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By Celebitchy
Sherri Shepherd publicly apologized on air for saying in
that she hoped her boss, Barbara Walters, could “get saved” by a televangelist. She said in the same interview that she went through a very rough time when she was young and that she’d “had more abortions than I would like to count.” After the details of the interview were widely publicized, Shepherd clarified her remarks, saying that she was not glamorizing abortion and that she hoped to inspire women who also felt extreme guilt and shame over having an abortion. She also claimed that
and that she was joking about wanting to have Walters saved.
Shepherd said she called Barbara Walters ahead of time to warn her that the quote was going to be published, and that Walters laughed and acted like it wasn’t a big deal. A show source tells the National Enquirer that Barbara is fed up with with Sherri and the idiotic things she says on air and that the “saved” comment was just Sherri’s latest gaffe to piss her off:
“Barbara has had it with her,” said the source. “Barbara was shocked that Sherri would say she needs to be ‘saved’. She’s dumbfounded by the stupid things that keep coming out of Sherri’s mouth…
Barbara has been saying that Sherri’s a “loose cannon,” added the source. “And after hearing what she said to a Christian magazine, word came back from Barbara that she wants to boot her off the show.
“Barbara thinks Sherri has become far worse of a problem than Star Jones and Rosie’s O’Donnel when they were on the show – and that’s saying a lot!”
While Barbara is ready to see Sherri move on from “The View,” insiders say it’s unlikely there will be a dramatic firing.
“Barbara may first give her a chance to shape up before shipping her out…
“And if Barbara does let Sherri go, expect a fun farewell with the whole gang saying only nice things about Sherri in public.”
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, August 11, 2008]
Everyone else on The View may be smarter than Sherri – and that’s not saying much considering that Sherri thinks Jesus came before the Romans – but Barbara Walters’ personality is shrewish and she sticks out on that panel. Barbara is constantly making the celebrity guests on the show uncomfortable with blunt questions. The View is a roundtable talkshow with an audience, it’s not a one on one interview like Walters is used to
and she has to tone down the personal questions.
The show is so much more watchable when Whoopi is there running everything without Barbara. Yes Sherri says stupid things, but she’s earnest about it and she’s not really hurting anyone. Sherri’s dumb observations are a kind of comic relief and the other women make excuses for her and help her out. Barbara would do better to retire than to try and get rid of Sherri. Sherri isn’t the one who’s dragging the show down.
The cast of The View is shown at a panel discussion on 4/9/08. Credit: MLM/Fame Pictures
By Celebitchy
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I couldn’t agree with you more. As for Sherri, her comments were to a CHRISTIAN magazine … what do you expect her to say? She apologized and really … Barbara Walters is the boring one on the show. I hardly ever watch the View anymore and a day that Barbara is there wouldn’t be one of them. If Barbara wants a really intelligent person on that show, why doesn’t she screen them better? The first “young” woman (who is know a reporter on E!) used to kill me with her dumb statements. And now Sherri … well … maybe Barbara should interview her people a bit better. I personally think she must like it because then people will continue to talk about what has become a really pointless show.
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Pleats and plaid always conjure images of neatness, order and discipline. The reason? Well, more often than not, these are associated with school uniforms. Depending on the school experiences we've had, one could harbor fondness for it, or develop a complete aversion towards it.
In one sense, the school uniform debate might seem trivial, especially when more pressing matters exist in the form of establishing discipline, grading methods, and even setting the curriculum. However, the uniform debate always manages to raise opinions, both for and against it. So, what gives?
Uniforms have been the norm in private schools, with children, parents and the school management being on the same side over the issue. Public schools, on the other hand, have seen lawsuits involving anti-gay and anti-Bush t-shirts to even Tigger socks. While some see clothes as a medium of expression, there are others who feel that the school cannot be an appropriate platform to exhibit attitude. Let the debate commence...
Should Uniforms be Compulsory in School?
► There is a sense of comfort associated with the uniformity that comes with uniforms. Children do not feel the pressure to "dress up" or "dress down" when they go to school. With uniformed attire, students cannot judge each other on the basis of what they wear to school.
► Experimenting with fashion at a young age can be a traumatizing experience for some youngsters. There have been instances of kids being bullied or ridiculed at school for either being too showy or too dowdy.
► Clothing can be a huge distraction from the main aim of school, which is learning. A significant part of learning is accepting people for what they are, and not what they choose to wear.
► Advocates of the no-uniform policy see it as a limitation on freedom of expression. However, there have been more instances of youngsters trying to emulate the hipper lot, and being conformists, rather than being different and individualistic.
► Students think solely of clothes as being symbolic of who they are, rather than expressing their personality through their behavior.
► Youngsters try to coax their parents into buying them expensive apparel, which, in a matter of months becomes too outdated to wear. School uniforms relieve the parents of this untoward expenditure.
► Another advantage of uniforms is that any intruders or outsiders can be easily identified by the school authorities. This translates to lesser headaches in terms of maintaining security on the school campus.
► Skeptics may deem this point far-fetched, but uniforms lend a sense of belonging and pride towards the school in the minds of the students.
► The very first barrier that school authorities face is the fact that uniforms clamp down the freedom of expression. Clothes are viewed as a means of expression by youngsters, who see the uniform policy as a hindrance.
► There is no direct evidence proving that uniforms have curbed the crime rates and improved attendance in schools.
► A valid argument here is that uniforms can pose as an added burden on low-income families, where the clothes that children wear are often hand-me-downs.
► Children in uniforms can also be at the receiving end of bullying from kids belonging to other schools.
Enforcing school uniforms does have some advantages, as is clearly evident. However, schools who wish to implement this policy will have an uphill task on their hands, as they are bound to face fierce opposition from the no-uniforms camp. Whether practicality wins over freedom is something to look out for, in the coming years.
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&Brandon Taylor
(9 episodes, )
Girls struggle with relationships, friendships and teachers at school.
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Release Date: 6 November 2012 (UK)
Also Known As: Девчонки
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User Reviews
A last real laughs
I guess we are all different in our tastes, and I for one don't know the comedy rules as many of the people who write on here do.. Is it like inbetweeners? Not really and its definitely not like skins. It has its own atmosphere, perhaps I would say that inbetweeners was more bizarre with its scenes which led to laughing so much you can't breath but on the laughter scale this is laugh out loud, I particular love the Ozzy Teacher and I think the acting of everyone is simply brilliant. All in all with any TV series you have to grow to love the characters, they are the integral part of the process that keeps watchers coming back and that's why the shows mentioned above and others like Gavin and Stacy become so popular. I gave it 10 out of 10 because I have enjoyed every single episode there is always something new and exciting and its funny all the way through as well, which is important for a comedy and its not too silly like a bad education, its believable comedy and I for one enjoy dry humour the best, not stupid stunts and over the top jokes.
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