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硕 士 学 位 论 文
?? 基于潮州事件的政治社会学分析
Migrant Workers' Rights and Interests Protection Research
??political sociology analysis based on the ChaoZhou events作 者 姓 名:
指 导 教 师:
Southwest University of Political Science and Law 1内 容摘要
农民工是中国社会的一个特殊群体, 这个 群体有数亿人之多, 但经济地位低下, 政
治上处于边缘, 社会上遭受排斥, 他们 的各种权益也一直都 处于难以保障状态。 由于制
度化表达渠道不畅, 为争取自身在政治、 经济、 社会等方面的权益, 他们通常会采取较
为激烈的手段进行维权。 近年来, 农民工群体性事件发生率成倍增长, 这表明, 对农民
工权益 保障问题进行研究具有非常重要的意义 。 本文基于一起典型的农民工群体性事件
??潮州事件, 探讨农民 工权益保障问题。
第一部分是绪论,说明本文的研究背景与意义、研究方法和创新处,并 从社会学、
经济学、 法学及其他 方面综述学界对农民工问题的研究 。 同时, 厘定本 文的基本概念与
主体: 农民工、群体性事件、权益以及社会排斥理论。
第二部分 是案例。 该部分对潮州事件的背景 ??古巷镇的社会经济状况、 过程 ??
由 一 起 失 败 的 讨 薪 事 件 引 发 的 本 地 人 与 外 地 人 的 大 规 模 冲 突 以 及 最 后 的 结 局 ?? 多败
第 三部分是对潮州事件的详细分析。 第一, 该事件的表现是有动员无组织, 人情网
络和地方性伦理在事件动员中起 到了决定性作用; 第二, 参与事件的 双方是社团性利益
和 “ 本 地 人 ” ;第 三 ,事 件 爆 发 的
上传日期: 22:12:41|
Research& Interests(研究方向)人口与社会保障
Teaching Interests(教授学科)
Research Publications and Grants ( 研究成果和项目)
i.& Publicaiton Articles (论文)
&&& 1、&单亲生殖的遗传表现&发表在《生物学教学》2000年第1期P1---2。
&& (1)来自于人民教育出版社网上报道:&生物&&教学资源&&普通高级中学教科书&&生物必修第一册&&生物的生殖和发育&&本页 单亲生殖的遗传表现。摘要提出了双亲生殖与单亲生殖新概念。重点概述了单亲生殖的遗传表现。 关键词 单亲生殖、.cn/200406/ca453960.htm 11K
&&& (2)海南生物教学网作为生物学必修第一册&&生物的生殖和发育&&相关知识,全文转载。
&&& 2、&人口学的新概念&人口死亡性比的研究&发表在《理论学刊》2000年第4期P117&119& (核心期刊)。《新华文摘》2000年11期摘发目录。被人大复印资料《人口学与计划生育》2000年第6期收入目录&索引&。
&& 3、&由济南市人口死亡表引发的问题思考&发表在《东岳论丛》2000年第六期P86&90被人大复印资料《人口学与计划生育》2001年第2期收入目录&索引&。
&&& 4、&人口学研究的新课题----- 男性人口的保健&发表在《山东社会科学》2001年第4期,(核心期刊)。2001年《新华文摘》11期被论点摘编,约300字。
&&& 5、&华德福教育:不主张孩子之间的竞争&《中国教育报》日(2850字),有多家媒体转载:
&&& (1)2002年第8期《科技文萃》全文转载
&&& (2)日《希望网校&&教育文摘》全文转载。
&&& (3)日《绍兴科教网&&教育新闻》全文转载。
&&& (4)日《教研论坛&&中国高校教材图书网》全文转载。
&&& 6、&性染色体对人口寿命产生的遗传效应探讨&发表在《山师大学报》2002年第3期。
&&& 7、&教师要具备什么素质&《中国教育报》日。
&&& (1)日《希望网校&&教育文摘》全文转载。
&&& (2)日《西北教育网》全文转载。
&&& (3)日《闸北教育网&&闸北教育新网》全文转载。
&&& (4)版权所青华在线 Email:全文转载
&&& (5)《学生科技网》全文转载。
&&& 8、&要强化基础教育中的环境教育&发表在《青年工作论坛》2002年第5期。有两家媒体转载:
&&& (1)2002年11期《新华文摘》论点摘编570字。
&&& (2)日《中国环境报》论点摘编400字
&&& 9、&实现可持续发展的经济理论探索&发表在《光明日报》日。
&&& 10、&环境教育是可持续发展的首要环节&发表在2003年第4期《国家行政学院学报》。
&&& (1)中国环境生态网转载。
&&& (2)中国可持续发展信息网
&&& 11、&绿色生育工程研究&发表在2003年第4期《东岳论丛》。
&&& (1)2003年第5期《中国社会科学文摘》论点摘编300多字。
&&& (2)2003年第11期《新华文摘》论点摘编720字。
&&& (3)2004年第3期《人口学与计划生育》(人大复印资料)复印。
&&& (4)2004年-10-18 16:20:22《人口世界网》发布题为:&人口学的新名词---绿色生育工程&的摘要。
&&& (5)日《陕西日报》论点摘编。
&&& (6)日《伊利新闻网》论文点摘编。
&&& 12、&关于城市节约用水问题的思考&发表在2003年第6期《发展论坛》。
&&& 13、&为生命&小舟&导航&&评《健康长寿的航线》& 发表在《中国教育报》日。
&&& 14、&《现代人口管理学》&&人口管理的战略探索&发表在日《中国教育报》约1800字。
&&& 15、&我国人口行政管理的过去、现状与未来&发表在《山东社会科学》2002年第5期(第二作者)。
&&& 16、&给教育学院学报定位&发表在《编辑理论与实践》(中国人口出版社)2000年9月第一版。
&&& 17、&关于城市人口节约用水的建议&发表在2003年第1期《山东经济战略研究》。
&&& 18、&总体上的小康与全面建设的小康辨析&发表在2003年第1期《青年工作论坛》。
&&& 19、&科学防治 战胜&非典&发表在2003年7月《学习月刊》。
&&& 20、&漫话胆固醇&发表在《医学科普》2000年第五期P24&25。
&&& 21、&孕期生活10不宜&发表在2003年第8期《医学科普》。
&&& 23、&话说胆固醇&发表在《齐鲁晚报》日。
&&& 24、&一部现代人口管理的力作&评《现代人口管理学》&发表在《中国人口.资源与环境》2002年第6期。
&&& 25、&山东省第十二次人口科学讨论会综述&发表在2002年第1期《山东社科界》。
&& 26&山东省20世纪末的人口性别比的研究&发表在2004年第8期《理论学刊》,2004年22期《新华文摘》论点摘编,2005年第1期《中国社会科学文摘》论点摘编。2005年-1-24《人口导报》论点摘编。
&& &27、&人口转变及其后续社会保障对策研究&发表在2005年第5期《江苏社会科学》;2006年第4期《新华文摘》全文转载;2006年第2期人大复印资料《人口学与计划生育》全文转载。2006年《龙源期刊网》转载。
&&& 28、&中国人口寿命延长与社会发展&发表在《社会科学战线》2006年第4期311-312。《新华文摘》2006年第20期论点摘编。700字左右。
&&& 29、&人口转变与社会保障问题的法律思考&发表在《山东大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2006年第6期,122-127。2007年第2期人大复印资料《社会保障制度》全文转载。2007年《中国保险网》、《天润财经网》、资讯《飞诺网》等全文转载。
&&& 30、&我国农村家庭代际关系研究&发表于2007年11期《理论学刊》2/2(学生第一作者任娜)。
&&& 31、&论政府与农民博弈下的新型农村合作医疗&发表《胜利油田党校学报》2007年第6期。2/2(学生第一作者崔伟燕)。
&&& 32、&生育意愿调查研究报告&发表于2007年第六期《济南大学学报》(社科版)第一作者。《高等学校文科学术文摘》第一期(169&170)(上海师范大学主办)(ISSN,CN31&1889/C,2100字)全文转载,人大复印资料《人口学与计划生育》(ISSNCN11&4252/R)2008年第3期(49&60,18700字)全文复印。《国务院发展研究中心信息网》政策评析栏目转载。
&&&33、&城市独生子女父母养老社会支持问题研究&发表在《山东社会科学》2008年第9期(31&35,10120字)(ISSN,CN37&1053/C)。2/2(第一作者研究生王文娟)。 10:00 《光明日报》论点摘编。
&&& 34、&城市独生子女父母养老保障问题探析&&以济南市为例&发表于《济南职业学院学报》2008年第6期,2/2(第一作者是学生陆影)。
&& 36、&独生子女问题的社会支持和保障对策研究&发表于《东岳论丛》2009年第3期(166&169,7800字),2/2(第一作者研究生赵艳霞)ISSN//CN37-1062/C
& 37、&中国医疗保险的现状与发展趋势分析&发表于《理论学刊》2009年第10期(10月15日),2/2(第一作者学生王文娟)。ISSN1002//CN37-1059/D
&&& 38、&建设创新型国家根本在教育&发表在日《中华读书报》19版1100字,CN11-0160
&&& 39、&中国人口政策与社会可持续发展&发表在《齐鲁学刊》2010年第1期。(103-107,9680字)《高等学校文科学术文摘》2010.3全文转载,163-164,3108字
&&& 40、&生育观念与制度建构互动研究&&基于社会控制的视角 &发表在《山东大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2010年第2期103-109,14050字;《新华文摘》(ISSN,CN11&1187/Z)2010年第16期(161)论点摘编。510字 日第七版《人口导报》全文转载,《济南大学新闻网》全文转载》。陈岱云& 张世青&&
&&& 41、&A Research on the Promotion of Green Fertility Project from the Perspective of Eco-Civilization &发表在&第四届国际生态文明论坛论文集 &(The Fourth international Forum on Ecological Civilization& May 3-4 2010,Claremont CA
&&& 42、&社会政策与生育观念&&以社会控制为视角&发表在《济南职业学院学报》2010年第5期,杨倩倩第一作者,
&&& 43、&城市独生子家庭面临的风险及保障研究&发表在《社会法理论探索》(杨士林主编,2010年9月,中国人民公安大学出版社出版),第二作者赵艳霞第一
&&& 44、&城市独生子女父母养老支持的问题及对策研究& 发表在《社会法理论探索》(杨士林主编,2010年9月,中国人民公安大学出版社出版),第二作者,王文娟第一。
&&& 45、&从马斯洛的需要层次看我爱国农村女性流动人口问题&发表在《张家口职业技术学院学报》2010年(12月)第4期,杜婷婷第一作者。头篇
&&& 46、&流动人口社会保障状况研究综述&发表在2011第一期《理论学刊》(武正华第一作者)65-70,
&&& 47、&女农民工权益保护问题探析&发表在《中共青岛市委党校学报》2011年第1期,90(第一作者董晓庆)。
&&& 48、&生态文明视角下的绿色生育问题研究&,《学术界》2011.2第一作者,198&&202.
&&& 49、&生态文明与绿色生育工程&,《人口与发展论坛》2011年3期 13页。
&&& 50、&农民社会支持网络的演变与农村宗教热现象研究&,《东岳论丛》2011年第3期,杨倩倩第一作者,第101页。
&&& 51、&用工荒问题原因及对策分析&,《山东经济战略研究》2011年第5期,武正华第一作者,第28页
&&& 52、&城市最低生活保障制度的资产建设取向改革探讨&《求索》-81张银第一作者,国家软科学项目的阶段性成果2010GXS5D225
&&& 53、&21世纪初中国人口的生育观念&基于山东省一项问卷调查的研究&《清华大学学报》2011.5陈岱云& 胡令安,《新华文摘》2012.04全文转载20-22;《高等学校文科学术文摘》2012.01全文转载,166-167。中国社会科学院社会发展研究所学术动态2011.16转载
&&& 54、&城市流动人口的社会支持状况研究&&以济南市为例& 《山东经济战略研究》2011年第10期,闫菲第一作者
&&& 55、&统筹解决人口转变之后续的人口问题的机制与政策选择&,山东人民出版社出版,2011.12多人合著。.日《中华读书报》10版李善峰书评&以人的全面发展为中心统筹解决人口问题&;2012年第10期《山东社会科学》陆影撰写&转型升级社会政策谋划人口发展方略&评《统筹解决人口转变之后续人口问题的机制与政策选择》&书评
&&& 56、&推广绿色生育工程 大力提高人口素质&《人口导报》日。
&&& 57、&完善制度 促进人口合理流动&发表在日《人民日报》2100多字。署名:山东省中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心社科规划研究课题。执笔:陈岱云。.2012年第17期《新华文摘》157页论点摘编。
&&& 58、&流动人口社会福利状况调查研究----以济南市为例&发表在《山东社会科学》2012年第6期,武正华第一作者,2012年《社会保障制度》第9期观点集萃登载(复印)。
&&& 59、&先秦儒家贫困致贫思想研究&《东岳论丛》2012年第8期,崔恒展第一作者。国家软科学项目的阶段性成果2010GXS5D225阶段性成果。
&&& 60、&流动人口城市融入度及其影响因素的实证分析&&基于济南市的调查&发表在《山东社会科学》2013年第1期。张振宇 陈岱云 高功敬
&&& 61、&流动人口社会保险状况调查与对策思考&&以山东省济南市为例&《探索》2013年第1期,武正华,陈岱云《社会保障制度》2013年第6期19--25
&&& 62、&资产积累与低保救助制度&&基于城市低保家庭资产状况的调查与比较研究&《南通大学学报》2013年第2期。高功敬第一,陈岱云第二,崔恒展第三。
&&& 63、&城市贫困人口的健康状况研究&《山东大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2013年第3期。《新华文摘》2013年第14期全文转载,第31页。《高校文科学术文摘》2013年第5期论点摘编。陈岱云、高功敬、崔恒展、张银
&&& 64.&城市贫困人口的社会支持研究&《江苏社会科学》2013年第6期ISSN,CN32-1312/C,,143-146页
ii.& Research Grants& (研究项目)
1.Co-Investigator (项目第一参与者): China National Social Sciences Fund Project 2014& (2012 年度国家社科基金立项) , Code): 12ycc014)
(2012 年度国家社科基金立项) ,(项目代号): 12ycc014): The Analysis of Halliday Functional Grammar(韩礼德功能语言学分析) .
&&& 1.主持2010年国家软科学基金项目:&城市人口的贫困与健康研究&。
&&& 2.主持2011年山东省社会科学重大项目:&流动人口城市融入化研究&。
&&& 3.主持2002年山东省哲学社会科学重点项目 &为社会可持续发展要实施绿色生育工程&。
&&& 4.主持2003年山东省哲学社会科学重点项目&中国高龄人口长寿的人口学研究&。
&&& 5.主持2004年山东省软科学项目 &山东省实施绿色生育工程的对策研究&,
&&& 6.主持2005年山东省哲学社会科学重点项目 &中国人口转变及其后续社会保障问题研究&。
&&& 7.主持2003年济南市哲学社会科学重点项目 &济南市高龄人口长寿的人口学研究&。
&&& 8.主持2005年济南市哲学社会科学重点项目 &构建和谐社会的重要因子&老年人口主观幸福感的研究&。。
&&& 9.主持2006年山东省软科学项目&山东省人口转变及其后续社会保障问题对策研究&。
&&& 10.主持2006年山东省哲学社会科学重点项目&人口生育观念的嬗变与社会发展研究&。
&&& 11.主持2007年山东省教育厅人文社科项目&中国人口转变后的生育观念与人口政策研究 &。
&&& 12.主持2008年山东省社会科学规划重点项目&生育观念与社会政策法律制度的互动研究&&基于社会控制论的视角研究&。
&&& 13.主持2009山东省社会科学规划重点项目&探究统筹解决人口转变之后续人口问题的机制与政策选择&。
Concurrent Adjunct Professorships, etc. (兼职情况)
Professional Services and Committee Memberships (社会兼职如担任委员、理事等)
&&& 1.2003年被聘为&山东省人口和计划生育专家委员会委员&。
&&& 2.2007年被选为&山东省人口学会第五届理事会常务理事&。
&&& 3.2011年12月当选为&山东省社会学学会第六届理事会常务理事&。
Honours & Awards&& (获奖情况)
&&省政府奖8项(1等奖2项、2等奖2项、3等奖4项),山东省教育厅奖6项1等奖;济南市政府奖 1等奖6项。
&&& (1) &绿色生育工程研究&于2005年4月获&第19次山东省社会科学优秀成果壹等奖,编号:10。
&&& (2)&人口转变及后续社会保障对策研究&于2007年8月被评为&第21次山东省社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖,编号:106号
&&& (3)&生育意愿调查研究报告& 2009年11月获&第23次山东省社会科学优秀成果二等奖&,编号:046。
&&& (4)&人口学的新概念----人口死亡性比的研究&,于2001年12月获&第16山东省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖&,编号:146。
&&& (5)&人口学研究的新课题---成年男性人口的保健&于2002年12月获&第17次山东省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖&,编号:152。
&&& (6)&中国人口转变及其后续社会保障问题对策研究& 山东省社会科学规划办重点项目2008年6月获得第22次山东省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,编号:252。
&&& (7)&20世纪末的山东人口性别比研究&2006年3月获第20次山东省社会科学优秀成果奖三等。编号:161。
&&& (8)&人口生育观念与社会发展&获2010年9月获第24次山东省社会科学优秀成果奖1等。编号:012。
Chen Daiyun& (陈岱云)
School of Politics and Public Management
University of Jinan
Research& Interests& (研究方向)
Population and Social Security
Teaching &Interests (教授学科)
Demography (Undergraduate Courses)
Insurance(Undergraduate Courses)
Study on Population Theory(Postgraduate Course)
Research Publications and Grants ( 研究成果和项目)
i.& Publicaiton Articles (论文)
1、&Single reproductive genetic performance&, published &in the biology teaching&, 2000, P1) - 2.
(1)Comes from the people's education press online reports: &biological & & teaching resources & & ordinary senior high school textbook & & creature required volume 1 & & & creature of reproduction and development & single reproductive genetic performance. This page is proposed in this paper the parents reproduction and single reproductive new concept. Key Outlines the single reproductive genetic expression.
The -11 k baidu keyword single reproductive, .cn/200406/ca453960.htm snapshot&
hainan biological teaching as the biology of compulsory first web & &, the reproduction and development of biological & & related knowledge, reship.
2、New concept of &demographic - the population sex ratio study& published in &he journal of theoretical& 9 (core journals). &Xinhua digest&, 2000, 11 ZhaiFa directory. By National People's Congress photocopying &population and family planning&, 2000, 6 income directory &index&.
3、&Triggered by jinan population death table problem thinking&, published in &the dongyue review& P86-90 was 6 2000 NPC photocopying &population and family planning& directory &index& 2001 income.
4、&Demography -- -- -- -- -- the new problems in the study of the male population health care&, published in &shandong social science& 2001, (core journals). 2001, &xinhua's digest& 11 be argument roundup, about 300 words.
5、Competition between &waldorf education: not advocating child& &China education newspaper& on July 4,
words), there are several outlets
(1)8, 2002 issue of science and technology Wen Cui reship
(2)On July 5, 2002, &the hope lighting - education digest& reship.
(3)On July 4, 2002, &the shaoxing science and education network - education news& reship.
(4)On July 22, 2002, &the research BBS - China's colleges and universities teaching material library network& reship.
6、&Sex chromosomes genetic effect which produces to the life expectancy&, published in the &journal of mountain normal university& 2002.
7、&To what qualities of teachers& &China education newspaper& on September 4, 2002.
(1)On September 9, 2002 &the hope lighting - education digest& reship.
(2)On September 5, 2002, &the northwest education network& republish.
(3)On September 6, 2002,&he zhabei education network - zhabei education new &reship.
by qinghua reship. Online at Email:
&students of science and technology network&, reship.
8、&To strengthen environmental education in basic education&, published in the youth work BBS &5, 2002. There are two outlets
(1)November 2002 issue of xinhua abstract argument roundup 570 words.
(2)On January 7, 2003, the China environment news argument roundup 400 words
9、&exploration& to achieve sustainable development of the economic theory of &Guangming Daily& published in December 11, 2003.
10、 &environmental education is the first link in sustainable development& was published in 2003 fourth issue of &Journal of National School of Administration
(1) China ecological net reprint.(中国环境生态网转载。)
(2) Chinese sustainable development information network
11、&green growth Engineering Research& published in 2003 Fourth &Dongyue forum&.
(1)in 2003 fifth period &China Social Sciences digest& argument about 300 words.
(2)in 2003 eleventh period &Xinhua digest& argument about 720 words
(3)in 2004 third period &population and family planning& (copy copy data)。
(4) the -10-18 16:20:22 2004 &world population network& release entitled: &the new term - Green demographic fertility project&.
(5)in January 7, 2004, &Shaanxi daily& argument excerption
(6)in January 30, 2004, &news network& the point on the erie.
12、on the city water conservation issues& was published in 2003 sixth &development forum&.
13、&for life 'boat' navigation -- Comment on& health and longevity &route& published in the &Chinese education& in April 19, 2001.
14、&modern population management &-- population management strategy for the exploration of& published in March 21, 2002 &China education& of about 1800 words.
15、&the administration of population in China: past, present and future& published in &Social Sciences in Shandong in 2002 fifth period& (second author).
16、&to the College of education orientation& published in the &editing theory and practice& (Chinese population press in 2000 September edition).
17、&Suggestions for urban population to save water& published in 2003 in the first phase of the shandong economic strategy research.
18、&the overall well-off and the comprehensive construction of well-off discrimination&, published in 2003, &youth work BBS&).
19、To overcome the &SARS&& scientific published in the journal of learning in July 2003.
20、&ManHua cholesterol&, published in the medical science, fifth edition P24-25, 2000.
21、 &pregnancy 10 life should not be published in& 8 &medical science& in 2003.
22、&carry forward the national spirit, overcome the SARS& published in 2003 in jinan daily on May 12.
23、&saying the cholesterol&, published in the qilu evening news, February 28, 2000.
24、&a masterpiece of modern population management, review the modern population management&, published in the Chinese population, resource and environment, 2002, 6.
25、The 12th population scientific symposium reviewed in shandong province &, published in 2002, the shandong SheKeJie
26&Population sex ratio at the end of the 20th century, shandong research&, published in 2004, 8 in the journal of theory, 2004, 22 xinhua abstract argument roundup, 2005, the Chinese academy of social sciences digest) argument roundup.
roundup &population& argument.
27、&Population and its subsequent social security countermeasures study& published in 2005 in 5 &jiangsu social sciences&; 2006 the xinhua digest reship. 2006 people's congress, photocopying &population and family planning& to republish. The longyuan journal net reprinted in 2006
28、&Life extension of population and social development in China& is published in the journal social science front, 2. &Xinhua digest, 2006, 20 argument roundup. About 700 words.
29、&The demographic transition and the social security law thinking of the problem,& published in the journal of shandong university (philosophy and social sciences edition), 2-127. 2007 people's congress, photocopying the social security system to republish. 2007 &China insurance network&, &tianrun business network, the fly's network information such as reship
30、&China's rural family inter-generational relations research&, published in 2007, 11 in the journal of theoretical 2/2 (first author Ren Na) students
31、&Theory of the government and farmers game under the new type of rural cooperative medical care& published in journal of party school of shengli oilfield in
(first author Cui Weiyan) students.
32、&Fertility intentions survey research report&, published in 2007, the sixth &journal of jinan university (social science edition), the first author. The institutions of higher learning liberal arts academic digest the first period (169-170) (host) of Shanghai normal university (ISSN, CN31-1889 / C, 2100 words) to republish, photocopying of National People's Congress &population and family planning& (cn11 ISSN35 / R), 87 00 words) photocopied. In
the state council development research center, information network, policy evaluation column reprinted.
33、&Urban old-age social support research of singleton female parents \&, published in the \&shandong social science, -35101 20 words) (ISSN, CN37-1053 / C). 2/2 (first author Wang Wenjuan graduate students). The
10:00 roundup\& guangming daily \&argument
34、&Urban old-age security problem analysis -- the one-child parents in jinan, for example,& published in the journal of jinan vocational college /2 (the first author is a student Liu Ying).
35、&Population birth concept evolution and social development& published in the &search& -62140 10 words), 1/2. 2009 8 xinhua abstract (20-22545 words) (ISSN / / CN11-1187 / Z) reship.
36、&Only children social support and protection countermeasures of the problem,& published in 2009 &dongyue review period (166-169780 words), 3 2/2 (first author graduate Zhao Yanxia) ISSN / / / C CN37-1062
37、&The current situation and trend of development of China's medical insurance analysis& published in 2009 in the journal of theoretical period (15 October), 10 2/2 (first author Wang Wenjuan) students. ISSN1002 / / / D CN37-1059
38、&Root in education &to build an innovation-oriented country is published in the November 11, 2009 China reading weekly 19 edition of 1100 words, CN11-0160
39、&China's population policy and social sustainable development&, published in the journal of qilu 1, 2010. (103-107968 words) the institutions of higher learning liberal arts academic digest reship, , 163-164310 words
40、&Fertility concept and system construction interaction study, based on the perspective of social control&, published in the journal of shandong university (philosophy and social sciences edition), - &Xinhua digest (ISSN, CN11-1187 / Z) roundup 1) argument. 510 words on May 30, 2011, the seventh edition &population herald reship, reship& &news network& of jinan university. Chen Daiyun Zhang Shiqing
41、&A Research on the Promotion of Green Fertility Project from the Perspective of Eco - Civilization& was published in &the 4th international BBS on Ecological Civilization& (the Fourth international Forum on Ecological Civilization May 3-4, 2010, Claremont, CA&A Research on the Promotion of Green Fertility Project from the Perspective of Eco-Civilization (The Fourth international Forum on Ecological Civilization& May 3-4 2010,Claremont CA)
42、&Social policy and birth idea -- in the perspective of social control&, published in the journal of vocational college of jinan in 2010 5, Yang Qianqian first author,
43、&Urban one-child families are faced with the risk and security research&, published in the social law theory exploration (Yang Shilin editor, in September 2010, the Chinese people's public security university press), the second author Zhao Yanxia first
44、&Urban old-age support problem and countermeasure research of singleton female parents&, published in the social law theory exploration (Yang Shilin editor, in September 2010, the Chinese people's public security university press), the second author, Wang Wenjuan first.
45、From maslow's hierarchy of needs &see my patriotic problem of rural women migrants&, published in the journal of zhangjiakou vocational and technical college in 2010, no. 4 (dec), Du Tingting first author. First article
46、&Social security status of the floating population study review& published in 2011, the first issue &the journal of theory (Wu Zhenghua first author) 65-70.
47、&Female peasant workers' rights and interests protection problem analysis&, published in the journal of Qingdao municipal party committee party school of the communist party of China in 2011, 1), 90 (the first author Dong Xiaoqing).
48、The green fertility problems under the &ecological civilization view&, &academic& 2011.2 the first author, 198-202.
49、Ecological civilization and green engineering &Population and development of BBS& on page 3 of 13, 2011
50、&The evolution of the farmers' social support network and rural religious hot phenomenon research&, &dongyue review&, 2011, Yang Qianqian first author, page 101
51、&The cause of the labor shortage problem and countermeasure analysis&, &shandong economic strategy research, 2011, 5, Wu Zhenghua first author, on page 28
52、Assets construction orientation of &urban minimum living security system reform& &search&, 6,
Zhang Yin first author, 2010 gxs5d225 national soft science project of achievements
53、&At the beginning of the 21st century China's population of fertility concept - based on a questionnaire study of shandong province& &journal of Qinghua university 2011.5 Chen Daiyun hu to Ann,& xinhua digest &2012.04 reship 20 to 22; The institutions of higher learning liberal arts academic digest reship, -167. Social development research institute of Chinese academy of social sciences academic dynamic 2011.16 reproduced
54、&Urban floating population study in the social support, taking jinan as an example& (& shandong economic strategy research, 2011, 10,
55、&As a whole the mechanism to solve the problem of population changes of subsequent population and policy choice&, shandong people's publishing house, more than 2011.12. On June 20, 2012 China reading weekly version 10 Li Shanfeng review &to the man's all-round development as the center as a whole to solve the population problem&; In 2012, the 10th issue of shandong social science Liu Ying writing &transformation and upgrading of social policy planning population development strategy, evaluation of the mechanism to solve the problem of population changes of subsequent population as a whole and the policy choice& book review
56、&Promoting green fertility project we need to greatly improve the quality of the population&, the population herald on January 16, 2012.
57、《Perfect system and promote the reasonable movement of population》 was published by People Daily on 4th& May ,2012 .Signature: The Chinese characteristic socialism theory system research center in Shandong province social science planning research subject. Bylliner: Daiyun Chen. This article was also excepted in pages 157 of Xinhua Digest in 2012.
58、《Social welfare of the floating population study, taking Jinan as an example》was published in Shandong Social Science 2012,6.Wu Zhenghua is the first author.
59、《The pre-qin Confucian poverty and thought of poverty research》was published in Dongyue Tribune 2012,8.Cui Hengzhan& is& the first& author.
60、《The degree for integration of floating population and influencial factors with the empirical analysis based on the investigation of Jinan 》 was published in Shandong Social Science in 2013.Daiyun Chen is the co-author of it.
61、&&Research and solution consideration of floating population&s social insurance condition---take Jinan, Shandong as an example&, published in exploration2013.1,written by Zhenghua Wu , Daiyun Chen . Social Security System2013.6 page19-25.
62、&Capital accumulation and the minimum living of standard security system---based on research and comparison of the asset condition of urban poor family.& Journal of Nantong University2013.2 Gao gongjing the first, Chen Daiyun the second, Cui Hengzhan the third.
63、&Research of the health condition of urban poor people& journal of Shandong University(philosophy and social science version)2013.3, fully reprinted by Xinhua Digest2013.14 page31. arguments abstracted and compiled in Liberal Arts Academic Abstract2013.5.Daiyun Chen, Gongjing Gao, Hengzhan Cui and Zhang Yin.
64.Research of the urban poor people&s social support& Jiangsu Social Science2013.6 ISSN,CN32-1312/C page 143-146
ii.& Research Grants& (研究项目)
1.Host: National Soft Science Fund Project 2010, &Poverty and health Research on Urban population&
2.Host: Shandong Academy of Social&Sciences&Major Projects 2011, &Urban Migrants Integrate Research&
3.Host: Shandong Philosophy and Social Sciences Province Key Project 2002,&For&the Sustainable Development of Society&to Implement Green&growth&project&
4.Host: Shandong Philosophy and Social Sciences Province Key Project 2003, &Demographic Research&on China&Elderly Longevity&
5.Host: Shandong Soft Science Fund Project 2004, &Research on Strategies to Implement Green Growth Projects in Shandong Province&
6.Host: Shandong Philosophy and Social Sciences Province Key Project 2005, &Study on China&Population Change and&Follow-up&Problems of Social Security&
7.Host: Jinan Philosophy and Social Sciences Province Key Project 2003, &Demographic Research&of Elderly&Longevity&in Jinan City&
8.Host: Jinan Philosophy and Social Sciences Province Key Project2005,&The&Important&Factor&of Building a Harmonious Society&Research on Well-being of the&Elderly&Population&
9.Host: Shandong Soft Science Fund Project 2006, &Study on China&Population Change and Strategies to Follow-up&Problems of Social Security&
10.Host: Shandong Philosophy and Social Sciences Province Key Project 2006, &Study on the&Evolution of&Fertility&Concept and&Social Development&
11.Host: Shandong Province Department of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Project 2007, &Research on the Fertility Concept and Population Policy after the Chinese Population Changed&
12.Host: Shandong Province Social Science Planning Key Project 2008, &Interaction Research on Birth Concept of the Legal System and Social Policy&Based on Social Control Perspective&
13.Host: Shandong Province Social Science Planning Key Project 2009, &Mechanism and policy&choice&to solve the population change&of continued population problem&
Concurrent Adjunct Professorships, etc. (兼职情况)
2011&Doctoral Co-Supervisor, Shandong University
Professional Services and Committee Memberships (社会兼职如担任委员、理事等)
2003&Member of the Shandong Provincial&Population and Family Planning Committee of Experts
2007&Executive Director of Shandong Province Population Association on the Fifth Council
2011&Executive Director of Shandong Province Sociological Association on the Sixth Council
Honours & Awards&& (获奖情况)
&& scientific research awards : Eight provincial governmental awards(two first prizes, two second prizes, four third prizes).Five provincial education department awards of Shandong(five first prizes).Seven municipal government awards of Jinan(five first prizes, two third prizes)
1.&Studying on green growth project& in April 2005 Received &the first prize of 19th social science outstanding achievement of& Shandong province, number: 10. &
2.&The demographic transition and subsequent social security countermeasures study& in August 2007 received &the second prize of 21th social science outstanding achievement of& Shandong province, number: 106.&
3.&The report of fertility intentions survey & in November 2009 received &the second prize of 23th social science outstanding achievement of& Shandong province, number: 046.&
4.&The study of the new concept of demology ---- the sex ratio of the Population death &, in December 2001 received &the third prize of 16th social science outstanding achievement of& Shandong province, number: 146.&
5.&The study of demology new topic ---- the health of the adult male population & in December 2002 received &the third prize of 17th social science outstanding achievement of& Shandong province, number:152.&
6.&The study of the solutions for the problems of& the Chinese population change and the subsequent social security & as a key project of the Planning Office of the Shandong social science and in& June 2008 received &the third prize of 22th social science outstanding achievement of& Shandong province, number: 252.&
7.&The study of population sex ratio of the 20th century in Shandong province& ,in March 2006 received &the third prize of 20th social science outstanding achievement of& Shandong province, number: 161.&)
8.&The fertility concept and social development &,in September 2010 received &the first prize of 24th social science outstanding achievement of& Shandong province, number: 012.&


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