
09-12-22 &匿名提问 发布
中国出入境规定A、中国旅游者出入境的有效证件-护照:中国公民出境旅游应申请办理普通护照。按照法律规定,申请应向户口所在地的市、县公安机关出入境管理部门提出,回答有关询问履行下列手续:交验户口簿和其他户籍证明;提交出境申请表、所在单位对申请人出境的意见、旅游所需外汇的证明。办理探亲旅游,还应提交亲友邀请证明、亲友生活保证书,并出示我公安机关和亲属关系说明。公安机关发给护照时,还附发出境卡。护照由持证人保存、使用,不得毁损、涂改,严防遗失。遗失护照,应报告主管部门,在登报声明或挂失声明后申请补发。护照有效期5年,可申请廷期,申请应在有效期满前提出;因情况变化,需变更护照或加注的,应提出申请,携带加注意事项证明或说明材料到指定机关办理。-旅行证:是中国旅游者出入境的主要证件,由中国驻外的外交代表机关、领事机关或外交部授权的其他驻外机关颁发。旅行证分为一年一次有效和两年多次有效两种,由持证人保存、使用。需变更或加注旅行证的记载事项,应提供变更材料、加注事项的证明或说明材料向颁证机关提出申请。-出入境通行证:入出中国边境的通行证件,由省级公安厅(局)及其授权的公安机关签发。证件在有效期内一次或多次入出境有效。-签证:中国公民凭护照或其他有效证件出入境,无需办理签证。但若作为允许旅游者前往一个国家或中途经过或停留的证件,中国旅游者在经批准出境获得护照和出境登记卡后,应申办欲前往国的签证或入境许可证。按国际惯例,一般按护照种类发给相应签证,但也可发给高于或低于护照种类的签证。出国旅游应向驻华使、领事馆办理签证申请;没有使馆、领事馆,也没有其他使馆代办业务的,则需到办理该国签证机关的国家办理,出国旅游要提前办理签证;办好签证要特别注意有效期和停留期;需延期的,应向有关单位办理申请延期手续。 B、 护照以及出入境证件的持有人出现下列情形之一的,原发证机关或上级机关予以吊销和宣布作废:持证人因非法进入前往国或者非法居留被送回国内的;持护照、证件招摇撞骗的从事危害国家安全、荣誉和利益活动的。若违反法律规定,持证人还将受到收缴证件、警告、拘留的处罚;情节严重的,追究刑事责任。C、中国公民出入境申请的办理中国公民因私出境,向户口所在地的市、县公安机关提出申请;中国公民因公务出境,由派遣部门向外交部或外交部授权的地方外事部门申请办理出境证件;海员因执行任务出境,由港务监督局或者港务监督局授权的港务监督机关办理出境证件。在国外定居的中国公民需短期回国探亲、访友、投资、经商、旅游的凭有效护照、旅行证或者其他有效证件入境。要求回国定居的,在入境前应向中国驻外国的外交代表机关、领事机关或外交部授权的其他驻外机关办理手续,也可以向有关省级公安机关办理手续。入境定居或者工作的中国公民,入境后应按照户口管理规定,办理常住户口登记;入境暂住的,应按照户口管理规定办理暂住登记。管理机关:因公出境的中国公民使用的护照由外交部或外交部授权的地方外事部门颁发;因私出境的中国公民使用的护照由公安部或公安部授权的地方公安机关颁发;海员证由港务监督局或港务监督局授权的港务监督机关颁发;中国公民在国外申请护照、证件,由中国驻外国的外交代表机关、领事机关或外交部授权的其他驻外机关颁发。公安部、外交部、港务监督局和原发证机关各自对其发出的或者其授权的机关发出的护照和证件有权吊销或宣布作废。D、中国旅游者出入境的权利义务中国旅游者出入境的合法权益受中国法律保护,同时也受前往国法律的保护。当今世界上许多国家为发展旅游业,对旅游者在旅游活动中最关心的安全、服务质量、发生意外事故得到法律保障等问题通过立法建立相应法律制度,签订双边和多边协定规定外国旅游者应受到与本国国民同等的法律保护,并给予若干优惠,中国旅游者理应得到相关外国法律的保护。中国旅游者持护照出入境无需办理签证;公安机关对于中国旅游者出境申请应在规定进间内答复;申请人认为不批准出境不符合法律规定,可向上一级公安机关申诉,受理机关应作出处理和答复;旅游者本人保存、使用其护照,非经法定事由和特定机关,不受吊销、收缴和扣押;旅游者有权按规定缴纳有关费用。中国公民出国旅游应申办有效证件及出境登记卡,并妥善保管护照等证件;在指定口岸或对外开放的口岸出入境,应向边检站出示中国护照或其他有效证件,填写出入境登记卡,接受“一关四检”的检查及各种检查,遵守中国及前往国国家法律,不得有危害祖国安全、荣誉和利益行为。E、中国旅游者出境限制《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》规定:有下列情形之一的,不批准出境: (1)刑事案件的被告人和公安机关或者人民检察院或者人民法院认定的犯罪嫌疑人;(2)人民法院通知有未了结民事案件的;(3)被判处刑罚正在服刑的;(4)正在被劳动教养的;(5)国务院有关机关认为出境后将对国家安全造成危害或者对国家利益造成重大损失的。F、边防检查的主要内容(1)对出入国境人员的检查出入境人员必须按照规定填写出境、入境登记卡,向边防检查站交验本人的有效护照或者其他出境、入境证件,经查验核准后,方可出入境。边防检查站对有下列情形之一的出入境人员,有权阻止其出入境:(A)未持出境、入境证件的;(B)持用无效出境、入境证件的;(C)持用他人出境、入境证件的;(D)持用伪造或者涂改的出境、入境证件的;(E)拒绝接受边防检查的;(F)未在限定口岸通行的;(G)国务院公安部门、国家安全部门通知不准出境、入境的;(H)法律、行政法规规定不准出境、入境的。出境、入境人员有下列情形之一的,边防检查站有权限制其活动范围、进行调查或移送有关机关处理:a.有持用他人出境、入境证件嫌疑的;b.有持用伪造或者涂改的出境、入境证件嫌疑的;c.国务院公安部、国家安全部和省级公安机关、国家安全机关通知有犯罪嫌疑 的;d.有危害国家安全、利益和社会秩序嫌疑的。(2)对运输工具及人员的检查出入境的交通运输工具离抵口岸时,必须接受边防检查对交通运输工具的入境检查,在最先抵达的口岸进行;出境检查,在最后离开的口岸进行。在特殊情况下经主管机关批准,对交通运输工具的入境、出境检查,也可以在特许的地点进行。边防检查站对处于下列情形之一的出境、入境交通运输工具,有权进行监护: (1)离抵口岸的火车、外国船舶和中国客船在出境检查后到出境前、入境后到入境检查前和检查期间;(2)火车及其他机动车辆在国(边)界线距边防检查站较远的区域内行驶期间;(3)外国船舶在中国内河航行期间;(4)边防检查站认为有必要进行监护的其他情形。出入境交通运输工具有下列情形之一的,边防检查站有权推迟或者阻止其出境、入境:A、离抵口岸时未经边防检查站同意,擅自出境、入境的;B、拒绝接受边防检查、监护的;C、被认为载有危害国家安全、利益和社会秩序的人员或者物品的;D、被认为载有非法出境、入境人员的;E、拒不执行边防检查站依法作出的处罚或者处理决定的;F、未经批准擅自改变出境、入境口岸的。(3)行李物品、货物的检查边防检查站根据维护国家安全和社会秩序的需要可以对出境、入境人员携带的行李物品和交通运输工具载运的货物进行重点检查。出境、入境的人员和交通运输工具不得携带、载运法律、行政法规规定的危害国家安全和社会秩序的违禁物品;携带、载运违禁物品的,边防检查站应当扣留违禁物品,对携带人、载运违禁物品的交通运输工具负责人依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处理。任何人不得非法携带属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品出境;非法携带属于国家秘密文件、资料和其他物品的,边防检查站应当予以收缴,对携带人依照有关法律、行政法规规定处理。出境、入境的人员携带或者托运枪支、弹药,必须遵守有关法律、行政法规的规定,向边防检查办理携带或者托运手续;未经许可,不得携带、托运枪支、弹药出境、入境。
Formalities Guide for Travelers
Our belief: efficient,
courteous and stringent
Our aim: more efficient,
more courteous and more stringent
Our mindset: human,
professional and secure
Our spirit: faithful &
credible & fair & incorruptible, progressive &
Immigration Formalities Flow for
Chinese citizens
(including travelers from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) shall
start their clearance at the right lane, lining up with valid documents.
Immigration Formalities
Flow for Arrival Aliens
&&&&&&& 请保留好《外国人入出境卡》出境联
&&&& 以免影响您正常办理出境手续
For the ease of your exit,
please retain the departure coupon of the Arrival&Departure
&&& 外籍旅客出境边防检查手续办理流程与入境手续办理流程基本相同,但需查验入境时填写的《外国人入出境卡》出境联,如出境联遗失,请及时与我们联系。
flow of exit clearance for foreign travelers is basically the same with the
however, the departure coupon
of the Arrival&Departure Card &is needed. In case of coupon losses,
please contact us in time.
To save your
time, please choose the right lane, get your documents ready in advance
and& check the validity of your
documents.Take off your hat and glasses when inspected. Travelers who aged over
65, physically disabled or pregnant and their companions can receive
prioritized clearance at the Lane “for D/P Only”.
How to Enquire
about the Immigration State?
For your convenience
of selecting less crowded ports or times, please call +86(0)755- for
the real-time port flow. Meanwhile, please notice our media releases through
radio and TV during holidays and festivals.
Have Uncertainty
or Need Help?
There are command
station or enquiry counter at the traveler inspection area where you can state
your demands. We will try our best to offer help or guidance.
Hong Kong and
Macau Residents Home-Returning Card Lost?
You can apply for
an Exit & Entry Pass at the
Municipal Public security authority at the place of loss, Shenzhen Municipal
public security Bureau or the Office of China Travel Agency (Hong Kong) at
Luohu railway station.
Residents Permit to and from& Mainland
China Lost?
You can apply for
an Exit and Entry Pass or a one time
valid Permit of Taiwan Residents to and from Mainland
China from the Municipal Public security authority at the place of loss.
Port Visa for
offices issuing Port Visas have been set up by the Guangdong Provincial Police
Office at the ports of& Luohu,
Huanggang, Futian, Shekou and Shenzhen Bao’an Airport. You can go there for enquiry and application.
Visa Expired?
Extend your Visa
at a Municipal Public security authority.
Have Complaint or
There is an
Assessment System with three buttons – perfect, good,
dissatisfied, by the inspection lane. You can evaluate the service of the
immigrat however, the port facility and the surroundings
are not to be assessed. Meanwhile, your complaint or suggestion, in oral or
written form, is also welcomed. If you would like to leave your detailed
contact, you will be replied within 30 days.
I. Our mindset: Human, Professional
and Secure. We are to provide quick, professional and human immigration service
to travelers in a whole-hearted way.
II. Uphold justice
and courtesy during the inspection. Open to travelers’ supervision.
III. Ensure quick
inspection. Normally, it takes a traveler no
more than 45 seconds for i in particular, no more than 15
seconds for residents from Hong Kong and Macao.We ensure the time that over 95%
of travelers spend in lining-up for clearance does not exceed 25 minutes.
IV. In case of detainment
of travelers or vehicles due to their improper conditions, decision of
rejection or release will be declared within 30 minutes.
V. Reasons will
be declared in case of rejection or penalty.
VI. 100% of the vessels are subject to
pre-inspection. Vessels passed the pre-inspection can proceed to their port
operation immediately. Vessels that do not pass the pre-inspection will be
inspected immediately after docked.
VII. The formal
inspection time for 96% of international vessels will not exceed 30
The formal inspection time for 96% of the small vessels to and from Hong Kong
and Macao will not exceed 10 minutes.
VIII. In principle, applications for
Boarding Permit, Disembarkation Permit, Foreign Vessel Boarding Pass, Onboard
Working Permit and Port Entry&Exit Permit will be issued at the first time.
For those applications with incomplete formalities, the corresponding receipts
will be issued to ensure the successful application at a second time.
IX. Publicize all
the immigration charges, penalties and relevant criteria
V. Publicize the
number of complaint hotlines on three levels. To all complaints, replies will
be given within 30 days after the receipt of them.
of Luohu Port
lang=EN-US style='mso-fareast-font-family:楷体_GB<span
lang=EN-US style='mso-fareast-font-family:楷体_GB
&&&& The Luohu Port is a land-way port with the
largest passenger flow in China. Within the port building, there are four
immigration areas –Floor B and Floor Three are the immigration sites
respectively for entering and departing Hong Kong and MFloor
One and Floor Two are the inspection sites respectively for entering and departing
travelers from other than Hong Kong and Macao. The transportation in Luohu port
is convenient with the metro station, bus terminal (basically connecting the
entire Shenzhen city), railway station and coach terminal in the vicinity. The
opening time of the port is from 0630 to 2400
of Huanggang Port
The Huanggang
Port is a port with the largest vehicle flow in China. The major transportation
here is passenger coach. Besides express buses connecting Mongkok, Tusen Wan,
Wan Chai, Kam Tim, Kwun Tong, Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
International Airport and Hong Kong Disneyland, there are shuttle buses to San
Tin interchange station in Hong Kong. Many cities in Guangdong province provide
their express bus connections to Hong Kong ,passing by Huanggang P while
Shenzhen city offers 15 bus lines starting from the port to downtown area.
of Futian Port
Futian Port is a special railway-joint port with the terminal of Line 4 of
Shenzhen Metro. Travelers can reach the basement of the Joint Inspection
Building by Line 4. On the square west to the building, there are bus stops for
Line 52, 203 and 241. The opening time of Futian port is from 06:30 to 22:30.
of Shekou Passenger Pier
The Shekou
Passenger Pier is a port with waterway transportation mainly. Currently,there
are express waterway lines to Central Hong Kong, Kowloon, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
International Airport and Macao. In front of the Joint Inspection Building,
there are 8 bus lines to downtown area,so the transportation here is
convenient. The opening time of the port is from 07:20 to 22:10.
of Wenjindu Port
The Wenjindu port
is a land-way port with bus transportation mainly. There are express buses to Sheung
Shui interchange station in Hong Kong. Express buses from Shantou, Meizhou,
Heyuan, Chaoyang, Fujian, etc, pass by Wenjindu as their interchange port to
Hong Kong. Outside the port, more than 60 provincial bus lines and neighboring provincial
lines are set in Yue Yun coach station of Wenjindu. The opening time of the
port is from 07:00 to 22:00.
of Shenzhen Airport Station
Shenzhen Airport
Station is a port with airway transportation mainly. There are international
flights heading for Macao, Taipei, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and
South Korea.Outside the port,express bus goes downtown every 10 minutes. The
port is authorized to operate 24 hours a day, covering all the international
airline schedules.
of Fuyong Pier
The Fuyong Pier
is a port with waterway transportation mainly.& Currently, it provides waterlines to
Central Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong International Airport and Macao. There
are free shuttle buses between the pier and Shenzhen Airport. Passengers can
interchange to downtown area at the airport. The opening time of the pier is
from 07:30 to 21:00.
of Shatoujiao Port
The Shatoujiao Port is a
land-way port with bus transportation mainly. There are express buses to
Fanling Interchange Station in Hong Kong. Express buses from Shantou, Huizhou,
Fujian, etc, pass by Shatoujiao as their interchange port to Hong Kong. Outside
the port there are 6 bus lines to downtown area. The opening time of Shatoujiao
Port is from 07:00 to 20:00.
of Shenzhen Bay Port
The Shenzhen Bay Port is a
land-way port with bus transportation mainly. Inside the port,there are buses
to and from Tin Shui Wai, Tin Yiu, Yuen Long, Tuen Mun Pier, Tuen Mun Park and
Hong Kong International Airport. Outside, there are bus stops for Line 90, 245
and 8 to downtown area. The opening time of Shenzhen Bay Port is from 06:30 to
Bureau of Exit-Entry
Administration MPS P.R.C
General Station of Immigration Inspection
&Luohu Immigration Inspection Station
Immigration Inspection Station
Huanggang, Futian) 1
&Shekou Immigration Inspection Station
Immigration Inspection Station&
Shenzhen Airport
Immigration Inspection Station (Including Shenzhen Airport and Fuyong)
沙头角出入境边防检查站&&&&&&& 0
Immigration Inspection Station
Shenzhen Bay
Immigration Inspection Station
Thanks for supporting
immigration inspection!
&&& 祝您旅途愉快!
&&&&&& Wish you a
happy journey!&&&&&&&&&&&&


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