j applied physicss A投稿求助

小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
Applied Physics Letters投稿,有必要申诉吗
Reviewer Comments:
Reviewer #1 Evaluations:
Paper Interesting: No
Original Paper: Yes
Sufficient Physics: No
Well Organized: Yes
Clear and Error Free: Yes
Conclusions Supported: No
Appropriate Title: Yes
Good Abstract: Yes
Satisfactory English: Yes
Adequate References: Yes
Clear Figures: Yes
Reviewer #1 (Comments to the Author):
This paper present a pressure sensor structure by using HF graphene nanomechanical resonator and Si/SiO2 membrane. The simulation results show that pressure sensitivity can reach 26838 Hz/kPa. However,it is hard to say that the sensitivity of the proposed sensor is large than other materials( i.e. 2KHz/Torr in ref.20) by comparision between simulation and experiment results.
(a)It would be better to give out details of simulation model and material parameters in page 3.
(b)In Fig.2,the resonance frequency shows nonlinear vs. pressure as pressure goes high. Is it due to Si membrane or graphene? Why do the theory results show no nonlinearity?
(c)The resonance frequency should increases as the graphene WIDTH decrease under tension. However, in Fig.3(a),the resonance frequency increases as the graphene WIDTH increase,why?
(d)what kind of actuation and read-out method is supposed to use? There would be electrodes clamping on graphene if by electrical method. And what would happen to sensitivity if considering dissipation in NEMS system?
文章提出了一种pressure sensor structure by using HF graphene nanomechanical resonator and Si/SiO2 membrane,这种基于graphene的结构还没有文章报道,有些地方我弄不明白,2KHz/Torr=15037 Hz/kPa,比我的计算值小;
(a)details of simulation model可以在我之前的一篇文章中见到,文章也引用了,而且material parameters in page 3 在page 2可以看到,只是没写在一起;
(b)为什么会出现nonlinearity as pressure goes high,文中用了一句话解释了,可能是太短导致审稿人没明白;
(c)WIDTH对resonance frequency的影响可以忽略不计,这个观点可以在多篇文献中得到,确实有篇文献说是resonance frequency should increases as the graphene WIDTH decrease under tension,但该文章作者又一篇文章指出影响可忽略不计,且有上升趋势,我的文章宽度对频率的影响可以忽略不计,increase的大小很小;
(d)There would be electrodes clamping on graphene if by electrical method。文章中没有画出electrode,也没有交代actuation and read-out method,这个可以加进去,但不是核心部分。And what would happen to sensitivity if considering dissipation in NEMS system? 这个用模拟很难得到。
Stage& & & & Start Date
Waiting for Revised Manuscript from Author& & & & 16-Feb-:55
Decision Sent to Author& & & & 16-Feb-:55
Decision Letter Being Prepared& & & & 16-Feb-:25
Associate Editor Decision Completed& & & & 16-Feb-:25
Associate Editor Decision Started& & & & 16-Feb-:17
All Reviews Received& & & & 16-Feb-:17
Review Received& & & & 16-Feb-:16
All Reviewers Secured& & & & 10-Feb-:18
Review Started& & & & 10-Feb-:18
First Reviewer Secured& & & & 10-Feb-:18
Potential Reviewer Agreed to Review& & & & 10-Feb-:18
Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent& & & & 10-Feb-:44
Potential Reviewers Selected& & & & 08-Feb-:14
Reviewer Assignment Started& & & & 28-Jan-:16
Potential Reviewer Declined to Review& & & & 28-Jan-:16
Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent& & & & 18-Jan-:26
Potential Reviewers Selected& & & & 18-Jan-:21
Reviewer Assignment Started& & & & 16-Jan-:49
Securing Associate Editor& & & & 16-Jan-:54
Securing Editor& & & & 16-Jan-:16
Submission Check by Editorial Office Completed& & & & 16-Jan-:16
Submission Check by Editorial Office Started& & & & 15-Jan-:59
Manuscript Submitted to Editorial Office& & & & 15-Jan-:59
Preliminary Manuscript Data Submitted& & & & 15-Jan-:14
Subject: APL: MS #L14-00420 Decision Letter
Dear XXXX,
Your manuscript, referenced below, has been reviewed for Applied Physics Letters.
&Pressure detection using graphene nanomechanical resonators&
Attached or included below is the report of the reviewer. In view of his/her recommendations, we cannot accept your paper for publication in this Journal.
We regret that it is not possible for us to send you a more favorable report.
Sincerely yours,
Hong-Jun Gao
Associate Editor
AIP Publishing LLC
Suite 1NO1
2 Huntington Quadrangle
Melville, NY
Phone: 516-576-2344
我看网上说 这个状态每个稿件都有,不知道是不是
没呢,已经转投了solid state communication,已经见刊了,第193期,关于石墨烯谐振式压力传感器那篇
扫描下载送金币小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
Applied Physics Letters投稿,有必要申诉吗
Reviewer Comments:
Reviewer #1 Evaluations:
Paper Interesting: No
Original Paper: Yes
Sufficient Physics: No
Well Organized: Yes
Clear and Error Free: Yes
Conclusions Supported: No
Appropriate Title: Yes
Good Abstract: Yes
Satisfactory English: Yes
Adequate References: Yes
Clear Figures: Yes
Reviewer #1 (Comments to the Author):
This paper present a pressure sensor structure by using HF graphene nanomechanical resonator and Si/SiO2 membrane. The simulation results show that pressure sensitivity can reach 26838 Hz/kPa. However,it is hard to say that the sensitivity of the proposed sensor is large than other materials( i.e. 2KHz/Torr in ref.20) by comparision between simulation and experiment results.
(a)It would be better to give out details of simulation model and material parameters in page 3.
(b)In Fig.2,the resonance frequency shows nonlinear vs. pressure as pressure goes high. Is it due to Si membrane or graphene? Why do the theory results show no nonlinearity?
(c)The resonance frequency should increases as the graphene WIDTH decrease under tension. However, in Fig.3(a),the resonance frequency increases as the graphene WIDTH increase,why?
(d)what kind of actuation and read-out method is supposed to use? There would be electrodes clamping on graphene if by electrical method. And what would happen to sensitivity if considering dissipation in NEMS system?
文章提出了一种pressure sensor structure by using HF graphene nanomechanical resonator and Si/SiO2 membrane,这种基于graphene的结构还没有文章报道,有些地方我弄不明白,2KHz/Torr=15037 Hz/kPa,比我的计算值小;
(a)details of simulation model可以在我之前的一篇文章中见到,文章也引用了,而且material parameters in page 3 在page 2可以看到,只是没写在一起;
(b)为什么会出现nonlinearity as pressure goes high,文中用了一句话解释了,可能是太短导致审稿人没明白;
(c)WIDTH对resonance frequency的影响可以忽略不计,这个观点可以在多篇文献中得到,确实有篇文献说是resonance frequency should increases as the graphene WIDTH decrease under tension,但该文章作者又一篇文章指出影响可忽略不计,且有上升趋势,我的文章宽度对频率的影响可以忽略不计,increase的大小很小;
(d)There would be electrodes clamping on graphene if by electrical method。文章中没有画出electrode,也没有交代actuation and read-out method,这个可以加进去,但不是核心部分。And what would happen to sensitivity if considering dissipation in NEMS system? 这个用模拟很难得到。
Stage& & & & Start Date
Waiting for Revised Manuscript from Author& & & & 16-Feb-:55
Decision Sent to Author& & & & 16-Feb-:55
Decision Letter Being Prepared& & & & 16-Feb-:25
Associate Editor Decision Completed& & & & 16-Feb-:25
Associate Editor Decision Started& & & & 16-Feb-:17
All Reviews Received& & & & 16-Feb-:17
Review Received& & & & 16-Feb-:16
All Reviewers Secured& & & & 10-Feb-:18
Review Started& & & & 10-Feb-:18
First Reviewer Secured& & & & 10-Feb-:18
Potential Reviewer Agreed to Review& & & & 10-Feb-:18
Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent& & & & 10-Feb-:44
Potential Reviewers Selected& & & & 08-Feb-:14
Reviewer Assignment Started& & & & 28-Jan-:16
Potential Reviewer Declined to Review& & & & 28-Jan-:16
Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent& & & & 18-Jan-:26
Potential Reviewers Selected& & & & 18-Jan-:21
Reviewer Assignment Started& & & & 16-Jan-:49
Securing Associate Editor& & & & 16-Jan-:54
Securing Editor& & & & 16-Jan-:16
Submission Check by Editorial Office Completed& & & & 16-Jan-:16
Submission Check by Editorial Office Started& & & & 15-Jan-:59
Manuscript Submitted to Editorial Office& & & & 15-Jan-:59
Preliminary Manuscript Data Submitted& & & & 15-Jan-:14
Subject: APL: MS #L14-00420 Decision Letter
Dear XXXX,
Your manuscript, referenced below, has been reviewed for Applied Physics Letters.
&Pressure detection using graphene nanomechanical resonators&
Attached or included below is the report of the reviewer. In view of his/her recommendations, we cannot accept your paper for publication in this Journal.
We regret that it is not possible for us to send you a more favorable report.
Sincerely yours,
Hong-Jun Gao
Associate Editor
AIP Publishing LLC
Suite 1NO1
2 Huntington Quadrangle
Melville, NY
Phone: 516-576-2344
我看网上说 这个状态每个稿件都有,不知道是不是
没呢,已经转投了solid state communication,已经见刊了,第193期,关于石墨烯谐振式压力传感器那篇
扫描下载送金币小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
有谁投稿过springer上的文章啊,我要投applied physics B,但是在主页上没有看到submmit相关字样,该如何投稿啊,请虫友帮忙,以下是我找的杂志链接,不知道是不是链接错误/content/100502/
Applied Physics B
Submission of Manuscripts
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Manuscripts should be submitted as pdf-files by e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief or to the member of the Editorial Board most familiar with the topic of the paper. A list of the members of the board of editors together with their special fields can also be found on page 3 of the journal. Each manuscript should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors and must be accompanied by the name and full address of the corresponding author, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address.
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Important new results may be considered as a rapid communication. The length of those papers is restricted to 4 printed pages. Manuscripts should be sent by e-mail as pdf-files directly to the Editor-in Chief and are handled by the editorial office in a special procedure that ensures rapid reviewing. Like regular contributions, each manuscript should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors and must be accompanied by the name and full address of the corresponding author, telephone and fax numbers, and email address.Rapid communications are published online within one month after acceptance and appear in print within 2 months.The Word or LATEX source file of the final version of regular articles and rapids communications will be requestedafter acceptance for publication.
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In addition to electronic submissions of articles, Applied Physics B − Lasers and Optics also offers the possibility of submissions as hard copies in triplicate by mail. Authors who submit hard copies must follow the same instruction as given above for electronic submissions.Once a manuscript is accepted, it will be published quickly and free of page charges. A standart page contains approximately 4000 characters or 4 figures.
扫描下载送金币小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
Applied physics A 投稿 with editor两周了
投Applied physics A,& & With editor状态两周了?什么节奏?有人投过这个期刊给点意见,是没找到合适的审稿人嘛?
没让几乎审查,直接underview嘛? 一个月&&你指underview一个月嘛?谢谢&&你之前投过这个期刊


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