求妖孽大神求圈养帮忙 经济学

求Eviews大神!计量经济学问题!中国吸收FDI (Y) 东盟吸收FDI (X).4 .3 .4 .2 .8 .8 .3 .4 .6 .7 .2
求Eviews大神!计量经济学问题!中国吸收FDI (Y) 东盟吸收FDI (X).4 .3 .4 .2 .8 .8 .3 .4 .6 .7 .2
Dependent Variable:Y Method:Least Squares Date:04/19/13 Time:13:14 Sample: Included observations:16 Variable Coefficient Std.Error t-Statistic Prob.C 8.440 3..0094 X 0....0029 R-squared 0.479841 Mean dependent var 54976.01 Adjusted R-squared 0.442687 S.D.dependent var 17772.78 S.E.of regression 13267.98 Akaike info criterion 21.94056 Sum squared resid 2.46E+09 Schwarz criterion 22.03714 Log likelihood -173.5245 F-statistic 12.91485 Durbin-Watson stat 0.720609 Prob(F-statistic) 0.002935 这个分析结果能说明这两组数据不存在显著地相关性吗?Durbin-Watson stat 0.720609这个值说明了什么?
我也是菜鸟,说下我的想法根据p值0.0029,这两组数据在5%的显著性水平下显著相关,在1%的显著性水平下就不显著相关D.W检验量检验的应该是自相关,也就是ui与uj的相关性经济学两个问题,尽量多答,用英文作答.Why is incomealone not accepted as the appropriate measure of development?“Industrializationis a necessary stage that countries must go through to become developed.” Discuss this statement,indicating whether you agreeor disag_百度作业帮
经济学两个问题,尽量多答,用英文作答.Why is incomealone not accepted as the appropriate measure of development?“Industrializationis a necessary stage that countries must go through to become developed.” Discuss this statement,indicating whether you agreeor disagree with it and why.
Economic development refers to various aspects of physical conditions where residents live,which can be improved in the long term.Income is the one of measuring tools of economic development,standed for purchasing power (dispoble income can be used to purchase g/s,higher living standard).However,human development index is such an appropriate measure of development.Indicators involve income,life expentatancy,literacy (or edcation level) environment and etc.“Industrialization&is a necessary stage that countries must go through to become developed.” is true.Both market economies,such as U.S.A,or mix market economies,such as China,planned economies,republic of congo,all economic systems needed to go through industralization,then become a developed economy.Industrialization is a stage that can emphasis and enlarge productivity of countries,and encouragement of improving technology.with an increased income,higher taxation reveuen for governement,government enable to improve infrastratures,education,taxation systems and etc,becoming a developed country.&写的时候注意点,我经常打错字,百度没办法查拼写错误.中级微观经济学本人认为选A因为 两种选择的期望利润相同,而A是无风险的._百度作业帮
中级微观经济学本人认为选A因为 两种选择的期望利润相同,而A是无风险的.
要求2500字,我现在很迷惘,不知道怎么写,虽然老师有例子,但是我还不是不会,哪个牛人可以来帮助我呀,感激不尽这里是老师给的例子,我简单说下:一 、绪论源于的系数是证券的度量指标,它反映了。。。。。。二、 系数相关理论2.1.....2.2....三 数据的选择四、数据整理和计算五模型回归结果分析 求帮忙啊
1楼 18:10&|
你这个也太麻烦了找人帮你写吧, 倒是很简单啊
2楼 06:01&|
3楼 11:26&|来自
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