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Head: Analysis of the market economy and press self-regulation
At present, China's economic system has been the traditional planned economy to a socialist market economy, in our news media and journalists have brought tremendous vitality and unprecedented opportunities for development at the same time, it has also brought unprecedented Challenges and temptations, the sharp decline in professional ethics. A lot of media sensationalism and Elang, in order to expand distribution, to listen to clean up the rate of increase for Dora ads, many of the media content vulgar, Mei Su, and e &false news& spread, Lvjinbujue &Paid news.& Faced with China's news media and the plight of the professional ethics of journalists, the press self-regulation has become an information professional in the building of the core component. This paper will press the connotation of self-discipline, self-discipline in modern times in the Western press of development, China's news media and journalists in the professional ethics problems that exist in the establishment press the need for self-discipline, self-discipline to the China news, as well as solutions, and other aspects On the market economy under the conditions of the press self-regulation issues. From the false news, paid news and entertainment over news of the start, will focus on analyzing China's news media and journalists at a press moral aspects of loss and then to further explore how to effectively improve the news media's self-awareness, strengthen the building of professional ethics, To meet the challenges of the present society.
Keywords: market Economic News self-paid news of the false news entertainment
其他回答 (1)
News of the market economy and self-discipline
At present, China's economic system has been the traditional planned economy to a socialist market economy, in our news media and journalists have brought tremendous vitality and unprecedented opportunities for development at the same time, it has also brought unprecedented Challenges and temptations, the sharp decline in professional ethics. A lot of media sensationalism and Elang, in order to expand distribution, to listen to clean up the rate of increase for Dora ads, many of the media content vulgar, Mei Su, and e &false news& spread, Lvjinbujue &Paid news.& Faced with China's news media and the plight of the professional ethics of journalists, the press self-regulation has become an information professional in the building of the core component. This paper will press the connotation of self-discipline, self-discipline in modern times in the Western press of development, China's news media and journalists in the professional ethics problems that exist in the establishment press the need for self-discipline, self-discipline to the China news, as well as solutions, and other aspects On the market economy under the conditions of the press self-regulation issues. From the false news, paid news and entertainment over news of the start, will focus on analyzing China's news media and journalists at a press moral aspects of loss and then to further explore how to effectively improve the news media's self-awareness, strengthen the building of professional ethics, To meet the challenges of the present society.
Keywords: market Economic News self-paid news of the false news entertainment
中文摘要:企业的融资结构是指企业融通资金不同方式的构成及其融资数量之间的比例关系,它反映了企业各项资金来源的组合情况。根据企业资金来源的不同,可以把企业融资分为内源融资与外源融资两大类。内源融资主要是指企业通过本身的生产经营活动产生的盈余来进行融资,主要包括企业的留存收益、折旧准备金、固定资产变现的流动资金转移。外源融资是指企业利用外部资金来进行融资,主要有直接融资和间接融资两种方式。其中间接融资主要以银行信贷为主,而直接融资则包括股票发行、债券发行和商业票据等。通过对各种统计资料的分析和研究,可以看出我国企业当前融资结构过于单一,尤其是直接融资在企业融资比例中远远低于间接融资,因此,有必要及时进行相应的调整,从而实现我国企业融资的长期发展目标。由于我国企业内源融资情况不容易了解也不容易比较,因此本文主要从外源融资中的银行借款、股票发行、债券发行及票据融资几个方面来探讨当前我国企业融资结构存在的一些问题,通过与国外企业融资结构的比较分析,对我国企业融资结构调整提出相应的建议。 关键词:融资结构 内源融资 外源融资 直接融资 间接融资
08-12-08 & 发布
The financing structure of the enterprise is the corporate finance capital and its different ways of financing the ratio of the number, which reflects the business combination of sources of funding situation. According to the sources of corporate funding, corporate finance can be divided into endogenous and exogenous financing two major types of financing. Inside is the main source of financing through its own production and operation activities of the surplus to finance, including the main business of retained earnings, depreciation reserve, the transfer of fixed assets, cash liquidity. Foreign financing refers to the use of corporate funds to external financing, mainly in direct financing and indirect financing in two ways. One of the main indirect financing of bank credit and have direct financing, including issuing shares, bonds and commercial paper, and so on. Through a variety of statistical data analysis and research, we can see that China's current corporate financing structure of a single too, in particular, direct financing of corporate finance is far below the ratio of indirect financing, the need to be adjusted in a timely manner in order to achieve our Corporate finance long-term development goals. Due to China's enterprise financing sources if it is not easy to understand it is not easy compared to this article from the main source of foreign financing of bank borrowings, to issue shares, bonds and financial instruments to explore aspects of the current structure of our corporate finance presence of a number of issues, Enterprises with foreign financing structure of a comparative analysis of our corporate finance structural adjustment made accordingly.
Keywords: structure of the financing sources of financing sources of financing outside the direct financing of indirect financing
The financing structure of the enterprise is the corporate finance capital and its different ways of financing the ratio of the number, which reflects the business combination of sources of funding situation. According to the sources of corporate funding, corporate finance can be divided into endogenous and exogenous financing two major types of financing. Inside is the main source of financing through its own production and operation activities of the surplus to finance, including the main business of retained earnings, depreciation reserve, the transfer of fixed assets, cash liquidity. Foreign financing refers to the use of corporate funds to external financing, mainly in direct financing and indirect financing in two ways. One of the main indirect financing of bank credit and have direct financing, including issuing shares, bonds and commercial paper, and so on. Through a variety of statistical data analysis and research, we can see that China's current corporate financing structure of a single too, in particular, direct financing of corporate finance is far below the ratio of indirect financing, the need to be adjusted in a timely manner in order to achieve our Corporate finance long-term development goals. Due to China's enterprise financing sources if it is not easy to understand it is not easy compared to this article from the main source of foreign financing of bank borrowings, to issue shares, bonds and financial instruments to explore aspects of the current structure of our corporate finance presence of a number of issues, Enterprises with foreign financing structure of a comparative analysis of our corporate finance structural adjustment made accordingly.
The financing structure of the enterprise is the corporate finance capital and its different ways of financing the ratio of the number, which reflects the business combination of sources of funding situation. According to the sources of corporate funding, corporate finance can be divided into endogenous and exogenous financing two major types of financing. Inside is the main source of financing through its own production and operation activities of the surplus to finance, including the main business of retained earnings, depreciation reserve, the transfer of fixed assets, cash liquidity. Foreign financing refers to the use of corporate funds to external financing, mainly in direct financing and indirect financing in two ways. One of the main indirect financing of bank credit and have direct financing, including issuing shares, bonds and commercial paper, and so on. Through a variety of statistical data analysis and research, we can see that China's current corporate financing structure of a single too, in particular, direct financing of corporate finance is far below the ratio of indirect financing, the need to be adjusted in a timely manner in order to achieve our Corporate finance long-term development goals. Due to China's enterprise financing sources if it is not easy to understand it is not easy compared to this article from the main source of foreign financing of bank borrowings, to issue shares, bonds and financial instruments to explore aspects of the current structure of our corporate finance presence of a number of issues, Enterprises with foreign financing structure of a comparative analysis of our corporate finance structural adjustment made accordingly.
Chinese Abstract: corporate financing structure of the enterprise is the different ways of financing capital construction and financing of the ratio between the number, which reflects the business combination of sources of funding situation. According to the sources of corporate funding, corporate finance can be divided into endogenous and exogenous financing two major types of financing. Inside is the main source of financing through its own production and operation activities of the surplus to finance, including the main business of retained earnings, depreciation reserve, the transfer of fixed assets, cash liquidity. Foreign financing refers to the use of corporate funds to external financing, mainly in direct financing and indirect financing in two ways. One of the main indirect financing of bank credit and have direct financing, including issuing shares, bonds and commercial paper, and so on. Through a variety of statistical data analysis and research, we can see that China's current corporate financing structure of a single too, in particular, direct financing of corporate finance is far below the ratio of indirect financing, the need to be adjusted in a timely manner in order to achieve our Corporate finance long-term development goals. Due to China's enterprise financing sources if it is not easy to understand it is not easy compared to this article from the main source of foreign financing of bank borrowings, to issue shares, bonds and financial instruments to explore aspects of the current structure of our corporate finance presence of a number of issues, Enterprises with foreign financing structure of a comparative analysis of our corporate finance structural adjustment made accordingly. Keywords: structure of the financing sources of financing sources of financing outside the direct financing of indirect financing
The financing structure of the enterprise is the corporate finance capital and its different ways of financing the ratio of the number, which reflects the business combination of sources of funding situation. According to the sources of corporate funding, corporate finance can be divided into endogenous and exogenous financing two major types of financing. Inside is the main source of financing through its own production and operation activities of the surplus to finance, including the main business of retained earnings, depreciation reserve, the transfer of fixed assets, cash liquidity. Foreign financing refers to the use of corporate funds to external financing, mainly in direct financing and indirect financing in two ways. One of the main indirect financing of bank credit and have direct financing, including issuing shares, bonds and commercial paper, and so on. Through a variety of statistical data analysis and research, we can see that China's current corporate financing structure of a single too, in particular, direct financing of corporate finance is far below the ratio of indirect financing, the need to be adjusted in a timely manner in order to achieve our Corporate finance long-term development goals. Due to China's enterprise financing sources if it is not easy to understand it is not easy compared to this article from the main source of foreign financing of bank borrowings, to issue shares, bonds and financial instruments to explore aspects of the current structure of our corporate finance presence of a number of issues, Enterprises with foreign financing structure of a comparative analysis of our corporate finance structural adjustment made accordingly.
Keywords: structure of the financing sources of financing sources of financing outside the direct financing of indirect financing
(二)遗产继承 遗产继承领域中意思自治原则的适用最早出现于19世纪初期的拉丁美洲,当时玻利维亚首先对此作了规定,此后秘鲁、墨西哥、瑞士、意大利相继作了规定。前述法国1967年民法草案第2307条规定:“继承适用死者居所地法,除非死者在遗嘱中明示地选择了其本国法……”按这个规定,死者在遗嘱中明示选择的本国法优先适用于继承。德国1986年《关于改革国际私法的立法》也规定了对不动产允许被继承人选择德国法规定的方式予以处置。《瑞士联邦国际私法》第90条规定,立遗嘱的外国人可以选择其本国法律来调整继承关系,第95条关于继承协议问题的规定,适用立遗嘱人立遗嘱时的住所地法律,但是立遗嘱人在协议中选择其本国法律的,则适用立遗嘱人的本国法律。1988年《死者遗产继承法律适用公约》也允许在继承准据法方面实行意思自治,由被继承人加以指定,所选择的法律适用于全部遗产,但可以选择的法律限于该当事人指定时或死亡时的本国法或惯常居所地国法,而且这种选择必须是明示的。 (三)侵权领域 在某些案件中,由受害人来选择他自己认为最有利的法律,比由法官决定适用何国法律更能体现正义和公平。在侵权领域,这已不仅是一种学术主张,而是逐渐为各国立法和司法接受的方式,同时“也是当代国际私法的一个新发展”②。侵权行为领域出现当事人选择法律的原因,在于侵权行为作出地和损害结果发生地不一致,也有些法院支持当事人协议选择适用法院地法。例如荷兰鹿特丹地方法院在日对莱茵河污染案的判决中支持了当事人所选择的荷兰法的适用。在立法方面,把意思自治原则首先引人侵权行为法律适用领域的是《瑞士联邦国际私法》,该法第132条规定:侵权行为发生后,当事人可以随时协商选择适用法院地法。第110条还规定,因侵权行为而提起的知识产权之诉,当事人可以协议选择适用法院地法。尽管当事人协议所选择的仅限于法院地法,但这种做法,无论对国际私法的理论发展还是司法实践,无疑都是一种突破。
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China's market economy development to Feng Xiaogang's very early to establish the concept of the commodity economy. Feng Xiaogang's aware of the first film is a special commodity, and commodities must have their proper value. As long as the use of this special commodity of commercial value, we can for their own corporate profits. So they will be the first to found a film market and a combination of road - the consumer culture into a dedication to the audience, and this is Feng Xiaogang's The Surreal. Feng Xiaogang's film is able to size up the situation, pay attention to market, the factors to the audience feedback, it should be careful scientific analysis. At the same time, give full consideration to the concerns of the audience things, in the light of political, economic, ideological and social factors such as the audience thought the impact of attitude can be integrated to reflect the practical needs of the audience psychologically fit to meet their viewing desires of the outstanding Works to entertainment.
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nterprise financing the comparison and selection of the wayAbstract:Enterprise raised correctly or not directly related to the enterprise the normal production and business and economic benefit of good or bad, even can influence a the survival and development of enterprises. In China's current financing channels and financing ways, different financing style has different financing cost and raise fund risk, and different financing way has the differences in efficiency, in order to be able to correct timely and effective way to raise funds, the enterprise must focus on capital market changes, analysis the advantages and disadvantages of various financing way, in light of its own, choose appropriate finance approach.Keywords: F C risk
The enterprise financing way comparison and selectionAbstract:Enterprise financing is correct or not directly related to the normal production and operation of enterprises and economic benefits is good or bad, even affect the survival and development of an enterprise. The current our country financing channels and financing means is varied, different financing modes have different financing cost and financing risk, and the different ways of financing has the difference on efficiency in order to be able to correct, timely and effective to raise funds, enterprises must focus on changes in the capital market, analysis and comparison of various means of financing advantages, combined with their own situation, to choose suitable financing.Key words :


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