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The State Council Decides to Establish a Unified Basic Pension System for Urban and Rural Residents
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security
26 February, 2014
On 7 February 2014, the Executive Meeting of the State Council adopted the decision to integrate the New Pension System for Rural Residents with the Old-Age Insurance for Urban Residents, and to establish a unified basic pension system for urban and rural residents. On February, the State Council printed and issued The Opinion on Establishing a Unified Basic Pension System for Urban and Rural Residents.
党中央、国务院高度重视养老保险制度建设,2009年和2011年,先后启动实施新农保和城居保试点,并于2012年基本实现两项制度全覆盖。几年来,养老保险政策不断完善,基金管理总体规范,经办能力逐步加强,参保覆盖面持续扩大。截至2013年底,全国参加基本养老保险的总人数达到8.2亿人(其中城乡居民参保4.98 亿人),领取基本养老金待遇2.18亿人(其中城乡老年居民1.38亿人)。
The Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council attach great importance to the building of pension system. In 2009 and 2011, pilot projects were launched of New Pension System for Rural Residents and Old-Age Insurance for Urban Residents one after the other. Full coverage was achieved by and large in both systems in 2012. In recent years, the policies on old-age insurance are constantly improving, the fund management is generally well functioning, the competence of insurance administration is growing, and the coverage of insured population is expanding continuously. By the end of 2013, the total population covered in basic pension schemes across the country reached 820 million, including 498 million in schemes for urban the beneficiary population of basic pension reached 218 million, including 138 million in schemes for urban and rural residents.
A unified basic pension system for urban and rural residents would enable the whole population to benefit from social security of basic pension on an equitable basis, which is necessitated by the social and economic development in China, and it is also demanded by the promotion of the new Four-Modernizations. It not only facilitates population mobility and improves security of the society, but also helps people have more predictable expectations for livelihood improvement. It is of great significance for boosting consumption and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.
To merge the New Pension System for Rural Residents and the Old-Age Insurance for Urban Residents into a unified pension system for urban and rural residents is an important measure to achieve the goal of &comprehensively establishing a social security system covering urban and rural residents& set by the 18th CPC National Congress. It is also an action to implement the social security reform strategies set by the 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC, and an important mission to implement the Social Insurance Law.
The objective of establishing a unified pension system for urban and rural residents is as follows: by the end of the Twelfth Five Year Plan Period, to achieve integration by and large of the New Pension System for Rural Residents and the Old-Age Insurance for Urban Residents, and to make the system coherent with the Urban Employees Basic Old-Age I and by 2020, to comprehensively establish a fair, unified and regulated pension system for urban and rural residents, which will be mutually complementary with other social protection policies such as social assistance and social welfare, together with the positive contribution from the traditional family-based elderly care, will better safeguard the basic livelihood of the elderly of the insured population in urban and rural areas.
Through the integration of the two insurance schemes, we will achieve &four unifications&. First, unification in name of the insurance schemes. The system after the merger of the two schemes will be named &Pension System for Urban and Rural Residents&, and will run parallel with the Urban Employees Basic Old-Age Insurance. These two will constitute the basic old-age insurance system in China. Second, unification in policy standard. More choices will be provided for urban and rural residents concerning contribution&apart from the integrated contribution steps in the two previous insurance schemes, new steps will be added. The Central Government will determine the minimum base pension for this new system. Third, unification in administration service. Current resources of public services and social insurance administration and management will be pooled in a rational way to establish well-functioning administration agencies for the unified pension system for urban and rural residents. The funds from the two previous schemes will be integrated as pension fund for urban and rural residents, which will be gradually managed at the provincial level. Investment and operations of the fund will follow general national regulations. Fourth, unification in information system. Based on the current management system, a hub-type information management system will be formed at the provincial level for pension system for urban and rural residents, with streamlined resources. Distribution of standardized national social security cards will be accelerated, and the information recorded in the cards shall be accessible from other information management systems of the citizens.
Scope of coverage. The Opinion stipulates that any urban or rural resident above 16 (excluding students at school) who is not working for state organs or public institutions and not eligible for Urban Employees Basic Old-Age Insurance may join Pension System for Urban and Rural Residents at his place of household registration. This rule stipulates the principle of insurance coverage at the place of household registration, and enables all people not already covered by the basic old-age insurance to be covered by the Pension System for Urban and Rural Residents. The principle of voluntary participation is maintained. The system encourages early enrolment of eligible residents to get more reliable old-age protection.
Financing methods. The Pension System for Urban and Rural Residents will continue to follow the finance mode combining individual contributions, collective subsidies and government subsidies. The participants shall make due contributions in line with the regulations. The contribution standards set respectively in the previous New Pension System for Rural Residents and the Old-Age Insurance for Urban Residents will be merged and adjusted to 12 steps ranging from 100 Yuan per year to 2000 Yuan per year. The provincial people&s government (of an autonomous region or municipality) may add more steps in accordance with the local realities. The top level in principle shall not surpass the annual contribution amount of the local people in flexible employment in Urban Employees Basic Old-Age Insurance. The participant shall voluntarily choose his contribution step and get the corresponding entitlement. The more one contributes, the more benefits he will get in the end, which demonstrates the principle of rights matching obligations in the social insurance system. The merging and adding of contribution steps have provided more options to residents who are ready and affordable to make more contributions. Setting a ceiling for individual contribution reflects the feature of &basic guarantee& and puts the system in rational correlation with the Urban Employees Basic Old-Age Insurance. On the part of collective subsidies, apart from what is laid down in current policies, the financial assistance from charity organizations is introduced, which will provide more channels of fund-raising and increase benefit level of the covered persons. On the part of government subsidies, the Opinion stipulates that, for those selecting the step of 500 Yuan or above, the annual subsidy level is raised to no less than 60 Yuan per person. The incentive mechanism of more subsidies for more contributions is further strengthened, in order to encourage the covered residents who want and can pay more to select higher steps of contribution.
Management of individual accounts. The State sets up an individual account for every covered person with a life-long record. The individual contributions, local government&s subsidies, collective subsidies and assistances from other social and economic organizations, charity organizations and individuals for the covered person shall all be recorded into his individual account. Interests will be added to the deposits according to state regulations. Once the individual account of pension is set up, it remains valid for a whole life. Wherever the covered person contributes and no matter if the contribution is intermittent, the individual account will record the entitlements of the covered person consistently. In addition to individual contributions, the government subsidies, collective subsidies and other financial assistances are also recorded into individual account, which reflects the State&s support for insurance participation and contribution payment.
Pension benefits. The qualifications for benefit-claiming remain unchanged. The benefit of Pension for Urban and Rural Residents consists of base pension and individual-account benefit, and lasts for a life time. The central government sets the minimum standard of the base pension and sets up a mechanism of regular adjustment. In line with the actual situation, the local government may raise its standard of base pension. The local government may also pay more base pensions to those with a long history of contributions, in order to encourage long contribution for more benefits. When the beneficiary of the Pension for Urban and Rural Residents deceases, the payment of his benefits will cease from the next month after his death. The local government, if able to afford it, may explore to establish a funeral allowance system based on local condition. This is a policy improvement in line with the Social Insurance Law and based on the experiences accumulated from the pilot programmes of New Pension System for Rural Residents and the Old-Age Insurance for Urban Residents. It is conducive to alleviating the burden of funeral costs in those insured households, and to timely checking the information on the benefits claimed by the insured. The balance in the individual account can be inherited in full upon the death of the insured.
Account transfer and continuation. For any insured person in the Pension for Urban and Rural Residents, if he needs to transfer his pension account to another region due to transfer of his household registration when he is still making contributions, he may apply for the transfer at the place he moves into. A lump-sum transfer of the full balance in his individual account will be processed. The person shall continue to be insured and make contributions according to the local regulations of the place he moves into. The lengths of contribution payment shall be accumulated continually. For the person already claiming pension benefits as prescribed, his pension account shall not transfer regardless of any change of his household registration. For the transfers between pension for the residents and urban employees basic old-age insurance, they shall be governed by Interim Methods on Linking Old-Age Insurance Systems in Urban and Rural Areas. These regulations take in the experiences drawn upon the pilot programmes of cross-district transfers in New Pension System for Rural Residents, Old-Age Insurance for Urban Residents and Urban Employees Basic Old-Age Insurance, and also take into account of population mobility in the process of urbanization. It is helpful to safeguard the accumulated rights and interests of the mobile insured people.
Administration and services. Given the situation of a large population scattering around in urban and rural areas, the Opinion requires people&s governments at provincial level to strengthen, in real terms, capacity building of administration of Pension for Urban and Rural Residents. The governments are required to integrate the existing public service resources and social insurance administrative and management resources based on the local specific conditions, and to reinforce the grass-root administrative agencies, so as to achieve precision management and provide convenient services. The Opinion also requires all localities to improve information systems, to extend information networks to grass-root areas. A nationwide standardized social insurance card system is promoted vigorously, which facilitates any insured person to make contributions, receive benefits and make inquiries of his insurance information with the card.
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&&& 6月18日省政府新闻办主持召开新闻发布会,省人力资源和社会保障厅副厅长苏全仁同志就我省提高新农保和城居保基础养老金标准进行了发布,发布会由省政府新闻办主任周斌同志主持。20余家中央驻青媒体、境外媒体和省垣媒体的近40名记者应邀参加。
&&&& 我省新农保制度从2009年12月启动,到2010年底实现了全省制度全覆盖,城居保试点工作2011年7月启动,实现了全省制度全覆盖,两项制度实行全省覆盖,比国家规定时间提前了两年。截至2012年5月底,新农保参保人数为183万人,参保率达到79%,其中60周岁以上享受养老金待遇人员达到33.67万人;城居保参保人数4.08万人,参保率达到42%,其中60周岁以上享受养老金待遇人员达到2.51万人。
&&& 此次,调整基础养老金所需资金,均由省级财政负担,从日起执行。提高标准后,全省享受新农保和城居保基础养老金待遇的60周岁以上人员共计36.5万,提高标准月需资金1095万元,年需资金13140万元。提高标准后,我省新农保和城居保基础养老金水平从西部十二省(区、市)中游跃升至西部前列,我省城乡老年居民基本生活保障水平明显提高。
&&& 调整新农保和城镇居民社会养老保险基础养老金,体现了省委、省政府对广大城乡居民群众的亲切关怀。省人力资源社会保障厅要求各级新农保和城居保经办机构高度重视,切实加强领导,认真组织实施,实行社会化发放、确保7月底前将增加的基础养老金发放到位。


更多关于 一千零一夜2009 2011 的文章

