h264怎么播放得到h264的frame rate

此代码是在 ffmpeg工程组&&佰锐科技 提供的代码上修改而成,还参考了
bool InitH264Codec(AVCodecContext * &av_codec_context, AVFrame * &picture, AVCodec* codec)
av_codec_context = NULL;
picture = NULL;
av_codec_context = avcodec_alloc_context();
picture = avcodec_alloc_frame();
if(!av_codec_context || !picture)
if (avcodec_open(av_codec_context, codec) & 0)
OutputDebugString(&could not open codec\n&);
//H264Context *h = av_codec_context-&priv_
//MpegEncContext *s = &h-&s;
//s-&dsp.idct_permutation_type =1;
//dsputil_init(&s-&dsp, av_codec_context);
bool DecodePlayH264(AVCodec* codec, AVCodecContext* av_codec_context, AVFrame *picture, \
char*data, int len, int nSide, CClientDC * pdc)
//bool bRet =
int got_picture = 0;
int consumed_bytes = avcodec_decode_video(av_codec_context, picture, &got_picture, (const uint8_t*)data, len);
if (consumed_bytes&0)
OutputDebugString(&Error while decoding\n&);
OutputDebugString(&got picture\n&);
H264ShowPic(nSide, picture, av_codec_context, pdc);
void H264SaveYUVData(int nSide, AVFrame * &picture, AVCodecContext * &context)
unsigned char * Y = (nSide==0)?
unsigned char * Cr = (nSide==0)?
Cr1 : Cr2;
unsigned char * Cb = (nSide==0)?
Cb1 : Cb2;
for(int i=0; i&context-& i++)
memcpy(Y, picture-&data[0]+i*picture-&linesize[0], context-&width);
Y+= context-&
for(int i=0; i&context-&height/2; i++)
memcpy(Cr, picture-&data[1]+i*picture-&linesize[1], context-&width/2);
Cr+= context-&width/2;
for(int i=0; i&context-& i++)
memcpy(Cb, picture-&data[2]+i*picture-&linesize[2], context-&width/2);
Cb+= context-&width/2;
void H264ShowPic(int nSide, AVFrame * &picture, AVCodecContext * &context, CClientDC * pdc)
unsigned char *Y, *Cr, *Cb, *RGB;
Y = (nSide==0)?
Cr = (nSide==0)?
Cr1 : Cr2;
Cb = (nSide==0)?
Cb1 : Cb2;
RGB = (nSide==0)?
RGB1 : RGB2;
H264SaveYUVData(nSide, picture, context);
ConvertYUV2RGB(Y, Cb, Cr, RGB, context-&width, context-&height); //将YUV数据转换成RGB图像
Draw(nSide, context-&width, context-&height, pdc);
AVCodec h264_decoder = {
NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL(&H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10&),
主函数(此处贴上的是原来的主函数):int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *outfilename = &outrec.txt&;
const char *outrecfilename = &outrec.yuv&;
const char *filename = &test.h264&;
extern AVCodec h264_
AVCodec *codec = &h264_
AVCodecContext *av_codec_context = NULL;
int frame, size, got_picture,
FILE *fin, *
char buf[1024];
/* set end of buffer to 0 (this ensures that no overreading happens for damaged mpeg streams) */
printf(&Video decoding\n&);
/* find the mpeg1 video decoder */
av_codec_context = avcodec_alloc_context();
picture = avcodec_alloc_frame();
dsputil_init(&dsp, c);
av_codec_context-&flags|= CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED; /* we do not send complete frames */
/* For some codecs, such as msmpeg4 and mpeg4, width and height
MUST be initialized there because this information is not
available in the bitstream. */
/* open it */
if (avcodec_open(av_codec_context, codec) & 0) {
fprintf(stderr, &could not open codec\n&);
H264Context *h = av_codec_context-&priv_
MpegEncContext *s = &h-&s;
s-&dsp.idct_permutation_type =1;
dsputil_init(&s-&dsp, av_codec_context);
/* the codec gives us the frame size, in samples */
fin = fopen(filename, &rb&);
if (!fin) {
fprintf(stderr, &could not open %s\n&, filename);
fout = fopen(outfilename, &wb&);
if (!fin) {
fprintf(stderr, &could not open %s\n&, outfilename);
fout = fopen(outrecfilename, &wb&);
if (!fin) {
fprintf(stderr, &could not open %s\n&, outrecfilename);
frame = 0;
size = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUF_SIZE, fin);
if (size == 0)
/* NOTE1: some codecs are stream based (mpegvideo, mpegaudio)
and this is the only method to use them because you cannot
know the compressed data size before analysing it.
BUT some other codecs (msmpeg4, mpeg4) are inherently frame
based, so you must call them with all the data for one
frame exactly. You must also initialize 'width' and
'height' before initializing them. */
/* NOTE2: some codecs allow the raw parameters (frame size,
sample rate) to be changed at any frame. We handle this, so
you should also take care of it */
/* here, we use a stream based decoder (mpeg1video), so we
feed decoder and see if it could decode a frame */
inbuf_ptr =
while (size & 0) {
len = avcodec_decode_video(av_codec_context, picture, &got_picture,
inbuf_ptr, size);
if (len & 0) {
fprintf(stderr, &Error while decoding frame %d\n&, frame);
if (got_picture) {
printf(&saving frame %3d\n&, frame);
/* the picture is allocated by the decoder. no need to
free it */
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), outfilename, frame);
pgm_save(picture-&data[0], picture-&linesize[0],
av_codec_context-&width, av_codec_context-&height, outfilename, outrecfilename);
pgm_save(picture-&data[1], picture-&linesize[1],
av_codec_context-&width/2, av_codec_context-&height/2, outfilename, outrecfilename);
pgm_save(picture-&data[2], picture-&linesize[2],
av_codec_context-&width/2, av_codec_context-&height/2, outfilename, outrecfilename);
inbuf_ptr +=
/* some codecs, such as MPEG, transmit the I and P frame with a
latency of one frame. You must do the following to have a
chance to get the last frame of the video */
#define NOTFOR264
#ifdef NOTFOR264
len = avcodec_decode_video(c, picture, &got_picture,
len = avcodec_decode_video(av_codec_context, picture, &got_picture,
inbuf_ptr, 0);
if (got_picture) {
printf(&saving last frame %3d\n&, frame);
/* the picture is allocated by the decoder. no need to
free it */
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), outfilename, frame);
pgm_save(picture-&data[0], picture-&linesize[0],
av_codec_context-&width, av_codec_context-&height, outfilename, outrecfilename);
pgm_save(picture-&data[1], picture-&linesize[1],
av_codec_context-&width/2, av_codec_context-&height/2, outfilename, outrecfilename);
pgm_save(picture-&data[2], picture-&linesize[2],
av_codec_context-&width/2, av_codec_context-&height/2, outfilename, outrecfilename);
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(1)(2)(4)(3)(2)(2)(4)(8)(2)(9)(7)(4)(9)(6)(6)(6)(5)(8)(13)(7)(1)(2)(3)(9)(1)(3)(2)(3)(12)(7)(14)(15)(27)(18)(15)(5)(11)(9)(3)(9)(7)H264视频高压心得——兼容华为U8800+(硬解720P) - zyl910 - 博客园
H.264,或称MPEG-4 AVC(Advanced Video Coding:高级视频编码),是由ITU-T视频编码专家组(VCEG)和ISO/IEC动态图像专家组(MPEG)联合组成的联合视频组(JVT,Joint Video Team)提出的高度压缩数字视频编解码器标准。标准号 ISO/IEC 14496-10(MPEG-4 第十部分)。文件后缀名一般为mp4。
分辨率:最高为 720P()。
AVC配置(AVC Profile):最高为 主要(Main)。
AVC级别(AVC Level):最高为 3.2。
子像素优化(Subpixel Refinement):最高为 9(RD refinement on all frames:进行全部帧运动矢量及块内部的速率失真最优化)。
码率:最好不超过 1000Kbps。
帧率:最好不超过 24。
  注:虽然AVC Level 3.2 也能支持1080P视频(),但测试后发现&&U8800+自带的播放器虽然能打开,但只有声音,没有图像。用MoboPlayer打开,能够播放图像,但是不流畅,大约每秒只有7、8帧。
音频编码器:Nero AAC。编码方案选&Nero AAC: NDAAC-HE-32Kbps&就行了。对于手机喇叭来说,32Kbps的音质几乎与原来的一样。
  对于视频高压,传统是使用二次编码(2 pass)方式&&
2 pass压缩模式是指先用编码对视频文件进行分析(1st),然后根据分析结果进行真正的压缩(2nd)操作。2 pass的目的是为了在全局范围内合理分配码率。一般情况下,第一次对原始视频编码是为了得到整个序列的复杂度分布统计信息,然后第二次编码时利用该统计信息合理地分配码率,从而能够在整个序列上得到基本平稳的影像质量。通常,2 pass压缩模式的处理程序可以达到更高的数据压缩率(即更小的文件大小)以及更佳的影像品质,但其代价是编码速度上的损失。
  而在H.264中,我们还可以利用crf(Const Quality, 固定质量)方式,注意不是固定量化(Const Quantizer)。它是一种根据视频质量自动分配码率的可变码率控制方式。
  对于帧率。一般情况下也建议保持原始帧率。当遇到原帧率高于30,或是VFR(Variable Frame Rate:可变帧率)的视频,就将帧率锁定为24帧。因为手机对它们支持性不好。
--profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --ref 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim
--profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune film --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --ref 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim
--profile main:配置为主要(Main)。因手机限制。
--level 3.2:级别为3.2。因手机限制。
--preset placebo:预设方案为placebo。虽然压制速度最慢,但压缩率高、画质好。
--tune animatio/film:调优为动画/电影。应根据视频类型设置此参数。
--crf 28.0:crf参数为28.0。
--threads 2:线程数量为2。据说线程多了,画质会下降(见参考文献《x264起多少个线程比较好》)。建议&&将线程数量设为物理CPU模块的数量。比如我的CPU是双核四线程的i5-430M,就将线程数量设为2。如果用的是AMD四模块八核心的推土机,就应该将线程数量设为4。因为物理CPU模块的数量决定了基础性能,开更多的线程,对转码速度的提升也十分有限。而且释放了CPU,我们可以在转码时,做收邮件、看网页等操作,不耽误工作与娱乐。
--bframes 6:B帧数量的最大值为6。因为该值超过6之后,对压缩率的贡献很低。
--ref 6:参考帧(Reference Frame)的最大值为6。因为该值超过6之后,对压缩率的贡献很低。
--merange 32:运动估计范围为32。能提高运动较为剧烈的场景的压缩率。
--me umh:运功估计算法为混合菱形(Multi hex),覆盖较广。如果想进一步提高压缩率和画质的话,可以设为tesa(SATD exhaustive:hadamard变换全面搜索)。
--subme 9:子像素优化(Subpixel Refinement)为 9。因手机限制。
--psnr --ssim:输出PSNR和SSIM信息,用于分析视频质量。平时可关闭。
cabac=1 / ref=6 / deblock=1:1:1 / analyse=0x1:0x131 / me=umh / subme=9 / psy=1 / psy_rd=0.40:0.00 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=32 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=2 / 8x8dct=0 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / fast_pskip=0 / chroma_qp_offset=-2 / threads=2 / sliced_threads=0 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / interlaced=0 / bluray_compat=0 / constrained_intra=0 / bframes=6 / b_pyramid=2 / b_adapt=2 / b_bias=0 / direct=3 / weightb=1 / open_gop=0 / weightp=2 / keyint=250 / keyint_min=25 / scenecut=40 / intra_refresh=0 / rc_lookahead=60 / rc=crf / mbtree=1 / crf=28.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=0 / qpmax=69 / qpstep=4 / ip_ratio=1.40 / aq=1:0.60
4.1 720P动画
名称:Fate/Zero 第07话
视频码率:2103 Kbps
2.pass2的压制时长 几乎与 crf28+ 一样了。但它的SSIM不仅不如 crf28+,甚至不如 crf28。仅PSNR评分比crf28高。
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\a720\Fate_Zero07.264" "F:\Temp\3\a720\Fate_Zero07.mkv.avs"
avs [info]: :1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:301&& Avg QP:23.08& size: 31750& PSNR Mean Y:47.35 U:50.71 V:50.74 Avg:48.17 Global:47.55
x264 [info]: frame P:8942& Avg QP:25.65& size:& 5263& PSNR Mean Y:46.08 U:49.68 V:49.62 Avg:46.92 Global:45.87
x264 [info]: frame B:25281 Avg QP:32.50& size:&& 774& PSNR Mean Y:46.15 U:49.87 V:49.81 Avg:47.02 Global:46.02
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:& 4.2%& 5.5%& 6.2% 40.9%& 9.2% 33.8%& 0.2%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 65.1%& 0.0% 34.9%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4: 20.5%& 0.0%& 2.3%& P16..4: 28.9%& 2.1%& 0.4%& 0.0%& 0.0%&&& skip:45.6%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 0.7%& 0.0%& 0.1%& B16..8: 10.1%& 0.6%& 0.1%& direct: 0.3%& skip:88.2%& L0:35.7% L1:62.8% BI: 1.4%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:100.0% temporal:0.0%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 12.4% 36.6% 6.4% inter: 1.2% 4.4% 0.0%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 39% 24% 13% 25%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 17% 11% 38%& 6%& 6%& 5%& 5%& 5%& 6%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 63% 18% 12%& 7%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:5.8% UV:3.7%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 57.2% 12.7% 18.3%& 6.4%& 4.5%& 0.9%& 0.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 87.8%& 8.1%& 3.1%& 1.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 97.3%& 2.7%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..347db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:46.141 U:49.829 V:49.772 Avg:47.005 Global:45.993 kb/s:423.30
encoded 34524 frames, 10.68 fps, 423.30 kb/s
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\a720\Fate_Zero07.264" "F:\Temp\3\a720\Fate_Zero07.mkv.avs"
avs [info]: :1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:304&& Avg QP:23.04& size: 31776& PSNR Mean Y:47.36 U:50.73 V:50.77 Avg:48.19 Global:47.56
x264 [info]: frame P:8996& Avg QP:25.62& size:& 5236& PSNR Mean Y:46.11 U:49.71 V:49.64 Avg:46.95 Global:45.91
x264 [info]: frame B:25224 Avg QP:32.49& size:&& 765& PSNR Mean Y:46.19 U:49.89 V:49.83 Avg:47.06 Global:46.06
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:& 4.4%& 5.7%& 6.2% 40.6%& 9.3% 33.5%& 0.2%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 64.9%& 0.0% 35.1%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4: 20.2%& 0.0%& 2.2%& P16..4: 29.2%& 2.0%& 0.4%& 0.0%& 0.0%&&& skip:45.9%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 0.7%& 0.0%& 0.1%& B16..8: 10.1%& 0.5%& 0.1%& direct: 0.3%& skip:88.2%& L0:35.5% L1:63.0% BI: 1.5%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:100.0% temporal:0.0%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 12.2% 36.9% 6.4% inter: 1.2% 4.4% 0.0%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 39% 24% 13% 24%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 18% 12% 38%& 6%& 6%& 5%& 5%& 5%& 6%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 62% 19% 12%& 7%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:6.0% UV:3.8%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 56.8% 14.3% 17.5%& 6.1%& 4.4%& 0.9%& 0.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 88.0%& 7.9%& 3.1%& 1.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 97.3%& 2.7%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..389db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:46.181 U:49.848 V:49.791 Avg:47.041 Global:46.028 kb/s:422.60
encoded 34524 frames, 5.39 fps, 422.60 kb/s
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --pass 2 --bitrate 422 --stats "F:\Temp\3\a720\Fate_Zero07.stats" --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\a720\Fate_Zero07.264" "F:\Temp\3\a720\Fate_Zero07.mkv.avs"
avs [info]: :1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:301&& Avg QP:23.02& size: 32258& PSNR Mean Y:47.42 U:50.76 V:50.80 Avg:48.23 Global:47.49
x264 [info]: frame P:8942& Avg QP:25.67& size:& 5277& PSNR Mean Y:46.08 U:49.70 V:49.63 Avg:46.92 Global:45.74
x264 [info]: frame B:25281 Avg QP:32.58& size:&& 756& PSNR Mean Y:46.17 U:49.89 V:49.84 Avg:47.04 Global:45.89
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:& 4.2%& 5.5%& 6.2% 40.9%& 9.2% 33.8%& 0.2%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 65.3%& 0.0% 34.7%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4: 20.5%& 0.0%& 2.3%& P16..4: 29.9%& 2.1%& 0.5%& 0.0%& 0.0%&&& skip:44.7%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 0.7%& 0.0%& 0.1%& B16..8: 10.2%& 0.5%& 0.1%& direct: 0.3%& skip:88.1%& L0:35.9% L1:62.7% BI: 1.4%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:93.0% temporal:7.0%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 12.4% 36.8% 6.5% inter: 1.2% 4.4% 0.0%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 39% 23% 13% 24%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 18% 11% 39%& 6%& 6%& 5%& 5%& 5%& 6%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 63% 18% 12%& 7%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:5.8% UV:3.7%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 55.2% 14.4% 19.6%& 6.2%& 3.9%& 0.7%& 0.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 87.3%& 8.9%& 3.0%& 0.8%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 97.1%& 2.9%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..290db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:46.154 U:49.848 V:49.793 Avg:47.017 Global:45.860 kb/s:422.32
encoded 34524 frames, 12.31 fps, 422.32 kb/s
4.2 720P电影
视频码率:3072 Kbps
2.pass2的压制时长 几乎与 crf28+ 一样了。但它的SSIM不仅不如 crf28+,甚至不如 crf28。PSNR评分也是如此。
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\f720\nfsundercover.264" "F:\Temp\3\f720\nfsundercover.wmv.avs"
avs [info]: :1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:47&&& Avg QP:24.31& size: 41912& PSNR Mean Y:44.20 U:50.16 V:50.33 Avg:45.43 Global:44.23
x264 [info]: frame P:6507& Avg QP:28.03& size:& 3548& PSNR Mean Y:42.11 U:48.63 V:48.99 Avg:43.41 Global:42.92
x264 [info]: frame B:3447& Avg QP:34.08& size:&& 962& PSNR Mean Y:40.95 U:47.63 V:47.74 Avg:42.24 Global:42.05
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 52.7%& 2.1% 13.5% 21.1%& 7.7%& 2.6%& 0.2%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 55.4%& 0.0% 44.6%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4:& 3.6%& 0.0%& 0.4%& P16..4: 34.1%& 1.9%& 0.5%& 0.0%& 0.0%&&& skip:59.5%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 0.3%& 0.0%& 0.0%& B16..8: 16.8%& 0.6%& 0.1%& direct: 0.3%& skip:81.9%& L0:40.3% L1:58.9% BI: 0.8%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:100.0% temporal:0.0%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 16.0% 33.8% 5.2% inter: 2.9% 3.7% 0.0%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 38% 23% 14% 25%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 13% 15% 32%& 5%& 6%& 5%& 7%& 8%& 8%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 58% 24% 12%& 7%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:0.8% UV:0.6%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 59.2% 17.2% 14.6%& 3.6%& 3.0%& 2.2%& 0.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 87.1%& 8.4%& 3.5%& 1.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 94.2%& 5.8%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..501db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:41.718 U:48.295 V:48.564 Avg:43.017 Global:42.604 kb/s:680.17
encoded 10001 frames, 8.58 fps, 680.17 kb/s
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\f720\nfsundercover.264" "F:\Temp\3\f720\nfsundercover.wmv.avs"
avs [info]: :1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:47&&& Avg QP:24.29& size: 41931& PSNR Mean Y:44.21 U:50.18 V:50.34 Avg:45.44 Global:44.24
x264 [info]: frame P:6649& Avg QP:28.00& size:& 3554& PSNR Mean Y:42.21 U:48.64 V:48.99 Avg:43.51 Global:42.96
x264 [info]: frame B:3305& Avg QP:34.08& size:&& 948& PSNR Mean Y:40.97 U:47.63 V:47.73 Avg:42.26 Global:42.07
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 54.5%& 2.3% 13.1% 20.0%& 7.4%& 2.5%& 0.1%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 55.4%& 0.0% 44.6%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4:& 3.6%& 0.0%& 0.3%& P16..4: 34.1%& 1.8%& 0.4%& 0.0%& 0.0%&&& skip:59.6%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 0.3%& 0.0%& 0.0%& B16..8: 16.7%& 0.6%& 0.1%& direct: 0.3%& skip:82.1%& L0:40.3% L1:58.8% BI: 0.9%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:100.0% temporal:0.0%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 15.5% 33.7% 5.1% inter: 3.0% 3.7% 0.0%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 37% 23% 14% 25%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 14% 15% 32%& 5%& 6%& 5%& 7%& 8%& 8%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 57% 24% 12%& 7%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:0.8% UV:0.6%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 59.9% 17.6% 14.0%& 3.4%& 3.0%& 2.2%& 0.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 87.2%& 8.3%& 3.5%& 1.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 94.3%& 5.7%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..548db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:41.812 U:48.314 V:48.578 Avg:43.103 Global:42.653 kb/s:688.91
encoded 10001 frames, 4.13 fps, 688.91 kb/s
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune film --pass 2 --bitrate 681 --stats "F:\Temp\3\f720\nfsundercover.stats" --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\f720\nfsundercover.264" "F:\Temp\3\f720\nfsundercover.wmv.avs"
avs [info]: :1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:47&&& Avg QP:24.55& size: 41881& PSNR Mean Y:43.61 U:49.95 V:50.19 Avg:44.87 Global:43.64
x264 [info]: frame P:6507& Avg QP:27.86& size:& 3508& PSNR Mean Y:41.47 U:48.52 V:48.91 Avg:42.82 Global:42.24
x264 [info]: frame B:3447& Avg QP:34.20& size:& 1055& PSNR Mean Y:40.23 U:47.51 V:47.63 Avg:41.58 Global:41.35
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 52.7%& 2.1% 13.5% 21.1%& 7.7%& 2.6%& 0.2%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 53.4%& 0.0% 46.6%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4:& 3.2%& 0.0%& 0.4%& P16..4: 35.4%& 1.9%& 0.6%& 0.0%& 0.0%&&& skip:58.6%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 0.4%& 0.0%& 0.0%& B16..8: 21.4%& 0.6%& 0.1%& direct: 0.3%& skip:77.2%& L0:40.8% L1:58.6% BI: 0.6%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:93.6% temporal:6.4%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 18.5% 39.5% 5.8% inter: 2.4% 4.4% 0.0%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 41% 24% 15% 21%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu:& 9% 10% 26%& 6%& 9%& 7% 10% 10% 12%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 55% 25% 14%& 6%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:0.8% UV:0.6%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 60.7% 14.5% 15.7%& 4.4%& 3.0%& 1.7%& 0.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 88.6%& 8.1%& 2.6%& 0.7%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 94.6%& 5.4%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..265db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:41.048 U:48.178 V:48.476 Avg:42.399 Global:41.914 kb/s:681.66
encoded 10001 frames, 9.84 fps, 681.66 kb/s
5.1 1080P动画
名称:我的妹妹不可能那么可爱-11 我的妹妹不可能这么女仆
2.pass2的压制时长 几乎与 crf28+ 一样了。但它的SSIM不仅不如 crf28+,甚至不如 crf28。仅PSNR评分高。
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\a1080\Oreimo11.264" "F:\Temp\3\a1080\Oreimo11.mkv.avs"
avs [info]: p 1:1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [warning]: frame MB size (120x68) & level limit (5120)
x264 [warning]: DPB size (4 frames,
bytes) & level limit (2 frames, 7864320 bytes)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:351&& Avg QP:21.02& size: 60253& PSNR Mean Y:48.63 U:52.31 V:52.85 Avg:49.56 Global:48.55
x264 [info]: frame P:10277 Avg QP:25.00& size:& 9678& PSNR Mean Y:46.01 U:50.37 V:50.87 Avg:47.04 Global:45.06
x264 [info]: frame B:27460 Avg QP:33.16& size:&& 826& PSNR Mean Y:46.87 U:51.05 V:51.54 Avg:47.87 Global:46.41
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:& 4.9% 13.7%& 6.2% 18.1% 14.9% 22.4% 19.8%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 68.0%& 0.0% 32.0%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4:& 8.3%& 0.0%& 1.8%& P16..4: 17.8%& 2.4%& 0.5%& 0.1%& 0.0%&&& skip:69.0%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 0.2%& 0.0%& 0.0%& B16..8:& 4.9%& 0.4%& 0.1%& direct: 0.1%& skip:94.3%& L0:36.8% L1:60.9% BI: 2.3%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:97.5% temporal:2.5%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 18.8% 34.6% 12.6% inter: 1.1% 2.3% 0.1%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 54% 22%& 9% 15%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 22% 14% 27%& 7%& 7%& 6%& 6%& 6%& 6%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 62% 17% 15%& 6%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:1.2% UV:0.8%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 72.4% 11.1% 16.4%& 0.1%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 89.6% 10.4%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 96.6%& 3.4%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..739db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:46.652 U:50.879 V:51.372 Avg:47.660 Global:46.017 kb/s:721.57
encoded 38088 frames, 7.66 fps, 721.57 kb/s
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\a1080\Oreimo11.264" "F:\Temp\3\a1080\Oreimo11.mkv.avs"
avs [info]: p 1:1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [warning]: frame MB size (120x68) & level limit (5120)
x264 [warning]: DPB size (4 frames,
bytes) & level limit (2 frames, 7864320 bytes)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:349&& Avg QP:20.98& size: 60375& PSNR Mean Y:48.61 U:52.30 V:52.84 Avg:49.54 Global:48.54
x264 [info]: frame P:10560 Avg QP:25.04& size:& 9552& PSNR Mean Y:46.00 U:50.34 V:50.84 Avg:47.02 Global:45.07
x264 [info]: frame B:27179 Avg QP:33.15& size:&& 778& PSNR Mean Y:46.96 U:51.09 V:51.58 Avg:47.95 Global:46.49
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:& 5.6% 14.2%& 6.8% 17.5% 14.1% 22.1% 19.7%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 67.9%& 0.0% 32.1%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4:& 8.2%& 0.0%& 1.7%& P16..4: 17.9%& 2.4%& 0.5%& 0.1%& 0.0%&&& skip:69.2%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 0.2%& 0.0%& 0.0%& B16..8:& 4.8%& 0.4%& 0.1%& direct: 0.1%& skip:94.5%& L0:36.4% L1:61.4% BI: 2.2%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:97.5% temporal:2.5%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 18.3% 34.4% 12.3% inter: 1.1% 2.3% 0.1%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 54% 22%& 9% 15%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 22% 14% 27%& 7%& 7%& 6%& 6%& 6%& 6%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 62% 17% 15%& 6%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:1.3% UV:0.9%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 72.5% 11.6% 15.8%& 0.1%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 89.9% 10.1%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 96.7%& 3.3%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..781db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:46.707 U:50.891 V:51.384 Avg:47.709 Global:46.063 kb/s:720.53
encoded 38088 frames, 4.43 fps, 720.53 kb/s
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --pass 2 --bitrate 720 --stats "F:\Temp\3\a1080\Oreimo11.stats" --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\a1080\Oreimo11.264" "F:\Temp\3\a1080\Oreimo11.mkv.avs"
avs [info]: p 1:1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [warning]: frame MB size (120x68) & level limit (5120)
x264 [warning]: DPB size (4 frames,
bytes) & level limit (2 frames, 7864320 bytes)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:351&& Avg QP:20.70& size: 61277& PSNR Mean Y:48.82 U:52.49 V:53.02 Avg:49.75 Global:48.57
x264 [info]: frame P:10277 Avg QP:25.03& size:& 9624& PSNR Mean Y:46.05 U:50.38 V:50.89 Avg:47.06 Global:44.80
x264 [info]: frame B:27460 Avg QP:33.06& size:&& 827& PSNR Mean Y:46.99 U:51.15 V:51.64 Avg:47.99 Global:46.28
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:& 4.9% 13.7%& 6.2% 18.1% 14.9% 22.4% 19.8%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 67.8%& 0.0% 32.2%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4:& 8.7%& 0.0%& 2.0%& P16..4: 17.6%& 2.4%& 0.5%& 0.1%& 0.0%&&& skip:68.7%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 0.2%& 0.0%& 0.1%& B16..8:& 5.1%& 0.4%& 0.1%& direct: 0.1%& skip:94.1%& L0:36.7% L1:61.5% BI: 1.8%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:89.0% temporal:11.0%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 18.9% 35.0% 12.8% inter: 1.0% 2.2% 0.0%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 53% 23%& 9% 15%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 22% 14% 28%& 7%& 6%& 6%& 6%& 6%& 6%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 62% 17% 15%& 6%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:1.2% UV:0.8%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 74.8% 12.4% 12.7%& 0.1%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 89.2% 10.8%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 96.4%& 3.6%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..688db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:46.755 U:50.954 V:51.448 Avg:47.757 Global:45.844 kb/s:720.77
encoded 38088 frames, 9.58 fps, 720.77 kb/s
5.2 1080P电影
2.pass2的压制时长 几乎与 crf28+ 一样了。但它的画质仍是垫底,PSNR、SSIM均不如。
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune film --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\f1080\CoralReef." "F:\Temp\3\f1080\CoralReef.1080p.wmv.avs"
avs [info]: p 1:1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [warning]: frame MB size (120x68) & level limit (5120)
x264 [warning]: DPB size (4 frames,
bytes) & level limit (2 frames, 7864320 bytes)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:18&&& Avg QP:23.95& size:102524& PSNR Mean Y:45.01 U:52.03 V:50.78 Avg:46.18 Global:43.22
x264 [info]: frame P:1187& Avg QP:27.96& size: 22600& PSNR Mean Y:41.63 U:47.64 V:46.87 Avg:42.74 Global:41.22
x264 [info]: frame B:1165& Avg QP:29.17& size:& 9608& PSNR Mean Y:42.44 U:47.55 V:47.01 Avg:43.44 Global:41.34
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 31.8%& 2.6% 28.0% 21.1% 12.2%& 4.3%& 0.0%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 64.5%& 0.0% 35.5%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4: 21.5%& 0.0%& 1.8%& P16..4: 55.0%& 4.2%& 0.5%& 0.0%& 0.0%&&& skip:17.0%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 3.6%& 0.0%& 0.4%& B16..8: 32.0%& 2.3%& 0.5%& direct: 4.7%& skip:56.5%& L0:48.7% L1:48.8% BI: 2.5%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:99.9% temporal:0.1%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 17.1% 48.4% 5.4% inter: 9.2% 20.3% 0.3%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 39% 25% 20% 17%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu:& 3%& 5% 25%& 6% 11%& 8% 13%& 9% 20%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 47% 30% 18%& 5%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:10.7% UV:8.3%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 63.6% 18.6% 17.3%& 0.4%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 83.1% 16.9%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 90.7%& 9.3%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..278db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:42.050 U:47.631 V:46.967 Avg:43.113 Global:41.288 kb/s:3226.26
encoded 2370 frames, 2.47 fps, 3226.26 kb/s
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI_2050_x86\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune animation --crf 28.0 --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\f1080\CoralReef." "F:\Temp\3\f1080\CoralReef.1080p.wmv.avs"
avs [info]: p 1:1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [warning]: frame MB size (120x68) & level limit (5120)
x264 [warning]: DPB size (4 frames,
bytes) & level limit (2 frames, 7864320 bytes)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:18&&& Avg QP:25.35& size: 91909& PSNR Mean Y:44.69 U:51.44 V:50.23 Avg:45.82 Global:42.89
x264 [info]: frame P:1184& Avg QP:29.21& size: 18998& PSNR Mean Y:41.74 U:47.11 V:46.35 Avg:42.76 Global:41.37
x264 [info]: frame B:1168& Avg QP:31.87& size:& 7367& PSNR Mean Y:42.33 U:46.88 V:46.29 Avg:43.23 Global:41.43
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 32.0%& 2.3% 27.1% 20.4% 12.0%& 5.6%& 0.6%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 68.7%& 0.0% 31.3%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4: 26.4%& 0.0%& 1.6%& P16..4: 44.8%& 3.2%& 0.3%& 0.0%& 0.0%&&& skip:23.7%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 2.6%& 0.0%& 0.3%& B16..8: 22.7%& 2.2%& 0.4%& direct: 3.0%& skip:68.8%& L0:47.0% L1:50.0% BI: 2.9%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:99.9% temporal:0.1%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 12.6% 40.0% 4.1% inter: 8.2% 13.5% 0.2%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 37% 25% 18% 20%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu:& 5%& 9% 37%& 5%& 8%& 5%& 9%& 6% 15%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 59% 24% 13%& 4%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:10.9% UV:8.5%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 60.4% 23.9% 15.5%& 0.3%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 85.0% 15.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 92.3%& 7.7%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..135db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:42.057 U:47.029 V:46.351 Avg:43.015 Global:41.405 kb/s:2650.77
encoded 2370 frames, 1.49 fps, 2650.77 kb/s
commandline: "F:\MeGUI\MeGUI\tools\x264\x264.exe" --profile main --level 3.2 --preset placebo --tune film --pass 2 --bitrate 2543 --stats "F:\Temp\3\f1080\CoralReef.1080p.stats" --threads 2 --bframes 6 --merange 32 --me umh --subme 9 --psnr --ssim --sar 1:1 --output "F:\Temp\3\f1080\CoralReef." "F:\Temp\3\f1080\CoralReef.1080p.wmv.avs"
avs [info]: p 1:1 @
x264 [warning]: --psnr used with psy on: results will be invalid!
x264 [warning]: --tune psnr should be used if attempting to benchmark psnr!
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [warning]: frame MB size (120x68) & level limit (5120)
x264 [warning]: DPB size (4 frames,
bytes) & level limit (2 frames, 7864320 bytes)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.2
x264 [info]: frame I:18&&& Avg QP:25.31& size: 89896& PSNR Mean Y:44.29 U:51.27 V:50.04 Avg:45.46 Global:42.34
x264 [info]: frame P:1187& Avg QP:29.71& size: 17927& PSNR Mean Y:40.71 U:46.92 V:46.13 Avg:41.84 Global:40.13
x264 [info]: frame B:1165& Avg QP:30.98& size:& 7522& PSNR Mean Y:41.77 U:47.04 V:46.47 Avg:42.79 Global:40.52
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 31.8%& 2.6% 28.0% 21.1% 12.2%& 4.3%& 0.0%
x264 [info]: mb I& I16..4: 67.0%& 0.0% 33.0%
x264 [info]: mb P& I16..4: 22.1%& 0.0%& 1.5%& P16..4: 50.6%& 3.2%& 0.4%& 0.0%& 0.0%&&& skip:22.3%
x264 [info]: mb B& I16..4:& 2.9%& 0.0%& 0.3%& B16..8: 29.1%& 2.0%& 0.4%& direct: 3.7%& skip:61.7%& L0:46.8% L1:51.1% BI: 2.0%
x264 [info]: direct mvs& spatial:89.2% temporal:10.8%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 12.6% 43.6% 4.1% inter: 6.8% 16.6% 0.2%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 40% 25% 18% 17%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu:& 3%& 4% 26%& 6% 12%& 7% 13%& 8% 19%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 54% 27% 15%& 4%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:10.7% UV:8.3%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 62.5% 18.6% 18.5%& 0.5%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 81.8% 18.2%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 90.9%& 9.1%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0..566db)
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:41.258 U:47.016 V:46.328 Avg:42.333 Global:40.333 kb/s:2562.26
encoded 2370 frames, 3.70 fps, 2562.26 kb/s
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC:
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