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Nokia Lumia 900 vs HTC Titan II
Nokia Lumia 900 vs HTC Titan II
Introduction:Windows Phones have been tearing it up over on AT&T’s lineup, as both the
came storming onto the scene simultaneously. AT&T is the premier carrier of choice when it comes to Windows Phones in general, but surely enough, we’re betting that a few of you are still holding out to find out which one you should invest your hard earned money into. Well folks, you won’t have to wait a single moment longer because we’re pitting these two top shelf Windows Phones to find out exactly which one can claim the throne to itself.Design:Despite being a typical quality HTC made smartphone, the Titan II just simply lacks the freshness associated with the Nokia Lumia 900’s unique looking design. Indeed, both are fashioned from premium materials and are solid with their constructions, but ultimately it’s the Lumia 900 that has the polarizing attraction to reel in our eyes right from the onset. Don’t get us the wrong, the HTC Titan II is still a beauty in its own right, but after feasting our eyes on the unibody design of the Lumia 900, it’s undeniable that we adore the approach taken by Nokia.&Honestly, we’re not fond of the dedicated power button, shutter keys, and volume controls with both smartphones – mainly because they’re a bit too flat and don’t offer enough tactility when pressed. On the other hand, we didn’t have any issues in regards to accidental presses with their capacitive Windows buttons below. Lastly, the two boast commonalities such as 3.5mm headset jacks, microUSB ports, and dual-mics. In terms of cameras, the HTC Titan II shouts loudly with its beefy 16-megapixel camera with dual-LED flash and an F2.6 lens, while the Nokia Lumia 900 carries a respectable 8-megapixel one with dual-LED flash and an F2.2 aperture lens. Meanwhile, above their displays, the two share the same 1.3-megapixel front-facing cameras that are ready for the occasional Tango video chatting session.Display:Let’s be honest here people! There’s plenty to like about their respective displays, even more when they’re the better looking ones amongst the current generation Windows Phone crop. Overall, the Nokia Lumia 900’s 4.3” WVGA ClearBlack AMOLED display has the wow factor thanks to its saturated color tones, better visibility outdoors, and its ability to produce the deeper black color. In contrast, the 4.7” WVGA S-LCD display of the Titan II is remarkable primarily for its size, but aside from that, there’s nothing much else to be thrilled about.Nokia Lumia 900 360-degrees View:
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HTC Titan II 360-degrees View:
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the price is indeed the selling point of the lumia...
will wait for apollo before getting a wp.
apollo + pureview = killing device
oh i ment to thumb u up.
WP 8 will be amazing.
nnaatthhaannx2 : ...but require me to buy yet another phone again since "they" won't release it for the current range of lumia's.
Wait, what are you talking about?
Nokia is the company most likely to support it's WP.
More apps, better color choice, better call quality, and the better price.
Nokia does win.
But credit where credit is due. The T2 is a better camera, and a more solid device.
The lens on the 900 scratches easy, and the hard edges on the device will annoy some people.
Drop the price on the T2 to a more comparable 100.00 - 120.00, and this choice isn't as clear.
It then becomes what do you use your phone for more. But at 100.00 more, it isn't even close.
Don't you think it would be so much better if PA just listed a winner under each subhedding in the article?
It's strange that in most of the comparisons, they don't take a side, they just show you what one has against another.
If any editor is reading this, please consider. It makes the articles more worthwhile.
Why would they do that then? No one would read the review. The reveiw points out the advantages and disadvantages in each device and a simple sub header can't explain that at all. The point of this sight is to give in-depth reviews to consumers. Like if people went with the device with the most disadvantages in the comparison, they should know the flaws they would face right of the bat so your point is kinda...well??? I don't agree. lol
Actually, I kinda like the idea.
Break it down to sections (screen performance, OS/UI, camera/recording, multimedia, ECT.), and let the readers see which device wins each section.
They pretty much do that already, and truthfully the "overall" winner isn't as important as getting the devices strengths matched up with the users needs.
The 900 may be a better device, but someone may want a smartphone for a reason the 900 is weak in, and be disappointed.
This would be very useful in Android devices, as their differences are so vast.
htc threw in it 16 mpx and there is no difference between titan and lumia with "just" 8 mpx.
Htc could use even 32 mpx and it would be a crap.
Lack of experience, lack of knowledge=dissapointment
You know nothing, HTC don't make their camera. check the one on Cnet and you see a night a day different from the lumia and the Titan. The Titan was over all better.
Well..I do know more than you, sir htc-blindmaniac.
And I did say many times, HTC don't know how to make good cameras. And I don't give a crap who's making cameras for them. They use it in their phones. Period.
and...I'm so sorry..but even S II (which has "only" 8 mpx) makes a lot better pictures than your almighty titan the second.
HTC's cameras are actually quite good. My HTC Sensation 4G shoots as well as (and sometimes better than) my Lumia 900, and.the Amaze, Vivid, and One series have had positive reviews for their cameras as well.
Also, megapixels aren't everything. A quality sensor, lens, and software make a huge impact. It's like a car: more cylinders or more power doesn't mean the car is.better, faster, or the best choice for the needs of the user.
my sensation's camera is great too! You cant judge a company by just one product. (Except McDonalds)
$g is an exception and he makes really good photos. I wonder why HTC hasn't utilizedthis technology in further models.
And maybe diamond many years ago (it has 3,2 or 5 mpx? don't remember). My point is that HTC tends to make a big BANG about their phones. Titan II has been announced for many months. N8 killer, better than 4s, blablabla marketing gibberlish.
Smaller sensor, lack of xenon, 16 mpx...and what? Titan II makes photos which are often on par with Lumia 900 (whioch is not superb in this ascept) and for sure not better than for example, S II. HTC stopped.
Apple made a progress with camera in 4s. Huge progress, And it is visible.
HTC is always trying (vide dr dre bass)...and nothing more. I have a feeling that they are focused too much on their so called unibody cases than on the rest of the phone.
Have you check the cnet one I guess not because you would not say it is on par. And for the last time HTC don't make their camera they buy it from other company. You know nothing. Not many phone company make their camera. The one on the 4s is from sony,
I don't care about cnet. have you checked uewrrewuy? N? So shut up. I've had either. Nokias, HTC's, Moto and even samsung. I make a statement based on my own experience. You use internet. Be my guest.
The only phones which make good pictures are mytouch 4g and old diamond. I don't say Titan II is a mess but it is not as good as it was announced. It produces quite good pictures, but worse than 4s or SII. Taking into account it was supposue to be a "N8 killer" and something no one never seen before, it's a joke. HTC just bumped up specs to higher resolution so no one should spot weak points. But it's not a proper way. They just don't know how to do it properly. HTC was close to a really good camera. It was 4g. Period. They can put in it even 24 mpx and yet they will be beaten by apple, samsung, let alone Nokia.
...sorry, but if Cnet is your source of information...good luck!
The only real difference in any windows device is occasionally clock speed, screen size and camera
When I buy a PHONE, the most important factor in it, is a CALLING QUALITY. Nokia wins almost every phone in that aspect.
Clock speed is important factor only for laggy androids
The best screen size for handsets is 4" - 4.3". That size has the best usage enjoyment. Imagine how you look while holding some 4.5"-4.7" brick on your ear while walking in the street. No thanks!
Last but not least, the design. I don't want any of those androidlooklike clones.
I don't call lol dude im 15 i facebook and text. and in my spare time dismantle broken computers for the good parts or reset the hard drive to resell it. I dont care for calling quality.
kshell1 Wasn't a small, cheap Wifi-tablet then a better choice instead of a cellPHONE?
@John V.: the internal storage may not be expandable, but Windows Phones come with 25 GB free storage via Microsoft SkyDrive, bringing the total to 41 GB, or 38 for user-accessible data. A person would have to get the 32 GB iPhone with icloud to get that close (still 1 GB short). Granted I strongly prefer expandable memory (especially in the era of capped data plans for data syncing) but one must give credit where credit is due. Plus side of SkyDrive (and cloud services like DropBox, which I also use) is that if the phone is lost or stolen, the online data is safe.
The problem is this:
1) on Windows Phone cloud-usage (Live!) is obligatory and therefore require punters to fork out for these data-plans. Even the most trivial things (like e.g. transfering a ringtone or photo to another phone)
2) target audience for many smartphones are people whom don't have the income to spend on expensive data-plans. Proof is XBox-Live integration (which only works through the cloud) and is directly geared toward a younger audience.
The removal/restriction of expandable storage is a bad one. And this will only get worse when you take into account apps like offline-navigation, HD video-recording, high MPixels photo's etc...
if it's the camera you want go buy a SGSII,iPhone 4S,N8 or wait for the almighty 808PW
but if it's a good WP buy the L900 because in my opinion the sweetspot 4-4,3'' screens
and for me I would like a 4'' screen
and I'm going to wait for the 808PW to come out because I need a good phonecamera
to shoot my freerun vids and pics on
I held them both in the store today, the Lumia wins hands down. Its just a better device overall, and its cheaper.. that combination is kind of rear these days.
I see all these comments on the video and mpixels on both HTC and Lumia but hasn't anybody heard how horrible the AUDIO-recording was on the Titan?
Strange how vendors keep neglecting the sound-departement. Only Nokia seems to divert some efforts in that.
Sometimes I wonder if the lumia 900 would have been great if it were meego.
-sent from my N9
and the winner is.... NO ONE because you bought a Windows Phone.
HTC makes great Windows Phones, but Nokia has better experience with call quality and antennas, I can notice because I have a Lumia 710 and the voice quality is far superior than my old HTC HD7
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Nokia Lumia 900 vs HTC Titan II
Nokia Lumia 900 vs HTC Titan II
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[视频]HTC One X VS Lumia 900
[视频]HTC One X VS Lumia 900
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【在不知道如何选择的时候, 唯一的判断标准是: 一定要远离自己不喜欢的】
one x续航能力还不错?
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真要买的话 900吧
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当前关注:AT&T Heavyweights: HTC One X vs Nokia Lumia 900 (Video)
If you haven’t noticed, AT&T has really turned up the heat in advertising its latest smartphone heavyweights. Now feeling the pressure from two other iPhone-carrying competitors, it’s working hard to maintain a diversified smartphone portfolio, and it’s doing a pretty good job of it, too.
In line with that goal, AT&T has been heavily marketing its version of the HTC One X, as well as the Nokia Lumia 900. Of course, those of us who make the mobile industry our occupation, hobby, or obsession know the differences between these two high-end devices, but most people don’t. So if you’re an AT&T customer in the market for a great top-of-the-line smartphone experience, and you’re weighing your non-iPhone options, what’s the story on these beauties?
Fortunately, thanks to the friendly folks at AT&T, we happen to have an HTC One X and a Nokia Lumia 900 here. Why don’t we put them side by side and compare a few elements of the user experience on each? Better yet, why don’t we roll a camera while we’re doing that?
I think we’re onto something with this idea.
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