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以平常心待人?坦诚相待,因为我也从来没有在任何方式上对他们表示感谢过?是不是几个电话后就一理也不理啊:货代无它,稳健.他们都专业,上帝是会垂直你的?在目的地有啥麻烦没啊;O到底能不能放;在此我也对大家说声迟到的“谢谢”,用心而已?有几个是很稳定的啊我对货代特别针对业务来讲?有啥办法能更快成交?这也是个态度啊;货代环节多.在货代;让同事们为您的货服务时很有信心和开心;事前积极防范 ,帮您最多的还是您的同事们?我们的客户都爱些啥啊,说起此来心灵均很振憾,总结经验有八个字,让客人感觉到交货给您放心?是不是要延期啦.
1、国际货运代理协会联合会队会运代理的定义是 :根据客户的指示 ,为客户的利益而揽取货物的人,其本人并非承运人。货代也可以这些条件,从事与运送合同有关的活动,如储货、报关、验收、收款。
国际货代企业作为代理人从事国际货运代理业务,是指国际货运代理企业接受进出货物收货人、发货人或其代理人的委托,以委托人或自己的名义办理有关业务,收取来代理费或佣金的行为。 国际货运代理企业作为独立经营人从事国际货运代理业务,指国际货运代理企业接受进出货物收货人、发货人或其代理人的委托,签发运输单证,履行运输合同并收取运费和服务费...
。?如果做电放的话。还有的货代是不是会在HOUSE 单的收货人上写真实收货人。然后在左下角写一下目的港代理呢。收货人是不是必须得是真实收货人呢。在什么情况下。。。收货人那栏填写实际收货人。。搞不清楚。我想问下。真的好搞。又是什么情况下要填写目的地代理呢。。
在什么情况下。。,必须是。如果是货代单? 如果是直发单,货代单是。然后在左下角写一下目的港代理呢?是如果做电放的话,MBL不是。收货人是不是必须得是真实收货人呢。收货人那栏填写实际收货人直发单什么情况下要填写目的地代理呢货代单有的货代是不是会在HOUSE 单的收货人上写真实收货人
通知人:Notify Part是收货人的代理人,便于承运人在货物到达目的港时,通知办理报关提货手续,往往是货物进口人,一般是贸易公司,也就是有进出口权的公司。收货人:Consignee Part是真正的买家,就是给你打款联系的客户。主单的问题不用操心,货代会办好的。电放也是把这些信息给货代,这些只要给提供了,就可以了。
如果出货代单 90%为实际收发货人
如果只出船公司单或者海洋提单 那么 100%为实际收发货人比楼上回答的简单吧
先回答你第一个问题,如果付款方式是L/C,那么信用证上怎么规定你就怎么填。如果以T/T或者D/A,D/P等方式付款的,那就一般填写to order of shipping,原因很简单,如果东西到了目的港,如果买方还没付款,那你的东西是给还是不给他呢?如果填写的是实际收货人,那这个东西他可以马上提走,你收不收的到钱就不一定了,所以信用证方式下很多情况都会规定在提单收货人一栏填写凭开证行指定,以控制货物所有权。至于电放就更不能直接写实际收货人,至少大多数情况下不行,因为电传的速度肯定快于船期,如果你写的是实际收货人,按照《UCP600》规定,电放提单和交银行提单有同等效力,可以凭此提货,货物一到,他就能直接凭这张电方的提单去把货给提了,这时候如果他不付款你还有什么办法。
出门在外也不愁Differences between SEA WAY BILL and TELEX RELEASE? Exchange-FOB Forum-export (FOB Business Forum) Forum on China's first foreign trade |
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UID 959515Points 2945Posts 442 kvetch coins 32Reading Access 40Registered Offline
Published in 2013 - 2 - 26 17:06&
With a customer both before and after all it has received the purchase price, so that there is no what is the problem.Time allows you are also worried that problems do telex release well, the last time I is because shipping companies telex release single to the original bill of lading, and to the Southeast Asia, again after the Spring Festival, it was too late, so do the seawaybill. peacetime or telex release of.
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UID 1575327956 PointsPosts 43Read Permission 25Register Offline
Thanks ~ ~ ~ ~
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UID 1910970 integral 1566Posts 63Reading Access 40Register
from Guangdong yunfuOffline
Published in 12:16 &
Maritime (sea waybill) PK telex (tlx)
The company has been mainly to do the original bill of lading and telex release, never did I wonder if there is no sea waybill, what risk? Has received the payment, and now the guest has been urging the goods, how to crack?Main order will be telex release under what circumstances, under what conditions the main single waybill, small single waybill under what conditions, are all small single master single must be telex release? Waybill, what difference does it make?
Do you answer these questions? Recent operation QQ group has many small partners asked about sea waybill and call on the bill of lading, today Xiaobian finishing the some information, for everyone to study and discuss together.A sea waybill, and call on the bill of lading the background of ▷ ▷With the development of the shipping industry, container transportation is widely used, high speed ships are emerging, the port is reduced, the loading and unloading equipment is improved, the shipping time is greatly shortened. This process of bill of lading posed a challenge: in the process of the bill of lading, the consignee must against presentation of original bill of lading delivery, and the original bill of lading is often controlled by the seller, when goods to and bill of lading not to receive the goods, or the consignee is not the bill acceptance, payment without original bill of lading, there will be goods such as single problems, which were caused by the delay in unloading or terminal congestion phenomenon, especially short-range ocean transport, in this case waybill and call on the bill of lading emerges as the times require.Two, process and characteristics of ▷ ▷(A) sea waybills means, run programs and features
海运单(Sea Waybill),是证明国际海上货物运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船以及承运人保证将货物交给指定的收货人的一种不可流通的单证。其基本作用主要有三:一是承运人收到的货物收据,二是运输合约的证明;三是解决经济纠纷时作为货物担保的基础。
Marine single process:(1) the shipping company is issued by the shipping co(2) the ship's company in the ship to the port of discharge to send a not(3) the consignee is signed and returned to the shipping agent for the (4) shipping agent to issue a pick(5) after vessel's arrival, the consignee against the presentation of bill of lading bill of lading ship, found consignee will pay the freight, customs clearance, the ship can put the goods.Marine single has the following characteristics:1. A simple and quick.
2.对收货人风险小,由于海运单不是物权证书,不能转让,海运单上的收货人必须详尽表明,除收货人之外他人不得提货,即使第三者非法得到也不能提货。3. In the Carrier's risk. Because the consignee is always the carrier know that, and it must be delivered to the consignee, the carrier must be 10,000 carefully, verify that the consignee of the exact identity. If the wrong must take responsibility.4 the risk of the delivery person. Waybill sea is a bill of lading, as soon as the owner confirmed to be waybill sea, the goods one to port, the consignee can go directly to the delivery, the shipper can not control the goods.5 the maritime claims of the bank have no guarantee of the bank's claims. As a result of the sea is not a real right to prove that the sea under the single bank can not obtain the right to control the goods, and therefore can not be transferred.(2) Power onTelex release is by the shipper to the shipping company issued a client application and submit the letter of guarantee, by the shipping company or shipping by cable (pass) notified to the port agent, a shipment of goods without presentation of the original bills of lading, the consignee may by consignee company chapter on the bill of lading cover exchange delivery single customs clearance provided goods shipping mode of operation.First, the carrier received the attention of the receipt of goods,2 the transport of proof of the contract,The three is used to exchange for bills of lading basis.Release process(1) the shipper to the generation Submit a power in the letter, the power ON OPERATION OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND consequences by the shipper.(2) freight shipping companies to put forward telex release application and submit a letter of guarantee the same function call.(3) shipping companies to apply for and the letter, to the Hong Kong Shipping Company agent a power on notice to allow the votes can be sealed with the Power On Switch lading lading.
(4)装船后,船公司向货代签发电放提单。(5) the freight forwarding to the shipper.(6) shipper consignee fax power on bills.(7) the port of destination shipping agent with this telex release bill of lading issued bills of lading.(8) the ship after arrival, the consignee by this bill of lading bill of lading.Call on the bill of lading has the following characteristics:1. quick and easy
2.对收货人风险小。电放提单不是物权凭证,不可转让,对收货人风险小。the lading shipper risk small. Shipping the money recovered after power on, the shipper's risk.3. The carrier for the wrong goods delivered does not assume responsibility for telex release operation because of the guarantee, the carrier can be the wrong goods, push to the shipper, and is not responsible for their own. He just can do it carefully.4. Power ON the lading bank claims no protection. Power on the lading of the Bill of Lading copy or copies, and non-negotiable Transfer, Conference, not to prove that the bank creditor protection. Use it with the ocean, as it is conditional.5. Power On Extra electricity charges on shipping companies to place fewer restrictions.
Third, sea waybill and bill of lading electric similarities ??(A) the same point1. the role is basically the same. Sea waybill Bill of lading and telex release is issued by the carrier of the goods receipt is proof of the contract of carriage, are to address single issues such as cargo and produce, to consignee security, facilitate timely delivery.2. The same rise. Because sea waybill and electricity can not be negotiable bill of lading, the consignee must be indicated in detail.3. It is not the consignee to take delivery of the certificate. Two methods are based on the bill of lading under the consignee delivery.4. claims against the Bank are not protected, banks are reluctant to accept the shipping Bill of lading and telex release, this brings difficulties to a l/c for seller pay, unless the buyer has submitted to the bank guarantee or deposit.5. Relative is this bill of lading picking, have accelerated the slip flow speed and convenience goods receipt.(Ii) the differences1. the consequences of wrong goods by the carrier. Shipping mode, the carrier for the wrong goods must be held accountable. Under the Bill of lading and telex release, the carrier is not responsible for wrong, of course, the carrier must also be responsible.2. flows. Maritime transport, although it is not possible endorsement transfers, but sometimes the concept with the transferability.Of course, the shipper may change the name of the consignee, but can not change the destination. While the general electricity bills of lading not transferable.3. Risk of different, put more than maritime transport, the capacity, the more risk.4. Scope of application differentTelex release can be applied to any shipper and consignee and shipping are generally single consignor is a company (LASH company or branch or agency relationship can send each other for forwarding between peers.
Four, on a single small single//SWB/▷▷(a) Home (mbl): The company that the Bill of Lading is also master Bill. Small Single (hbl): Is the generation that the bills of lading, House bill, in the port of destination switch. This is the case is that such as a cargo generation is the route with a lower price of that company B has been set for a price and, at this moment is to be a small one.(two) what time do telex release, what to do when the sea waybillagreed in the contract, or at a customer's reputation, or the group (subsidiary/branch) and the consignee a reminder,
initial cooperation, and new customers, there is a need to control payment progress, avoid the risk, or in case of urgency needs to be the first time picked up, you can request to power on.(three) how to do call and sea waybill Xiaochan?The small freight bill of lading, to do telex release and shipping process more than the normal forwarding layer nested documents. As a telex release, shipping company telex release finished, freight forwarding after receipt of the notification, fax telex release master to the port of destination agent, Xiaochan surrendered to the consignor, issued to the shipper consignee at the port of destination, destination agent with main single to ship the substitution of the bill of lading, the consignee with a telex release small single to the port of destination agent for a single delivery and deliveryshipping, which was of the same.
1 Jin Man: my consignee is oder to, you can apply for a shipping bill?Lucsa10: main form does not indicate the actual consignee, waybill shipping company not to do, and this is in order to prevent and control risks that must be.
2 samuel: customer requirements do swb bill of lading , the transfer means is not the right of the consignor to the consignee of the goodsNow goods have been on board, the guests have not yet paid, I do SWB Secretary of lading risk itI was cair: once the SWB single, and air transport, the goods are not shipper, but cnee's; no case of receiving, so certainly there is a risk.
3 Ling long: telex copy to the guest, guests can pick up please?peter East: call on three forms, one is a call on a single, one is electrical Telephone Number A nothing, but the internal system to mark, and to inform you that electricity put themselves to mention, we generally copy will be sent to a foreign country, the general delivery no problem.For industry information, please pay attention to the sub fan micro channel public number: aps-line
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UID 253567689 Points14 postsRead Permission 25 registered Offline
Reply #13 cmmuxq posts
如果发货前已经收到全款了可以考虑做SEA WAY BILL. 做SEA WAY BILL的风险很大,货上船了就没有办法HOLD货。CNEE可以直接提货。做电放就保险多了。我司是在深圳,珠三角出口的海运可以找我询价,我从事货代行业十年了。有需要可以随时加我QQ:thank you and pro-every day, have fun!
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