
iTunes 11.1禁止恢复iOS 7 IPSW自制固件
  本周初在 iOS 7 正式发之后,苹果很快就更新了 iTunes 11.1,新增了多个重要功能,包括 iTunes 广播、Genius 随机播放、与 iOS 7 同步等。不过根据著名黑客 iH8Sn0w 在推特中的最新更新,苹果在 iTunes 11.1 已经禁止恢复 iOS7 的 IPSW 自制固件。
  iH8Sn0w 表示,iTunes 11.1 好像已经禁止恢复 iOS7 的 IPSW自制固件,所以必须寻找别的办法来恢复自制固件。幸运的是,目前 iH8Sn0w 好像已经开始开发新的工具,帮助用户无需 iTunes 即可恢复自制固件。
  另外,iH8Sn0w 发布的独立 iReb 工具也受到 iTunes 11.1 的影响,s5l8900x 设备(iPhone 2G、iPhone 3G 和 iPod touch 1G)无法继续利用这个工具。iReb 是一个 Windows 程序。它能够让用户的 iOS 设备进入 PWNED 模式(DFU模式),这样就允许用户更新 iOS 设备到定制的 iOS 固件文件。iReb 能帮助用户在恢复、更新定制固件文件时,绕开 iTunes 的 02/ 错误。
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本类下载排行苹果发布 iOS 7 和 iTunes 11.1 测试版【快鲤鱼早报】
06:24:26 | 标签:
美国东部时间周一下午1点(北京时间周二凌晨1点),苹果公司正式发布了 iOS 7 的第四个测试版本,并专门为国内用户设置了九宫格输入法。另外,据美国科技博客 9to5Mac 报道,该版本中新增一个名为&BiometricKitUI&的文件夹,或能证实此前关于下一代 iPhone 将配备指纹识别功能的传言。与此同时,,其最大亮点在于添加 iTunes Radio 功能,这是一项将整合到 iOS 7 系统中的免费音乐服务。为了净化网络环境,特别是保护儿童的上网环境,微软 Bing 搜索引擎在英国地区增加了弹出警告窗口,从而屏蔽虐童信息,这也是第一个这么做的搜索引擎。今年早些时候,英国首相 David Cameron 曾表示,互联网公司应尽量阻止此类信息的泛滥。雅虎的搜索页面采用的是 Bing 的技术,因此它也表示会考虑采取类似办法。但在英国使用量最大的谷歌却还没有推出类似功能的计划。2011 年下半年,谷歌斥资 1.51 亿美元收购了餐厅点评网站 。两年过去了, 谷歌为之推出了全新的 iOS 版和 Android 版应用,并上线了改版后的网站。而且,谷歌宣布,网站所有的评分和评价服务都免费开放,甚至都不需要注册。目前,Zat 的服务覆盖美国的 9 个城市,谷歌表示,下一步 Zagat 将覆盖美国和世界其他地方的 50 个地区,点评服务也将不止局限于餐厅,还将包括商店和&其他有意思的地方&。到底是
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的创业公司目前只有 25 人,开发的游戏为 ,宣布刚刚获得 1100 万美元的投资,投资方为 Idinvest Partners、Qualcomm Ventures 和 Nokia Growth Partners。
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& &| && | &
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& | && | &Apple Releases iTunes 11.1 Ahead of iOS 7 and iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c - 推酷
Apple Releases iTunes 11.1 Ahead of iOS 7 and iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c
Apple released iTunes 11.1 to regular users after putting out a
yesterday. It comes as Apple prepares users for the
&and new iPhones. The new version does more than just prepare users for iOS 7 and
. We also get a few new features like iTunes Radio, better support for podcasting and app management when a users connects their iOS device to their Mac or Windows computer.
Download iTunes 11.1 either from the software’s
or via the Mac App Store update tab. It seems Apple is&rolling out this update in stages, so not all users will see version 11.1 immediately. By the time iOS 7 ships, the new version will likely go live for everyone.
iTunes Radio in iTunes 11.1 shows up in the Music section under the Radio tab.
iTunes Radio
Here’s our hands on video of the service in iOS 7 on an iPhone.
wins the nod for the most significant new feature in iTunes 11.1. Apple announced it at WWDC earlier this year when they took the wraps off some of the iOS 7 and OSX 10.9 Mavericks features. iTunes Radio competes with the popular music streaming services like Pandora, Google Play Music All Access and Spotify. These services give users nearly unlimited music streaming for a monthly fee. iTunes Radio does the same, using a Radio theme with stations related to styles of music based on artists and genres.
Subscribers to
will enjoy ad-free access to iTunes Radio for $24.99/year. This makes iTunes Radio cheaper than the other services, which cost around $8-$10 per month. However, we find the other services offer a better experience, letting us download music and play it offline. iTunes Radio doesn’t do this.
Better App Management
, this full version of iTunes 11.1 comes with better app management features. Users can see all of their iOS device screens, work with interactive images of all their folders, and more easily organize apps on the screen.
Podcast Station
Power podcast listeners or viewers will love this new feature. Podcast Stations organizes podcasts into stations for easier watching or listening. Set up a station of Tech podcasts or entertainment podcasts. The station shows the user their most recent unplayed podcasts of that kind. The user sets them up in iTunes and they syncs to their iOS device while connected or over iCloud.
Genius Shuffle
The Genius Shuffle feature takes a user’s music and finds other content based on the artist or style of music. Listeners can click on a Genius Shuffle to start discovering new music in that genre. This makes creating new Radio Stations effortless.
What Apple Left Out
iTunes helps users move content on and off their iOS device, but we’d like to see some more improvements.
Full iCloud or online iTunes
– get rid of the terrible Windows iTunes app and the unwieldy iTunes app on all platforms and put it 100 percent in the cloud
Separate Out Media Formats
– If we can’t have the first item, then give us a separate app for playing various kinds of music on our computers like we get on iOS devices with different apps for Music, Podcasts, Books, Apps, Movies/TV/Videos, Audiobooks, iTunes U
Everything in the Cloud
– If we don’t get fully online version of iTunes, at least let us store all of our media online and download it to any device we’ve attached to an account
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