rhino5 sr10 轮毂更新了什么功能

犀牛软件中文版(Rhinoceros) v5.10 官方正式版(32/64位)
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> 犀牛软件中文版(Rhinoceros) v5.10 官方正式版(32/64位)
犀牛软件中文版(Rhinoceros) v5.10 官方正式版(32/64位)
Rhinoceros.5.10官方版: 密码: 3v5x
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本站资源均收集整理于互联网,其著作权归原作者所有,如果有侵犯您权利的资源,请来信告知,我们将及时撤销相应资源。Rhinoceros - Beyond 5
Beyond Rhino 5 - Special benefits of ownership
We provide everyone as much information
as possible during every development phase.
We try not to keep any secrets. Our development
is open to the owner of a current version of Rhino.
We rely on user input to help us set
priorities, refine features, and solve problems
unique to their systems, processes, and
related software. We invite all owners of
the current version to get involved by downloading
and using the pre-release versions.
As a Rhino 5 user, you are invited
to be a key contributor to the next
releases, including
(bug fixes),
(early prototype
projects), the
users, and . Getting
involved is the best way to get what you
want from the next Rhino version.&
Details below...
Rhino 5 automatically downloads
service releases to your computer
and notifies you when they are ready to
install. You can control when updates
are downloaded in Rhino Options & Updates and
You can also download them
For pre-release builds, under Rhino Options & Updates and
Statistics select:
automatically download pre-release builds of Rhino that
contain the most recent fixes and
enhancements. These builds are
tested by McNeel testing staff for
stability and reliability, but may
contain bugs that we haven't
discovered yet.
Service Release
Candidates to automatically download
pre-release builds
that the development team believes
are stable, reliable, and are ready
for broader testing.
forum has been added on the Rhino&5
community site to help manage the
ongoing wishlist discussions.
are plug-ins for the
current version. They are early prototypes
of features that may or may not be in the
next major version. Please download them, use them, and provide
OS X version Rhino 5 is in the works. It
is an ongoing process and is being
released in phases. During the
pre-release phase everyone is invited to
give it a try. At first release, Rhino 5
for Mac will not be on par with Rhino 5
for Windows, during the first release
phase, there will be many enhanced and
bug fixes. Pre-release builds will still
be available to licensed users and all
of the Rhino 5 for Mac will be free.
We need feedback from both expert and
Rhino users. We are willing to spend whatever
time and effort it takes to get it right,
but we need you to tell us what is wrong.
During development, pre-release Rhino for Mac
is free to anyone willing to provide feedback.
After Rhino 5 ships, Rhino 6 pre-release
will be available to Rhino 5 users in
Work-in-Progress (WIP)
builds include prototyped new ideas
and technologies. WIP builds (often
called Alpha releases) are not
production ready, and some ideas and
technologies may never be released.
Rhino 5 users
will be invited to get involved. Your
feedback at the WIP stage has the most
impact on the design of the features and enhancements.
Beta: Once most of the
core changes&are finished and
tested, beta builds are released.
The beta builds should be
production stable but may not have
all the features or user
interface finished.&
Final: We release a new
version only when the beta users
tell us it is ready. Beta users are
informed when we have stopped
development and have released Rhino
6 to production.
All Rhino 5 users will be invited
to participate in the Rhino 6 development
process. There is no charge.
Each phase normally takes more
than 6 months.
Each WIP and beta builds expires every few months. A newer
build is always available before expiration.
This ensures that bugs are reported
for the latest build, and that we
don't receive reports for bugs that
are already fixed.
The final beta release will not
expire for at least two months after
the new version starts shipping.&
Copyright (C) 2015
. All Rights Reserved.Rhino 5 SR10 RC3 Available - Rhino for Windows - McNeel Forum
22:35:42 UTC
Rhino 5 Service Release 10 Release Candidate 3 is now available.
To receive release candidate updates:
From the Tools menu in Rhino, click Check for Updates
In the Updates and Statistics page, select Service Release Candidates in the Update Frequency drop-down box.
There are lots of small improvements in this build, plus one big one. When your computer is set to show decimal numbers as "2.341,05", some users reported problems in Rhino after installing Apple iCloud. Render materials go black, and typing decimals on the command line fail. This bug is now fixed.
Please report any problems on this forum.您现在的位置: >
Rhino是是美国Robert McNeel & Assoc.开发的PC上强大的专业3D造型软件,它能轻易整合3DS MAX 与Softimage的模型功能部分,对要求精细、弹性与复杂的3D NURBS模型,有点石成金的效能。能输出obj、DXF、IGES、STL、3dm等不同格式,并适用于几乎所有3D软件,尤其对增加整个3D工作团队的模型生产力有明显效果,故使用3D MAX、AutoCAD、MAYA、Softimage、Houdini、Lightwave等3D设计人员不可不学习使用。 犀牛能快速简便的建立复杂空间几何模型,结合grasshopper插件 可实现建模参数化 修改任意一个参数可以使整个模型发生改变 使得模型修改变得极其容易。。。非常适合建筑及其结构专业的人员使用。。
& 大型三维建模软件犀牛5.0/Rhino5
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