
AP宏观经济一个问题.为什么不是增加100*(1/0.1)=1000 moneysupply啊,为AP宏观经济一个问题.为什么不是增加100*(1/0.1)=1000 moneysupply啊,为什么是900?_百度作业帮
AP宏观经济一个问题.为什么不是增加100*(1/0.1)=1000 moneysupply啊,为AP宏观经济一个问题.为什么不是增加100*(1/0.1)=1000 moneysupply啊,为什么是900?
AP宏观经济一个问题.为什么不是增加100*(1/0.1)=1000 moneysupply啊,为AP宏观经济一个问题.为什么不是增加100*(1/0.1)=1000&moneysupply啊,为什么是900?
嗯第一步已经对了,很好.当存入$100的时候,变成了$1000.注意这$1000元中有$100,原本是个人持有,本来就是在Money Supply中的一部分,所以变化量是$900.如果问题问的是美联储买了$100,Money Supply变化多少,那么就是$1000,因为那$100并不是原来的Money Supply的一部分.
嗯对的,顺便回答的时候不小心少打了字..(美联储购入$100 Bonds)您的位置: >
> AP宏观经济学考点最全总结
  1、GDP衡量一个国家的总收入和总产出。GDP is the market value (产量*价格)of all final goods and services (只算最终产品,比如西班牙人吃一种用橡树果喂养的猪,那么被猪吃了的那些橡树果就不算,只算猪,不然就重复计算了,因为猪的价格里已经包括橡树果的成本了;供人吃的那些橡树果当然算)produced(当年生产的才算,二手货交易不算;疑难点是当年生产但没卖出去的怎么办?也计入GDP,算在investment里的存货) within a country(无论国籍,只要在地理范围内就算) in a given period of time.
  2、GDP的组成部分 Components of GDP,国家在统计每年GDP时,看家庭、企业、政府和国外四部分在当年的消费情况。GDP=C+I+G+NX恒等式
  Investment:企业投资,包括建工厂、买设备、新建住宅、存货(当年没卖出的,默认企业自己&买&了,例如联想2010年生产500台电脑,家庭购买300台,剩余200台,计入2010年的Consumption为 300*单价,计入Investment为200*单价,2011年那200台也被家庭购买走了,于是2011年的Consumption为200*单 价,Investment为负200*单价,正负抵消,于是2010年生产的那500台全部计入了2010年GDP,没有在2011年重复计算)等。
  Government Purchase:各级政府为的公务花费,如公务员工资、公务车、公共服务建设、公立学校老师工资等。
  Net exports:净出口(出口-进口)。疑难点:为什么要减去进口呢?因为在算C、I、G的时候,并未区分是否是进口货,比如家庭或企业或政府买了一辆进口车,这时候算出来的GDP就不符合定义了(within a country),因此要刨除进口部分。
  3. 实际与名义GDP Real vs. nominal GDP
  前者是按固定价格计算的物品与劳务的生产,后者指按当年价格计算的。设定一个基准年base year很关键,我国在统计这些年的GDP时都把2000年作为基年。
  4、GDP deflator=100*名义GDP/实际GDP
  例如,在2000年建了3套100平米住宅,单价是20万,而09年同样的住宅建了6套,单价是100万。基年是2000年的话,2009年的名义GDP是 6*100=600万,实际GDP是6*20=120万。2000年的名义GDP=3*20=60万,实际GDP=3*20=60万。09年的GDP平减 指数为100*600/120=500,2000年的GDP平减指数为100,平减指数反映了当年的物价水平,因此能看出09年的物价是2000年的5 倍。
  Inflation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies (20&30%) 通货膨胀、失业与稳定政策
  inflation: an increase in the overall price level=decrease of purchase power of currency
  when increasing money supply, real wealth shifts to money maker
  Money neutrality: a pone time change in money supply will have no real effect in the long run.
  Shoe leather costs: the effort made to decrease the effect of inflation. Like withdrawing money to purchase real good.
  Menu costs: cause of price stickiness. There is cost to change price so company will not change price immediately until MB&MC
  contract: cause of wage stickiness, usually for a year
  Rational expectation: people expect inflation and act accordingly. The average error of expectation is zero.
  GDP deflator: one way to calculate inflation: divide nominal GDP by real GDP and multiply by 100.
  CPI: takes a fixed basket of good and calculate their price
  CPI vs. GDP deflator: CPI only looks at consumer goods. Also people tend to buy less of one thing if price increases so CPI is not accurate. A common problem for both ways is that they do not take into account the quality. A good with better quality now is still counted the same as before.
  Deflation: inflation is negative. It is very harmful as interest rate can not be lower than zero.
  people employed/total labor force=unemployment rate
  those not looking for a job, too young and prisoner or patient are not counted in labor force
  Discouraged worker: people who give up looking for a job. More discouraged workers can increase employment rate.
  Types of unemployment: seasonal, structural, frictional and cyclical. Seasonal, structural and frictional are unavoidable so no cyclical unemployment means full employment, or natural rate of unemployment.
  effect of unemployment: lower output(Okun&s law: for every percent of unemployment higher than natural rate, GDP is 2percent lower than potential), stress, workers loses skill, send a bad signal to employer
  Bias about unemployment: the leisure people experience when not having a job decrease the negative effect of unemployment. However, the life is stressful and people may spend some of the time looking for a job and these factors make things worse.
  Aggregate demand egate demand
  AD: total expenditure in a country
  AD is downward sloping because:
  (a)wealth effect: the higher the price level, the less you can buy with a fixed amount of money
  (b) interest rate effect: higher price level&carry more money&less savings&higher interest rate&lower investment
  (c) Exchange rate effect: higher price level&carry more money&less savings&higher interest rate&appreciate currency&more import and less export
  Shifts of AD: changes in expectations, animal spirit (confidence), change in money supply, fiscal policy
  Aggregate supply
  Aggregate supply: total supply. The long run AS curve is vertical, only affected by change in resources and technology. Short run AS is upward sloping.
  AS is upward sloping because:
  (a)sticky price: lower price level and same nomial price&more real price&less demand--less supply
  (b) Sticky wages: lower price level and same wage&more real wage&higher cost&produce less (sticky wages may caused by money illusion, labor contracts, labor regulation and union power)
  Shifts of AS: real factors of production will cause both LRAS and SRAS to shift. Expectations and change in price or wages will cause SRAS to shift.
  Demand pull inflation: increase in AD (may caused by increase in money supply or fiscal stimulus)&decrease in AS&equilibrium and higher price level
  Cost push inflation: decrease in AS&increase in AD&equilibrium and higher price level
  Inflation gap: AD increases and the gap between the SR and LR level of output is inflation gap.
  Recessionary gap: AD decreases and the gap between SR and LR level of output is recessionary/output gap
  Supply side economics
  Supply side economics tend to solve problem in macroeconomics by changing AS. They would agree a cut of tax if it can increase people&s incentive to work. So they do not agree a fund back of last year&s tax.
  Laffer curve: when tax rate is higher than a number, tax revenue may decrease when government increases tax rate because the decrease in efficiency is so great.
  What is money
  uses of money: medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value
  properties of money: portable(easy to carry around), fungible(can be divided), durable, rare and not valuable(or people will debase money by moving small part of it)
  definition of money: M0: only currency
  M1:M0+checking deposit
  M2: M1+close money substitutes
  Quantity theory of money
  ex: when fed prints money but does not use them, v=0 so there is no real effect in the economy
  Savings and investment:
  an economy can only save by building constructions that might be used in the future
  in a closed economy: C+I+G=GDP=C+G+savings (total spending +that are not spent)
  Monetary policy
  monetary policy is the policy taken by federal reserve to control economy
  open market operation: buy or sell treasury bond to increase or decrease total money supply in the economy
  discount rate: rate of interest rate banks borrow money from the Fed
  federal funds rate: the interest rate that the Fed targeted with open market operation
  Reserve requirement: the required amount of money a bank need to hold, usually not used as a tool as: 1. if Fed raises RR during expansion, bank may have a difficult time to get enough RR 2. if Fed decreases RR during recession, it has no effect as the bank can not loan out the extra amount of money
  Fiscal policy
  Fiscal policy is the action of government to control the economy, usually include government spending and change of tax rate
  Expansionary fiscal policy may cause an increase in interest rate as government must borrow before spend. This will crowd out private investment.
  Fiscal and monetary policy
  Fiscal and monetary policy may help or cancel out each other. There is a chart in the hand out
  After Fed multiplier: is the overall effect of fiscal and monetary policy. If AD increases, if AD decreases, if AD does not change, it is zero.
  Interest rate determination
  short run: if Fed takes expansionary policy&MS increases&saving shifts to the right&lower interest rate
  long run: if Fed takes expansionary policy&MD increases&saving shifts back&interest rate back to former one
  All formulas for calculation
  1. fiscal policy:
  (a)spending multiplier=1/MPS=1/(1-MPC)
  (b) Tax multiplier=MPC/MPS
  (c) Balance multiplier=spending multiplier+ tax multiplier=1
  2. OMO:
  (a) change in money supply: 1/RR*BP (bond)
  (b) New loans: 1/RR*BP-BP
  (c) Reserves: BP
  3. New deposit:
  (a) change in money supply:
  1/RR*DD (deposit money)-DD
  (b) Demand deposit: 1/RR*DD
  (c) Loans: 1/RR*DD-DD
  (d) Reserves: DD
  International trade
  Current account: account of physical good. Export counts as positive and import counts as negative.
  Capital account: account of liability. When other countries invest in your country it is positive.
  capital account +current account=0
  Exchange rate: price of other currency. When it takes more foreign currency to but the same amount of your currency, your currency is appreciate. Otherwise, it is depreciate.
  Shift of demand and supply of currency: an increase in interest rate will increase the demand of a currency and increase the supply of other currency. Thus your currency is appreciated.
  Effect of exchange rate on imports and exports: currency appreciates is good for import and bad for export.
  Law of one price (inflation and exchange rate): increase in inflation will decrease the purchasing power of currency. According to law of one price, price everywhere will be the same if transaction cost is neglectable. Thus this currency will depreciate.
  Fixed exchange rate: means nominal exchange rate stays the same all the time. If your country undergoes inflation while holding the exchange rate the same, its currency is actually appreciated.
  Technology advance is the basic factor that affects long run growth.
  Capital: capital is the equipment used to produce other goods. Higher capital means higher labor productivity (this is showed in the labor productivity section in microeconomics).
  Human capital: the skill and education a labor has. Higher human capital can be obtained by training and education. It has diminishing marginal return as a change from non-literacy to literacy has greater effect than a change from an undergraduate to a graduate.
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1. You have just taken a job that requires you to move to anew city. In relocating,you face the decision of whether to buy or rent ahouse. A suitable house costs $200,000 andyou have saved enough for the downpayment. The (nominal) mortgage interest rate is 10%per year, and you can alsoearn 10% per year on savings. Mortgage interest payments are taxdeductible,interest earnings on savings are taxable, and you are in the 30% tax bracket.Interestis paid or received, and taxes are paid, on the last day of the year. Theexpectedinflation rate is 5% per year.The cost of maintaining the house is 6%of the value of the house. Assume that these expensesare also paid entirely onthe last day of the year. If the maintenance is done, the house retainsits full real value. There are no other relevant costs or expenses. (a)&&What is the expectedafter-tax real interest rate on the home mortgage? What is the usercost of thehouse? (b) If all you care about is minimizing your living expenses, at whatannual rent level wouldyou be just indifferent between buying a house andrenting a house of comparable quality?Rent is also paid on the last day of theyear. 2. Use the saving-investment diagram to analyze thefollowing effect on nationalsaving, investment, and the real interest rate.Explain your reasoning.“A large number of accessible oil deposits arediscovered, which increases the expected futuremarginal product of oil rigs andpipelines. It also causes an increase in expected future income.” 6Assume that prices and wages adjust rapidly so that themarkets for labor, goods,and assets are always in equilibrium. What is theeffect of a reduction in expected inflation onoutput, the realinterest rate, and the current price level? Assume that expectation ofinflation is not persistent and will not impact expected future output.
求各路大神解答者三道题 本人初学宏经 希望各位可以讲的仔细一点儿 先谢谢了!!!
& 文章正文
  AP,全称Advanced Placement,中文名称为美国大学预修课程,适用于全球计划前往美国读本科的高中生。由美国大学理事会(The College Board)主持,AP成绩不但可以抵扣成功申请美国大学的同学入学后相应课程的学分,而且AP成绩也成为美国各大学录取学生的重要依据。AP考试如何备考?历年真题就是最好的备考资料。新东方李菡婷老师为您提供2012年AP宏观经济学真题解析,希望对AP考生的备考有所帮助!
  1. Assume that the country of Rankinland is currently in recession.
  (a) Assume that Rankinland produces only food and clothing. Draw a
correctly labeled production possibilities curve for Rankinland. Show a point
that could represent the current output combination and label it A.
  (b) Assume that the Central Bank of Rankinland pursues an expansionary
monetary policy.
  (i) Identify the open-market operation that the Central Bank would use.
  (ii) Draw a correctly labeled money market graph and show the short-run
effect of the expansionary monetary policy on the nominal interest rate.
  (iii) Assuming no change to the price level, what happens to the real
interest rate as a result of the expansionary monetary policy? Explain.
  (iv) Given your answer to part (b)(iii) regarding the real interest rate,
what happens to the real gross domestic product (GDP) in the short run?
  (c) Suppose Rankinland has a current account deficit. Rankinland’s currency
is called the bera.
  (i) What will initially happen to the current account deficit in Rankinland
solely due to the change in the real GDP from part (b)(iv) ? Explain.
  (ii) What will happen to the international value of the bera solely due to
the change in the real GDP from part (b)(iv) ? Explain.
  此题为第一题的a问,在做题之前要看题目的整体前提是什么:in recession,这是每一小问答题是需要考虑的前提条件。
  再来看题目,考察的知识点为production possibilities curve(PPC)。题目中提到only food and
  PPC描述的是在要素量一定时的最大生产可能,因为是in recession,所以A点应该在曲线之内任一点。
教育万花筒balance budget amendment是什么?这个词出现在AP宏观经济的题目中,但课本没介绍,_百度作业帮
balance budget amendment是什么?这个词出现在AP宏观经济的题目中,但课本没介绍,
balance budget amendment是什么?这个词出现在AP宏观经济的题目中,但课本没介绍,


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