
汽车轮胎生产发展的历史表明,前50年主要是解决如何提高轮胎的使用寿命问题,近年来,由于汽车制造和交通运输部门对轮胎的要求日益苛刻,轮胎研究的重点转到轮胎行驶性能、安全性能、舒适性能和经济性能上来,总之,轮胎的发展总趋势是“三化”,即子午线化、无内胎化、低断面化。目前,轿车轮胎已实现了这“三化”,货车轮胎正在向这个方面发展。Car tire is one of the important parts, which contacts directly with the road, and vehicle suspension work together to ease the car driving by when the impact of car tires to ensure good ride comf to ensure the wheel and road good adhesion, to improve vehicle traction, braking bear the weight of the car, tire in the car on the important role played by more and more attention. Long before the tire is made of wood, iron and other materials, the first hollow wheel is the 1845 British inventor Robert Thomson, and his flexible bag filled with compressed air in order to ease the movement of the vibration and shock. Although at the time of the tire is made of canvas with leather and glue, however, have shown that tire rolling resistance benefits. According to this theory, John Dunlop in 1888 made of hollow rubber tires, and then Thomas has created a hollow with a rubber tire valve switch, a pity because there is no inner canvas, can not maintain a certain cross sectional shape and cross section width . With the emergence of motor vehicles in 1895, the development of pneumatic tires widely, the first tire sample is emerging in France in 1895, which is made by the plain canvas of single-tube tires, although no pattern tread . Until 1908 to 1912, the tires have a significant change, that is, tread on the pattern has been to improve performance, thus opening up the history of the tire tread, and increase the tire section width, allowing a lower The internal pressure in order to guarantee access to good cushioning. 1892 British invented the cord Burley Mill, 1910 for the production, this achievement addition to improving the quality of the tire to expand the variety of tires, but also to tire with the possibility of molding. With the improvement of the quality requirements of the tire, improved quality cord, cotton cord replaced by the artificial silk, rayon late 50's strong performance has been better, higher heat resistance of nylon, polyester cord replaced, and With the radial tire steel cord of development, and highly competitive. 1904, Matt created a carbon black reinforced rubber, large-scale reinforced tread compound for use in tire cord after because before this, canvas than the damaged tread in the tire much quicker, carbon black the amount of compound growth soon, 30 years of raw rubber per 100 parts of carbon black used in 20, but also about this time mainly in the tread on the use of carbon black, matrix do not, and now has reached 50 or more. Mixed with carbon black before the tread of the tire running only about 6000km on the finish, and mixed with carbon black, the tire mileage soon be significantly improved. Now a group of truck tires can run about 100 000 km, in good roads, and even up to 200 000 km. , the invention of the cord and carbon black for tire technology, tire laid the foundation for industrial development. Standardization of the outer edge of the tire, tire manufacturing process of the system gradually improved, production increased faster than before, increasing the output of tires. With the development of auto industry, tire technology has been constantly improving and improving, such as 20 in the early to mid 30 tire passenger car tire by the transition to ultra low- of 40 years and gradually began to tire rim to the wid 40 late Tubeless The e 50 low profile tires came late and so on. Many new technologies are none other than the French in 1948, Mixi Lin pioneered the radial structure of the tire, this tire life and performance as a significant increase, especially in driving can save fuel, while hailed as a revolutionary tire industry , a brief introduction about the current development of the main features of several tires. Radial Tire: The tire is characterized ply tire cord arranged in the direction of the radial cross section with the same (that is, fetal crown angle of zero), such as cord arrangement, so that the strength of God line to get full use of radial tires The cord layers generally higher than normal slash tires about 40-50% can be reduced. Cord in the circumferential direction to contact the rubber alone. Radial tires compared to ordinary slash tires, great elasticity, abrasion resistance, can increase 30-50% tire life, rolling resistance, it can reduce vehicle fuel consumption and 8%, good adhesion, good cushioning properties, carrying capacity, the advantages of easy to puncture. Disadvantages are: sidewall easy to rip, as the side distortion, leading to poor vehicle lateral stability, manufacturing requirements and costs. Tubeless tire: tubeless tires and tire general difference is that there is no inner tube, air pressure directly into the tire, so tire and rim between the need to have a good seal. Tubeless tire in appearance and structure of the tire with a tube approximation, the difference is that tubeless tires attached to the inner walls of 2-3mm thick layer of special rubber seal used to seal gas layer, which is curing methods adhesion up, when the tire perforation, due to compression of its own in the state of Jin Guo a puncture things, so that the long term do not leak, even if the puncture object pulled out, can temporarily maintain the air pressure inside the tire. Tubeless tire on a number of Road concentric ring groove in the tire under internal pressure, grooves can be reliably pressed to bead the edge of the rim to ensure sealing. Installed tubeless tire rim is not leak, it has tilted the bottom of the peaceful absorption of paint. Valve fixed directly on the rim, during which sealed with a rubber mat liner. Tubeless tires have good air tightness, heat a good, simple structure, light weight and so on. Is more difficult way to fix shortcomings. Wheel car tire section width: With the increase in vehicle speed, to lower vehicle center of gravity, improving handling performance, which requires to improve stability and lateral tire adhesion on the road to ensure traffic safety under high speed, The emergence of such low profile tires, has become an inevitable trend. Tire cross section (H) and section width (B) ratio (H / B) represents the tire structure, an important parameter, called the aspect ratio tire, which was also described than flat. From the last century 20's, car tires outside diameter decreased by 25%, reducing the rim diameter of 35%, tires and rims, nearly doubling the width of the tire aspect ratio continuously decreased, cars up to 0. 5, racing up to 0.4, in particular The wide tires and high-level car matches the more beautiful. Car tire production history of the development shows that the first 50 years mainly to resolve the issue of how to improve the life of the tire, in recent years, automotive and transportation sector increasingly demanding on the tires, tire to tire of the key driving performance, safety performance, comfort and economic performance up, in short, the general trend of development of the tire is "three", that is, of Meridian, tubeless, low profile technology. At present, the car tire has achieved this "c" and truck tires are to development in this area.
交通安全小知识 1、安全横过道路 上学、放学和外出活动,我们几乎天天要在道路上行走。走路要保证安全,这里面的学问可多着呢!有不少行人,因为没有掌握好安全横过道路的要领,结果丧身与汽车轮子底下。 横过道路时,要选择有人行横道的地方。这是行人享有“先行权”的安全地带。在这个地带,机动车的行驶速度一般都要减慢,驾驶员也比较注意行人的动态。在没划有人行横道的地方横过道路,要特...
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