouble and so on. Once a preference, symptoms of problems, timely event-related risk associated personnel, details of the facts, gather information, cut off from the source of information dissemination bad.3. Strict enforcement of corporate news propaganda disciplineBusiness-oriented corporate culture, learning and creative requirements of employees. However, press releases must be authorized, all units involved in this important decision-making, a major event in press releases and submission must be in charge of examination and approval by the company.4. To develop plans to deal with public relations crisisEnterprises to develop practical public relations crisis management plan is based on the successful handling of the crisis. Plans for the crisis must be made within six hours to reflect, plan, including: emergency response team who will convene meetings to develo who is responsib how to hol how to control the furthe how to tell the Government , customers, s how to deal with the aftermath work.Corporate public relations crisis, the entire life cycle in the enterprise is inevitable. For the crisis, the most important thing is to prevent it from happening, and unforeseen c enterprises recognize the existence of the earlier threat, the sooner to take appropriate action, the more likely to control the issue of development.Third, the handling of public relations crisisThe event of a crisis public relations company, public relations should be based on the specific circumstances of the rapid response to assist enterprises to investigate the causes of crisis or accident, follow-up work to do a good job. The processing can take the following strategies:1. Examine their own, if it is the result of their error, apologize immediately.The issue of product quality as a result of the crisis caused by the crisis is the most common, in the event of such crises should at all costs to recover quickly in the market all the unqualified products, and use of the mass media to inform the public how the method of return of these products.2. On the loss of personnel to beSerious anomalies enterprises, especially the major responsibility for the accident, so that harm to the public interest, the enterprise must be held accountable by the public spirit of a certain degree of compensation and material compensation. In order to win public understanding and support.3. Use of the media to guide publicHeld a press conference or press conference to introduce the truth to the public as well as remedial measures are good links with the media so that timely and accurate reports as to influence the public, and guide public opinion, so do not correct the negative public to reflect and correct public opinion into a positive reflection of the public and public opinion, and the doubters were watching the avoidance of doubt, become a loyal supporter. At the same time, enterprises and the parties when there are differences, contradictions, misunderstanding or even immediately, it should be honest in the first principle of benefit to others, the way the use of consultation and dialogue, and seriously listen to and consider other viewsResolve grievances, to eliminate barriers.4. Views the use of the authority to deal with crisisIn some special public relations crisis management, the enterprises and the public's views are not consistent, it is difficult to mediate. At this time, we must rely on authority to express their views. The authority to deal with major public relations crisis, there are two: First, the authority of institutions such as government departments, professional bodies, consumer associations, etc.; The second is an authoritative source, such as public relations specialists, and other industry experts. In many cases, the authority of their views are often dealing with the crisis of public relations can play a decisive role.5. The use of legal regulation and control crisisRefers to the use of legal means to deal with public relations crisis. Means of legal regulation and control are two links: one based on the facts and the relevant legal pro second is to follow legal procedures to deal with it. Use of legal regulation to deal with the role of public relations crisis, there are two: First, the handling of crises to maint second, protect the business and the legitimate rights and interests of the public.6. Publication of the causes of the crisisCorporate public relations crisis, should frankly to the public and the press that the causes of the crisis. If it is their responsibility, it should be the courage to ad If it is someone else's deliberate frame-up, it should be through a variety of means to uncover the truth, the most important thing is to keep the media and the development of the situation that no factual basis to clarify &grape vine& and gossip.7. Reshaping the public image of goodPublic relations crisis, more or less the image of enterprises will be affected in various degrees of damage. Although the public relations of the proper handling of the crisis, but this does not mean that the crisis has come to an end, corporate recovery and reconstruction must also be a good public image. To image the content and the degree of focus on the image to make up for deficiencies in public relations activities, maintaining close contact with the public and contacts, open the door of enterprises are welcome to visit and understanding of the public to inform the public of the progress of the new enterprises and business state, and show quality products and first-class public services to benefit the city, to fundamentally change the public a bad impression on the enterprise.
 You've probably been sick before.It's not fun.In many cases,like the flu,you're sick because of a virus…tiny germs ready to multiply and spread from person-to-person,via handshakes or sneezes.  你肯定生过病吧,很不爽,对吗?生病通常是因为感染了病毒.握手、打喷嚏都能让病毒繁殖传播.  Computer viruses are no different.Instead of germs,they are computer programs.These programs are usually designed by criminals to multiply and spread from computer-to-computer like a disease.If one makes it to your computer,it can erase your files,send emails without your permission or even communicate sensitive info to criminals.  电脑病毒亦然.但不是微生物而是电脑程序.黑客设计的病毒程序会像疾病一样在电脑间传播一旦电脑感染了病毒,它会删除文件、私发邮件、甚至把私人信息泄露给犯罪分子.  Let's take a closer look,because what we call computer viruses can actually be Viruses,worms or trojanswe’ll start with viruses.These bugs hitch a ride when something,like a file,is shared between computers.This often happens via attachments sent in email or shared USB drives.Once someone clicks to open the file,the damage is done.The virus is now on that computer,where it starts to multiply and look for chances to hitch a ride to a new computer.  电脑病毒可以细分为三种,普通病毒、蠕虫 、木马先来说说普通病毒.它通过电脑之间的文件共享来传播.通常会在附件或U盘中出现,一打开这种文件,电脑就会中毒.然后复制,等着感染下一台电脑.  Like a sick human,it’s sometimes hard to to tell when a file has a virus.For this reason,the best defense is anti-virus software.It prevents viruses from getting to your computer and removes them when they are found.  和人生病一样,有时候文件是否感染病毒也很难”确诊”.所以,最好的防护措施就是安装杀毒软件能防止电脑中毒,也能在发现病毒时及时清除.  Now,worms are a little scarier.They are programs that spread to computers without humans doing anything.Criminals create worms to spread via computers that are connected in a network.They worm their way from computer-to-computer automatically.Whether it's a small office or a global network like the Internet.  蠕虫则更可怕,即使我们什么也没操作,它也能传播.只有电脑联网,蠕虫就会感染网上的病毒.不管是局域网,还是在整个互联网中.  Usually,the worms find a back door.a way to trick the computer’s software into letting them in.Once they're in,they look for the same backdoor in similar computers,wreaking havoc along the way.  蠕虫擅长走”后门”.就是通过电脑软件的漏洞入侵.一旦被感染,蠕虫还会寻找其他电脑的”后门”,一路披荆斩棘地破坏下去.  The best defense is keeping your computer software up to date at work and home.This helps close the doors and prevent problems.  最好的防护措施是,更新系统、修复漏洞,门关好了,蠕虫就爬不进来了.  Trojans,our last example,are sneaky bugs.Like the real trojan horse,they’re a trick.If you fall for it,you end up downloading a virus from the Internet.It may appear to be a game or useful software,but hidden inside is a program that can cause problems.For example,these programs can open new backdoors,giving criminals access to your computer and information over the Web.  木马则是最最阴险狡诈的病毒.像传说中的特洛伊木马,它也善用诡计,一个不小心就可能从网上下载木马.木马病毒会伪装成游戏或者常用软件,有些木马还会给电脑开新的”后门”,让犯罪分子轻易侵入你的电脑获取信息.  Not fun.To avoid trojans,only download software from sites you trust.Just like washing your hands and covering your cough,you have to be aware of what causes problems to avoid them.  可怕吧?要防木马,你必须只在信任的网站上下载软件,提高警惕,时刻注意网络安全,就像咳嗽要掩口,饭前便后要洗手一样.  Keep your computer up to date and get anti-virus software.It will help prevent problems and help you recover.And please…don't click on links,attachments and downloadable files.unless you know they're legit.  还要经常更新电脑软件,安装杀毒工具.一边防患于未然,一边“亡羊补牢”.另外,陌生的链接、附件、文件也不要碰.除非能确认它们的安全性.  Through a little awareness,you and your computer will stay happy and healthy.
Computer [By Kaiser3344]More than two hundred years ago, the invention of the steam engine,rumbled ushered in th more than a hundred years ago,lamps, electrical world present...
通过计算机kaiser3344 ] [二百多年前,蒸汽机的发明,隆隆地迎来了工业社会;一百多年前,灯具,电气世界展示了一个五彩斑斓的人类;六十年前,计算机生成的,与高度发展的轨道的人,成为地球村。计算机正逐渐成为人类生产和生活的主人。计算机来提高生产效率,使用非常高。从宇宙飞船到纳米技术的研究,于核爆炸的流水线生产,人类的生产方面,由于计算机的使用,提高生产效率。美国阿拉莫斯国家实验室,几个大的篮球场与计算机,可以用来模拟核试验,它的第二操作亿万次,几天的时间来完成自己的工作没有完成。即使在ordinarycomputer行业,也起着重要的作用。例如,在教育领域,教师要数个等级的考试结果,计算平均,与计算机,就行了几秒钟,如果手工计算,到几个小时。计算机和互联网为载体,促进经济快速增长。互联网使人们获取信息更方便,从而使投资,生产,销售和其他方面的速度,使经济快速发展。美国前总统克林顿提出的1992的增加“信息高速公路”计划的互联网信息的传输速度,使美国经济的稳定增长,快速年。计算机正日益影响人类的生活方式。互联网的出现,消除地区差距,到目前为止除了每个人能一起谈谈。足不出户,畅游世界。千里之外,打扫房子,天方夜谭式的观念被用计算机实现。当然,计算机同时有很多好处,有manyhidden危险。所以有人认为电脑可以做弊大于利,阻碍了社会的发展。这种观点是错误的。计算机网络特别是Internet的出现的时间是很短的,它需要很长的时间来完善和发展。此外,每件事都不onlyadvantages无故障。核能源可以给人巨大的能量,而且在人体头部的阴影笼罩的核爆炸;克隆人类的科学突破,但克隆人是违反伦理。计算机和互联网变得越来越重要,我们应该怎么做?一项调查显示,俄罗斯伟大的互联网用户只有三百万左右,这使我们更深刻理解她为什么isfading。事实上,计算机和网络是不受欢迎的,产生的信息,由于信息闭塞,生产落后,落后的生产LED对落后的强度。在经济刚刚起飞的中国如果不想落后,我们必须重视计算机和互联网的普及。幸运的是,我国的“传奇”,“广场”,“新浪”,“搜狐”等他的电脑和网络公司,虽然远离自己的独立发展。计算机和互联网的旋风吹起来了,你准备好了吗?
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