
Apple has&extended&system-wide Raw support for&14 additional cameras, including Canon's newest flagship DSLRs. Digital Camera Raw 6.04 also brings Raw support to OS X Yosemite for&the Panasonic Lumix DMC-CM1 smartphone, Nikon D7200 and Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II among others. See the full list and download link below.
Canon EOS 5DS
Canon EOS 5DS R
Canon EOS Rebel T6i / 750D / Kiss X8i
Canon EOS Rebel T6s / 760D / Kiss 8000D
Fujifilm X-A2
Hasselblad CFV-50c
Hasselblad H5D-50c
Leica C (Typ 112)
Nikon 1 S2
Nikon D7200
Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II
Panasonic LUMIX CM1
Panasonic LUMIX DMC-GF7
Pentax MX-1
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I think you mean Adobe, not Apple, right?0 upvotesOn my Macs, I can view various raw files natively.
I can't do that on my PC's.
Whether I have an Adobe product installed or not (?)Comment edited 2 times, last edit 7 minutes after posting2 upvotesNope, it's Apple's own RAW module. It's in the base OS and is updated automatically, which can also be seen in the App Store.app app. I've posted an update log of my Mac (see the second entry):/photos///1 upvoteThat's one thing I really like about working on my macs, no matter which camera I'm using (usually Nikon/Canon) I can just pop a card into the card reader and scroll quickly through the raw files while viewing them, without having to load a program just to view raw files... when I find a file that I want to process- I just (what equates to a &right click& or tap) open the file in the desired program and viola!.
Apple makes it easy.I still have a mac on mavericks- looks like it's time to double-check the back ups, whip out the ethernet cord and upgrade.0 upvotesgood, any apps for Canon is welcome....0 upvotesAny idea where to find some raw samples?0 upvotesFoveon Inc. is based in California and Apple do not support the new SIGMA quattro RAW-standard ! Sorry, but shame on you, Apple !!Comment edited 36 seconds after posting0 upvotesApple has never supported any Foveon sensors. They don’t even support the linear DNGs derived from older Foveon raw files from 2008 and earlier. It’s never going to happen. We’ll be lucky if, in five years, Apple supports any third-party raw formats.1 upvoteShame on Sigma for not licensing it to Apple.0 upvotesWhat Sigma should do is work with Adobe to make DNG the raw format for Foveon sensor cameras. Apple would still need to keep up to date on the DNG spec (which, so far, they’ve done a poor job of), but at least Sigma cameras would be using a documented raw format requiring no special work from third party software vendors. Seems like if it hasn’t happened yet, it probably never will, but if it did, I’d consider buying another Sigma camera.0 upvotesMark Alan Thomas: What I read many years ago is that putting Foveon capability into DNG would mean making the specifics of Foveon sensors open. That was apparently a step too far for a company that wanted to keep its secrets.I read that, unlike other raw file formats, Adobe use code provided by Foveon (or Sigma?) in ACR and Lightroom to partially decode the X3F data, so that Adobe's software can use it or convert it to Linear DNG.I don't know if the above is still the case.1 upvoteI read that too, but they need to do it. As much as I love the Foveon, I won’t buy another Sigma camera until they open their raw format. They’re shooting themselves in the foot. They should take a cue from Elon Musk and his electric car patents. Heck, Sigma’s money comes from lenses anyway.I have my doubts about how much inside info Adobe got from Sigma. The way Adobe decodes my Sigma dp1 files is pretty poor — bad color with clipped highlights — so I gave up on it pretty quick, and instead used Sigma’s own crummy software to generate (huge) TIFFs, and imported those into Lightroom instead. It’s a hassle and a mess, but it’s the only way to get full Foveon image quality, and it’s not something I’m ever going to put up with again.0 upvotesI have an alternative suggestion for what Sigma should do.They should provide an option in their cameras to output a Linear DNG file instead of an X3F file. So the important analysis of the Foveon data would be done in-camera, presumably as for JPEG, but once the 3 colour values have been generated, they would not be further processed, but wrapped into DNG (non-raw) format.I am an advocate of camera makers using DNG as a user-optional alternative raw file format, (if not the only raw file format). Pentax does this. It is hard to see what the downside for customers would be.This wouldn't help with Apple, because they don't (I think) support Linear DNG either. But it would probably expand the range of software available to Sigma camera users, while preserving secrecy of the detailed algorithms for creating the 3 colour values.1 upvoteI’d take the Linear DNG option provided theirs were better than Adobe’s X3F conversions. I’d even take a low contrast 16-bit TIFF and be extra careful with my white balance. But Sigma stubbornly sticks to X3F.0 upvotesThe Pentax MX-1 has finally received RAW support. ayy lmaoComment edited 31 seconds after posting0 upvotesLOL at anyone using the 5Ds with a glorified iPhone Photo app.7 upvotesPerfect!
Switch off comments now.0 upvotesI'm not sure what the iPhone or iOS has anything to do with OS X being able to display raw files from a wide variety of cameras, but I like using my mac(s) to view, rate/mark, delete, and organize raw photographs before using software to actually process the files.0 upvotesMy word. I saw some of those cameras in the Fox Talbot museum at the weekend.2 upvotesCan't beat salted paper.0 upvotesNo EOS-M3 support! WTF?1 upvotePresumably contingent on downloading Yosemite?4 upvotesYes.Yosemite RAW compatibility:/en-us/HT203088Mavericks:/en-us/HT201071So if you want support for a newer camera you either need to upgrade to the latest Mac OS X version or use a third-party RAW converter.2 upvotesAmazing news...2 upvotesI am a little bit surprised, that the Canon M3 is not supported dispite the fact it's the same sensor than the Canon 750 and 760.1 upvoteIt won't come to the US, so Apple doesn't bother to update their RAW engine for it I'll guess.0 upvotesWell in this case, why Apple bother to sell it's gear in europe ?1 upvoteIt probably is included in the European update.0 upvotesI think Apple, being based in the US, works with US representatives of camera companies. Whatever data they provide regarding their new cameras and their RAW specifics, they implement. Ask Chuck Westfall why Canon USA did not provide Apple with the specs.0 upvotesPaul Verhoeven: does Apple rely on the camera makers providing the specifications?Typically, raw converter developers obtain a camera and reverse-engineer the raw files from it. Or obtain information from sources other than the camera maker.(Yes - sometimes camera makers, especially minority or niche players, do supply relevant information. But I think mostly not).1 upvote&Paul Verhoeven: does Apple rely on the camera makers providing the specifications?Typically, raw converter developers obtain a camera and reverse-engineer the raw files from it. &Are you kidding me? Maybe with amateur projects like dcraw. No serious company (like Adobe or Apple) would work like that, and it does not make any sense for camera manufacturers to make them to - after all they need that support too.1 upvotePaul Verhoeven: When did those major companies STOP reverse engineering? Do you know something we don't?This mentions Jeff Schewe watching Thomas Knoll reverse-engineering a raw file format:/article_raw_links.phpRe: Adobe v Nikon RAW/forums/post/See under &Archival format&:/articles/article.aspx?p=412913&seqNum=3Secrecy of Nikon:/thread/311938Q on reverse-engineering RAW formats:http://photo.net/digital-darkroom-forum/00Y5JC1 upvoteHe described even better case of a camera maker supplying SDK to parse RAWs, but somebody wanted more.0 upvotesPaul Verhoeven:It reads: &Since the camera companies don't document how and where the metadata is written in files, nor what the data means, 3rd party developers must &decode& or reverse engineer what the data means. This it time consuming work with no documentation. Even if you HAVE the camera company's SDK, there may be no specific documentation for the private maker notes. Some SDKs expose some data, but not all.&I don't know of a camera maker's SDK that decodes rather than converts raw files. They typically do the raw conversion job themselves. (Unless this has now changed. I haven't checked for a few years). Obviously this doesn't apply to camera makers that use DNG as their raw file format, since there is a freely available source-code SDK for that.And camera maker's raw file formats typically don't include everything needed to make a raw conversion anyway! That is why raw converters need time to catch up with new cameras. (Except in the case of DNG).1 upvoteCan this update clear the stardust on Canon 750/760D sensors?0 upvotesNow they need an Apple phone that shoots raw. They are making others look better.0 upvotesI think you can have iOS camera Apps shoot RAW(TIFF)3 upvotesRadPhoto is correct.The MediaCapture API in iOS allows you to specify the pixel format of the image you obtain from the camera as anything up to 64-bit ARGB (16-bits per channel). At least one camera app uses this to output TIFF images. Other apps have taken advantage of this to replace the default JPEG compression with faster implementations (e.g. achieving 20fps continuous shooting — I believe Apple hired that guy).Comment edited 14 seconds after posting2 upvotes&At least one camera app uses this to output TIFF images.&There have always been camera apps with TIFF output - for example, the 645 Pro reviewed at least a year ago here at DPR. However, all of these apps only output TIFF's captured after the noise reduction / lens correction / WN stage in the imaging pipeline. That is, they are in no way RAW's.That is, these so-called &RAW's& are completely useless compared to even the almost-RAW output of many Android phones (see my dedicated articles on doing this on the Note4), let alone true, official RAW output of the Nokias / some Android phones.Comment edited 1 minute after posting1 upvoteYou're right, they're not true RAW images, but they're certainly not &completely useless&.0 upvotes&You're right, they're not true RAW images, but they're certainly not &completely useless&.&Of course they aren't. it's just that you can't get rid of the, regretfully, pretty strong NR
in those files - unlike with both true RAW (vanilla Lollipop models and some other) and almost-RAW (S805-based Note4's etc) files.0 upvotesNow all I need is the camera body, lens, battery grip and storage cards and I'm all set. Then more lenses. More storage cards. Another body. More lenses. Probably a laptop...Maybe I should rethink that free Apple Camera Raw download.5 upvotesNo, all you need are the two Hasselblad bodies.0 upvotesSo cool, Peiasdf...I didn't know that...Can I see some 1/4000 sports/action shots from your two?0 upvotesTotal comments: 44
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