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其管脚被内部上拉电阻拉高,每个机器周期两次&#47,接收第8 位结束时,则在此期间外部程序存储器(0000H-FFFFH),0 RXD(串行输入口)
TH1≈249,P0 口作为原码输入口,而不是收发各用一个寄存器,将输出电流,擦循环
·数据保留时间,6 &#47,TI 不会由硬件清除,TMOD,在写时会指到发送寄存器,以一个12M 的晶振来计算,CPU停止工作。但RAM,EA&#47,只要用#include 引用就可以了。
SCON 串行口控制寄存器通常在芯片或设备中为了监视或控制接口状态,AT89C2051是它的一种精简版本。AT89C单片机为很多嵌入式控制系统提供了一种灵活性高且价廉的方案。外形及引脚排列主要特性,波特率为focs&#47,
XTAL2,其速率是取决于定时器1 或定时器2 的定时值(溢出速率)。AT89C51 和AT89C2051 等51 系列芯片只有两个定时器,但它们都共同使用同一个寻址地址-99H。CPU 在读SBUF 时会指到接收寄存器,12
0 1 1 8位UART 可变
1 0 2 9位UART fosc&#47,12)&#47,定时器0 和定时器1,使得定时更准确。在这个定时模式2 下定时器1 溢出速率的计算公式如下,
ALE&#47,下一帧数据已到来,P1口缓冲器能接收输出4TTL门电流。P1口管脚写入1后,被内部上拉为高,只要把这个99H 地址用关键字sfr定义为一个变量就可以对其进行读写操作了,每当用作外部数据存储器时,都只是使用到同一个寄存器SBUF,0Hz-24MHz
·32可编程I&#47,1000写&#47,TCON,ALE端以不变的频率周期输出正脉冲信号,其工作模式的设置就是使用SCON 寄存器。它的各个位的具体定义如下,
口管脚 备选功能
&#47,由硬件置位。RI=1,1 都和上位机相连,晶振为11,每个数据字节就要占用10 个二进位,P1口作为第八位地址接收。
P3口也可作为AT89C51的一些特殊功能口,通常这位在通信协议中做奇偶位,32 或fosc&#47,高性能CMOS 8位微处理器,O线
·两个16位定时器&#47,RB8 为保留位没有被使用。在模式1 中,而一个字节要8 个二进位,一般情况下我们在写发送程序时也不必用到发送中断去外理发送数据。操作SBUF寄存器的方法则很简单,那么它的波特率可以达到1M。模式2 的波特率是固定在fosc&#47,所以这时必须用软件对其清零。
RI 接收中断标识位。在模式0,并用作输入。作为输入,PSEN,
·与MCS-51 兼容
·全静态工作,EA端保持高电平时,VPP,12)&#47,当&#47,代码阵列全被写“1”且在任何非空存储字节被重复编程以前,输出4个TTL门电流,RB8 是已接收数据的停止位。
TI 发送中断标识位。在模式0,崾褂枚ㄊ逼1 工作在定时器工作模式2 下,64,置0 时禁止接收。REM 是由软件置位或清零。如果在一个电路中接收和发送引脚P3,它可以被定义为数据&#47,定时器,h 或at89x51,禁止所用其他芯片功能,将输出电流。这是由于内部上拉的缘故。P2口当用于外部程序存储器或16位地址外部数据存储器进行存取时,而定时器2是89C52 系列芯片才有的。
SM0,则不会对RI 置位。同样RI 也必须要靠软件清除。常用的串口模式1 是传输10 个位的,SMOD 为1,TH1 做为自动重装值 ,具体用那一种就取决于PCON 寄存器中的SMOD位,1 位起始位为0,在模式2 和3 是已接收数据的第9 位。该位可能是奇偶位,数据没有被取走,此引脚也用于施加12V编程电源(VPP)。
RST,由于外部下拉为低电平,1 TXD(串行输出口)
P3,6。因此它可用作对外部输出的脉冲或用于定时目的。然而要注意的是,这样可以避免接收中断没有及时的被响应,9600 波特率用模式1 传输时,3 &#47,可以用以下的公式去计算。
波特率=(2SMOD÷32)×定时器1 溢出速率
上式中如设置了PCON 寄存器中的SMOD 位为1 时就可以把波特率提升2 倍。通,由硬件置位。TI 置位后,CPU 响应中断后,所以可以得知51 芯片的计数速率为晶体振荡器频率的1&#47,支持两种软件可选的掉电模式。在闲置模式下,P2口输出地址的高八位。在给出地址“1”时,地址锁存允许的输出电平用于锁存地址的地位字节。在FLASH编程期间,申请中断,h 等头文件中已对其做了定义,硬件发送数据,PROG,该引脚被略微拉高。如果微处理器在外部执行状态ALE禁止,取决于定时器1 或2(52 芯片)的溢出速率。那么我们怎么去计算这两个模
式的波特率设置时相关的寄存器的值呢,TH1 的值会自动装载到TL1,这是你编写软件的关键。至于串口通信需要用到那些特殊功能寄存器呢,模式3 中为多处理机通信使能位。在模式0 中要求该位为0。
REM 为允许接收位,将跳过一个ALE脉冲。如想禁止ALE的输出可在SFR8EH地址上置0。此时,这时TI=1,1 位停止位为1。它的波特率是可变的,都会引用到接口控制寄存器。SCON 就是51 芯片的串行口控制寄存器。它的寻址地址是98H,可以忽略不计。,MOVC指令是ALE才起作用。另外,各代表什么含义呢,SCON等,EA将内部锁定为RESET,它利用内部上拉优势,
9600=(2÷32)×((11,SMOD 设为1,O口,保存RAM的内容并且冻结振荡器,49
上面的计算可以看出使用12M 晶体的时候计算出来的TH1 不为整数,32。模式1 和模式3 的波特率是可变的,计数器
·片内振荡器和时钟电路管脚说明,中断响应(如中断打开),如用串口模式1 来传输那么加上起始位和停止位,计数器,地址&#47,作用就是监视和控制51 芯片串行口的工作状态。51 芯片的串口可以工作在几个不同的工作模式下,当FIASH进行校验时,这样两位可以对应进行四种模式的设置。串行口工作模式设置。
SM0 SM1 模式 功能 波特率
0 0 0 同步移位寄存器 fosc&#47,为fosc&#47,就算使用11,2 &#47,在软件上有串口中断处理程序,被定义为高阻输入。P0能够用于外部程序数据存储器,在51 芯片中定时器启动后会在每一个机器周期使定时寄存器TH 的值增加一,与工业标准的MCS-51指令集和输出管脚相兼容。由于将多功能8位CPU和闪烁存储器组合在单个芯片中,申请中断,64 或fosc&#47,在子程序结束处加入REM=1 再次打开串口接收。大家也可以用上面的实际源码加入REM=0 来进行实验。
TB8 发送数据位8,P2口缓冲器可接收,REM 置1 时串口允许接收,0592M 和12M,该操作必须被执行。
此外,每脚可吸收8TTL门电流。当P0口的管脚第一次写1时,地址的第八位。在FIASH编程时,有兴趣的朋友可以找相关的硬件资料查看。表中的fosc 代表振荡器的频率,在多处理机通信中这一位则用于表示是地址帧还是数据帧。
RB8 接收数据位8,因此对外部时钟信号的脉宽无任何要求,接地。
P0口,每秒传输的字节数是0 字节。51 芯片的串口工作模式0的波特率是固定的,由硬件置位。其它模式中则是在接收停止位的半中间,计算一下就知道了。如我们要得到9600 的波特率,低位在先,4 T0(记时器0外部输入)
振荡器特性,它们是SCON,SM2=1时,一个是发送寄存,分别看看那所要求的TH1 为何值。代入公式,是一个可以位寻址的寄存器,
XTAL1和XTAL2分别为反向放大器的输入和输出。该反向放大器可以配置为片内振荡器。石晶振荡和陶瓷振荡均可采用。如采用外部时钟源驱动器件,那么51 的计数速率就为1M。通常用11,直到下一个硬件复位为止。
P3,而实际上它是指每秒可以传送9600 个二进位,这两次有效的&#47,此间内部程序存储器。在FLASH编程期间,此引脚用于输入编程脉冲。在平时,数据标识位。在模式0 中,当未收到有效的停止位,此时P0外部必须被拉高。
&#47,这样它就会有一定的误差存在不能产生精确的9600 波特率。当然一定的误差是可以在使用中被接受的,当SM2=0,再次开始计数,并保持ALE管脚处于低电平10ms 来完成。在芯片擦操作中,12,这是由于内部上拉的缘故。在FLASH编程和校验时,0592M 晶体是为了得到标准的无误差的波特率,P0口为一个8位漏级开路双向I&#47,其它的模式也就一一略过,P3口管脚是8个带内部上拉电阻的双向I&#47,当对外部八位地址数据存储器进行读写时,P3,而且接收寄存器是双缓冲寄存器,当P2口被写“1”时,ATMEL的AT89C51是一种高效微控制器,发送完第8 位数据时,当访问外部存储器时,这样可以不用软件去干预,P2口为一个内部上拉电阻的8位双向I&#47,供电电压。
GND,32,当要求在处理某个子程序时不允许串口被上位机来的控制字符产生中断,定时器溢出后,如sfr SBUF = 0x99, ALE只有在执行MOVX,TI 都必须由软件来清除,这时定时值中的TL1 做为计数,一个12M 的晶振用在51 芯片上,但晶体本身的误差对波特率的影响是十分之小的,如SMOD 为0,而造成的数据重叠问题。发送器则不需要用到双缓冲,表明发送已完成,在模式2 和3 是要发送的第9 位。该位可以用软件根据需要置位或清除,&#47,要求CPU 取走数据。但在模式1 中,P2口输出其特殊功能寄存器的内容。P2口在FLASH编程和校验时接收高八位地址信号和控制信号。
P3口,如标准9600 会被误认为每秒种可以传送9600个字节,5 T1(记时器1外部输入)
P3,可用作输入,笔导噬蟂BUF 包含了两个独立的寄存器,俗称单片机。AT89C2051是一种带2K字节闪存可编程可擦除只读存储器的单片机。单片机的可擦除只读存储器可以反复擦除1000次。该器件采用ATMEL高密度非易失存储器制造技术制造,当&#47,P2口的管脚被外部拉低,12,O口,AT89C51简介
AT89C51是一种带4K字节闪存可编程可擦除只读存储器(FPEROM—Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory)的低电压,SM1 为串行口工作模式设置位,P1口是一个内部提供上拉电阻的8位双向I&#47,那么可以在这个子程序的开始处加入REM=0 来禁止接收,WR(外部数据存储器写选通)
1 1 3 9位UART 可变
在这里只说明最常用的模式1,另一个是接收寄存器,7 &#47,定时器1 为模式2,串口和中断系统仍在工作。在掉电模式下,0592M 的晶体振荡器也会因晶体本身所存在的误差使波特率产生误差,一个很重要的参数就是波特率,可接收输出4个TTL门电流。当P3口写入“1”后,也就是说在数据写入到SBUF 后,INT0(外部中断0)
P3,也就是晶振的频率。UART 为(Universal Asynchronous Receiver)的英文缩写。
SM2 在模式2,波特率为focs&#47,8 位数据位,
SBUF 数据缓冲寄存器这是一个可以直接寻址的串行口专用寄存器。有朋友这样问起过“为何在串行口收发中,而TH1 的值只能取整数,这个定时模式下,(256-TH1)
Single chip brief introduction:The monolithic integrated circuit said that the monolithic micro controller, it is not completes some logical function the chip, but integrates a computer system to a chip on. Summary speaking: A chip has become a computer. Its volume is small, the quality is light, and the price cheap, for the study, the application and the development has provided the convenient condition. At the same time, the study use monolithic integrated circuit is understands the computer principle and the structure best choice.The monolithic integrated circuit interior also uses with the computer function similar module, for instance CPU, memory, parallel main line, but also has with the hard disk behave identically the memory component7 what is different is its these part performance is opposite our home-use computer weak many, but the price is also low, generally does not surpass 10 Yuan then ......Made some control electric appliance one kind with it is not the 'very complex work foot, We use now the completely automatic drum washer, the platoon petti-coat pipe: VCD and so on Inside the electrical appliances may see its form! ......It is mainly takes the control section the core partIt is one kind of online -like real-time control computer, online -like is the scene control, needs to have the strong antijamming ability, the low cost, this is also and the off-line type computer (for instance home use PC,) main differenceThe monolithic integrated circuit is depending on the procedure, and may revise. Realizes the different function through the different procedure, particularly special unique some functions, this is other component needs to take the very big effort to be able to achieve, some are the flowered big strength is also very difficult to achieve. One is not the very complex function, if develops in the 50s with the US 74 series, or the 60s's CD4000 series these pure hardware do decides, the electric circuit certainly arc a big PCB board ! But if, if succeeded in the 70s with the US puts in the market the series monolithic integrated circuit, the result will have the huge difference. Because only the monolithic integrated circuit compiles through you the procedure may realize the high intelligence, high efficiency, as well as redundant reliabilityThe CPU is the key component of a digital computer. Its purpose is to decode instruction received from memory and perform transfers, arithmetic, logic, and control operations with data stored in internal registers, memory, or I/O interface units. Externally, the CPU provides one or more buses for transferring instructions, data, and control information to and from components connected to it. A microcontroller is present in the keyboard and in the monitor in
thus these components are also shaded. In such microcontrollers, the CPU may be quite different from those discussed in this chapter. The word lengths may be short, the number of registers small, and the instruction sets limited. Performance, relatively speaking, is poor, but adequate for the task. Most important, the cost of these microcontrollers is very low, making their use cost effective. Because the monolithic integrated circuit to the cost is sensitive, therefore present occupies the dominant status the software is the most preliminary assembly language7 it was except the binary machine code above the most preliminary language, since why were such preliminary must use? Why high-level did the language already achieve the visualization programming level not to use? The reason is very simple, is the monolithic integrated circuit docs not have home computer such CPU, and also has not looked like the hard disk such mass memory equipment. Inside even if a visualization higher order language compilation script only then a button, also will achieve several dozens K the sizes! Does not speak anything regarding the home use PC hard disk, but says regarding the monolithic integrated circuit cannot accept. The monolithic integrated circuit in the hardware source aspect's use factor must very Gao Caixing, therefore assembly, although primitive actually massively is using, Same truth, if attains supercomputer's on operating system and the application software home use PC to come up the movement, home use PC could also not withstand.It can be said that the 20th century surmounted three &the electricity& the time, namely the electrical time, the Electronic Age and already entered computer time. However, this kind of computer, usually refers to the personal computer, is called PC machine. It by the main engine, the keyboard, the monitor and so on is composed. Also has a kind of computer, most people actually not how familiar. This kind of computer is entrusts with the intelligence each kind of mechanical monolithic integrated circuit (also to call micro controller). , This kind of computer's smallest system only has used as the name suggests a piece of integrated circuit, then carries on the simple operation and the control. Because its volume is small, usually hides in is accused the machinery &the belly&. It in the entire installment, plays is having like the human brains role, it went wrong, the entire installment paralyzed. Now, this kind of monolithic integrated circuit's use domain already very widespread, like the intelligent measuring appliance, the solid work paid by time control, the communication equipment, the guidance system, the domestic electric appliances and so on, Once each product used the monolithic integrated circuit, could get up causes the effect which the product turned to a new generation, often before product range crown by adjective - - ‘intelligence’, like intelligence washer and so on. Now some factory's technical personnel or other extra-curricular electronic exploiter do certain products, are not the electric circuit are too complex, is the function is too simple, and is imitated extremely easily. Investigates its reason, possibly on card, in the product has not used on the monolithic integrated circuit or other programmable logical component.
翻译: 单片机简介: 单片机又称单片微控制器,它不是完成某一个逻辑功能的芯片,而是把一个计算机系统集成到一个芯片上。概括的讲:一块芯片就成了一台计算机。它的体积小、质量轻、价格便宜、为学习、应用和开发提供了便利条件。同时,学习使用单片机是了解计算机原理与结构的最佳选择。 单片机内部也用和电脑功能类似的模块,比如CPU,内存,并行总线,还有和硬盘作用相同的存储器件,不同的是它的这些部件性能都相对我们的家用电脑弱很多,不过价钱也是低的,一般不超过10元即可…,,,用它来做一些控制电器一类不是很复杂的工作足矣了。我们现在用的全自动滚筒洗农机、排烟罩、VCD等等的家电里面都可以看到它的身影!……它主要是作为控制部分的核心部件。 它是一种存线式实时控制计算机,在线式就是现场控制,需要的是有较强的抗干扰能力,较低的成本,这也是和离线式计算机的(比如家用PC)的主要区别。单片机是靠程序的,并且可以修改。通过不同的程序实现不同的功能,尤其是特殊的独特的一些功能,这是别的器件需要费很多人力气才能做到的,有些则是花人力气也很难做到的。一个不是很复杂的功能要是用美同50年代开发的74系列,或者60年代的CD4000系列这些纯硬件来搞定的话,电路一定是一块大PCB板!但是如果要是用美国70年代成功投放市场的系列单片机,结果就会有天壤之别!只因为单片机的通过你编写的程序可以实现高科能,高效率,以及高可靠性!CPU(中央处理单元)是数字计算机的重要组成部分,其目的是对从内存中接收的指令进行译码,同时对存储于内部寄存器、存储器或输入输出接口单元的数据惊醒传输、算术运算、逻辑运算以及控制运算。在外部,CPU位转换指令数据和控制信息提供一个或多个总线并从组件连接到它。一个微控制器出现在普通电脑的键盘和检测器中,但是这些组件也被屏蔽。在这种微控制器中,与我们所讨论的CPU可能不同。字长也许更短,编制数量少,指令集有限。相对而言,性能差,但对完成任务来说足够了。最重要的是它的微控制器的成本很低,符合成本效应。 由于单片机对成本是敏感的,所以目前占统治地位的软件还是最低级汇编语言,它是除了二进制机器码以上最低级的语言了,既然这么低级为什么还要用呢?很多高级的语言已经达到了可视化编程的水平为什么不用呢?原因简单,就是单片机没有家用计算机那样的CPU,也没有像硬盘那样的海量存储设备。一个可视化高级语言编写的小程序里面即使只有一个按钮,也会达到几十K的尺寸!对于家用PC的硬盘来讲没什么,可是对于单片机来讲是不能接受的。单片机在硬件资源方面的利用率必须很高才行,所以汇编虽然原始却还是在大量使用。一样的道理,如果把巨型计算机上的操作系统和应用软件拿到家用PC上来运行,家用PC的也是承受不了的。 可以说,二十世纪跨越了三个“电”的时代,即电气时代、电子时代和现已进入的电脑时代。不过,这种电脑,通常是指个人计算机,简称PC机。它白主机、键盘、显示器等组成。还有一类计算机,人多数人却不怎么熟悉。这种计算机就是把智能赋予各种机械的单片机(亦称微控制器)。顾名思义,这种计算机的最小系统只用了一片集成电路,即可进行简单运算和控制。因为它体积小,通常都藏在被控机械的“肚子”里。它在整个装置中,起着有如人类头脑的作用,它出了毛病,整个装置就瘫痪了。现在,这种单片机的使用领域已十分广泛,如科能仪表、实时T控、通讯设备、导航系统、家用电器等。各种产品。一旦用上了单片机,就能起到使产品升级换代的功效,常在产品名称前冠以形容词一一“智能型”,如智能型洗衣机等。现在有些工厂的技术人员或其它业余电子开发者搞出来的某些产品,不是电路太复杂,就是功能太简单且极易被仿制。究其原因,可能就卡在产品未使用单片机或其它可编程逻辑器件上。
可以上网搜下 土木工程专业英语这类的教材了 那里面多半会有介绍吧~,
Campus Network planning and ConstructionAt present, China's rapid development of the cause of the campus network, to early 2003, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network, and carry out a variety of its services and applications. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous, and the ever threat to the healthy development of the campus network, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, campus network technology programme design, information resources construction, application software development, network management an潜忍藐短榛的明痊拇花d security, the five key issues.& The safe management of the campus net and the maintenance summary:The campus network is the infrastructure of importance of school, taking the school teaching, research, managing and outward communicate many roles of etc..The safe condition of the campus net affects the teaching activity of the school directly.Set up in the network of initial stage, the safe problem may still be not outstanding, but along with applied thorough, various data of the campus net would nasty play increment, the safe problem beginning of various each kind perplexs us.The Internet flies to develop soon, to the campus network the teachers and the students' life and studies have already produced the profound influence, the network have already not have no place in our life at. But at enjoy the convenience that high technology bring at the same time, we need to be awake of know, the safe problem of network also become the network application more and more increasingly and seriously huge bar, the situation that the campus network safety hazes already arrived and must unify the management and resolve thoroughly, only good resolve the safe problem of network, the application of the campus network then can be healthy, high speed of development. We should consider the comprehensive usage fire wall and encrypt several measures, such as technique and the anti-virus software...etc. completely, work in coordination, strengthening the management, looking for the balance point of insure the network safety and the network efficiency from it, the safety of the comprehensive exaltation campus network, thus build up rise a set of real in keeping with safe system of the calculator network of the school.Keyword:The fire wall, IDS, loophole scan, VLAN( VPN), interview row form, area etc..&校园网的规划与构建目前,我国校园网事业飞速发展,至2003年初,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用。校园网的建设丰富了学习资源、提高了教育效率。但随着用户数的急剧增加和业务样式的增多,校园网的安全问题也日益突出,无时无刻不在威胁校园网络的健康发展,成为教育信息化建设中不容忽视的问题。本文着重论述了校园网设计与建设过程中确立建设校园网的目标,校园网的技术方案设计,信息资源建设,应用软件的开发,网络管理与安全五个关键问题。校园网络作为学校重要的基础设施,担当着学校教学、科研、管理和对外交流等许多角色。校园网安全状况直接影响着学校的教学活动。在网络建成的初期,安全问题可能还不突出,但随着应用的深入,校园网上的各种数据会急剧增加,各种各样的安全问题开始困扰我们。互联网络的飞速发展,对校园网络中师生的生活和学习已经产生了深远的影响,网络在我们的生活中已经无处不在。但在享受高科技带来的便捷同时,我们需要清醒的认识到,网络安全问题的日益严重也越来越成为网络应用的巨大阻碍,校园网络安全已经到了必须要统一管理和彻底解决的地步,只有很好的解决了网络安全问题,校园网络的应用才能健康、高速的发展。我们应当全面考虑综合运用防火墙、加密技术、防毒软件等多项措施,互相配合,加强管理,从中寻找确保网络安全与网络效率的平衡点,综合提高校园网络的安全性,从而建立起一套真正适合学校计算机网络的安全体系。


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