i5的壳ipodipod touch 外壳5合适吗

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大家都很哈,不只電視上有廣告,捷運裡也人手一支,不過如果翻開,會發現iPhone 4的新功能iPod touch幾乎都有,包括Retina Display、A4處理器、720P HD錄影、FaceTime視訊通話,感覺就像是拿掉通話功能的iPhone 4。其實兩者還是有本質上的差距,我們實測給你看。
新推出的第四代iPod touch大家應該都不陌生,之前報導的、文章中已有介紹和簡單試玩。相同的A4處理器、解析度960 x 640的Retina Display,以及首度加入前後鏡頭,更讓iPod touch與iPhone 4相似度大幅提高。本次就將測試重點擺在兩者之間的差異,提供正在猶豫的讀者參考。
iPod touch(4 Generation)規格表:
螢幕:3.5 吋對角線 Multi-Touch 觸控螢幕,解析度為960 x 640
相機:後置相機:960 x 720 靜態相片、720P @30FPS 動態影片。前置相機: VGA 靜態相片、VGA @30FPS 動態影片
無線通訊:802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi、Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
尺寸:111.0 x 58.9 x 7.2 mm
iPod touch外觀尺寸與前幾代相仿,包含正面3.5吋螢幕和Home鍵,以及不鏽鋼材質背面;正面的視訊鏡頭、Retina Display、側邊改良過的分離式音量鍵、底部新增喇叭是較明顯的改款重點。第四代iPod touch厚度比起上一代iPod touch又成功瘦身了些,厚度僅7.2mm,也比iPhone 4的9.3mm輕薄許多,不過筆者認為ipod touch過薄的厚度、以及側面的縮邊曲線設計,讓握感不如iPhone 4的舒適和穩定。
▲與iPhone 4相比,iPod touch機身長度較短,正面也加入了前置鏡頭。
▲iPod touch厚度又達到新的里程碑,僅7.2mm,iPhone 4為9.3mm。
▲Home按鍵大小也不一樣,圖左iPhone 4按鍵直徑為1.1cm,圖右iPod touch為1.0cm。
Retina Display很棒,前提是從正面看
iPod touch、iPhone 4螢幕都稱為Retina Display,解析度為上一代4倍密的960 x 640,不過iPhone 4螢幕是IPS面板,iPod touch是使用一般的TFT面板(上次時有詢問iPod touch所使用的面板,台灣蘋果只表示並不是採用IPS面板,未正面回應是何種面板),IPS面板具有可視角度178度、對比度800:1的優勢,無須多言大家都曉得IPS是比較好的選擇。
實際比對之下,iPhone 4螢幕色彩鮮豔度、飽和度上略贏iPod touch,但優勢並不明顯,當然兩者都不是AMOLED的對手。在可視角度上iPhone 4也展現出了優勢,不過在正常使用情況下,iPod touch也在可接受的範圍之內,即使透過三軸陀螺儀玩遊戲,也鮮少會出現影響觀看的情形。
▲兩者解析度同為960 x 640。
▲iPhone 4螢幕近拍,螢幕點距為326ppi。
▲iPod touch螢幕近拍,螢幕點距同樣為326ppi,擁有相同的精細度。
▲將螢幕傾斜後,可以看出圖左iPod touch螢幕開始出現色偏情形。
▲以近乎平行的角度觀看螢幕,iPhone 4的IPS面板徹底展現了優勢。
首度加入前後鏡頭,品質不如iPhone 4
新加入前置和後置鏡頭是iPod touch的大賣點之一,並標榜錄影達到720p的HD規格。但iPod touch的後置鏡頭是無自動對焦鏡頭,也沒有LED補光燈,更只能拍攝解析度960 x 720的靜態照片(靜態照片解析度比720p影片還低),規格大輸iPhone 4的500萬畫素背照式CMOS感光元件、自動對焦鏡頭和LED補光燈。iPod touch拍攝時在螢幕點選對焦點,其實只是調整曝光而已。
在實拍照片上也能輕易看出兩者的差距,iPod touch無法調整對焦,因此近拍會出現明顯的失焦感,距離40公分以上拍攝效果較佳;整體的影像銳利度不及iPhone 4,耀光情形也比較明顯。高ISO雜訊表現也是慘輸iPhone 4,只能說iPhone 4搭載的背照式CMOS感光元件加了不少分。其他差別還有iPhone 4的視角比較廣(實際焦距4mm,換算135mm焦距約為33mm),iPod touch筆者估測在40mm左右;另外iPod touch在iOS 4.1作業系統下,依然沒有HDR高動態範圍可選擇,更讓iPhone 4擁有壓倒性的優勢。
▲iPod touch拍攝。
▲iPhone 4拍攝,除了鏡頭較廣,銳利度、色彩飽和度也較佳。
▲iPod touch拍攝。
▲iPhone 4拍攝,自動對焦鏡頭具備近拍功能。
▲iPod touch拍攝。
▲iPhone 4拍攝,夜拍畫質也是勝iPod touch。
▲iPhone 4還可啟動HDR高動態範圍,減少曝光不足/曝光過度情形,iPod touch則無此功能。
在前置鏡頭方面,兩者都是提供VGA規格、解析度640 x 480的影像。不過影像品質上似乎還是iPhone 4表現比較好一些。
▲iPod touch拍攝。
▲iPhone 4拍攝,兩者的前置鏡頭視角相同,不過銳利度還是比iPod touch好一些。
▲iPod touch拍攝。
▲iPhone 4拍攝,高對比反差表現也較佳。
iPod Touch與iPhone 4錄影規格同為720p HD畫質,解析度為1280 x 745。iPod touch在錄影模式的可視角反而比iPhone 4還大(iPhone 4切換到錄影模式可視角會縮小);由於鏡頭以及感光元件先天因素,iPod touch在影像的銳利度表現依然不及iPhone 4。以下測試影片皆720p格式原檔直接上傳,礙於版面因素文章只能放置480p格式,欲觀看最佳畫質請點選影片連回YouTube,並選擇720p格式播放。
▲iPod touch錄影測試。
▲iPhone 4錄影測試,可看到在細節的銳利度表現高出一截。
▲iPod touch夜間錄影測試。
▲iPhone 4夜間錄影測試,雜訊相較下少了一些,在彩度、飽和度表現也較佳。
iPod touch理所當然換上Apple自家開發、與iPad、iPhone 4相同的A4處理器,效能提升了不少,在Apple知名測試軟體Geekbench 2測試下,成績幾乎與iPhone 4相當;筆者實際開啟遊戲測試速度,時間也幾乎相同。不過值得注意的是iPod touch與iPad記憶體都是256MB,不若iPhone 4記憶體為512MB,因此在開啟大量應用程式下,記憶體空間會比iPhone 4提早耗盡,使用者還是要養成好習慣,沒事把沒在使用的應用程式關閉釋放記憶體才是上策。
▲Geekbench 2測試分數,圖左iPhone 4為378分,圖右iPod touch為372分。(來源:)
有了視訊鏡頭的iPod touch也能使用FaceTime功能,雖然不像iPhone 4使用者不需設定即可直接使用,不過設定上並不困難。首先只要透過Apple ID新增帳號,完成後新增聯絡人,輸入對方的電子郵件(FaceTime帳號)、或是iPhone 4的電話號碼後,即可使用FaceTime功能。
iPod touch與iPhone 4都是透過伺服器連線,如果是打給其它iPod touch、或是Mac電腦,聯絡人就是輸入對方的電子郵件(FaceTime帳號);如果是打給iPhone 4,就只要新增電話號碼即可(伺服器會自動判斷連到對方的iPhone 4)。一隻iPhone 4只有一組FaceTime帳號(手機號碼),iPod touch則可以設定多組FaceTime帳號,讓兄弟姊妹多組帳號共用在一隻iPod touch也不成問題。
▲iPod touch點開Facetime應用程式,輸入Apple ID依序完成新增帳號的動作。
▲一台iPod touch可以新增多組FaceTime帳號。接著要設定聯絡人資訊。
▲輸入聯絡人的電子郵件(FaceTime帳號)、或是iPhone 4的行動電話,就可以播打FaceTime。
iPod touch在Facetime的使用上與iPhone 4完全相同,同樣可切換前置、後置鏡頭,也可旋轉螢幕為垂直或水平方向、以及移動小視窗位置。不得不說,FaceTime的效果真的相當不錯,會讓人有想要玩視訊通話的動力。缺點則同樣是必須在Wi-Fi無線網路的前提下才能使用。
最後iPod touch輸給iPhone 4的地方是沒有GPS、A-GPS,,因此在無Wi-Fi的地區就無法使用定位功能;即使成功透過Wi-Fi取得定位,也因為精準度比較低,比較容易出現錯誤的定位情形。
▲同一地點所拍攝照片,圖左iPod touch位置定位有較大的偏差,圖右iPhone 4位置才是正確位置。
iPod touch有精緻的Retina Display,有性能不俗的A4處理器加上256MB記憶體。雖然從前面的各項測試得知兩者的差距,不過差距也反映在價格上,以iPod touch 32GB款式為例,建議售價新台幣11,290元,iPhone 4 32GB台灣空機售價新台幣28,900元,價差達到快3倍。如果先不論通話需求的話,以C/P值而言還是iPod touch比較高。
iPod touch最大的優勢,還是在擁有超過30萬支應用程式的App Store加持,使用上的樂趣不輸給iPhone,也讓iPod touch意外成為最佳的遊戲機之一。因此iPod touch適合給不想綁3G上網、想玩豐富的應用程式(尤其是玩遊戲)、爸媽要買給小孩當禮物的選擇。
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iPhone 5 vs. iPod touch 5G
- October 9, 2012
How do Apple's newest iOS devices compare?
(11 images)
The iPod touch is a strange bird. The first edition was released just a few months after the iPhone in 2007 as the iPod line's lone multitouch device. Through the years, though, it's become known more as a Nintendo DS rival than an MP3 player. Though kids' gaming may be the iPod touch's claim to fame, the device is almost on par with the iPhone. That point may be more valid today than ever, as the iPod touch has received a long-awaited update - probably its biggest yet. How does the new
compare to its big brother, the ? Let's take a look…
Apart from the iPod touch's incredible thinness, these measurements look similar
When looking at dimensions, you could argue that the iPod touch is the winner. The iPhone 5 is ridiculously thin for a high-powered smartphone, but the 5th gen. iPod touch makes it look chunky. It may be the thinnest mobile device you've ever seen.
Both devices have the new longer style, to accommodate the matching 16:9 displays. The iPod touch is a hair shorter than the iPhone, with identical width.
The iPhone 5 is light, but the 5G iPod touch is much lighter
Much like its thinness, the weight of the iPod touch is mind-boggling. The iPhone 5's lightness is one of its hallmarks, but the iPod touch's lack of heft blows it away. Apple may as well have branded it as the iPod Air.
The iPod touch gets an equal display this time around
The 5th generation iPod touch gets the exact same display as the iPhone 5. Though the 4th gen. edition had identical (Retina) resolution as the iPhone 4/4S, it was a cheaper display. This year, the two devices are equals.
Judging by these first few categories, you'd think the iPod touch was the superior device, but things are about to change …
No A6 for the iPod touch
The iPhone 5's A6 chip is a market-leader, which has broken multiple benchmark records. But the iPod touch has no such luck. It's still stuck in the land of A5, the chip found in the
and . By 2012 standards, it still delivers impressive performance, but it's no A6.
With less RAM and a weaker processor, the iPod touch won't perform like the iPhone 5 does
The iPod touch also got the short end of the RAM stick. The iPhone 5 jumped to 1 GB, but the touch's 512 MB (again) matches the amount in the iPhone 4S.
There is no 16GB option for the iPod touch
The only difference here is that the iPhone 5 is available in a 16 GB model (for US$200 on-contract), while the new iPod touch's base storage option is 32 GB ($300).
Despite rumors we heard last year, the iPod touch still doesn't come with mobile data
Wireless is the biggest differentiator between the two devices. Namely, the iPhone is a phone, and the iPod touch isn't. You'll be limited to Wi-Fi networks with the touch, so no mobile browsing unless it's tethered to a portable hotspot.
The iPod touch also lacks GPS. Though it can still utilize location-based services, they won't be nearly as accurate as they are in the iPhone.
These stats don't make much sense side-by-side, but we may see similar battery life
If you're wondering how to compare the above stats, you aren't alone. Until the iPod touch ships and we get some real-world use, there will be no accurate way to compare the two devices.
Though the iPod touch should have a smaller battery than the iPhone 5 (a big part of its lightweight status), it isn't burdened with cellular data drain, so uptimes may even out.
The iPhone 5 has a superior camera
If you want an excellent camera, your choice is easy. The iPhone 5 takes the great camera in the iPhone 4S and improves its low-light shooting. The iPod touch's camera, meanwhile, is probably closer to the shooters in the
Both cameras have front-facing (FaceTime) cameras, primarily for video chat.
The iPhone 5 delivers power, while the iPod touch comes in bright colors (Mr. T:
/ , paint splatters: )
What in blazes is Mr. T doing here? As the iPod touch is often sold as a kid's gaming and media device, it's appropriate to tag the iPhone 5 as the big boy's toy. And who represents raw power better than Mr. T?
To support its status as the introductory iOS device for kids and teenagers around the world, Apple introduced a variety of colors to the 5th gen. iPod touch. The device is available in black & slate and white & silver, like the iPhone 5. But it also adds yellow, blue/teal, and reddish-pink models (my descriptions, not Apple's). Apple is also selling a (Product) Red model exclusively in its stores.
Like with the iPhone 5, the iPod touch sports the new Lightning connector, so you'll need to order a $30 adapter if you want to keep using your old accessories. It also ships with Apple's redesigned earbuds (EarPods), but they are missing the volume rocker/voice control button. The iPod touch also features a wrist-strap, so little Johnny can fling Angry Birds without flinging his $300 device.
Summing up
Though the iPod touch won't be an iPhone replacement for most people, it's only a few specifications shy of its big sibling. For kids who don't need phones or adults who want to get in on the iOS fun without an expensive wireless contract, it's a great choice.
If you want the best of the two, though, make no mistake: it's the iPhone 5. Despite the iPod touch's insane lightness and thinness, the iPhone's faster CPU, additional RAM, improved camera, and wireless capabilities make it the more capable choice.
About the Author
Will Shanklin is Gizmag's Mobile Tech Editor, and has been part of the team since 2012. He covers a broad range of consumer tech, from phones and tablets to laptops, smartwatches and virtual reality.
Buy a used 4s for less than the new Touch and you get everything except the longer screen and lighter/thinner. Plus you could activate the phone if you wanted to.
Michael Crumpton
Nice article Will.
Thanks for posting.
One thing I did not notice you mention, however, is the lack of a GPS chipset in the the new Touch.
I was so hopeful and sorely disappointed that the 5th Gen lacks a GPS chip.
I currently have a G2 Touch in a GPS cradle.
I so wanted to upgrade and ditch the cradle.
I'm a heavy GPS app user: Nike Running and Motion X GPS for cycling.
Even if Apple offered the GPS option at a higher price, I would have considered it.
I guess I may now pursue Michaelc's suggestion and purchase a 4S iPhone instead.
I like the article but anyway it would convince me to buy a Ipod touch don't let me wrong it looks lovely piece of gadget, but I still prefer to buy a cheap 5" or 7" tablet does all the same things and for less you can even get GPS and 3G modem in some cases.
Tiago Roque
In my opinion if you are looking for an entertainment gadget then I would like to vote for iPod Touch because as we compare prices between iPhone and iPod Touch then you will see that you paying 50% more in iPhone just to get a cellular facility.
Tnx man I am covinced to buy a ipod touch 5g just tell me which is a better gamming device and whether all the games of iphone are available on ipod 5g tnx
Akshay Yadav
Very informative indeed!
Mohammad Azeemullah
very nice article
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Phone5 touch5 长123.8mm 长123.4mm 宽58.6mm 宽58.6mm 高7.6mm 高6.1mm 厚度不一样,壳并不是通用的,iPhone5机身左侧还有静音键,touch5机身左侧只有音量+,—,没有静音键


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