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的障碍是,他们计划为独立工作的家庭提供不同的支付结构。一个乐队,如决策方法体系,然后需要编织成一个全公司的整个组件的薪资结。在个人表现的最大重点似乎在于,依然在激励计划的地盘工人,付款。在正统的激励机制在很大程度上取决于管理控制秒表的时间标准。员工们倾向于被视为具有的'算计参与'前面提到的目标为本的理念看到。在移动从个人激励制度,测量计日工工人被看作是减少被动反应,更多的自我主动。 26人事评论,第4卷第4期1975年秋季他们咨询了改进方法和生产计划的看法。在全厂奖金计划中(如斯坎伦或拉克计划)雇员被认为有道德的参与本公司的总目标。为了实现这种程度上参,往往要求员工获取资料,这些资料在传统意义里只能被管理者所拥有。事实上,它呼吁真正的参与。因此,正统的计件工资系统往往趋向于适应一个最好的专制的管理风格;测试计日工与协商的风格;与参与工厂范围的计划。哪里适合的家长式管理的公司?他们通常采用评级系统,评估价值(通过主管的评价)从公司规范,一般的质量和工作主动性,团队合作精神和计时数量来测试员工到底与公司有多适应。 管理者的表现评价最近被认为评价管理系统最有效的办法。这就要求管理人员在相当程度下至少是在与下属讨论的情况下得出将来的战略目标。而这一局面将会是未来的可持续发展提供条件。经常有一些机械的问题与MBO的申请有关,但是他的前瞻性基础相关的一些机械问肯定是正确的。我们来看当时的观点,作为企业转变经营方式,从专制/家长式到协商/参与制,他们必须审查其工资制度的战略性质。希望管理方式将符合该公司的员工情绪,反过来,是在一个公平的工资结构的决心体现。显然,只专注于技术是错误的,公司走向成熟,这将要求的专制的管理风格不复存在。同样,机械性的坚持所谓正确的管理风格也是不正确的,因为十年前的员工的想法显然是和今天的不一样的。如果对协商和参与的趋势也聚集力量,我们可以期望看到的,在其实现的最大的混合型员工参与评价的可能性。我们也可以预见一个对公司的工资使用决定带框架整合的独立工作的家庭结构的系统结构转变。迈向测量计日工和全厂范围的奖励也应该聚集力量的趋势。主管可以期望其表现评价越来越接近MBO系统类型(尽管细节可能与目前的MBO的模式有所不同)。我们必须保证专制/家长式作风的迅速改革。企业人,应当向各行各业的人一样,对于改革应当是习以为常的。那些确定管理战略和工资支付方式的管理人员往往是中层管理阶层。不幸的是,很多处于该阶层的管理人员对于员工参与生产资料的占有是持疑惑或者是否定的态度,这就让许多的战略目标夭折。然而,对于未来的趋势,我们往往很难预见。因此,我们必须时刻为未来准备着,并且罢工制改革也划入其行列。这是一个非常重要的问题,不容忽视。 参考书目: 1 McGregor, D, The Human Side of Enterprise, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960. 2 Etzioni, A, A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations, Free Press, New York, 1961.3 Limerick, D C, Dynamics of Decision-Making. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1970. Management Style and FairPayment Tom Husband Professor of Manufacturing Organizations,Loughborough University of Technology Abstract This article discusses the relationship between management style within a firm and the procedures used to determine internal wage and salary differentials. At a time when management styles are apparently becoming less authoritarian and paternalistic in favour of greater worker participation there is obviously a danger of firms using payment techniques which are inappropriate to the current management/worker relationship. Some simple models of workers and organization are used to identify four broad styles of management. These styles are then related to the job evaluation and performance rating techniques in common use in British industry today. Some general conclusions are drawn concerning future trends in payment to suitmanagement style. IntroductionProblems of internal pay structuring have always been of keen interest to both managers and students of British industry. In recent years however the setting ofrational and fair pay differentials has taken on a particular significance. Our social and managerial attitudes to criteria for reward are changing fast. The whole question of pay relativities is now seen to be central to the establishment of a just industrial society. Within individual firms managers and employees are questioning the traditional approaches to work structuring and wage payment. There is a distinctmove from both sides of industry towards a greater degree of employee consultation and participation in the running of the firm. This trend has brought with it freshapproaches to the analysis of work and the determination of equitable wage and salary differentials.A great many British companies have already applied themselves to solving the dynamic problems of work analysis and reward. The majority are probably only now deciding how best to approach these same problems. It is fair to say that a great deal of confusion and even controversy surrounds the issues involved. In the last decademanagers have been deluged with new techniques of pay administration.All of these techniques are valid when applied under appropriate conditions. The dilemma which has faced managers is to know which of the techniques is relevant to the solution of their particular problems. There have been many sad cases ofmismatch between technique and situation.Managers need an overall company strategy for work analysis and pay. Theintegration of techniques into a total package of wage and salary administration must reflect the management style employed in the company, as well as recognize the many constraints put on managerial control.Many companies are now facing up to situations where management styles are altering and technological and other influences are changing fast. The company pay strategy has to mirror these changes if it is to remain effective.Ideally the internal payment structure should reflect the organization structure (and hence the structure of responsibility carried across job hierarchy). However there is no single ideal structure of organization and consequently there can be no single ideal structure of pay. Each firm has a range of needs which are met or partially met by the measures taken by management. We can begin the argument by examining the management styles associated with the needs of the employee/ manager relationships - the so-called 'psychological contract'. Management Styles and the Psychological ContractObviously the management style used in fulfilling the psychological contractreflects the way in which managers in the company expect employees to behave. Some managerial teams expect their employees to simply have what is known as a 'calculative' involvement with the company. They are expected to do what is required by the goal-setters (the management team) and no more. The contract is fulfilled by paying sufficient wages or salaries to motivate the employees to meet the goals set by the managers. Many small family firms operate this management style and there are possibly a great many large companies too. It is convenient to label this type ofmanagement view of the organization as 'goal oriented'. In the extreme such managers might perceive only a single goal (profit ratio, market share, etc) without requiring the employees to have any identification or 'moral involvement' with that goal. A totally different conceptual model of the organization allows for the achievement of a whole range of needs 24 Personnel Review Vol 4 Number 4 Autumn 1975by the organization. Managers who conceive of their companies in this fashion see the need for balancing the 'system' of needs. Employees (and especially other, junior managers) are perceived as people whose actions should influence the entire organization not just their own department or subsystem of, for example, production control or purchasing or marketing, etc. The view held here is that it is no good to have nine tenths of the company's needs being met and the other tenth ignored. It is a 'systems' approach and is a model which is apparent in the management philosophy of our larger and more progressive industrial companies.包含各类专业文献、各类资格考试、高等教育、应用写作文书、文学作品欣赏、行业资料、人力资源--薪酬外文文献原文和译文86等内容。 
 J_艿Cb芄 芈蚀膀P 管理风格和公正的工资制度约翰 :拉夫伯勒科技大学生产管理专业教授 摘要 本文主要涉及在固定范围内公司的管理风格和确定内部工资差别的...  管理风格和公正的工资制度约翰 :拉夫伯勒科技大学生产管理专业教授 摘要 本文主要涉及在固定范围内公司的管理风格和确定内部工资差别的程序的 关系。有时,当管理制度...  薪酬管理外文翻译--薪酬管理与精神激励机制_人力资源管理_经管营销_专业资料。中文 5240 字 本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文 学专 院业 经济管理学院 ...  外文翻译--薪酬管理新概念的理解框架_人力资源管理_经管营销_专业资料。中文 3600 字 原文: 外文出处 外文作者 International Foundation Frank L.Giancola News A ...  政府章程和薪酬之间的关系_人力资源管理_经管营销_专业资料。中文 5367 字 本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文 学专 院业 经济管理学院 工商管理 年级班...  外文译文 暂无评价 6页 免费 外文原文及译文 暂无评价 1页 免费 外文和翻译 ...人力资源--薪酬外文文献... 17页 2下载券0704210...  外文文献翻译_人力资源管理_经管营销_专业资料。毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译题 ...与传统的薪酬管理模式相比,宽带薪酬体系具有以 下优点: 首先,宽带薪酬体系支持...  外文翻译---资源的定价与使用:工资的确定_人力资源管理_经管营销_专业资料 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载 外文翻译---资源的定价与使用:工资的确定_人力资源管理_...  本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文 学专 院业 经济管理学院 工商管理 年级班别 学号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日 目 1 录 薪酬管理的涵义与内容 …...附录1 外文文献原文及译文。原文:。An evaluation of NDT methods for the loc..
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摘要 本文主要涉及在固定范围内公司的管理风格和确定内部工资差别的程序的 关系。有时,当管理制度明显非专制化,且更倾向于员工参与时,公司目前使用 的对日常管理(人员)的不恰当的支付关系将带给公司极大的 危机。 有时我们会采用一些简单的员工和管理人员的关系模式来鉴定四种大 概的管理风格。今天,在英国的工业生产中,这些风格常被使用于日常的职业评 估和绩效评价。对于未来的工资和管理风格关系的走向我得出了一些结论。 论文简介: 英国企业内部的工资结果长久以来一直是相关管理人员和大量学生兴趣的 所在。近年来,设置公平合理的内部工资管理制度被赋予了极大的意义。关于报 酬标准, 社会意识和管理层面的态度一直在迅速的改变。关于工资的相对性问题 目前已经转换未建立一个公正的工业社会。 个体企业内部管理人员和员工却在质 疑传统的工作结构构建和工资制度。 一个不同于以往的向员工和参与运作产业的 双方咨询的移动产业正在建立。 这一趋势也带来了分析和判定的工作薪金和福利 的公平的差别的新方法。 英国多家公司已经制定了解决他们呢自己动态工作问题 分析和奖励的办法。 现在, 大部分的公司都在思考如何解决这些雷同却重要的问 题。事实上,关于这个问题,一直存在这大量的混乱甚至是纷争。在过去的几十 年里,公司管理一直致力于新的缴纳行政。 在一定的条件下所有这些技术都是有效可行的。当然,管理人员应当首先熟 悉自己所面临的问题, 已找到合适有效地解决自身存在的问题的有效手段。 因为, 大量令人无惋惜的解决方案与问题不符合的案例已经存在。 管理人员需要有一个全局性的公司工作管理分析和工资支付的观念。公司管 理风格和工资支付方式不需要在一定条件下高度整合, 并且放宽管理制度的约束 条件。 许多公司正在面临管理风格的迅速改变以及其他影响因素的巨变。针对该种 情况,公司的工资支付策略也必须随之改变来保持其工资制度的有效性。 理想情况下,内部工资结构应该影响组织结构模式(并且促进工作结构中的
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