Editor'sthe quiz show 2是论文吗

2. 語言學習
3. 英語教師教學資源
本網頁可視為韋氏字典的電子版,提供兩種查尋方式:精確查尋與近似查尋以選擇,所得到的說明,皆可透過連結( hyperlink )再查尋。
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在本辭典中蒐錄了 75,000 個詞條的單字,可使用 法翻英 或 英翻法 兩種方式查尋。查尋時輸入欲查尋單字或字根即可。但本辭典只能透過單字查詢,不接受句子或片語查詢。可用 * 查尋字尾變化。
這本德英字典由 Beilstein Institute 的科學部門編纂,為一德語 - 英語 - 德語對照字典,包括 2,100 個款目,其內容為關於 Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry (有機化學)內大部份的德文,亦提供常用的德文縮寫字,以方便讀者閱讀之用,按字母順序排列。
此書為德語 - 英語 - 德語對照字典,收錄約 40,000 字,直接提供 search 的功能,可輸入英語或德語,即可得到解答,每一款目德語在前,相同字義的英語在後。
此書為德語 - 英語 - 德語對照字典,收錄超過 120,000 個款目,可輸入德語或英語,查詢相同字義的另一語言,且所得的結果將包括相關的片語。
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( 由省政府國民中學電腦輔助教學中心設計。目前蒐集了 1480 個成語,及其注釋、相關成語、成語故事)
這是一本拉丁語 - 英語的字典,按字母順序排列,英語的字義解釋在後,並附拉丁文法指導。
以上資料來源: http://www.toastmasters.org.tw/elite/resources.htm
General Links
: a site to help you learn English and teach English as a second language.
: It shows links of interest to students & teachers of English as a second language. 這裡面有太多的英語學習及教學相關資源,包括聽說讀寫訓練的相關網站,還有一些跟語言學習相關的活動及遊戲網頁
English as 2nd Language :This site concentrates on helping you to get the best out of the Internet while improving your English language skills. .
George Dillon's Homepage
:Rhetoric of HTML, Phonetic Resources, Hypertext Courses, Grammatical Resources, Art Resources....
Teaching & Learning English : Teaching and Learning
English on the Web Old English Pages : An encyclopedic compendium of resources for the study of Old English and Anglo-Saxon England.
Online Grammars
On-Line English Grammar
choice for grammar. A truly outstanding site that gives in-depth explanations for a vast variety of grammar questions. (有各文法單元分類解說,並提供線上測驗)
Common Errors in English
Paul Brians' amusing look at a truly outstanding collection of the most common mistakes made in English. (這是一本電子書,上面以字母為序,詳列各種常見的英語錯誤)
Grammar and Style Notes
An advanced learners grammar guide. This resource is meant for university level students. (以字母為序,除了介紹文法單元之外,還詳列了一些常用字的用法)
Modern English Grammar
The Syllabus for Modern English Grammar: English 126 — A survey of English syntax and its associated usage issues. Tour the HyperText Book: A quick overview of the features of the HyperText Book. A Bibliography for English 126: A selected bibliography of the College's holdings in linguistics and English language studies at the College of DuPage Library. WebBoard: How we plan to use WebBoard. (這個網站對於英語語法的介紹較為深奧,以語言學的角度切入,詳細分析英語的語法結構,較適合研究所程度或對語言學有興趣的同學閱覽)
Grammar NOW!
A free site dedicated to answering any grammar, composition, research or formatting question you might have. Personal answers by e-mail. The site offers a search engine for grammar terms, links to a variety of useful composition resources, and an editing service. (不知道該怎麼描述這一個網站,用一個字來形容吧,那就是「讚 !」,幾乎有關英文聽說讀寫的資源裡面都有,最特別的是裡面還有介紹關於 MLA 及 APA 論文書寫格式,不知道論文格式為何的同學,上去看看吧)
GWYNI (Grammar When You Need It)
A well designed and straight forward site, Grammar When You Need It is broken up into three categories for beginning, intermediate and advanced students. It is currently a work in progress designed by David Tillyer ESL teacher at City College of New York and Westchester (New YOrk) Community College. (分紅綠黑三等級,分別代表初中高三級的文法教學內容)
Guide to Grammar and Writing
Prepared by Charles Darling and chosen
as a best site. Difficult, but extremely useful for students wanting to enter university. (以非常生動活潑的方式及豐富的內容,教授文法及寫作課程,超讚)
Online Courses
American Accent Training
This site offers an extensive overview of American pronunciation and offers a six month training course, books and other materials as well as a teacher training courses.
English activities at Syvum
A large number of word games and activities
Learn English, German, French, Italian and Spanish for FREE using our online Language Lab
Learn English - Have Fun !!
A fun free site full of crosswords, word searches, games, jokes and tests for learners of English. Regularly updated.
Learn English for free! We have grammar, vocabulary and speaking pages, shockwave games and free newsletter and an English FAQ.
English Direct
We are an online school based in Sydney, Australia, providing live tuition directly into people's homes via the Internet (using voice, text chat, video and email).
Materials for Learning & Teaching English
Aspera PrivaTeacher
Aspera PrivaTeacher is a real English school on the Internet. You have the flexibility of studying at your own pace, whenever you want.You can study on line, or off line with our CD-ROM. Your teachers are on line 24 hours a day to mark your work and give advice. Our 'virtual classrooms' are open for discussions with students and teachers. Enter your e-mail address then click the 'Join List' button to receive our free English lessons by e-mail.
English for free
Welcome to freeENGLISH, a revolutionary new concept in education. Why go anywhere else when you can learn with freeENGLISH, the best online ESL resource available today? And it's all FREE! Here you can also download ENGLISH PRO Web Edition, the best English language-training program on the Internet. ENGLISH PRO Web Edition will help you improve your pronunciation, your spelling skills, vocabulary, and general knowledge of English. And best of all, the ENGLISH PRO Web Edition program is completely FREE!
CyberSchool is not a school in the traditional sense. It is a collection of high school credit courses that are taught entirely over the Internet to students around the world . The primary mission of CyberSchool is to make it possible for your school to offer students a broader, more flexible curriculum.
guide to internet courses is sponsored by EF Education, the world's largest language school. Find an Internet language course for you! Study general, business, or even industry-specific English from your home or office. Work with fellow students and qualified teachers. EF EnglishLive has courses for students of all levels. Alexa popularity ranking: 3 stars
ESL Online Distance Learning Course
ESL Online Distance Learning Course offers the following features: Online ESL Teacher, Real Audio Grammar Lessons, ESL Grammar Exercises, Listening Comprehension Real Audio, Sample Online Interactive ESL Classroom, ESL Chat Room, ESL Forums, "Ask US A Question" Bulletin Board", Answers to our Weekly Newsletter Quiz, Links to other ESL sites
Everyday English Email
Repetition is the key. Keep up your English every day with Everyday English Email. Every day when you open your email, see and listen to a lesson then review the last five days with the help of a quiz.
Grammar , Speaking , Writing , Reading , Listening , Full Curricula , Holidays , CALL , Graphing/Charts , TESOL Papers , Testing , Graphic Organizers
TheTower of English!
WELCOME to th eTower of English! The Tower is a fun place for ESL students to use and practice English. You'll find lots of interesting activities and projects here. Just jump into the elevator to get around The Tower. All links to other sites will open a new window.
Welcome to Global English. Everything you need to improve your English is right here. Practice your English now. Click here to take a free minicourse. Listen! Speak! See how quickly your English improves! Play a game. Sing along with Karaoke. Enjoy yourself and learn English at the same time! Chat with other English laerners and teachers online - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Make sure all your English documents are perfect with the help of Your Personal Editor.
Alexa popularity ranking: 2 stars
NetLearn Languages
NetLearn Languages is a completely Internet-based language school. With us, you can study English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and other languages live from your home or office using text-chat, audio and video. We offer General Language courses, Business Language course, Preparation courses for the TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS and Cambridge Exams as well as more specialised types of language.
NetPhone English
Do you want to improve your English speaking skills? Do you need more confidence in speaking English? Do you want the convenience of English lessons with a native speaker without having to arrange travel and accommodation? Our Internet-based NetPhone English courses make all this possible. Our courses are ideal for non-native speakers of English, teachers, students and business executives, who may be unable to study in an English speaking country and who need a flexible study program with a native speaker of English at affordable prices starting from US$10 per hour.
Free Online Course in English
The course plan is very simple and is as follows: I will prepare a lesson for you every week and send it to you by e-mail - one week: one lesson. Your name and address will remain confidential - You will receive only the lessons and answers (no e-mail from other members, no advertising, etc.)The lessons will have exercises on useful vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening comprehension - and you can access a Conferencing Center for discussions with other members . I will send you the answers four days after the lesson - you can correct yourself . At first the lessons will alternate between Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels - one week: Beginners, next week: Intermediates, the week after: Advanced, etc. In one year, you will get 52 lessons... and your English will IMPROVE!
PEAK is a comprehensive, online English language program that is available to you all day every day. It contains hundreds of lessons, is fully interactive, and has all the necessary resources to help you master real-world English in a fast and exciting manner. A PEAK lesson consists of a new topic (for example, family, relationships, travel, work, art, and music) and related vocabulary words which are then used in picture, listening, grammar, and reading exercises. There are also specific listening exercises so you can practice hearing the English language and improve your comprehension.
Learning English has never been this easy. Whereever you are in the world Surf2School offers you the possibility to learn English online interactively using the latest technology and the latest trends in teaching English. Surf2School has the best professional teachers. Learn English online from a teacher with a University Degree with a major in Education and hands on classroom experience.
English for obtaining the US-Citizenship
Welcome to the best place online to prepare for the US Citizenship test. The basic online course is free to people in Minnesota. There is a $20 registration fee for people who don't live in Minnesota. When you register, we can help you show the INS that you know the U.S. system of government and basic American history, are able to speak and write English and are eligible for citizenship based on your answers on the N-400 Form and you know what those answers mean. You can learn all this here.
English Pronunciation
This site has extensive pronunciation lessons added on a regular basis. It requires Shockwave and QuickTime plugins. Provided by the Okanagan University College.
Hummingbird American Pronunciation
Commericial pronunciation package by Hummingbird teaches American English pronunciation using mouth position icons, captions, and musical accompaniment. Examples included from the package.
International Phonetic Association
The association responsible for the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) which is the standard alphabet for help with English and other language pronunciation. Information concerning the association.
On-line Phonology Course
Stirling University's on-line phonology course. Designed as a self-access course for all those interested in learning the script and identifying the sounds of the phonology of R.P.(Received Pronunciation, or British Standard).
Phonetics: Introduction
An introduction and reference guide to the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). By
ESL guide.
Pronunciation Help (?)
"Once you've learned to correctly pronounce every word in the following poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world..."
Royale Software
Pronunciation software based on your native language. Simply choose your native language from the "Lessons For" list and Clear Speech Works will tell you which of the 24 lessons are important for you.
Sounds of American English
A look at American English pronunciation including phonetic dictations and stress paterns. Provided by by Kumar. R.
Sounds of English
Introduction to the sounds of English. It has pictures and photographs to help you pronounce sounds, as well as examples of those sounds. This site concentrates on American pronunciation. Provided by Sharon Widmayer.
Barbarian's Online Test Page
While not strictly an ESL/EFL quiz site, this page of tests (ranging from the TOEFL and other college admission tests to IQ tests) is a wonderful place to practice your English and have some fun.
Better English Business Exercises
An excellent business English real time quiz resource employing javascript technology. Currently there are 66 exercises including vocabulary, grammar and more.
Chris Yukna's Resource and Lesson Page
This private collection of resource pages offer a wealth of quizzes and teaching resources. One highlight is a section on using theatre to teach English. Future projects include scripting pages.
English Learner Com
Great collection of quizzes and crossword puzzles. Also includes possibilities for communication between students.
English Exercises Online
Excellent site with exercises for learners including vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and spelling exercises with RealAudio.
ESL Cafe's Quiz Page
A great collection of quizzes on a wide variety of subjects. T Idioms and Slang, History, Grammar, Science and World Culture.
Free English Quizzes and Games
Fun and interactive quizzes and games provided . They teach English and they are free!
Idiom Quizzes
A wonderful and exahustive list of idiom quizzes in alphabetical order from The Internet TESL Journal by Letitia Bradley
A n online magazine called Postscript which we make available to our students and to anyone else interested.
Regent College US-Talk Tests
US-Talk tests provide assessment of spoken English language skills. The tests are designed for non-native speakers and are delivered by computer to virtually any location worldwide with a brief phone call. Results are available to customers within 24 hours.
ESP-EFL British Civilisation Home Page
For speakers of French, this page has a score of tests and exercises concerning English for Special purposes, as well as general English. As most of the exercises are in English it can also easily be taken advantage of by non-French speakers.
TOEFL Practice Questions
An excellent resource for practicing the TOEFL test. For more information on taking the TOEFL examination make sure to investigate TOEFL Online
Vocabulary Quiz Section
Vocabulary quizzes in contextual situations. Provided by
ESL guide.
Word Games and Online Poetry Collaboration
's Guides Bob Holman & Margery Snyder directory of word games and online poetry collaborations (which can be quite amusing at times!)
A.Word.A.Day Home Page
Increase your vocabulary by visiting this site daily. Each day a word is introduced and the definition is given. Usage and a pronunciation sound example included.
English International Lyon -Business English grammar and vocabulary exercises / anglais des affaires
Anglais des affaires a Lyon et a L'Isle d'Abeau
American Slanguages
You've just arrived and you can't understand the local slang. Don't despair, go to slanguages and get help with the local dialect!
ENGLISHTOGETHER - English help by e-mail. One-to-one ESL, EFL, ESP: grammar support, writing styles, text correction, context vocabulary - general, business, educational, professional, vocational, social, special.
English Practice
Site Map: English Lessons Current Lessons, Make Friends, Chat, Pen Pal, Messages(New), Messages(Old), Fun & Games, Hangman, Spelling, Sentence, Karaoke, Word Types, Grammar, Irregular Verbs, Phrasal Verbs, Word Types, Vocabulary....
Language Tests German English Dutch Spanish French Italian I...
Exercises exercise vocabulary. Wortschatz language. exercises tests aids English Indonesian German Spanish French Italian Dutch. Lingua esercizios inglese tedesco spagnolo francese olandese italiano. Ubungen Tests Sprache Englisch Franzosisch. Spanisch Italienisch Niederlandisch Deutsch. idioma lengua ejercicios ingles. aleman frances italiano. holandes espagnol anglais allemand. espagnol...
Idioms and Glossaries
Idioms: Introduction
Dave Sperling's idiom page. Work on idiomatic vocabulary from all over the world.
"How to talk like a an oil man"
As the name says, learn to talk the "oil" man talk. Provided by Maverick Energy.
Jargon File 3.0.0 - The Ultimate Index
This is an introduction to how hacker's from different coutries are using the English language. Topics include: changes they are introducing both in terms of vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. Very interesti-)
Larry's Aussie Slang and Phrase Dictionary
Travelling or living down under? Here is an excellent slang and phrase reference for English as spoken in Australia.
Neuroscience and Medical Education Glossaries and Dictionaries
<'s Guide Richard Schuerger guide to Neuroscience and Medical Glossaries and Dictionaries.
Schumann's foreign language tests
Vocabulary tests from a number of languges into English (test section). 10 online tests with the possibility to download 100 more! Many other languages also offered.
University of Tampere
A site well worth visiting to improve your idiomatic vocabulary written by the Department of Translation Studies.
Verbal Advantage Software
This software is intended to expanded native speakers' vocabulary range and would be well suited to an advanced English learner's needs.
Vocabulary University
An excellent idea intended for school children but perfect for ESL learners. Go through different levels of vocabulary learning and get a diploma! Registration is required for this free service.
THE reference site for help with new technological vocabulary!
Leo English - German Dictionary
This dictionary contains more than 170,000 entries. A seperate list of business terms is also available.
The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
The ONLY Integrated English Dictionary and Thesaurus in electronic form!
English-Estonian Dictionary
This is the English-Estonian-English dictionary with more than 17000 words. Please also read the background and copyright information about this dictionary . Word or beginning letters of the word you are looking for translation (no wildcard characters, please!):
ENGLISH LANGUAGE DICTIONARIES Pressing any title will present more information about it. PICT. TITLE # of Entries Format width x height (cm) x (cm) PRICE (SPAIN) 4%VAT incl. (Pesetas) Code Advanced English Dictionary Vox-Longman English-Spanish
Dizionario tecnico INGLESE-ITALIANO dei termini fotografici
Dizionario tecnico INGLESE-ITALIANO dei termini fotografici. Un nuovo importante servizio di Fotografia Reflex su Internet. Lo lanciamo in contemporanea...
The Internet Dictionary Project - IL DIZIONARIO MULTILINGUE
IL VOCABOLARIO MULTILINGUE Digita una parola o una parte nell'apposito spazio sottostante dopo aver selezionato il dizionario desiderato per la traduzione. Scegli se la parola deve corrispondere esattamente oppure e una parte di quella che stai cercando.
Programma dizionario
Freeware display program and more than 30 free Italian bilingual off-line dictionaries. Sep. 2000: Turkey, Esperanto, Indonesian, Malais, Romaji Japanese, Albanian, Lithuanian, Breton, Welsh, Afrikaans, Danish, English, Icelandic, Norwegian Bokmal, Dutch, Swedish, German, Greek, Catalan, Corsican, French, Modern Latin, Portuguese, Roumanian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Swahili, Wolof, Pinyin Mandarin Chinese, Finnish, Hungarian, Etruscan, Oscan, Umbrian.
Online Newspapers and Magazines
Daily Telegraph
A nicely done and rich site, called Electronic Telegraph, by one of London's top papers. Requires registration for full access.
Evening Post
The British seaport of Bristol is home of the Evening Post. Among features is Terry Britton's Diary about growing up in Bristol.
The Express
Long-standing London daily is finally online, but for now you only get the paper's columnists. More is said to follow.
Guardian Unlimited
The London-based Guardian is one of the United Kingdom's most-respected newspapers. The Web presence is actually a collection of thematic sites, such as News, Football, and Film. Requires registration for full access.
The Independent
The Independent: Lively and popular daily London newspaper. The newly revised website is a must for internet lovers. It's packed with more news, reviews and interviews and models a stylish web design.
Jewish Chronicle
A London-based publication serving the city's Jewish population. You will need to register to gain access to the site.
The Mirror
If British celebrity gossip and sports are of interest, you'll get plenty of it at the Online Mirror, a site by one of London's leading tabloids.
One of London's screaming tabloids, screams even louder (and redder) on the Web in its Mega Star site. Focused on entertainment news.
Respected conservative daily in London. This is the paper for which one of our favorite typefaces, "Times Roman," was designed. Requires registration for full access.
Belfast Telegraph
One of Northern Ireland's best on-line newspapers. You'll need to register to view anything beyond the home page, but the site is free.
The Irish News
A nicely done paper in Belfast, Northern Ireland, that often offers an objective and critical look at events.
Evening Telegraph
A daily paper based in Dundee, Scotland. The special section on sea angling is worth a look.
The Scotsman
Longtime Edinburgh-based daily paper. Some interesting features can be found in the magazine section.
The Sunday Post
An affiliate publication of Dundee's The Evening Telegraph and is one of Scotland's most popular newspapers. One fun online section is Stuff!, where you can play to win prizes and just learn about, well...offbeat stuff.
North Wales Newspapers
Front door for publishing company that produces 11 newspapers serving North Wales, Mid Wales, Chester, and the Border Counties.
Gibraltar Chronicle
A daily English-language paper serving The Rock.
The Irish Times
Ireland's best-known newspaper is based in Dublin. Readers can get a daily dose of Irish and world news, plus search the archives for old reports.
Montreal Gazette
An English-language daily, part of the Southam chain. Has a nice travel section.
Ottawa Citizen
Rather than a page full of teasers to news stories inside, the Ottawa Citizen presents a straightforward index of its content. It's not pretty, but it works.
The National Post Online
The online home of Canada's newest national newspaper, National Post. National, world, business, arts, life, sports news and commentary plus Diversions and forums
Peace River Block Daily News
This newspaper is based in Dawson Creek, British Columbia, a town best known as the place where the Alaska Highway starts.
Toronto Globe and Mail
One of Canada's leading newspapers, the Globe and Mail presents a comprehensive site that will keep the reader abreast of national events as well as news around the Toronto area.
Toronto Sun
The Sun is a proud tabloid that bills itself "Toronto's other voice." Check out features like Max Haines' Crime Flashback or read about the Sun's 25th anniversary.
Winnipeg Free Press
Winnipeg, the heart of Manitoba, is served by the daily Free Press. The paper's Web site, unfortunately, does not do justice to the printed version.
Trinidad Express
Daily newspaper in English. For stories on the hip and the offbeat in Trinidad, see the Vox section.
Press On-Line
The Press On-Line is the daily Web site of this New Zealand daily paper. You'll find news, features, sports, business reports, opinion, as well as the current weather in New Zealand.
Otago Daily Times
The Otago Daily Times in Dunedin is experimenting with an online version that's pretty much a mirror of its print edition. It's a good, efficient site, well worth a visit to learn more about Otago province on the South Island of New Zealand.
Wairarapa Times-Age
The nicest NZ paper online has to be this 8,620-circulation daily in Masterton. Good coverage of local and national news, plus sports.
Front door for Die Burger, Beeld, Die Volksblad and other Afrikaans and English newspapers published by Nasionale Pers, Naspers for short, one of the big South African media companies.
Cape Business News
Covering business and industry news in the southern tip of South Africa since 1980, the Cape Business News is a monthly newspaper. Besides the current month's news, the Web site also offers background information on the business environment in the Cape.
A weekly published since 1928, The DistrictMail has enhanced its print product with a Web site that's dubbed . Helderberg is a region east of Cape Town. The publisher, Somerset Press, also produces HelderMail.
Independent Online
Gateway for a number of Independent Group publications, including the Cape Argus and the The Star.
Mail & Guardian
The Mail & Guardian, based in Johannesburg, South Africa, was the first African paper to go on-line. The paper's Web site features news from around Africa, plus a South African angle on the computer world.
This is an experiment in online business journalism in South Africa. WOZA began in November 1996. The site is free, relying on quality journalism to draw readers and advertisers.
Daily Catholic
Now broaden your perspective on Catholicism DAILY with the inspiring and provocative DAILY CATHOLIC. Published Monday through Friday at www.DailyCatholic.org The only regular English-speaking daily publication for Catholics in the world.
BBC America
< is the virtual gateway to all things British. The website features the best in British culture plus all the latest news and schedules for BBC America, the BBC's 24-hour U.S. cable channel.
General Links
The Teaching English Site
This site is a co-production between the British Broadcasting Corporation and the British Council. Both organisations receive funding from the UK government for their work. The project is non-commercial and as such all content and material on the site is and will always be free to access. (提供教師教授英文資料的免費官方網站,由英國BBC架設,內容很豐富)
ESL go is a free English community of ESL students and ESL teachers. We help ESL students learning English as a second language through free ESL classes and free English practice message boards .
also provides free teaching ESL activities for TESOL, TESL, and TEFL. (超完整,超讚的一個英語教與學的網站)
iLoveLanguages is a comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources. The more than 2400 links at iLoveLanguages have been hand-reviewed to bring you the best language links the Web has to offer. Whether you're looking for online language lessons, translating dictionaries, native literature, translation services, software, language schools, or just a little information on a language you've heard about, iLoveLanguages probably has something to suit your needs.
Nada's ESL Island
With very comprehensive online English materials for both students and teachers. (一個英文老師所建購的英語教學網頁,內容包括進度表,評分標準,教材內容,教案設計等,無須入會即可閱覽)
Grammar and Downloadable Handouts and Worksheets
Fun with Grammar Download Page
It offers more than 200 communicative, task-based games and activities that add a whole new dimension to grammar classes. Each chapter has four-skill activities and full-page reproducible worksheets. (須先加入會員,免費)
Handouts Online: Worksheets for ESL Teachers
The web's best source of printable handouts
and other resources for ESL / TEFL teachers . (內容十分詳盡,handout製作精美,但是需要加入會員 ,會費每年 $18,不限下載次數)
Ready for First Certificate
This section offers downloadable exam papers and worksheets. These are supplied as PDF files. (有文法方面的考卷可供老師下載,無須入會即可閱覽 )
Rose of York - Grammar Lessons
Learn English Grammar Online : Free Lessons from Rose of York! Improve your grammar and correct your mistakes: 100% free classes. (有許多文法單元,解說詳盡,並附有練習或考題,均有解答)
ESL Teacher Handouts, Grammar Worksheets & Printables
Free English grammar and vocabulary worksheets and printable handouts, for English language and English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers and instructors to use in the classroom or other teaching environment. Handouts open in a new window. (目前所見最詳盡 ,最完整的文法教學資源免費下載網站,一定要好好利用)
ESL Writing: Write it Right!
These worksheets are designed to be printable straight from the Internet. Hundreds of relevant topics provide teachers with meaningful writing tasks. (提供教授英文寫作的老師許多寫作題材及說明,有許多設計精美的寫作練習卷可供免費下載)
Writing Worksheets for the ESL Classroom
Writing worksheets with a short introduction and lined paper for writing. (需加入免費會員 ,可供下載的練習卷數量相當龐大)
Indispensable Writing Resources
It's a Complete Collection of Writing Essentials.
You'll find everything on and off the Net that you could possibly need in writing or researching a paper, including links to all sorts of reference material, links to writing labs, links to Web search engines, and links to writing-related Web sites.
The Elements of Style
Asserting that one must first know the rules to break them, this classic reference book is a must-have for any student and conscientious writer. Intended for use in which the practice of composition is combined with the study of literature, it gives in brief space the principal requirements of plain English style and concentrates attention on the rules of usage and principles of composition most commonly violated.
Garbl's Writing Center
A free site with an annotated directory of writing Web sites , editorial style manual , concise writing guide , and writing bookshelf. (提供寫作所需的文法知識及技巧,有趣的是,這是一個反對布希作戰政策的人所架設的網站,上面有許多反戰的言論)
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
(目前所見最完整的有關寫作的教學網站,教寫作的老師有福了,裡面有按部就班的寫作訓練課程大綱,完全免費提供給老師使用,更絕得是,有完整的寫作課程 PowerPoint 檔提供給老師免費下載,很棒的網站)
10 Steps to Writing an Essay
An excellent resource, especially for high school and college writers, detailing a process for creating a fully researched and well thought out essay. (這個網站簡直就是一本教授寫作的電子書,內容完整,把它當作一學年的寫作課程內容絕對超值,免費的)
Business English
"Who Else Wants To Speak Better English?"
My name is Pearson Brown and I have been successfully helping people to learn Business English online since 1998. I've been teaching Business English for more than 25 years and have had my own
for more than twenty years.I started these online lessons to help my own students. Very quickly, people throughout the world found out about my lessons by word of mouth. Now more than 10,000 people use my Business English lessons every day. (看看板主的介紹就知道這個人對於商用英文教學的狂熱了,他架設的網站幾乎都以教授商用英文的相關資料為主,內容包括文法字彙片語等的練習)
Class Evaluation Questionnaires
Teacher & Class Evaluation Questionaires
This is a collection of teacher and class evaluation questionaires used by various schools with their ESL classes. You can use these as a reference to put together your own evaluation questionaire or to improve an existing one. (太棒了,需要做教學問卷評量嗎? 這裡有多種範本可供參考)
Online book covering the basics of the study of phonetics. Describes all the phonemes in the International Phonetic Alphabet along with audio samples of each, as the difference between consonants and vowels.
Large dictionary of linguistics-related terms and terminology at Utrecht University.
Links to all kinds of linguistics resources, including: general linguistics links, journals, e- E E accents, dialects, European and other foreig L online translati European and other l E-texts: linguistics and Chinese li C C and media.
another source of entertainment from Beatrice S many of the items listed there are of her own creation while others are links to external sites
By Mary Taffet. Dozens of links to Web sites dealing with various aspects of linguistics. Very broad range of links.
Large collection of linguist/linguistic resources (papers, jobs, links, etc) and archives of the LINGUIST mailing list.
Your guide to languages on the web.


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