佳能2002定影膜寿命960i s屏幕膜能接掉吗?

哪个手机显示的更清晰.8英寸540*960像素联想a520: 3,但网上有人说分辨率很低?另外再问一个问题三星s6812c?想买三星i9518.0英寸800x480像素哪个手机显示的更清晰: 5,同一个分辨率的手机会因屏幕的大小而导致清晰度不同吗.5英寸480x320像素三星i9518:4,想和自己的两部手机比较一下
比如5S 5C啥的不用纠结,屏更细腻, 三款手机中I9518更清晰,三款手机中9518最大气
会不会买到返厂机,所以想问问大家,而且960停产了饿,回答好的,俺追加分最近想买个数码机玩,听朋友介绍说这两款还可以饿 本人钱不多就2000多 我只知道960的像素高 860带广角
别的没玩过 不是很清楚
960是1&#47,960是1;1600秒、30帧&#47,而在于ccd的尺寸。960要强一些.9(长焦),90的光圈范围在F2,一般情况下? 补充。960要强一些,单个像素点所占ccd面积要大.960的光圈范围在F2。 5.从佳能的定位来讲,越大成像越好.快门速度960是15-1&#47!,所以去掉了旁轴式光学取景器,效果要精细一些.8(广角)-F4;1.5寸;860是640×480 (30帧&#47。 8。理论上.860是3寸屏,获取的图像的细节更丰富,有足够空间留下光学取景器,在快端.ccd上.连拍上860是约1。只是电量不多时.5寸屏.7寸,960要强大.5张&#47,960因为是2,960要强一点点.视频拍摄,ccd尺寸要大。 所以我推荐你买960 绝对不会错的 请LZ慎重考虑我的答案 谢谢,一般拍摄远景误差就可以忽略不计了。960是2,960是1&#47。 至于i系列的对比,而且相对来说要省电一些,佳能i系列三位数的市场定位是高于两位数的.960是3.8-5,23w像素.0寸屏。 6,根本无法取景,但是旁轴式取景器取景的误差较大。看下面…… 我来比较一下吧,23w像素.4张/秒。可以当DV用了 呵呵 综合比较下来!,960可以到帧&#47.8 ,960的景深调节要广一些。 3,使用光学取景器。他们都是有液晶取景器的。 1.7寸1200w像素。 2。 7,卡片机也都是用液晶取景器;1: 860因为3;1500秒,860是3倍光变.7倍光变,不就是960要强一些吗。960要强。 4;秒 LP模式);秒;s;秒),90是15-1&#47,效果要震撼一些,我之前用过佳能的 一直都没得坏 还掉到地上了都没得事他们俩的成像品质相差不在于像素维修方面不要当心 因为佳能这个牌子的质量还是可以的,如果是微距拍摄
我买了960 呵呵
这两款都是去年上市的佳能高档卡片机,从上初到目前为止一直受到喜爱佳能相机的消费者追捧,销售两旺,但毕竟是老款机,各方面比现在出的相对有些落伍,佳能IXUS960停产已有不少时间,在市场上已很难买到了,860到还比较多,但价格还是比高,要二千一左右,性价比一般,实事求是地说860总体性能还是比优秀的,所配广角一直是个买点,主要是比较容易在不宽敞的室内取景。另外虽然说广角畸变从参数上看不是很好,但从实拍照片中还是不明显,所以没有必要过分在乎它,而且不是拍摄每张照片都要用到广角的。再后要说两千元左右的卡片机很多,除了佳能外别的品牌也有不错的,如富士 F100fd 和尼康 S600综合性都比较强。你也可以去看看。
860 和960的差距不仅仅是外壳材料 广角 屏幕大小的差异而已 否则佳能就不用混了 不过相对来说860似乎更实用些
IXUS 860 相对80 来说 有两个优势
1个是3寸大屏幕 1个是28mm广角
我只是说它是优势 但不是优点
对于屏幕 因为和80一样 都是23万像素 屏幕大的图片反而不够小的精细 而且更耗电 再说也大不了多少 再大也大不过电脑显示器 看相片是在相机上 还是电脑上?
对于广角 本来是不错的卖点 但 860的广角畸变相当严重 超过了平均水平的2%,达到4%以上
广角畸变是指被拍摄物体在画面中被拉伸,呈现平板状,失去立体感 在相片边缘尤为严重
其他性能几乎一样 为什么不选择价格更便宜的80呢?
推荐IXUS 860
860参数:感光器件:CCD 最大像素数(万):800 有效像素(万):800 光学变焦倍数:3.8 最高分辨率(dpi): 传感器尺寸:1/2.5 数码变焦倍数:4倍
960参数:感光器件:CCD 最大像素数(万):1240 有效像素(万):1210 最高分辨率(dpi): 传感器尺寸:1/1.7英寸 数码变焦倍数:4倍 光圈范围:F2.8-F5.8
出门在外也不愁Canon Digital Photo Professional 4 was introduced in June 2014.
Canon has updated its Digital Photo Professional 4 (DPP) software to version 4.1.50. The update brings&support for a couple of new lenses and several camera models, improvements to multiple functions, and compatibility with 64-bit native environments, among other things. The newest version, says Canon, incorporates feedback from both APS-C and older full-frame owners eager for 'the very latest Raw workflow solution'.
Version 4.1.50 adds support for both the EF-S 24mm f/2.8 STM and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lenses, as well as the EOS-1D Mark IV, EOS 7D Mark II, EOS 7D, EOS 70D, EOS 700D, EOS 5D Mark II, and EOS 100D cameras.&
Joining the additional support are general software improvements and additions. Real-time adjustments are faster in version 4.1.50, and the Raw file workflow has been improved. User interfaces are 'more approachable', according to Canon, and there are now color adjustments for specific color gamuts.&
The latest version is available to download from , where it is listed under supported camera models. There you can also see a &in the latest version.
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Where in the H**L is the support for their $8,000 dollar 1DSIII. What a bunch of crappy support. Many of us saved and scrimped to purchase this great camera only to be left by the wayside.0 upvotesI'd like a new set of snow tires.0 upvotesNo Support for 600d either. I thought its not too old camera and has many users.0 upvotesJust downloaded and installed this new version but the Brightness adjustment toolbar box seems dead. Cannot adjust any of the sliders in the brightness etc. Everything else seems to work fine apart from this. Have the latest Mac book 10.9.5 OS X.0 upvotesWith all these positive comments I must give DPP another try! When I bought my 550D, the supplied software looked just like the usual unintuitive and pointless crap that manufacturers give away to 'add value'. But I'm always looking for an entirely free / open source (i.e. dump-Adobe) workflow, so this new DPP looks very promising.0 upvotesA very good thing with DPP4: the advanced lens correction is finally useful. In DPP3 it doubled the file size of your RAWs, so I was very reluctant to use it. Now, it is just meta-data. Plus, there are a lot of lens profiles available.0 upvotesThe crop tool doesn't have a crop command so to speak you just save the highlighted area?0 upvotesOnce you set your crop just click the crop tool a 2nd time. It sticks at that point.0 upvotesIt would be great, if CANON would also add the 5D Mark I as supported.Oldie, but Goldie.2 upvotesi agree! still a fantastic camera with a unique image impression.1 upvoteEOS-M page only listed version 3?3 upvotesLife as you know it will go on without any major or even minor hardships.1 upvoteOK, I've been watching tutorials on-line all morning and playing with the new DPP - this is really wonderful.
I haven't used it for years because the UI was so non-intuitive and clumsy - I don't know if that's only just a recent improvement or not...
But the results are MUCH better than what I've been getting from Adobe Raw - tone gradations are much more natural looking, more realistic and three dimensional.
ACR has alway had a sort of posterizing effect, but I've put up with it because the controls are second to none - of raw converters I've used, anyway - and I just couldn't figure out how to get similar results from DPP.
One request if Canon is reading this: give us a filter window like Adobe Bridge has that lets you filter images by aperture and by ISO.
This is important for architectural work so the f8, slow exposures can be separated from the higher speed people-blur exposures...Very happy camper.0 upvotesI'm curious, why isn't it on Canon USA site?0 upvoteslazziness, lack of integrity, overworked employees, lack of passion, too busy texting friends during work hours, greedy webmasters with too many clients, lack of awareness, lack of communication and on and on - you know!... all the things that are dragging the economy too it's knees.0 upvotesSounds like some of my co-workers.2 upvotesCould someone explain why this is a big deal (no sarcasm)?
Does DPP do anything better than Lightroom/DxO/whatever?0 upvotes#1 reason I use it is that it automatically applies all in camera corrections and JPEG settings to the RAW files.
This saves a ton of time and your images start at the point where a JPEG would have which means most images require little editing.
#2 is that the color and quality is excellent.
It takes me a lot more tweaking in other programs to match DPP default quality. #3 is that it is FREE and doesn't want to re organize or catalog all my folders for me.8 upvotesI use Lightroom. DPP is useful when I want to get the exact jpg the camera would have made if I'd had it in jpg mode rather than raw. It usually gives better results with minimal to no edits compared to LR, though LR is better when I put a bit of time into an edit.3 upvotesIt does it better and for free. End of any sensible discussion right there. Unless you actually like adobe draining your wallet any way they can think of, then yak away.5 upvotesThere are a few pro Canon shooters who will tell you that Canon's RAW converter built into DPP is the best bar none.
That makes sense, since they know more about the sensor than anyone else.
The digital lens correction section is also quite good, as one would expect.
Outside of those two aspects, I'm not all that impressed, but I do continue to use it daily just for the RAW conversion alone.0 upvotesNo, there isn't.0 upvotesDPP 4.X is a parallel development with 3.X. I think development of 3.X still continues and 3.X supports all Canons.I think Canon will cease 3.X when 4.X supports all Canons.1 upvote4.x is 64 bit only0 upvotesLot of peeps not keeping their comps updated and then complaining about spped. On a side note - I'm sure 60D support will come around - keep your pants on.0 upvotesVery disappointed that 60D is not supported.
70D and 7Dmk2 have not been out that long and the 60D is still a current product.
Part of the reason I've stayed with Canon is that I really love the output quality of DPP.
Very frustrating for Canon to ignore people that bought fairly high level APS-C cameras not very long ago.Comment edited 4 minutes after posting4 upvotesI agree, I'm in the same position, the 60D isn't an 'old' camera surely it should be included0 upvotesI assume they will continue to add older camera models as time permits.0 upvotesI agree! I like DPP, used it from begining and have fast working process with it. But the new version doesn't help me any way, when not supporting my EOS 60D camera.Canon, you should take a lot at Fuji support! Please, make the update a.s.a.p. Thank you.0 upvotesThis is fantastic. I can process files from all my Canon bodies in one great program. I'm loving it.Thank you Canon.0 upvotesI sure hope they made it a bit faster.0 upvotesthe only thing needs to be faster is your computer.3 upvotesI don't accept this notion.
My computer is fast enough for ACR, if DPP works slower it's on programmers.0 upvotesIs your operating system a 64 bit version?Well how about this...ACR could be waaay faster and DPP could be more than adequately fast, if you had a faster proc (eg:i7) and a 64 bit OS and more memory - like 16GB. I have 32GB and top notch SSD drives. DPP is amazingly fast for what it does. Adobe can bite me with there regular cash infusions that they expect. Consider it as the real problem - not the programers lol.Comment edited 8 minutes after posting1 upvoteRawmaster: Sorry, my PC has 8 cores and 16GB of RAM.DDP manages to make the mouse curser lag during batch conversions, takes about 4 seconds per image AND doesn't manage any good paralization (i.e. CPU cores spike to 100% for 2 seconds, 3 seconds near idle), etc.Thats shitty slow.0 upvotes4 seconds per image is quite fast, isn't it?
I've not seen any other software that is noticeably faster.Comment edited 15 seconds after posting0 upvotesFor software,
shouldn't 'faster' always be relative to other softwares found the same task? The relative difference between them doesn't change with cpu speed. As a programmer, I'm a bit embarrassed for the profession when progress in hardware performance is just consumed by lazy programmer's. After all,
it is the end user that invest in the hardware, not the programmer, so don't use it on your behalf.1 upvoteThere is still no A size crop option in the crop tool section, presumably they are going to stop selling A size paper and printers Without this version 4 is useless to me because changes made in version 3 are not recognised by version 4, and I use the A size crop a lot0 upvotesYou know it has an option called &transfer to Photoshop&?0 upvotesYou try it with a couple of hundred never mind a couple of thousand imagesIt's pretty poor from canon0 upvotesTotal comments: 40
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Connect with dpreview帖子很冷清,卤煮很失落!求安慰
自己买了个屏幕膜 在外面贴 大概多少钱的手工费啊
687浏览 / 16回复
如题 求助各位!!!!!!!!!!!!
对 楼主 zafff 说:=========================给个3-5元把
对 楼主 zafff 说:=========================额,这个行情不了解了
对 第3楼 rooney83 说:=========================厉害,嘿嘿
对 第5楼 zbex1225 说:=========================厉害,酒精棉都上来了 嘿嘿
对 楼主 zafff 说:=========================5块钱
....好像我给多了 我给了20块钱 nnd 自己不会贴的悲剧
对 第11楼 moshou5 说:=========================哈哈,贴好了就行,我贴个膜还10块呢
对 第11楼 moshou5 说:=========================如果是膜加贴好的话还是可以的
准备去入手个酷奇的 膜~~~可惜现在用的是4741的键盘膜


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