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Freescale 16位DSP原理与开发技术
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资料介绍Freescale&16位DSP原理与开发技术作者:范寿康&等编著出版社:机械工业出版社出版时间:丛编项:信息科学与技术丛书 本书是一部关于DSP原理与开发技术的理论专著,全书书介绍了Frescue(Motorola)16位DSP芯片的概况、内核与外围功能模块的结构、工作原理及使用;详细地讨论了该系列芯片的汇编语言及指令系统;重点讲述该系列芯片的开发方法。书中用较多的篇幅介绍开发该系列芯片的硬件平台和开发软件CodeWarrior及嵌入在CodeWarrior软件中不同版本配套使用的开发包SDK和PE;最后介绍了一个具体的使用实例。本书介绍了Frescue(Motorola)16位DSP芯片的概况、内核与外围功能模块的结构、工作原理及使用;详细地讨论了该系列芯片的汇编语言及指令系统;重点讲述该系列芯片的开发方法。书中用较多的篇幅介绍开发该系列芯片的硬件平台和开发软件CodeWarrior及嵌入在CodeWarrior软件中不同版本配套使用的开发包SDK和PE;最后介绍了一个具体的使用实例。本书介绍芯片开发方法的特点是从实例出发,帮助读者了解其中的操作和设定等。依照本书有关章节一步一步操作,读者就能初步掌握开发DSP的过程和方法。本书可作为科技工作者和DSP应用开发人员的工作参考书,也可以作为高等学校有关专业的教学用书,书中编写的实验可供教学参考
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portmacro.h - ModBus通信参考程序,Keil编译,
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FreeRTOS V4.1.0 - Copyright (C)
Richard Barry.
Modification for STR71X/GCC -
Copyright (C) 2006 Christian Walter.
This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.
FreeRTOS you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software F either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with FreeRTOS; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
A special exception to the GPL can be applied should you wish to distribute
a combined work that includes FreeRTOS, without being obliged to provide
the source code for any proprietary components.
See the licensing section
of for full details of how and when the exception
can be applied.
See for documentation, latest information, license
and contact details.
Please ensure to read the configuration and relevant
port sections of the online documentation.
Changes from V3.2.3
+ Modified portENTER_SWITCHING_ISR() to allow use with GCC V4.0.1.
* Port specific definitions.
* The settings in this file configure FreeRTOS correctly for the
* given hardware and compiler.
* These settings should not be altered.
/* Type definitions. */
#define portCHAR
#define portFLOAT
#define portDOUBLE
#define portLONG
#define portSHORT
#define portSTACK_TYPE unsigned portLONG
#define portBASE_TYPE portLONG
#if( configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS == 1 )
typedef unsigned portSHORT portTickT
#define portMAX_DELAY ( portTickType ) 0xffff
typedef unsigned portLONG portTickT
#define portMAX_DELAY ( portTickType ) 0xffffffff
/* Architecture specifics. */
#define portSTACK_GROWTH
#define portTICK_RATE_MS
( ( portTickType ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ )
#define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT
/* Scheduler utilities. */
* and portEXIT_SWITCHING_ISR can only be called from ARM mode, but
* are included here for efficiency.
An attempt to call one from
* THUMB mode code will result in a compile time error.
#define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()
extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;
extern volatile unsigned portLONG ulCriticalN
/* Set the LR to the task stack. */
asm volatile ( &LDR
R0, %0& : : &m& (pxCurrentTCB) );
asm volatile ( &LDR
LR, [R0]& );
/* The critical nesting depth is the first item on the stack. */ \
/* Load it into the ulCriticalNesting variable. */
asm volatile ( &LDR
R0, =ulCriticalNesting& );
asm volatile ( &LDMFD LR!, {
asm volatile ( &STR
R1, [R0]& );
/* Get the SPSR from the stack. */
asm volatile ( &LDMFD LR!, {
asm volatile ( &MSR
SPSR, R0& );
/* Restore all system mode registers for the task. */
asm volatile ( &LDMFD LR, {
asm volatile ( &NOP& );
/* Restore the return address. */
asm volatile ( &LDR
LR, [LR, #+60]& );
/* And return - correcting the offset in the LR to obtain the */ \
/* correct address. */
asm volatile ( &SUBS PC, LR, #4& );
( void ) ulCriticalN
#define portSAVE_CONTEXT()
extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;
extern volatile unsigned portLONG ulCriticalN
/* Push R0 as we are going to use the register. */
asm volatile ( &STMDB SP!, {
/* Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer. */
asm volatile ( &STMDB SP,{
asm volatile ( &SUB
SP, SP, #4& );
asm volatile ( &LDMIA SP!,{
/* Push the return address onto the stack. */
asm volatile ( &STMDB R0!, {
/* Now we have saved LR we can use it instead of R0. */
asm volatile ( &MOV
LR, R0& );
/* Pop R0 so we can save it onto the system mode stack. */
asm volatile ( &LDMIA SP!, {
/* Push all the system mode registers onto the task stack. */
asm volatile ( &STMDB LR,{
asm volatile ( &SUB
LR, LR, #60& );
/* Push the SPSR onto the task stack. */
asm volatile ( &MRS
R0, SPSR& );
asm volatile ( &STMDB LR!, {
asm volatile ( &LDR
R0, =ulCriticalNesting & );
asm volatile ( &LDR
R0, [R0]& );
asm volatile ( &STMDB LR!, {
/* Store the new top of stack for the task. */
asm volatile ( &LDR
R0, %0& : : &m& (pxCurrentTCB) );
asm volatile ( &STR
LR, [R0]& );
( void ) ulCriticalN
* ISR entry and exit macros.
These are only required if a task switch
* is required from the ISR.
/* Save the context of the interrupted task. */
/* We don't know the stack requirements for the ISR, so the frame */\
/* pointer will be set to the top of the task stack, and the stack*/\
/* pointer left where it is.
The IRQ stack will get used for any */\
/* functions calls made by this ISR. */
asm volatile ( &SUB
R11, LR, #4& );
#define portEXIT_SWITCHING_ISR( SwitchRequired )
/* If a switch is required then we just need to call */
/* vTaskSwitchContext() as the context has already been */
/* saved. */
if( SwitchRequired )
/* Restore the context of which ever task is now the highest */
/* priority that is ready to run. */
#define portYIELD()
asm volatile ( &SWI& );
/* Critical section management. */
* The interrupt management utilities can only be called from ARM mode.
* THUMB_INTERWORK is defined the utilities are defined as functions in
* portISR.c to ensure a switch to ARM mode.
* defined then the utilities are defined as macros here - as per other ports.
extern void
vPortDisableInterruptsFromThumb( void ) __attribute__ ( ( naked ) );
extern void
vPortEnableInterruptsFromThumb( void ) __attribute__ ( ( naked ) );
#define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS() vPortDisableInterruptsFromThumb()
asm volatile ( &STMDB SP!, {
/* Push R0.
asm volatile ( &MRS
R0, CPSR& );
/* Get CPSR.
asm volatile ( &ORR
R0, R0, #0xC0& ); /* Disable IRQ, FIQ.
asm volatile ( &MSR
CPSR, R0& );
/* Write back modified value.
asm volatile ( &LDMIA SP!, {
/* Pop R0.
asm volatile ( &STMDB SP!, {
/* Push R0.
asm volatile ( &MRS
R0, CPSR& );
/* Get CPSR.
asm volatile ( &BIC
R0, R0, #0xC0& ); /* Enable IRQ, FIQ.
asm volatile ( &MSR
CPSR, R0& );
/* Write back modified value.
asm volatile ( &LDMIA SP!, {
/* Pop R0. */
#endif /* THUMB_INTERWORK */
extern void
vPortEnterCritical( void );
extern void
vPortExitCritical( void );
#define portENTER_CRITICAL()
#define portEXIT_CRITICAL()
/* Task function macros as described on the WEB site. */
#define portTASK_FUNCTION_PROTO( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )
#define portTASK_FUNCTION( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )
#endif /* PORTMACRO_H */
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&1.40 kB07-12-06 23:10
&12.92 kB25-04-07 01:43
&avrdude.conf234.26 kB25-02-06 19:40
&3.16 kB15-06-06 17:38
&83.00 B01-05-06 13:35
&85.00 B04-09-06 20:50
&3.73 kB17-09-06 18:46
&2.81 kB04-09-06 21:31
&4.94 kB14-05-06 23:55
&4.07 kB17-09-06 18:45
&1.72 kB14-05-06 23:55
&3.54 kB17-09-06 18:45
&2.67 kB03-09-06 13:53
&2.67 kB08-05-06 23:07
&2.90 kB22-08-06 23:35
&1.83 kB22-08-06 23:35
&1.47 kB22-08-06 23:35
&1.71 kB22-08-06 23:35
&2.78 kB22-08-06 23:35
&1.88 kB22-08-06 23:35
&9.57 kB12-10-06 10:12
&63.00 B04-09-06 21:34
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&2.49 kB12-10-06 10:12
&2.31 kB01-08-06 22:58
&2.18 kB01-08-06 22:58
&2.97 kB01-08-06 22:58
&9.43 kB12-10-06 10:35
&2.70 kB01-08-06 22:58
&1.39 kB01-08-06 22:58
&&.dont_remove&0.00 B25-04-07 01:15
&&.dont_remove&0.00 B25-04-07 01:15
&&.dont_remove&0.00 B25-04-07 01:15
&&.dont_remove&0.00 B25-04-07 01:15
&demo.plg314.00 B24-02-09 13:36
&demo.__i165.00 B24-02-09 13:36
&3.10 kB25-04-07 01:15
&demo.Opt2.71 kB24-02-09 13:38
&demo.plg5.16 kB24-02-09 13:38
&demo.Uv23.16 kB24-02-09 13:38
&demo_Opt.Bak2.64 kB25-04-07 01:15
&demo_Uv2.Bak3.04 kB25-04-07 01:15
&1.55 kB25-04-07 01:15
&1.62 kB25-04-07 01:15
&1.73 kB25-04-07 01:15
&5.24 kB25-04-07 01:15
&2.58 kB25-04-07 01:15
&1.25 kB25-04-07 01:15
&Startup.s13.94 kB25-04-07 01:15
&crt0.S2.00 kB14-05-06 23:59
&3.32 kB15-06-06 17:38
&22.61 kB14-05-06 23:59
&m5235-ram.ld1.71 kB14-05-06 23:59
&2.44 kB31-08-06 01:18
&5.05 kB14-05-06 23:59
&1.85 kB14-05-06 23:59
&2.54 kB14-05-06 23:59
&24.28 kB14-05-06 23:59
&3.30 kB14-05-06 23:59
&3.48 kB14-05-06 23:59
&5.94 kB14-05-06 23:59
&5.09 kB14-05-06 23:59
&28.53 kB14-05-06 23:59
&60.20 kB14-05-06 23:59
&12.75 kB14-05-06 23:59
&1.84 kB14-05-06 23:59
&36.25 kB14-05-06 23:59
&3.47 kB14-05-06 23:59
&18.45 kB14-05-06 23:59
&18.45 kB14-05-06 23:59
&5.83 kB14-05-06 23:59
&4.95 kB14-05-06 23:59
&3.88 kB14-05-06 23:59
&2.64 kB14-05-06 23:59
&2.93 kB14-05-06 23:59
&7.94 kB14-05-06 23:59
&5.14 kB14-05-06 23:59
&7.08 kB14-05-06 23:59
&2.73 kB14-05-06 23:59
&5.33 kB14-05-06 23:59
&10.72 kB14-05-06 23:59
&2.46 kB14-05-06 23:59
&4.59 kB14-05-06 23:59
&7.67 kB14-05-06 23:59
&4.42 kB14-05-06 23:59
&1.67 kB15-06-06 17:29
&1.78 kB14-05-06 23:59
&2.01 kB14-05-06 23:59
&4.65 kB15-06-06 17:38
&2.55 kB14-05-06 23:59
&AM29_160BB.CFP2.36 kB14-05-06 23:59
&m5235.gdb1.48 kB15-06-06 17:38
&mcf5235.CF10.78 kB14-05-06 23:59
&mcf5235.mac158.00 B15-05-06 00:03
&vector.S15.53 kB14-05-06 23:59
&4.71 kB19-02-07 01:56
&demo.cww2.69 kB19-02-07 02:05
&demo.mcp82.74 kB19-02-07 02:05
&12.77 kB19-02-07 01:56
&26.16 kB19-02-07 01:56
&4.74 kB19-02-07 01:56
&10.81 kB19-02-07 01:56
&5.80 kB19-02-07 01:56
&1.96 kB19-02-07 01:56
&16.04 kB19-02-07 01:56
&9.70 kB19-02-07 01:56
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&29.79 kB19-02-07 01:56
&7.31 kB19-02-07 01:56
&8.75 kB19-02-07 01:56
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&4.26 kB19-02-07 01:56
&8.63 kB19-02-07 01:56
&2.36 kB19-02-07 01:56
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&1.60 kB19-02-07 01:56
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&24.17 kB19-02-07 01:56
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&3.22 kB19-02-07 01:56
&5.67 kB19-02-07 01:56
&4.83 kB19-02-07 01:56
&28.26 kB19-02-07 01:56
&55.63 kB19-02-07 01:56
&12.49 kB19-02-07 01:56
&1.84 kB19-02-07 01:56
&35.99 kB19-02-07 01:56
&3.21 kB19-02-07 01:56
&18.19 kB19-02-07 01:56
&18.19 kB19-02-07 01:56
&5.57 kB19-02-07 01:56
&4.68 kB19-02-07 01:56
&3.61 kB19-02-07 01:56
&2.38 kB19-02-07 01:56
&2.67 kB19-02-07 01:56
&7.68 kB19-02-07 01:56
&4.88 kB19-02-07 01:56
&6.82 kB19-02-07 01:56
&2.46 kB19-02-07 01:56
&5.06 kB19-02-07 01:56
&10.46 kB19-02-07 01:56
&2.44 kB19-02-07 01:56
&4.33 kB19-02-07 01:56
&2.28 kB19-02-07 01:56
&7.12 kB19-02-07 01:56
&2.94 kB19-02-07 01:56
&3.15 kB19-02-07 01:56
&2.05 kB19-02-07 01:56
&2.17 kB19-02-07 01:56
&1.90 kB19-02-07 01:56
&1.78 kB19-02-07 01:56
&1.60 kB19-02-07 01:56
&4.63 kB19-02-07 01:56
&3.02 kB19-02-07 01:56
&1.61 kB19-02-07 01:56
&1.30 kB19-02-07 01:56
&mcf523x-simple.cfg143.00 B19-02-07 01:56
&mcf523x.cfg1.32 kB19-02-07 01:56
&mcf523x.mem42.95 kB19-02-07 01:56
&ram.lcf3.55 kB19-02-07 01:56
&rom.lcf3.75 kB19-02-07 01:56
&7.24 kB19-02-07 01:56
&1.91 kB19-02-07 01:56
&mcf523x_lo.s8.71 kB19-02-07 01:56
&mcf5xxx.s1.64 kB19-02-07 01:56
&vectors.s11.24 kB19-02-07 01:56
&5.84 kB31-08-06 01:18
&demo.vpj10.94 kB31-08-06 01:18
&13.10 kB31-08-06 01:18
&26.86 kB31-08-06 01:18
&4.85 kB31-08-06 01:18
&11.08 kB31-08-06 01:18
&5.89 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.02 kB31-08-06 01:18
&16.50 kB31-08-06 01:18
&9.98 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.05 kB31-08-06 01:18
&30.70 kB31-08-06 01:18
&7.51 kB31-08-06 01:18
&9.38 kB31-08-06 01:18
&7.06 kB31-08-06 01:18
&4.39 kB31-08-06 01:18
&8.87 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.44 kB31-08-06 01:18
&30.03 kB31-08-06 01:18
&58.29 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.29 kB31-08-06 01:18
&22.83 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.70 kB31-08-06 01:18
&4.34 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.49 kB31-08-06 01:18
&26.93 kB31-08-06 01:18
&11.15 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.84 kB31-08-06 01:18
&34.65 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.87 kB31-08-06 01:18
&16.85 kB31-08-06 01:18
&16.85 kB31-08-06 01:18
&4.23 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.34 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.28 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.04 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.33 kB31-08-06 01:18
&6.34 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.54 kB31-08-06 01:18
&5.48 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.13 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.73 kB31-08-06 01:18
&9.12 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.99 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.08 kB31-08-06 01:18
&5.78 kB31-08-06 01:18
&CHANGELOG20.41 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.03 kB06-09-06 22:12
&1.74 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.82 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.70 kB06-09-06 22:12
&17.95 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.83 kB31-08-06 01:18
&6.89 kB31-08-06 01:18
&4.72 kB31-08-06 01:18
&16.79 kB06-09-06 22:12
&COPYING1.61 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.26 kB31-08-06 01:18
&15.14 kB31-08-06 01:18
&4.72 kB31-08-06 01:18
&7.96 kB31-08-06 01:18
&FILES146.00 B31-08-06 01:18
&2.66 kB31-08-06 01:18
&16.10 kB31-08-06 01:18
&19.64 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.10 kB31-08-06 01:18
&36.50 kB31-08-06 01:18
&4.96 kB31-08-06 01:18
&53.56 kB31-08-06 01:22
&13.09 kB31-08-06 01:22
&4.35 kB31-08-06 01:22
&6.23 kB31-08-06 01:23
&16.16 kB31-08-06 01:23
&3.09 kB31-08-06 01:23
&12.38 kB31-08-06 01:23
&5.47 kB31-08-06 01:23
&10.98 kB31-08-06 01:23
&3.28 kB31-08-06 01:23
&44.00 B31-08-06 01:23
&8.58 kB31-08-06 01:22
&7.29 kB31-08-06 01:22
&8.83 kB31-08-06 01:22
&32.47 kB31-08-06 01:22
&9.61 kB31-08-06 01:22
&4.34 kB31-08-06 01:22
&7.85 kB31-08-06 01:22
&32.13 kB31-08-06 01:22
&43.14 kB31-08-06 01:22
&23.04 kB31-08-06 01:22
&20.84 kB31-08-06 01:22
&FILES512.00 B31-08-06 01:18
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&5.83 kB31-08-06 01:18
&5.98 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.93 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.85 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.36 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.17 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.60 kB31-08-06 01:18
&5.38 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.59 kB31-08-06 01:18
&9.84 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.31 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.89 kB31-08-06 01:18
&7.33 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.64 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.27 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.11 kB31-08-06 01:18
&5.60 kB31-08-06 01:18
&17.73 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.82 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.99 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.15 kB31-08-06 01:18
&6.09 kB31-08-06 01:18
&9.80 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.91 kB31-08-06 01:18
&6.32 kB31-08-06 01:18
&20.23 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.34 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.71 kB31-08-06 01:18
&4.11 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.76 kB31-08-06 01:18
&1.83 kB31-08-06 01:18
&30.66 kB31-08-06 01:18
&7.95 kB31-08-06 01:18
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&4.03 kB31-08-06 01:18
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&6.49 kB31-08-06 01:18
&11.19 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.93 kB31-08-06 01:18
&20.56 kB31-08-06 01:18
&7.54 kB31-08-06 01:18
&36.47 kB31-08-06 01:18
&5.21 kB31-08-06 01:18
&52.09 kB31-08-06 01:18
&6.33 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.07 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.07 kB31-08-06 01:18
&11.58 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.00 kB31-08-06 01:18
&14.65 kB31-08-06 01:18
&4.86 kB31-08-06 01:18
&48.85 kB31-08-06 01:18
&15.32 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.78 kB31-08-06 01:18
&8.12 kB31-08-06 01:18
&3.10 kB31-08-06 01:18
&17.45 kB31-08-06 01:18
&6.08 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.08 kB31-08-06 01:18
&5.56 kB31-08-06 01:18
&7.02 kB31-08-06 01:18
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&3.82 kB31-08-06 01:18
&9.70 kB31-08-06 01:18
&2.46 kB31-08-06 01:18
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&25.06 kB31-08-06 01:18
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&10.80 kB19-02-06 16:24
&5.11 kB19-02-06 16:24
&1.81 kB19-02-06 16:24
&15.17 kB19-02-06 16:24
&9.68 kB19-02-06 16:24
&29.09 kB19-02-06 16:24
&7.07 kB19-02-06 16:24
&7.14 kB19-02-06 16:24
&8.07 kB19-02-06 16:24
&9.24 kB19-02-06 16:24
&4.24 kB19-02-06 16:24
&8.61 kB19-02-06 16:24
&2.34 kB19-02-06 16:24
&22.34 kB19-02-06 16:24
&666.00 B19-02-06 16:24
&51.96 kB19-02-06 16:24
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&3.10 kB17-06-06 02:23
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&20.57 kB17-06-06 02:23
&2.92 kB17-06-06 02:23
&1.15 kB17-06-06 02:23
&11.73 kB17-06-06 02:23
&3.88 kB17-06-06 02:23
&17.44 kB17-06-06 02:23
&2.00 kB17-06-06 02:23
&2.25 kB17-06-06 02:23
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&12.24 kB17-06-06 02:23
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&14.43 kB17-06-06 02:23
&16.83 kB17-06-06 02:23
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&5.13 kB17-06-06 02:23
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&5.86 kB15-06-06 17:41
&4.15 kB14-05-06 23:54
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&4.41 kB15-06-06 17:41
&4.21 kB14-05-06 23:54
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&26.77 kB03-11-06 00:14
&4.85 kB03-11-06 00:14
&11.08 kB03-11-06 00:14
&5.91 kB03-11-06 00:14
&2.09 kB03-11-06 00:14
&16.50 kB03-11-06 00:14
&9.98 kB03-11-06 00:14
&31.33 kB03-11-06 00:14
&7.51 kB03-11-06 00:14
&6.67 kB03-11-06 00:14
&8.04 kB03-11-06 00:14
&10.09 kB03-11-06 00:14
&4.39 kB03-11-06 00:14
&8.87 kB03-11-06 00:14
&2.44 kB03-11-06 00:14
&30.38 kB03-11-06 00:14
&59.88 kB03-11-06 00:14
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&3.63 kB03-11-06 00:14
&3.45 kB03-11-06 00:14
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&20.71 kB03-11-06 00:14
&3.04 kB03-11-06 00:14
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&13.63 kB03-11-06 00:14
&4.10 kB03-11-06 00:14
&13.21 kB03-11-06 00:14
&2.00 kB03-11-06 00:14
&2.27 kB03-11-06 00:14
&2.01 kB03-11-06 00:14
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&2.18 kB03-11-06 00:14
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&2.39 kB04-09-06 03:41
&3.72 kB04-09-06 16:39
&9.77 kB04-09-06 16:39
&2.98 kB04-09-06 21:33
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&19.07 kB26-06-06 21:24
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&15.31 kB19-02-07 00:46
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