iphone健康软件怎么用 itime lapse怎么用

iTunes 的 App Store 中的“TimeLapse - Free”
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正在打开 iBooks Store。如果 iBooks 未打开,请在 Dock 中打开 iBooks App。进度指示器
如要轻松整理及新增数码媒体收藏,iTunes 是全世界最简单的工具。
我们在您的电脑上找不到 iTunes。 如要下载 xyster.net LLC 的免费 App TimeLapse - Free,请立即获取 iTunes。
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TimeLapse - Free
开发商:xyster.net LLC
打开 iTunes 以购买和下载 App。
TimeLapse是在你的i设备上创建和编辑精彩延时影片的专业之选。TimeLapse具有完整的行动延时摄影工作流。========================功能一流的延时相机:o 灵活易设置 - 可随意定义你的拍摄会话o 录制4K视频(或HD)o 拍摄RAW照片(或JPEG)o 智能曝光确保无延时闪烁o 与Motrr Galileo机器动作控制一起使用可打造精彩的移轴延时影片 - 关于Galileo,可在这里了解更多信息:专业的HD延时影片编辑器:o 帧级别编辑o 强大的帧功能,可轻松进行虚拟移动和缩放o 强大的滤镜层 - 饱和度、亮度、对比度、曝光调整、伽马调整、亮丽度、白色点等更多o 移轴o 降低闪烁以确保原始的最终效果========================延时摄影延时摄影是指让时间加速快进的幻象影片制作技术。常见的延时影片示例有天空云朵的快速变化、植物生长、花朵绽放、水果腐烂等等。========================新闻和支持有关TimeLapse的更新、新闻及帮助,请在Twitter上关注我们:@xysternet 帮助TimeLapse改进!许多TimeLapse功能都是根据用户的热心反馈而开发的。请访问http://xyster.net/tlapse来分享你的想法、发表视频或只是向大家打声招呼。若你喜欢TimeLapse,别忘了给我们一个好评。
版本 6.2.1 中的新功能
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 6.2.1大小: 14.7 MB语言: 俄文, 希伯来文, 德语, 意大利语, 日语, 法语, 简体中文, 英语, 荷兰文, 西班牙语开发商: xyster net LLC兼容性: 需要 iOS 8.3 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5、iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6 Plus 优化。
&&&&&39 份评分
热门 App 内购买项目
更多xyster.net LLC产品您可能也喜欢:iTunes 的 App Store 中的“iTimeLapse Pro - Time Lapse videos”
正在打开 iTunes Store。如果 iTunes 不自动打开,在 Dock 或 Windows 桌面上点击 iTunes 图标。进度指示器
正在打开 iBooks Store。如果 iBooks 未打开,请在 Dock 中打开 iBooks App。进度指示器
如要轻松整理及新增数码媒体收藏,iTunes 是全世界最简单的工具。
我们在您的电脑上找不到 iTunes。 要购买和下载Laan Labs的iTimeLapse Pro - Time Lapse videos,请立即获取 iTunes。
已经有 iTunes 了? 现在点击「我有 iTunes」以打开 iTunes。
iTimeLapse Pro - Time Lapse videos
开发商:Laan Labs
打开 iTunes 以购买和下载 App。
iTimeLapse - Create stunning time lapse and stop motion videos straight from any iphone, iPod, or iPad 2!Finally, you can make and share Time Lapse videos like the pro's without having to sync to your computer.It's so easy, anyone can do it... be an artist! iTimeLapse allows you to capture a series of images rapidly and then compile them into a video.iTimeLapse lets you create as many sessions as you want, adding images to them at any time... No need to finish in one sitting.Then as soon as you're ready, you can compile the images into a video and share it in many ways: YouTube direct upload, Facebook, Vimeo, Email it, Export it to your Camera Roll so it syncs with iPhoto, USB transfer, or WiFi transfer too!Add Music from your iPod library! - Pick a song right from your iPod to add to your videosNOW WITH ORIGINAL MUSIC TRACKS: - iTimeLapse lets you add music tracks into you compiled video with one click.
- We worked directly with musicians to compose some sweet tracks for the app - and even included some classics like Chopin and Beethoven to add some emotion into your videos!User Gallery have you created the next greatest time lapse sensation? you can submit it to our top gallery right from the app.You can also view the gallery from the app to check out what other people are creating.Stop Motion Videos:Want to make professional stop-motion animation? how about ClayMation?With the 'overlay last frame' feature, you can line up your next shot for awesome stop-motion animation!You can also set sound to trigger the camera capture for hands-free operation. Sound Capture:-Catch that sneaky burglar by only capturing when the phone detects a noise.. (you can even set the noise threshold level)Here are some cool time lapse ideas anyone can do: o Make a road trip time lapse o Watch fruit rot away o Take one picture of yourself every day for a year! o Point it at the sky and watch how the clouds moveFeatures: - Create and add to multiple time lapse projects simultaneously - Edit individual frames: capture a bad image and want to delete it? no problem! - Add a time stamp to each frame in your video - just like a real security camera, you can see what time each frame was captured, great for sound capture mode. - Add free music tracks to your video with one click - Render your video at different frame rates and resolutions. - Capture frames at any resolution, over any time interval, set start date, end date, plus lots of other options. - Submit your video to our gallery and watch other people's videos from within the appCheckout
for tips and tricks, forums, user gallery, and more!Follow us on twitter @LaanLabsRead more on /
版本 1.2.1 中的新功能
1.2.1 Update =--- fixed snap interval, was locked at fastest time- fixed green video on 720p 16:9 - added 1 minute / 1 hour as an interval choice- fixed camera view getting mis-aligned for some peopleFrom 1.2 Update =----- General crashy-ness fixed- Now choose tracks from your iPod library for your videos- New WiFi Transfer mode for easy video transfer through web browser- USB Transfer via iTunes file sharing for frames and rendered videos- New frames viewer with preview player and larger/faster previews- iPad 2 support - Added flash mode button to turn on/off flash - Added orientation lock button to lock camera in certain orientation- Added common HD resolutions like 720p and 1080p for rendering- Simpler resolution choosing for capturing and rendering based on your device- Set custom resolutions for videos- Better FPS choosing for rendered videos, now any FPS is possible, - You can now choose your desired video length in addition to desired FPS- Button to set the video length to chosen soundtrack length- Videos should export reliably to camera roll - No more green video issue- Faster rendering with estimated time left- Rendering can occur in background for mutli-tasking devices- Better quality videos at different resolutions- Added video quality setting for precise control of video file size/quality- Improved facebook and vimeo uploading support* Sorry it took us so long to get out an update *We know many people were having issues and we're sorry about that.
iPhone 屏幕快照
great app!
but still not too great to upgrade,right?ha
?12.00类别: 版本: 1.2.1大小: 12.5 MB语言: 德语, 日语, 英语开发商: Laan Consulting Corp兼容性: 需要 iOS 3.1 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。
&&&&&10 份评分
&&&&&48 份评分
Laan Labs 的更多 iPhone App一转眼就到了7月份,炙热的夏天需要各种清凉、提神和降暑神器,躲在室内享受游戏当然...
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【限时免费】微速摄影:iTimeLapse Pro喜欢拍照片的来
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mzl.qmrnooav.320x480-75.jpg (39 KB, 下载次数: 0)
13:26 上传
今天这款 iTimeLapse Pro 就是干这个的,软件用法简单,能够直接让你在iPhone上拍摄微速影片。所谓微速影片,也就是拍摄多张照片,然后加速放映,整合为一部视频。今天限免的是Pro版本,能够插入无限制数目的照片。
mzl.jcoaxubh.320x480-75.jpg (45 KB, 下载次数: 0)
13:26 上传
mzl.kfofhzte.320x480-75.jpg (49 KB, 下载次数: 0)
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<p id="rate_886" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更给力 :)&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_4879" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="E文不好。。。。给汉化下就更力了。。。。。&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_0601" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="日出日落就是一天,花开花落得好长时间啊,每天固定角度去拍?这很难掌握啊。要是拿手&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_494" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 3
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_238" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="ip4用会默认开启自动闪光灯,在光线暗的时候会闪光,隔着玻璃拍就不行了。。。希望&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_6823" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="感谢分享^_^&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_438" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="灰常给力&人气 + 2
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_8332" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="好玩。搞一个来玩玩,谢谢&人气 + 2
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_284" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 2
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_9815" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更给力:)&人气 + 3
" class="mtn mbn">
威锋有你更给力 :)
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Powered by Discuz!iTimeLapse Pro - Time Lapse videos on the App Store on iTunes
Opening the iTunes Store…If iTunes doesn’t open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop.Progress Indicator
Opening the iBooks Store.If iBooks doesn't open, click the iBooks app in your Dock.Progress Indicator
iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection.
We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. To buy and download iTimeLapse Pro - Time Lapse videos by Laan Labs, get iTunes now.
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iTimeLapse Pro - Time Lapse videos
By Laan Labs
Open iTunes to buy and download apps.
iTimeLapse - Create stunning time lapse and stop motion videos straight from any iphone, iPod, or iPad 2!Finally, you can make and share Time Lapse videos like the pro's without having to sync to your computer.It's so easy, anyone can do it... be an artist! iTimeLapse allows you to capture a series of images rapidly and then compile them into a video.iTimeLapse lets you create as many sessions as you want, adding images to them at any time... No need to finish in one sitting.Then as soon as you're ready, you can compile the images into a video and share it in many ways: YouTube direct upload, Facebook, Vimeo, Email it, Export it to your Camera Roll so it syncs with iPhoto, USB transfer, or WiFi transfer too!Add Music from your iPod library! - Pick a song right from your iPod to add to your videosNOW WITH ORIGINAL MUSIC TRACKS: - iTimeLapse lets you add music tracks into you compiled video with one click.
- We worked directly with musicians to compose some sweet tracks for the app - and even included some classics like Chopin and Beethoven to add some emotion into your videos!User Gallery have you created the next greatest time lapse sensation? you can submit it to our top gallery right from the app.You can also view the gallery from the app to check out what other people are creating.Stop Motion Videos:Want to make professional stop-motion animation? how about ClayMation?With the 'overlay last frame' feature, you can line up your next shot for awesome stop-motion animation!You can also set sound to trigger the camera capture for hands-free operation. Sound Capture:-Catch that sneaky burglar by only capturing when the phone detects a noise.. (you can even set the noise threshold level)Here are some cool time lapse ideas anyone can do: o Make a road trip time lapse o Watch fruit rot away o Take one picture of yourself every day for a year! o Point it at the sky and watch how the clouds moveFeatures: - Create and add to multiple time lapse projects simultaneously - Edit individual frames: capture a bad image and want to delete it? no problem! - Add a time stamp to each frame in your video - just like a real security camera, you can see what time each frame was captured, great for sound capture mode. - Add free music tracks to your video with one click - Render your video at different frame rates and resolutions. - Capture frames at any resolution, over any time interval, set start date, end date, plus lots of other options. - Submit your video to our gallery and watch other people's videos from within the appCheckout
for tips and tricks, forums, user gallery, and more!Follow us on twitter @LaanLabsRead more on /
What's New in Version 1.2.1
1.2.1 Update =--- fixed snap interval, was locked at fastest time- fixed green video on 720p 16:9 - added 1 minute / 1 hour as an interval choice- fixed camera view getting mis-aligned for some peopleFrom 1.2 Update =----- General crashy-ness fixed- Now choose tracks from your iPod library for your videos- New WiFi Transfer mode for easy video transfer through web browser- USB Transfer via iTunes file sharing for frames and rendered videos- New frames viewer with preview player and larger/faster previews- iPad 2 support - Added flash mode button to turn on/off flash - Added orientation lock button to lock camera in certain orientation- Added common HD resolutions like 720p and 1080p for rendering- Simpler resolution choosing for capturing and rendering based on your device- Set custom resolutions for videos- Better FPS choosing for rendered videos, now any FPS is possible, - You can now choose your desired video length in addition to desired FPS- Button to set the video length to chosen soundtrack length- Videos should export reliably to camera roll - No more green video issue- Faster rendering with estimated time left- Rendering can occur in background for mutli-tasking devices- Better quality videos at different resolutions- Added video quality setting for precise control of video file size/quality- Improved facebook and vimeo uploading support* Sorry it took us so long to get out an update *We know many people were having issues and we're sorry about that.
iPhone Screenshot
Customer Reviews
Watermark bs
Unless I am missing something appears to be watermarked--bs branding for a paid app
The honeymoon period is over
--- Update June 21 2011 ---The recent update made a world of difference and cause me to bump from a 1 star rating bak to 3.Shot a time lapse today and it worked flawlessly. The new, much needed features such as the ability to select tracks from iTunes, better frame editing options and background rendering are great. I have yet to test sharing functionality. I'll update when I do. Just keep us in the loop next time guys!---It started out great but quit working. Here are my biggest gripes: (I'm on a 3GS)1. Doesn't even save captured images anymore2. Often crashes after render3. Appears to longer be supported, haven't seen an update in ages4. Sharing to vimeo doesn't work5. Without vimeo sharing impossible to get HD vids off the device.Give us our money back or support your product.-G
I was researching the web on how to make time lapse videos with my DLSR when it occurred to me that perhaps they have an app for that. Amazingly they have several, this being the highest rated and most recommended one. I had the app less then 24 hours and have already produced several time lapse videos. Straight forward and easy to use ( I was making a time lapse within minutes of downloading then opening the app.). What a great experience. While I'll still go through the multiple steps to make one with my DSLR eventually ( Can't get the same optics with iPhone), this app has opened my eyes to the possibilities.
Customers Also Bought
$2.29Category: Version: 1.2.1Size: 12.5 MBLanguages: English, German, JapaneseSeller: Laan Consulting CorpCompatibility: Requires iOS 3.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
&&&&&10 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&63 Ratings
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