我在ubuntu上装了vmware下安装ubuntu workstation 9.0.4 build-1945795 求注册码

VMware Workstation 7.1.4 Release Notes
VMware Workstation Version 7.1.4 | 29 MARCH 2011 | Build 385536
Last Document Update: 26 JULY 2011
Check frequently for additions and updates to these release notes.
These release notes cover the following topics:
What's New
VMware Workstation 7.1.4 is a maintenance release that
some security issues and known problems. It also adds support for Windows 7 SP1 and Ubuntu 10.10 as guest and host operating systems, and Windows 2008 R2 SP1 as a host operating system.
Prior Releases of Workstation
Known problems from prior releases of VMware Workstation are described in the release notes for each release. To view release notes for the prior releases of VMware Workstation, see , , , and .
Resolved Issues
The following issues sections list the resolved issues in VMware Workstation 7.1.4.
Security Fixes
Workstation 7.1.4 addresses a local privilege escalation in the vmrun utility
VMware vmrun is a utility that is used to perform various tasks on virtual machines. The vmrun utility runs on any platform with VIX libraries installed. It is installed in Workstation by default. In non-standard filesystem configurations, an attacker with the ability to place files into a predefined library path could take execution control of vmrun. This issue is present only in the version of vmrun that runs on Linux
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name
to this issue.
Other Resolved Issues
In Workstation 7.1, the default main memory VA cache size (mainMem.vaCacheSize) for 32-bit Windows guests was reduced to accommodate 3D emulation memory requirements. However, the reduced value resulted in performance loss. For 7.1.4, the default main memory VA cache size has been be increased to 1000 MB and performance is improved.
Because Workstation failed to identify more than 10 USB host controllers in newer Windows guests, some USB devices did not appear in the Removable Devices menu. Now Workstation shows all USB devices in the Removable Devices menu as long as they are connected to the first identified 16 USB controllers.
When using the Capture Movie option, the captured video stopped playing around the 1GB mark if the
file exceeded 1GB. Now you can capture and play video files that are greater than 1GB.
The application vmware-modconfig
UI could not start up in a KDE 4 session in a SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
(SLED) 11 environment.
On Windows host systems that have more than 4GB of memory, Workstation sometimes crashed during cryptographic operations, for example, when performing disk encryption.
VMware Tools upgrade could be started by a non-administrator user from the VMware Tools Control Panel in a Windows guest. In this release, only administrator users can start VMware Tools upgrade from the VMware Tools Control Panel. To prevent non-administrator users from starting VMware Tools upgrade from a guest by using other applications, set isolation.tools.autoinstall.disable to TRUE in the virtual machine configuration (.vmx) file.
When a virtual machine running on a Windows host was used to access an Omron Industrial CP1L Programmable Logic Controller, Workstation generated an unrecoverable error.
When using NAT virtual networking on Windows hosts, the traceroute command did not work when used within virtual machines.
The Easy Install feature did not work for
Fedora 14 guest operating systems.
During VMware Tools installation on a Fedora 14 64-bit guest operating system, the following warning message was generated while building the vsock module: case value '255' not in enumerated type 'socket_state'.
Workstation crashed with an access violation when a user tried to open the sidebar after closing all tabs in Quick Switch mode.
The Easy Install feature did not work for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 guest operating systems.
The VMware Tools HGFS provider DLL caused a deadlock when making calls to the WNetAddConnection2 function from an application such as eEye Rentina in a Windows guest operating system.
There was no option to disable guest time sync when a host resumes. Now you can set time.synchronize.resume.host to FALSE in the virtual machine configuration (.vmx) file to disable guest time sync when a host resumes. See
for other time sync options.
Setting a hidden attribute on a file in a shared folder from a Windows guest on a Linux host failed with an error. This problem caused applications such as SVN checkout to fail when checking out to shared folders on Linux hosts from Windows guests.
When the latest NVIDIA 270.x drivers are
installed on a Linux host system, users could not run virtual machines with 3D
acceleration enabled.
Known Issues
The known issues for
VMware Workstation
are grouped by topic in the following sections.
Software Updates
The known issue under this section is only applicable when upgrading from the VMware Workstation 7.1 release candidate to the current VMware Workstation 7.1 release.
Upgrading VMware Workstation on non-English versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7 hosts might cause the vmUpdateLauncher.exe program to fail and trigger high CPU and memory usage.
Workaround: In the %PROGRAMFILES%\VMware\VMware Workstation
directory, replace the vmUpdateLauncher.exe file with the one available on .
Installation, Upgrade, and Compatibility
The WDDM graphics driver included in the VMware Workstation 7.1 release
is not compatible with
VMware Workstation 7.0 and earlier releases. To run a virtual machine in an older version of VMware Workstation, revert to the previous version of the WDDM driver.
Workaround: Uninstall the current version of VMware Tools and install the previously released version.
On Windows hosts, if VMware applications or virtual machines are running under a different user, then the current user might not be able to upgrade VMware Workstation concurrently.
Workaround: To upgrade VMware Workstation, complete the following steps:
Open Windows Task Manager.
Verify that VMware applications or virtual machines are running under a different user.
Switch to that user.
Close all VMware applications and virtual machines.
Switch back and upgrade VMware Workstation.
If you do not have the proper permission to switch, contact your system administrator.
On Linux hosts, changes to the System proxy settings and Manual proxy settings might take effect after you restart VMware Workstation.
On Windows Server 2008 hosts, if you are not logged in as an Administrative user or your group policy disallows .msi
installers, VMware Workstation and VMware Tools update might fail.
In some instances, using Easy Install to create a virtual machine with Kubuntu 10.04 might result in a blank screen after the virtual machine restarts for the first time.
Workaround: Restart the virtual machine.
Installing the Linux version of VMware Workstation in a directory where the path contains spaces, might cause the OVF Tool to launch incorrectly.
Workaround: To launch the OVF Tool,
implement one of the following workarounds:
Install the Linux version of VMware Workstation in a directory path without spaces.
Edit line 23 of the ovftool script to contain the following command: "$OVFTOOL_BIN" "$@".
On SUSE 11.2 and possibly other Linux distributions, the sudo
command does not preserve the DISPLAY environment, which could cause the VMware Workstation installer user interface to fail.
Workaround: To preserve the DISPLAY environment add Defaults env_keep+="DISPLAY"
to the /etc/sudoers file.
Installing VMware Workstation in a directory path that contains non-ASCII characters might cause an unsuccessful installation or cause
guest application shortcuts to become unresponsive when you try to open them.
Workaround: Install VMware Workstation in a directory path containing only ASCII characters.
In some cases, entering Unity mode on Windows 7 virtual machines with Aero configured to use more than two monitors could disable migration of
Unity windows
between monitors.
Workaround: Exit and reenter Unity mode.
Exiting FIFA 08 game on Windows 7 guests and hosts with Aero enabled, might cause the desktop wallpaper to turn black.
Running OpenGL applications using full screen view across multiple displays on a Windows XP virtual machine might fail.
There are known issues with the ATI Linux driver 10.2. VMware recommends that you use ATI Linux driver 9.11 for the best 3D user experience.
On Fedora 13 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 virtual machines, Unity mode might not support maximizing virtual machine application windows.
When running Left 4 Dead application, transitioning the virtual machine between console view and full screen mode, might cause the application to display incorrectly.
Workaround: Restart the application to restore display.
Integrated Virtual Debuggers
When you restart an Integrated Virtual Debugger live debugging session for a Visual Basic project in a virtual machine using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or 2010, the Remote Debug Monitor instance might become unresponsive.
Workaround: In Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, manually stop the msvsmon.exe process in the guest. When a prompt appears to confirm whether you want to use the existing Remote Debug Monitor instance, select No and continue with the live debugging session.
For Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, restart the Visual Studio 2010 program.
On Ubuntu 10.04 hosts, debugging with the Eclipse C/C++ Remote Debugging plug-in might fail with the error message "/usr/bin/xterm: can't execvp /mnt/hgfs/gdbserverDirectory/gdbserver: Protocol error".
Live debugging mode does not work on encrypted virtual machines.
Running a virtual machine on a Linux host with grsecurity patches might cause the host to restart unexpectedly.
Running a script event as root to suspend Fedora 13 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Beta 2 guest operating systems might not suspend the guests.
Workaround: To suspend the Fedora 13 guest, apply a policy file greater than selinux-policy-3.7.19-57.fc13.
Attempting to restore a virtual machine snapshot on a host with Diskeeper 2010 installed might fail.
Workaround: Upgrade to Diskeeper 2010 version 14.0.898.0 or later.
On Ubuntu 10.04 hosts, powering on a virtual machine with ThinPrint enabled might fail with the error message "thnuclnt: relocation error: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libnss_files.so.2: symbol strcmp, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference".
Using fast user switching might cause unpredictable behavior in the Windows virtual machine, including problems with the mouse and with CPU usage.
Workaround: Allow the Windows guest operating system to start and reach an idle state before you log in to the first user account.
Printer device might not work on Ubuntu 10.04 hosts.
Workaround: Manually configure the network or USB printer to print from the virtual machine.
Converter does not support virtual
disk size that exceeds 950GB.
Workaround: Change the disk size value to 950GB.
Record/replay might not function properly if the virtual machine has a serial port configured to serial&port_number&.fileType = thinprint setting.
Full screen switch mode is no longer supported, but it is still documented in the Workstation User's Manual.
Disregard the documentation.把这当成自己的第一篇文章吧,准备工作环境切换到linux,选择Ubuntu 13.10桌面版,Ubuntu官网下载先安装VMWare10,这个没什么可说的,安装好后启动,点击"新建虚拟机",因为想设置虚拟机的磁盘保存方式,所以选择自定义选择&稍后安装操作系统&选择64位的版本给自己的机器取个名字,设定虚拟机磁盘路径,电脑c盘是SSD,为了速度就安到C盘了设置处理器的配置,这里需要看个人电脑配置,我是四核8线程的i7,这里就选了2*2,如果CPU核心数不多,就选择1*2分配内存,先来2G,以后不够再改配置后面的设置,除了磁盘的设置:"将虚拟磁盘存储为单个文件",其他都默认就OK设置完成后,点击编辑虚拟机配置,设置ISO镜像文件路径完成后启动虚拟机,等安装文件加载,进入语言选择,默认是英文,下面有中文的语言选择我选择安装完成后再更新,音频解码就算了,虚拟机主要是为了布开发环境清除磁盘就行,不用怕,不会把真实磁盘清理掉的=。=把我默认到哈尔滨去了。。点击国内区域,选成shanghai注意:键盘布局选择英语(美国)设置用户名,密码下面登陆Ubuntu账户,愿意的填email创建一个,我选择以后登陆,估计很久很久以后=。=安装开始,趁机赶几行代码。。SSD安装就是快,完毕重启可以登陆了桌面很小,这时候还要安装VMtool点击顶部菜单栏的"虚拟机"选项,下拉选择&安装VMware Tools&,会自动载入光盘,打开窗口运行&vmware-tools-upgrader-64&无反应,把VMwareTools.tar.gz 文件拷贝而到桌面,右键提取到此处,会解压为一个 vmware-tools-distrib 目录打开终端,输入以下命令$ cd 桌面/vmware-tools-distrib$ sudo ./vmware-install.pl输入密码,执行,一路回车摁下去,到最后出现&Enjoy&&the VMware team&的字样,安装完成打开VMware上方菜单栏的"查看"-"自动调整大小",设置为"自动适应客户机"和"自动适应窗口",右上角按钮重启虚拟机,登陆后就发现虚拟机桌面铺满窗口,调整壁纸平铺方式,显示OK至此,安装完成~&
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1.资料准备:(1)虚拟软件:VMware-work...虚拟机安装了13.10 输入法无法切换 - 查看主题
Ubuntu中文论坛14条回复&-&发帖时间:&日每日Ubuntu小技巧 - 在Ubuntu上面安装VMware Workstation - 技术Firefox将成为Ubuntu 13.10默认浏览器_业界新闻_太平洋电脑PCon...Ubuntu 13.10/12.10/12.04升级到Ubuntu 14.04 - 新世纪Linux社区 浅浅发表在《Ubuntu Server 14.04配置ssh登录功能》 chunyinsky发表在《zabbix...Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04 vim vmware zabbix 云计算 开源工具 户外 教程 监控 络...Ubuntu Server 13.10 | 系统运维服务器版(Server),下面为大家介绍服务器版本Ubuntu Server 13.10的详细安装过程...rhel安装 RouterOS Rsync ssh Ubuntu Ubuntu Server VMware vpn Windows Server ......10运行ubuntu 13.10 64 位,安装vmtools失败,在initl..._百度知道Ubuntu 13.10 64位下安装配置 JDK 7 - 新世纪Linux社区 由于ubuntu中可能会有默认的JDK,如openjdk,所以,为了将我们安装的JDK设置为...Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04 vim vmware zabbix 云计算 开源工具 户外 教程 监控 络...VMware ubuntu 13.10 工具栏显示不正常,如图_百度知道Ubuntu 13.10/14.04 及衍生系统用户安装 Slingscold_Linux教程_...图文教程:Ubuntu 13.04升级至Ubuntu 13.10(桌面版) - Ubuntu ...这一系列的文章旨在帮助VMware系统管理员更好地理解ESX虚拟机的内部工作,...点击Start Upgrade(开始升级),开始安装Ubuntu 13.10。 图解Ubuntu 13...在虚拟机里面安装Ubuntu,启动后题是找不到系统。_百度知道3个回答 - 提问时间: 日现在到13.10了你还装7.10. 在虚拟机里安装和直接安装是一样的,需要对磁盘进行分区,上找一下有图文教程,另外现在比较成熟的是12.04.Ubuntu 12.04安装VMware Workstation8.0.3_Linux教程_Linux公社-...Ubuntu 12.04安装VMware Workstation8.0.3,笔者在安装VMware Workstation时就遇到了问题,首先上关于Ubuntu 12.04先行版的内容Windows 7下硬盘安装Ubuntu 13.10图文教程-davidx..._ChinaUnix博客2013年最新macbook pro retina 865安装ubuntu 13.10启动卡在smp...6条回复&-&发帖时间:&日Ubuntu | 系统运维服务器版(Server),下面为大家介绍服务器版本Ubuntu Server 13.10的详细安装过程... VMware Webbench Xen Zabbix 主从架构 企业络 安全优化 热门标签 ...虚拟机安装了13.10 输入法无法切换 - 查看主题 o Ubuntu中文论坛14条回复&-&发帖时间:&日Ubuntu 13.10 解决虚拟机摄像头无法使用问题 - 小伍 - 博客园前段时间使用的是Ubuntu 13.04,使用virtualbox虚拟机 4.2版,虚拟机里边装的Windows 7和Windows8.1均无法使用摄像头。只要在USB设备中选上了摄像头,虚拟机系统准...Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码
Ubuntu下安装vmware 9.0 + 注册码
这是我找的一个VMware Workstation 9.0 for linux地址 有32 和
linux 9.04 32位的,我选择页面的第一个下载。
&二.VMware Workstation for
&#9314;&我们能看到.bunlde文件的详细名字了。输入:&sudo chmod +x
Workstation for linux。安装过程都是图形化的,但因为是英文版,还是大致的说下了。对于菜鸟来说,安装过程只有“第二步”,稍微有点难理解,其他都好说。
&&#9312;许可协议,点击:&I agree,然后点击:Next,继续下一步
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//f2d838dc426.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//afc9d5fe13ea.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
&如图,点击:Broswer,然后在弹出的对话框里面,选择“文件系统”,进入:usr —
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//5d6add4e0bb5f3f25577a.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//fdd67c8b428c3a61b2ec2.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//8396b4d85.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//67ba0bc10e00b32d761cdf9c.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
&&#9314;&点击中间的:Creat a new virtual
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//1b8068772aad79aeb41e51bb17dc2ed2.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
installer disc image file(ISO):是从“光盘镜像文件,ISO文件”来安装系统。一般我们从网上下载的系统,无论是windows还是linux,都是ISO形式的。
will install the
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//ae67fb3b1be72ff84c09c5feab966481.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
我选择的是从“ISO”文件,来安装系统,因此选择中间的,然后点击:Broswer,找我的系统安装ISO文件。看图吧,我安装的系统是:Ubuntu Server
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//97ff86e0fa3.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//9ffe15fefcd722.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
&<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//be7a4ef3b9.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//851bf95cfb89d5d1fc3ab.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
&<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//b96f7d516fab12daadd6578.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
VMware&软件注册。(MD,居然把软件注册放这里,缺德!)点击:Enter Serial
&<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//00c1a47dbce6eb0d7746ebe1dcd0a78b.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//99eb1fbfede03.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//5bcd49f923da35b66ac9e845af548e96.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
&<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//d5e34a4def8f8fcd7e1f.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
行拉,回到软件主界面了,我们的配置过程也顺利完成了,最后,点击:Power on,来启动你的虚拟机吧~看图~
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//82b10f1bf03a6edeafef2b8eb0a3ae79.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/d/file/p//e5c85e4e0a8b9ea30b31cede.jpg" ALT="〔原创〕Ubuntu下,安装官方最新版VMware Workstation 下载/安装/配置 全教程 - Solar - 无心阁"
TITLE="Ubuntu下安装vmware&9.0&+&注册码" />&


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