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提问者 的感言:o
,可以的话顺便告诉我一下怎么存档和读档!谢谢我第一掠诖蹿救讷嚼阁室次玩英雄萨姆是买游戏碟来安装的,玩的是 英雄萨姆第一次遭遇,所以拜托好心人们告诉我一个无毒的
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出门在外也不愁谁有郑少秋1979版的楚留香下载地址 最好60集的那种 跪求ing拜托各位大神_百度知道
谁有郑少秋1979版的楚留香下载地址 最好60集的那种 跪求ing拜托各位大神
如题 跪求ing
那你打开狗狗网页吧,在上面输入“楚留香郑少秋”就可以了。 里面有许多资源,你可以根据自己的喜好需要选择下载。 专属下载工具是迅雷,很方便。
出门在外也不愁跪求小公主的英语剧本,以对话形式的,不是1939年版的,要新的!!拜托! 注意不是白雪公主_百度知道
跪求小公主的英语剧本,以对话形式的,不是1939年版的,要新的!!拜托! 注意不是白雪公主
小公主 The Little Princess 剧本--Why are they sending so many soldiers daddy,
if it is only going to be a little war.Make those southern boys take us seriously this time, my darlilng. When they realize how much we want to put a
stop to their nonsense, they&#39;ll quiet down. Anyhow, when you get there,
you&#39;ll stop them won&#39;t you daddy? They&#39;d better.
I&#39;ll do my best dear. We will miss you so. I&#39;ll be back and we&#39;ll be together again before you can say knife. I can say knife a good many
times in a year. At school, you&#39;ll have charming
little girls to play with..... ....books to read, a pony to ride and after all there will be Emily you know. Yes, there will be Emily.
And she does look as though she&#39;d be an
understanding friend,don&#39;t you think daddy? With that intelletual look, I&#39;m sure of it. - Not a very cheeful looking school, is it daddy? - I&#39;m afraid nothing would seem very cheerful to us at the moment. Well, maybe it will be better on the inside. - Of course it will. I&#39;m sorry sir. - All right, get it out. - The very idea of delivering a
thing like this to the front door. - Oh look daddy, my pony. Your employer will answer to this. Now take him away. Yes, far away! - Oh no daddy. - Oh, I say. Just a moment. - You are Miss Minchin? - I am. I&#39;m Captain Crew. - I&#39;m afraid of caused you no
end to inconvenience. - You most certainly have, Captain Crew. - May I step inside and explain? - Come in. - Wait here, I&#39;m returning. - Very well Captain. -I&#39;m terribly sorry. I had no intention of
having the pony delivered inside your house. - There are a number of things besides the pony. Parcels have been arriving here collect for your daughter for hours. Follow me please. Apparently you are not aware, Captain Crew,
that I conduct one of the most
exclusive schools in London. Yes, yes, I understood.
That is precisely the reason why
I brought my daughter to you. - I would not have gathered that,
by your actions. - Really now, I&#39;m not entirely to blame. You see Sara and I, only just arrived from India.
Sara has lived there
practically all her life. We no more than got here, when I learned that my regiment was to leave at once for South Africa, so we had to act in a hurry. But I wrote you and explained that l do not take young ladies without an interview and impecable references. I wrote you also, that at the moment, I have no vacant room. - Well in that case daddy,
we may as well move on. - This is a bit awkward. You see, your letter never reached me
and I&#39;m afraid it never occured to me that any school wouldn&#39;t welcome my little Sara. If it is a question of my social standing,
my father was Sir George Crew.
You&#39;ve heard of him, perhaps? And the best financial references
l can give you would be the director of the South
African Holding Syndicate. I&#39;m the principal stockholder in the syndicate. My brother, Captain Crew, a professor of dramatics. - How do you do? - Charmed, I&#39;m sure. - I say, isn&#39;t the Eclipse Diamond mines one of your holdings? - One of the most important. I&#39;m sorry to appear casual Miss Minchin, but the siutation is quite distressing. I sail in an hour to the east Indian docks. - I expect you&#39;ll just have to take
me to Africa with you daddy. - Well, well and what would a little girl like you do in Africa? Forgive me Captain Crew.
I&#39;m afraid I&#39;ve been over zealous.
The reputation of my school you know.
One has to be so cautious. But after this interview, I can see at a glance, she&#39;s a dear little child. - It&#39;ll be a pleasure to have her with us. - Does that mean I&#39;ve got to stay? Yes dear. You are to have that privilege. You and your little pony. - What a dear little pony. - This is made out to the school. - Is it enough for the moment. - Oh quite. - I should say it would. Why it&#39;s stupendous. - I beg your pardon, but haven&#39;t I seen you somewhere before? - Quite possible my dear Captain. Your face is most familiar.
Were you ever on the stage? I seem to associate you with one of the old music halls. - Musicals? My brother on the
stage? Ridiculous. - Ridiculous indeed, you&#39;re quite right. And now, shall we look at little Sara&#39;s room? Just a moment Miss Rose.
This is Miss Rose, one of
my most capable teachers. Captain Crew has done us the honor of
placing his little daughter Sara with us. How do you do Miss Rose?
How do you do Captain Crew? We shall do everything we can to make your little girl happy. Children, we have a new pupil. Sara Crew. Say how do you do to her. -How do you do? - I&#39;m very well, thank you. Lavina, Jesse, that will do. You may proceed Miss Rose. - She&#39;s just like a little princess, isn&#39;t she? - That&#39;s what she is, a princess. I expect now, some people around here won&#39;t think they&#39;re so smart. Oh won&#39;t they? Wait and see! Princess indeed! Fortunately, the room has just been papered and the fireplace has an excellent draft. - But I thought you didn&#39;t have any rooms? - I didn&#39;t know then what a
dear little girl was coming. Why does that make more rooms daddy? Lady Bengiglis daughter has only recently vacated the room.
Our best suite of course. Do you think you could
brighten it up a bit? I&#39;d like it made as gay as possible. I brought a few things from India. Perhaps you could buy
whatever else is necessary
出门在外也不愁跪求《无法阻挡的High kick》(韩版搞笑一家人)下载地址,拜托啦~~~_百度知道
跪求《无法阻挡的High kick》(韩版搞笑一家人)下载地址,拜托啦~~~


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