求詹妮弗劳伦斯60种子 最近流行的照片 你懂的

  Jennifer Lawrence is making no apologies about keeping naked pictures of herself on her computer.
  But the 24-year-old actress is hitting back at the hackers who stole the provocative shots in Vanity Fair's November issue.
  Jennifer spoke about the incident for the first time by calling the photo theft 'a sex crime.'
  'It is not a scandal. It is a sex crime,' she told the publication. 'It is a sexual violation. It’s disgusting. The law needs to be changed, and we need to change.'
  She has said anyone who viewed the pictures should ‘cower with shame’.
  The Hunger Games star indicated that she took nude selfies for her boyfriend at the time and although she didn't name him in the interview the special someone is believed to be actor Nicholas Hoult.
  The couple met while co-starring in 2011’s X-Men: First Class and in one interview Miss Lawrence said that they liked having a long distance relationship as it meant they could keep their independence.
  Miss Lawrence and Hoult were at one point tipped to marry but broke up over the summer. Nobody for the actor was available for comment.
  She is dating Coldplay singer Chris Martin, who has separated from his wife Gwyneth Paltrow.
  'I was in a loving, healthy, great relationship for four years,' she told the magazine. 'It was long distance, and either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he’s going to look at you.'
  Then the unthinkable happened: hackers broke into her iCloud and posted the photos online on August 31.
  The FBI and Apple, which runs iCloud, are investigating the hacking in which dozens of celebrities’ accounts were infiltrated.
  Naked pictures of stars such as singer Rihanna, model Kate Upton and actress Kirsten Dunst were put online by hackers linked to the notorious online forum 4chan.
  The hackers also managed to steal pictures of Kim Kardashian, Aubrey Plaza, Hayden Panetierre and Vanessa Hudgens in similar compromising positions.
  Also among the victims was British model Cara Delevingne.
  The actress, who won an Oscar for her performance in Silver Linings Playbook, said she did not know what effect it would have on her career at a point when she had just become a huge star.
  'I was just so afraid. I didn’t know how this would affect my career,' Jennifer described her initial reaction to the news.
  'Just because I’m a public figure, just because I’m an actress, does not mean that I asked for this,' she said.
  ‘It’s so beyond me. I just can’t imagine being that detached from humanity.’
  'It does not mean that it comes with the territory. It’s my body, and it should be my choice, and the fact that it is not my choice is absolutely disgusting. I can’t believe that we even live in that kind of world.'
  When the photos were first leaked over the internet, the American Hustle star sat down and tried to compose a statement but the right words were hard to find.
  'Every single thing that I tried to write made me cry or get angry. I started to write an apology, but I don’t have anything to say I’m sorry for,' Jennifer told Vanity Fair.
  She added: 'Just the fact that somebody can be sexually exploited and violated, and the first thought that crosses somebody’s mind is to make a profit from it. It’s so beyond me.
  'Even people who I know and love say, "Oh, yeah, I looked at the pictures." I don’t want to get mad, but at the same time I’m thinking, I didn’t tell you that you could look at my naked body.'
  Another big consequence was that Miss Lawrence had to tell her father Gary, a construction worker, that naked images of her were being viewed by millions of people online.
  Miss Lawrence said he took the news far better than she expected.
  She said: ‘I don’t care how much money I get for The Hunger Games, I promise you, anybody given the choice of that kind of money or having to make a phone call to tell your dad that something like that has happened, it’s not worth it.’
  詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)首次就艳照被窃事件表态,她表示,“这不是丑闻,而是性犯罪。”
  这位因《饥饿游戏》而名噪四方的影星称,她是为了那时的男友而自拍裸照。劳伦斯没有说名字,但被确信是指演员尼古拉斯·霍尔特(Nicholas Hoult),二人因2011年电影《X战警:第一战》结缘。劳伦斯和霍尔特曾感情良好几近结婚,却于今年夏天分手。如今她正与酷玩(Coldplay)乐队主唱克里斯·马汀(Chris Martin)交往。
  除劳伦斯,歌手蕾哈娜(Rihanna)、模特凯特·阿普顿(Kate Upton)、演员克尔斯滕·邓斯特(Kirsten Dunst)等多名女星的艳照也被黑客传到了臭名昭著的网上论坛4chan。FBI及苹果公司正在调查此事。
  除了许多亲友看了她的艳照让她不悦之外,劳伦斯还得把这件事告诉她的父亲,她表示,如果可以选择,她宁愿不要拍《饥饿游戏》赚那么多钱,也不要给父亲打那样难堪的电话。(译者 海船果心)
[责任编辑:詹妮弗劳伦斯裸照外泄 美国众女星卷入艳照门
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出门在外也不愁美国众女星卷入艳照门 詹妮弗-劳伦斯60张裸照外泄|詹妮弗-劳伦斯_凤凰娱乐
美国众女星卷入艳照门 詹妮弗-劳伦斯60张裸照外泄
据外国新闻网站《Buzzfeed》报道,大批明星裸照日前于照片交流区&4chan&曝光,其后再网上疯传,报道指黑客拥有60张奥斯卡影后詹妮弗-劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawr
詹妮弗-劳伦斯裸照外泄 点击图片进入: 据外国新闻网站《Buzzfeed》报道,大批明星裸照日前于照片交流区&4chan&曝光,其后在网上疯传,报道指黑客拥有60张奥斯卡影后(Jennifer Lawrence)的裸照,多张照片中见她于不同的地方自拍或被拍。 网站曝光了好莱坞数位女星的艳照,其中包括了詹尼佛洛佩兹、克里斯汀邓斯特、抖奶超模凯特阿普顿、歌手蕾哈娜等数十位当红女星,暂有101张裸照于网上流传。其中,有关劳伦斯的裸照多达60余张,这些照片以&饥饿游戏&为题,从更衣室半裸自拍到浴室艳照,包含了劳伦斯各个时期的照片。 据悉,此次艳照外泄为黑客入侵手机盗取图片所致。目前,詹妮弗劳伦斯的发言人已经证实了此事,除批评黑客的行为公然侵犯隐私,亦透露有关部门已经联络他们,并表示将采取法律手段追究责任。 詹妮弗-劳伦斯简介: 詹妮弗-劳伦斯,日出生于美国肯塔基州路易斯维尔,美国女演员。詹妮弗-劳伦斯2008年凭借《燃烧的平原》获电影节最佳新人奖。2010年凭借《冬天的骨头》提名第83届奥斯卡奖最佳女主角。2011年在《X战警:第一战》中扮演&魔形女&。2012年担任《饥饿游戏》系列电影女主角,同年凭借《乌云背后的幸福线》获得第85届奥斯卡奖最佳女主角。詹妮弗-劳伦斯2014年凭借《美国骗局》获得第71届美国电影金球奖最佳女配角。
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