
类型:都市言情& 作者:赤焰圣歌& 最新更新章节:正文 第四百一十章 功章德碑
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网站字母分类导航:天天酷跑 我有赤焰神马但是这个表现分不是很高。 我的钻石够买智能少年和自行车了。 又出了新人物。_百度知道
天天酷跑 我有赤焰神马但是这个表现分不是很高。 我的钻石够买智能少年和自行车了。 又出了新人物。
又出了新人物。我该买智能少年和自行车呢。还是买新人物呢天天酷跑 我有赤焰神马但是这个表现分不是很高。我的钻石够买智能少年和自行车了
出门在外也不愁转至贴吧整理Rap God饶舌之神Look, I was gonna go easy on you and not to hurt your feelings看好了,我准备温柔点对你,不伤及你的情感But I'm only going to get this one chance但我只是打算得到这个机会Something's wrong, I can feel it (Six minutes, Slim Shady, you're on)有些什么不对劲,我能感觉到(六分钟,Slim Shady,你的演出)【括号中的句子采样自Em在The Marshall Mathers LP专辑中的Remember Me?而这个句子本身是对Hip-Hop团体Doug E. Fresh & The Get Fresh Crew的The Show中的句子"6 minutes, Doug E. Fresh you're on. " 的提及另外这首歌和Remember Me?一样是专辑的第9首 且长度都为6分钟多】Just a feeling I've got, like something's about to happen, but I don't know what只是我的感觉,好像有什么要发生,但我不知道是什么If that means, what I think it means, we're in trouble – big trouble – and if he is as 如果那意思是,我的意思是,我们身处麻烦——大麻烦——而且如果他是bananas as you say, I'm not taking any chances像你说的那样的疯子,那我不会冒险You were just what the doctor ordered而这正合我意[Hook 1]【这个Hook的flow和Em好友兼D12成员的Bizarre的Hip Hop中Em的Verse开头很相似】I'm beginning to feel like a Rap God, Rap God我开始感觉自己像个饶舌之神,饶舌之神All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod我前方的人们都到我身后来点头称臣,点头称臣Now who thinks their arms are long enough to slapbox, slapbox?现在有谁觉得他的武器够长能来和我小打小闹,小打小闹?【对说唱歌手Nas的歌曲You're Da Man中的"Your arms are too short to box with God"的提及说唱歌手Big Daddy Kane的Mortal Combat中也有类似这样的句子】They said I rap like a robot, so call me Rapbot他们说我的饶舌像个机器人,所以叫我饶舌机器人【Rapbot是对歌手Liam Lynch的歌曲Rapbot的提及】[Verse 1]But for me to rap like a computer must be in my genes但对我来说像台电脑那样说唱一定是我的基因使然【genes(基因)和jeans(牛仔裤)同音 连着下一句】I got a laptop in my back pocket我的后口袋里有台笔记本电脑My pen'll go off when I half-cock it当我让我的笔枪机半扣,它就直接开火Got a fat knot from that rap profit被饶舌得来的利润喂得太饱难以消化【knot谐音nut 指子弹 和上一句关联】Made a living and a killing off it以之谋生再大肆屠杀Ever since Bill Clinton was still in office自从比尔·克林顿还在执政With Monica Lewinsky feeling on his nut-sack而莫妮卡·莱温斯基还在感受他的蛋蛋火热【指时任美国总统比尔·克林顿与白宫实习生莫妮卡·莱温斯基的性丑闻】I'm an MC still as honest我是个心直口快的诚实MCBut as rude and indecent as all hell但也一样粗鲁,下流无礼Syllables, killaholic (Kill 'em all with)各种音节,杀人成瘾(全部杀光)This slickety, gibbedy, hibbedy hip hop我这圆滑又坚挺硬汉,Hip-hop瘾君子【对老牌说唱团体Sugar Hill Gang于1979年发行的被视为第一首说唱单曲的Rapper's Delight的提及原句是"I said the Hip-hop, the hibby, the hibby to hip-hip-hop. "】You don't really wanna get into a pissing match with this rappidy rap你并不想搅进这场饶舌的无聊比赛Packing a Mac in the back of the Ac, pack backpack rap, yep, yakety-yak在本田Acura后备箱里装好Mac 10冲锋枪,装好你的背包说唱,耶,胡诌扯蛋【backpack rap指郊区说唱 Em可能借此指他因上一张Recovery专辑中的口水歌受到的批评】And at the exact same time与此同时I attempt these lyrical acrobat stunts while I'm practicing that我一边练习一边尝试着词韵的杂技表演I'll still be able to break a motherfuckin' table砸烂一张操蛋的桌子对我来说依旧小菜一碟Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half砸向那俩同性恋的背,让它裂成两半【指电影《断背山》】Only realized it was ironic I was signed to Aftermath after the fact事后意识到Aftermath签了我真是讽刺【Aftermath:Em的导师兼西海岸说唱元老Dr.Dre建立的唱片厂牌这里的文字游戏:afterMATH和Em的姓MATHers而aftermath作为名词是“(灾难的)后果”】How could I not blow? All I do is drop F-bombs, feel my wrath of attack我要怎样才能不炸场?我所做的就只有扔下一颗颗F字头炸弹,感受我攻击的愤怒吧Rappers are having a rough time period, here's a maxipadRapper们正经历艰难时期,来这是给你的姨妈巾【period双关“时期”和“经期”另暗指在一场说唱歌手Canibus(与Em有矛盾)和Dizaster参与的说唱比赛上Canibus因忘词而拿出便笺簿 pad也有便笺簿的意思】It's actually disastrously bad for the wack这对那些渣渣来说简直悲剧般糟糕While I'm masterfully constructing this masterpiece as当我技艺纯熟地构造这这首杰作,因为[Hook 2]I'm beginning to feel like a Rap God, Rap God我开始感觉自己像个饶舌之神,饶舌之神All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod我前方的人们都到我身后来点头称臣,点头称臣Now who thinks their arms are long enough to slapbox, slapbox?现在有谁觉得他的武器够长能来和我小打小闹,小打小闹?Let me show you maintaining this shit ain't that hard, that hard让我给你看看,要维持这狗屎地位没那么难,没那么难[Verse 2]Everybody want the key and the secret to rap immortality like I have got每个人都想要秘诀,来说唱着像我这样的不朽地位Well, to be truthful the blueprint's simply rage and youthful exuberance唔,老实说那种蓝图计划只是简单粗暴,青春期躁动罢了【blueprint可能暗指说唱歌手Jay-Z的专辑The Blueprint还可能是对说唱团体The Roots的歌曲Ital (The Universal Side)的提及原句"I peeped the blue prints on how to make true senseOf mc's which are a nuisance i know just what to do sincei'm on another lev."】Everybody loves to root for a nuisance所有人都爱挺负能量之物Hit the earth like an asteroid, did nothing but shoot for the moon since就像小行星撞地球,什么都没做,只是瞄准月亮发射MC's get taken to school with this musicMC们被我的音乐带去上学堂Cause I use it as a vehicle to bust a rhyme因为我用它作为爆出押韵的工具【vehicle双关“载体”和“(校)车”bust a rhyme暗指说唱歌手Busta Rhymes】Now I lead a new school full of students现在我带领着学生满员的新学派【Leaders of the New School是上一句中Busta Rhymes所在的说唱组合new school双关“新学校”和“新派说唱”】Me? I'm a product of Rakim, Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac N-我?我是Rakim,Lakim Shabazz,2Pac N--W.A, Cube, hey, Doc, Ren, Yella, Eazy, thank you, they got Slim-W.A, Cube, 嘿, Doc, Ren, Yella, Eazy他们的产物,真心感谢,是他们让Slim【上面提到的都是一些对Em乃至整个Hip-Hop影响都很深的说唱歌手/团体】Inspired enough to one day grow up, blow up and be in a position汲取了足够灵感,直到一天成长至此爆发实力,能有资格To meet Run DMC and induct them into the motherfuckin' Rock n'见到Run DMC,引导他们进那操蛋的Roll Hall of Fame摇滚名人堂【Run DMC:著名说唱组合 Em在2009年引他们入主摇滚名人堂】Even though I walk in the church and burst in a ball of flames哪怕是我走进教堂时都会被一团来自天罚的火球燃烧爆裂Only Hall of Fame I be inducted in is the alcohol of fame我唯一被引荐入主的名人堂就只有酒精名人堂了On the wall of shame在那羞耻之墙上You fags think it's all a game 'til I walk a flock of flames你们这帮废物都认为这只是场游戏,直到我【walk a flock of flames还谐音说唱歌手Waka Flocka Flame的名字 他曾diss过Em而flame可表示同性恋】Off of planking, tell me what in the fuck are you thinking?让这帮同性恋丢掉饭碗,告诉我你丫到底在想些什么东西?【模仿Waka Flocka Flame的歌曲Hard in the Paint的副歌唱的"What the fuck you thinkin' nigga"】Little gay looking boy搞基小男孩So gay I can barely say it with a straight face looking boy所以基佬我几乎不能正色着说出这些,装逼男孩【这几句的flow出自说唱组合Hotstylz的歌曲Lookin' Boywith a straight face指绷着脸 而straight可指异性恋 是在玩上面提到的Waka Flocka Flame的名字】You witnessing a massacre你目睹了一场屠杀Like you watching a church gathering take place looking boy好像是在观看一场教堂集会,装逼男孩【指1978人民圣殿教教徒集体自杀的琼斯镇惨案】Oy vey, that boy's gay, that's all they say looking boy我好苦啊,那男孩是个基佬,他们都这么说,装逼男孩【Oy vey是犹太语 也是说唱歌手Mac Miller的一首歌】You get a thumbs up, pat on the back你被竖起拇指,表扬赞赏【Thumps Up也是Mac Miller的一首歌】And a way to go from your label everyday looking boy每天被你的唱片厂牌安排一切,装逼男孩Hey, looking boy, what you say looking boy?嘿装逼男孩,你说什么呀装逼男孩?I get a "hell yeah" from Dre looking boy我从Dre那儿要来一句“Hell Yeah”,装逼男孩【"Hell yeah"是Dr.Dre很喜欢说的一句表达激动或赞同的口头语】I'mma work for everything I have我会为我拥有的一切苦干Never ask nobody for shit, get outta my face looking boy绝不求任何人任何事,快消失在我面前,装逼男孩Basically boy you're never gonna be capable孩子你基本上永远无力To keep up with the same pace looking boy跟上我的步伐,装逼男孩[Hook 3]I'm beginning to feel like a Rap God, Rap God我开始感觉自己像个饶舌之神,饶舌之神All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod我前方的人们都到我身后来点头称臣,点头称臣The way I'm racing around the track, call me Nascar, Nascar我如此极速就像是在绕着赛道狂飙,叫我Nascar,Nascar【track双关“歌曲”和“赛道”,NASCAR是“全国运动汽车竞赛协会”的缩写】Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park, the White Trash God拖车房里的Dale Earnhardt,白垃圾之神【老Dale Earnhardt是一名传奇赛车手,死于比赛事故拖车指Em成名前一直住在一个拖车场附近,受人嘲讽,这里是Em自嘲白垃圾是白人对自己的戏谑称呼】Kneel before General Zod this planet's Krypton, no Asgard, Asgard快在佐德将军面前跪下,这儿是氪星,而非仙宫,不是仙宫【佐德将军是《超人》中超人的宿敌,氪星是超人的家乡仙宫是北欧神话中雷神托尔和下一句中奥丁的家乡"Kneel before General Zod"是《超人》中佐德将军的台词】[Verse 3]So you be Thor and I'll be Odin, you rodent, I'm omnipotent所以你如果是雷神托尔,那我就是奥丁,你是只小啮齿动物,我就是万能之神【奥丁是北欧神话中的神】Let off then I'm reloading immediately with these bombs I'm totin'引爆我随身携带的炸弹,再火速装填满And I should not be woken我不该被唤醒【继续上面提到的奥丁比喻,奥丁可以在睡眠时恢复元气】I'm the walking dead, but I'm just a talking head, a zombie floating我是个行尸走肉,但我只是个会说话的头,游荡的僵尸【Talking Heads是一个美国著名摇滚乐队】But I got your mom deep throating但我还是让你老母亲给我深喉口活【文字游戏:①僵尸喜欢吃人脑(brain),而口交还可说成"giving brain"②Em说自己只有头没有身体,但依然让your mom给他口活】I'm out my ramen noodle, we have nothing in common, poodle我已经没了脑子,我们没有任何共同点,您是贵妇犬【noodle是brain的另一种说法,而ramen(拉面)谐音rhyming(押韵)而这一句中的ramen noodle和poodle出自一个很走红的视频名叫Ramen Noodle, The Wonder Poodle, and Little Orphan Juliet内容是三只狗的故事】I'm a doberman, pinch yourself in the arm and pay homage, pupil我是只杜宾犬,快掐下自己的手别做梦了,表示对我的敬意,小同学【杜宾犬是智商最高的一种犬之一,也被作为战狗而知】It's me, my honesty's brutal是我,我的诚实太残忍But it's honestly futile if I don't utilize what I do though但老实说要是我不运用我的所为,一点用都没有For good at least once in a while哪怕永远至少都只是偶尔So I wanna make sure somewhere in this chicken scratch I scribble and doodle所以我想确定这些我潦草写成的鬼画桃符里的某一处【chicken scratch指十分潦草写成的东西,doodle是乱涂的意思同时是文字游戏:doodle是公鸡打鸣时的拟声词"cock-a-DOODLE-doo" 和chicken关联】Enough rhymes to maybe to try and help get some people through tough times有足够的押韵,或许能试着帮一些人逆境重生But I gotta keep a few punchlines just in case cause even you unsigned但我得写一些亮点词句以防万一,因为甚至当你还没被签约Rappers are hungry looking at me like it's lunchtimeRapper们都会饥渴地盯着我,好像是到了午饭时间【上面几句用了很多和Em的歌曲8 Mile中相似的韵脚】I know there was a time where once I我知道有一段时间我Was king of the underground, but I still rap like I'm on my Pharoahe Monch grind是地下说唱的王者,但我仍然像Pharoahe Monch那样苦干说唱【Em早期作为地下独立说唱歌手Pharoahe Monch:美国说唱歌手,同是地下独立rapper这里的文字游戏:前半句的king(王)和Pharoahe(法老)关联】So I crunch rhymes, but sometimes when you combine于是我碾碎韵脚,但有时候当你把Appeal with the skin color of mine感染力和我的肤色放在一块儿想想【上一句的crunch还可指“嗑药” 这一句的appeal谐音a pill(药丸)】You get too big and here they come trying to censor you你太过成名,然后他们就来审查你做的音乐Like that one line I said on "I'm Back" from the Mathers LP 1就像我在Mathers LP 1上的I'm Back里的那一句Where I tried to say I take seven kids from Columbine我本来想说“我从科隆比纳带了7个孩子Put 'em all in a line, add an AK-47, a revolver and a nine让他们站成一列,拿上AK-47步枪,左轮手枪还有9毫米手枪【指The Marshall Mathers LP专辑中的曲目I'm Back中的歌词"I take seven kids from Columbine, stand'em all in lineAdd an AK-47, a revolver, a nine"当时正值1999年发生在科罗拉多州科隆比纳高中的枪击案第二年所以歌词中的"kids"和"Columbine"被和谐了而这几句歌词的是受说唱歌手Rakim的歌词押韵影响写出的,原句是"I take 7 MC's put 'em in a lineAnd add 7 more brothers who think they can rhyme"】See if I get away with it now that I ain't as big as I was你懂吗如果我当时避开了那些东西,现在我可能就不会这出名了But I've morphed into an immortal coming through the portal但我已化身不朽之神,从传送门来到人间【Em在发布这首歌之前在facebook上分享了一首Patrick Cassidy的歌Immortal's Portal可能就是这一句的灵感来源】You're stuck in a timewarp from 2004 though但自从2004年,你就一直被卡在时间扭曲的夹缝【外界认为2004年以后Em的音乐由于各种原因(药物、丧友等)开始走下坡路,而更偏好之前的歌曲】And I don't know what the fuck that you rhyme for而我真不知道你他妈在押的韵都是些什么东西You're pointless as Rapunzel with fucking cornrows你就像长发公主的玉米编发一样毫无意义【Rapunzel是格林童话中的长发公主童话中她把长头发披下来让王子爬上去救她,而如果她梳成玉米编发则什么也做不了这里可能暗指并讽刺Em的对头说唱歌手Benzino——他的发型】You're like normal, fuck being normal你如此平庸,去他妈的平庸And I just bought a new Raygun from the future我刚从未来买了一把射线枪【Raygun是游戏《使命召唤》系列中出现的一种武器Em为该游戏系列献唱过数次,包括和这首歌收录在同一专辑的歌曲Survival】To just come and shoot ya like when Fabolous made Ray J mad来把你射杀,就像Fabolous让Ray J发飙时候那样Cause Fab said he looked like a fag at Mayweather’s pad因为Fab在Mayweather家说他看上去就像个同性恋Singin' to a man while they played piano在他们弹钢琴的时候对着个男人唱歌Man, oh man, that was a 24/7 special on the cable channel老兄,噢老兄,那是个全天候电视特别节目So Ray J went straight to the radio station the very next day于是Ray J第二天就直奔电台''Hey, Fab, I'mma kill you''说“嘿,Fab,我会杀了你”【指2011年起这两位说唱歌手的不和起因是Fabolous发的一条推特大致是拳击运动员Floyd Mayweather告诉他说他们在开派对的时候电视上放了Ray J的热曲One Wish当时Ray J是钢琴弹唱这让他飙泪这条推特激怒了Ray J,于是他去电台骂Fabolous,而这整个事件都发生在Floyd的全天候拳击比赛期间】Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed, (JJ Fad)我的歌词奔你去了,超音速走你(JJ Fad)【J.J. Fad是一个说唱组合,有首歌叫Supersonic,Em从这句开始进入机关枪快嘴模式】———超音速走起!Uh, sama lamaa duma lamaa you assuming I'm a human啊啊,sama lamaa duma lamaa,你个优越狗,我只是普通人类【sama lamaa duma lamaa出自J.J. Fad的Supersonic的remix版本中的快速乱语Em的一段Freestyle曲Fubba-U-Cubba-Cubba中有类似的句子"Some other do malama, I'm not a humanI'm a SUPERSONIC, new robotic, suicidal unabomber"】What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman为了熬过去我要做的就是告诉你,我是个超人Innovative and I'm made of rubber我乃革命性,而且我是橡皮擦做的So that anything you saying ricocheting off of me and it'll glue to you所以你说的一切都从我这儿反弹回去,粘在你身上【出自儿童常说的"I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you sayBounces off me and goes back to you"(我是橡皮你是胶水,你说什么都随你便你说我的都会回到你头上)】I'm devastating, more than ever demonstrating我比以往呈现的一切都具有毁灭性How to give a motherfuckin' audience a feeling like it's levitating要怎样给妈蛋的听众那种飘飘欲仙的感觉Never fading, and I know that the haters are forever waiting那就是永不衰落,我也知道喷子们永远都在等候For the day that they can say I fell off, they'd be celebrating等候他们能说我已经没用的那一天,他们就能大肆庆祝Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated因为我知道让他们有如此动机的方法I make elevating music, you make elevator music我做的是引人向上的音乐,而你做的只是电梯音乐【电梯音乐指电梯里单调的轻音乐】Oh, he's too mainstream噢噢他太主流了Well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it呵呵,那就是他们嫉妒的时候做的事,混淆视听It's not hip hop, it's pop, cause I found a hella way to fuse it这不是Hip-Hop,是流行音乐,因为我找到了一大坨【外界评论Em的音乐开始趋向于pop music】With rock, shock rap with Doc和Dr.Dre一起把它们和摇滚乐还有“震惊说唱”融合在一起的方法【shock rap是一种内容胡乱粗俗的说唱风格】Throw on Lose Yourself and make 'em lose it抛出Lose Yourself,让他们癫狂【Lose Youself:Em夺得奥斯卡最佳电影主题曲奖的经典作】I don't know how to make songs like that我不知道怎么做那样的歌I don't know what words to use我不知道要用怎样的词Let me know when it occurs to you让我知道,当你想起While I’m ripping any one of these verses, that versus you当我把所有人从这些针对着你的说唱段中撕裂It’s curtains, I’m inadvertently hurtin' you这是你的终点,我并非故意伤害你How many verses I gotta murder to prove我要血腥谋杀多少段才能证明That if you're half as nice at songs you can sacrifice virgins to (ughhh)如果你有我的歌一半屌你都能献上处女(呃呃)【献祭处女给神是一种宗教仪式,Em重申他神的地位】School flunkie, pill junky学渣,瘾君子【Em曾三次留级,最终辍学也曾药物上瘾】But look at the accolades the skills brung me但看看我的纯熟技术给我带来的赞美Full of myself, but still hungry填满了我,但仍然饥饿I bully myself cause I make me do what I put my mind to我威逼我自己,因为我让自己做我专心做的一切And I'm a million leagues above you, ill when I speak in tongues我在你百万里格之上,当我语义不清时病态屌爆【league是一种长度单位】But it's still tongue in cheek, fuck you但我依旧玩世不恭,操你妈的【Em在早前的歌曲My Dad's Gone Crazy里就说到自己"tongue-in-cheek"(形容不认真的)】I'm drunk so Satan take the fucking wheel, I'm asleep in the front seat我喝醉了,于是撒旦掌控方向盘,而我在前座打盹儿【提及美国女歌手Carrie Underwood的Jesus Take The Wheel】Bumping Heavy D and the Boys, still chunky, but funky载着Heavy D和The Boys颠簸前行,依旧又矮又胖,但又潮又炫【Heavy D是著名已故说唱歌手,是说唱团体The Boyz的头儿,Chunky But Funky是他们的一首歌】But in my head there's something I can feel tugging and struggling但我能感觉到脑子里有什么东西在强制,在挣扎Angels fight with devils and here's what they want from me天使与恶魔在对抗,这就是他们想从我这要的东西They asking me to eliminate some of the women hate他们要我剔除掉一些厌女情结的东西But if you take into consideration the bitter hatred that I had但如果你考虑一下我感受到的苦涩的敌意Then you may be a little patient and more sympathetic to the situation那你可能会对我的处境稍微耐心同情一些And understand the discrimination对我所谓的歧视理解一些But fuck it, life's handing you lemons, make lemonade then但,去他妈的,生活给你柠檬,就用它榨出柠檬汁But if I can't batter the women how the fuck am I supposed to bake them a cake then?但如果我连打女人都干不了,那我他妈又该怎样给女人做蛋糕?【暗指两位分分合合的歌手Chris Brown和RihannaChris曾对Rihanna施行家暴,而后两人合作了歌曲Birthday Cake (Remix)】Don't mistake it for Satan别误以为这和撒旦有啥瓜葛It's a fatal mistake if you think I need to be overseas那可是个致命的错误——如果你认为我需要漂洋过海And take a vacation to trip abroad休假出国旅游【可能有三重意思:①Em根本不需要漂洋过海就能去国外旅游②trip abroad谐音trip a broad,broad可作为对女性的贬义词,而trip有“绊倒”之类的意思③trip abroad可指嗑药后high的反应】And make her fall on her face and don't be a retard让她挫败丢脸,别反应迟钝了【fall on one's face是习语 形容失败字面意思是面朝地摔了一跤,而这可能暗指女演员Jennifer Lawerence在奥斯卡颁奖礼上跌倒以及一个叫Michelle Botosh的渥太华女人因在人行道上摔倒而索赔】Be a king? Think not - why be a king when you can be a God?称王?没兴趣——既为神,何争王?


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