
主题 : UILabel怎么实现数字滚动
级别: 新手上路
UID: 281800
可可豆: 400 CB
威望: 349 点
在线时间: 122(时)
发自: Web Page
级别: 风云使者
UID: 183396
发帖: 4761
可可豆: 5465 CB
威望: 5632 点
在线时间: 1769(时)
发自: Web Page
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级别: 新手上路
UID: 281800
可可豆: 400 CB
威望: 349 点
在线时间: 122(时)
发自: Web Page
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扫一扫 浏览移动版利用UIScrollView兑现循环滚动翻页的方法_应用jQuery插件开发一个完整验证功能的超酷动态留言版系统_念拥有自己的博客网站么,手把手教你Linux下部署WordPress!__脚本百事通
_pageFirst = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"PageView" owner:self options:nil] lastObject];
UILabel *labelTitle = (UILabel *)[_pageFirst viewWithTag:1];
labelTitle.text = @"fistPage";
_pageSecond = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"PageView" owner:self options:nil] lastObject];
labelTitle = (UILabel *)[_pageSecond viewWithTag:1];
labelTitle.text = @"secondPage";
_pageThird = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"PageView" owner:self options:nil] lastObject];
labelTitle = (UILabel *)[_pageThird viewWithTag:1];
labelTitle.text = @"thirdPage";
[self setPageFrame];
[_scrollView addSubview:_pageFirst];
[_scrollView addSubview:_pageSecond];
[_scrollView addSubview:_pageThird];
_scrollView.pagingEnabled = YES;
_scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(_scrollView.frame.size.width * 3, _scrollView.frame.size.height);
_scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO;
_scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO;
_scrollView.delegate =
//scroll to the second page
CGPoint p = CGPointZ
p.x = _scrollView.frame.size.
[_scrollView setContentOffset:p animated:NO];
_pageFirst.frame = CGRectMake(_scrollView.frame.origin.x, _scrollView.frame.origin.y, _scrollView.frame.size.width, _scrollView.frame.size.height);
_pageSecond.frame = CGRectMake(_scrollView.frame.origin.x + _scrollView.frame.size.width, _scrollView.frame.origin.y, _scrollView.frame.size.width, _scrollView.frame.size.height);
_pageThird.frame = CGRectMake(_scrollView.frame.origin.x + _scrollView.frame.size.width * 2, _scrollView.frame.origin.y, _scrollView.frame.size.width, _scrollView.frame.size.height);
接下来实现UIScrollView的delegate:- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView。首先通过UIScrollView的contentOffset和frame的width属性计算得到UIScrollView滚动停止时候的显示页面,如果是第二页,则说明没有翻页,不作处理,如果是第一页或者第三页,则UIScrollView的三个subView的顺序依次向右或向左移动,并且继续让UIScrollView显示第二页:
CGFloat pageWidth = scrollView.frame.size.
int page = floor((scrollView.contentOffset.x - pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth) + 1;
if(page == 1) {
} else if (page == 0) {
[self pageMoveToRight];
[self pageMoveToLeft];
CGPoint p = CGPointZ
p.x = pageW
[scrollView setContentOffset:p animated:NO];
- (void)pageMoveToRight {
UIView *tmp = _pageS
_pageSecond = _pageF
_pageFirst = _pageT
_pageThird =
[self setPageFrame];
- (void)pageMoveToLeft {
UIView *tmp = _pageS
_pageSecond = _pageT
_pageThird = _pageF
_pageFirst =
[self setPageFrame];
1. jQuery validation engine plugin
2. jQuery placehoder plugin
3. jQuery pretty form plugin
- 美化字体类库
Living form
/* ----------------------------------
$(".input-wrapper").livingElements("img/input-mask-white.png", {
background: "url('img/living-gradient.png') no-repeat",
easing: 'linear',
triggerElementSelector: 'input',
mainAnimationStartOpacity: 0,
mainAnimationEndOpacity: 1,
mainAnimationDuration: 800
$(".textarea-wrapper").livingElements("img/textarea-mask.png", {
background: "url('img/textarea-gradient.jpg') no-repeat",
easing: 'linear',
triggerElementSelector: 'textarea',
preAnimationStartOpacity: 0,
mainAnimationFade: false
scrollDirection: 'horizontal',
mainAnimationDuration: 1500,
mainAnimationStartBackgroundPositionX: -200,
mainAnimationEndBackgroundPositionX: 0,
postAnimationEndOpacity: 0
Cufon.replace('h1, div, input').CSS.ready(function
$('input[placeholder], textarea[placeholder]').placeholder();
mail = $("#mail").val();
name = $("#name").val();
comments = $("#comment").val();
$("#comments").hide().append("&div class=\"item\"&" + name + " (" + mail + "): " + new
Date() + "&/div&&div class=\"itemtxt\"&" + comments+ "&/div&").fadeIn(1000);
Super Cool Live Comment Box&/
="living-input validate[required,custom[email]]"
="Your email..."
="living-input validate[required]"
="Your name..."
="living-textarea validate[required]"
="Your comments..."
="color:#808080;padding: 10px 46px 11margin-left:15font-size:14px"
第一步,下XAMPP。http://www.apachefriends.org/zh_cn/xampp-linux.html,下载XAMPP Linux 1.7.7就行了。下完后,进入Linux shell并以管理员身份登录,执行tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.7.tar.gz -C /opt命令,将其解压到/opt下。
第二步,启动XAMPP服务。/opt/lampp/lampp start。在浏览器中输入http://localhost,进入XAMPP配置界面。默认的环境是不安全的,你可以点击左侧菜单栏安全选项,看到所有选项都是红色非安全的。
第三步,安全配置。执行/opt/lampp/lampp security,为php、mysql、ftp设置密码。重启服务,重新访问http://localhost,此时会让你输入用户名密码,进入后点击左侧菜单栏安全选项,你会发现所有选项都变成绿色安全的了。服务器环境搭好,接下来就是安装WordPress。
define('DB_NAME', '数据库名称'); /** MySQL 数据库用户名 */ define('DB_USER', 'root'); /** MySQL 数据库密码 */ define('DB_PASSWORD', '你刚才设置的数据库密码'); /** MySQL 主机 */ define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); /** 创建数据表时默认的文字编码 */ define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); /** 数据库整理类型。如不确定请勿更改 */ define('DB_COLLATE', '');
第六步,找到/opt/lampp/ext/httpd.conf文件,打开此文件,修改DocumentRoot "此处为你wordpress的根目录,例如此前设置的/a/b/wordpress"。
本站联系邮箱:当前位置: >>
>> 滚动资讯排行榜
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