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&&&& 本资源仅包含Camtasia&Studio&8.5.0的汉化补丁及SN注册码,不包括源安装程序。
&&&& 作为一款顶级的屏幕录像软件,在多个方面均超越同类软件,强大与否要自己使用后才知道。
&&&& 它集屏幕录像与视频编辑等功能于一身,录制后的视频录像可以在内置的编辑器中直接打开进行编辑。
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Camtasia Studio 8 – Screen Recording and Video Editing for Anyone
Powerful, yet easy-to-use, Camtasia helps you create professional videos without having to be a video pro. Easily record your on-screen activity or import HD camera video, customize and edit content, and share your videos with viewers on nearly any device.
Top New Features
Cross-Platform Screen Recording
Collaborate with anyone, regardless of what kind of computer they’re using. We’ve updated our screen recording file format, so you can pass screen recordings freely between Camtasia Studio and Camtasia for Mac. Using a single file format enables you to send a recording from one platform to the other effortlessly, including all the meta data, such as cursor effects and smart focus.
Google Drive
Camtasia’s new Google Drive integration lets you upload your videos into Google Drive to give your viewers access from any web browser or mobile device. You can also import files into Camtasia instantly from Google Drive.
TechSmith Fuse
TechSmith Fuse, our new mobile app, makes it simple to get exactly what you need from your devices into your projects. Send your photos and videos straight from your mobile device into Camtasia’s media bin. Then, use the editing power in Camtasia to create custom, shareable videos
Camtasia Studio v8.4.0版本新功能
Removed support for the Windows XP operating system
Added a cross platform Techsmith Recording format (.trec) that allows users to record on Camtasia (Mac) and edit in Camtasia (Win), or vice-versa
Added the ability to turn tracks off, which hides the visuals and mutes the audio on the track
Added a timeline context menu option to remove all empty tracks
Added variable speed playback to the MP4 video player
Added support for files recorded in AVCHD, if codecs are already installed on user’s system
Added the ability for a .camproj to default to the last-used Editing Dimensions
Fixed a bug where a crash could occur when logging into Camtasia’s Google Drive Import/Export service
Fixed a bug where an HTML production with captions could not be viewed locally in Chrome
Fixed a bug where the webcam video and recorded audio could slowly drift out of sync
Fixed a bug where audio previewing could skip at stitches or splitsFFixed a bug where .mov files created using the animation codec would be unusable in Camtasia
Fixed a bug where users without Powerpoint installed would receive an error accessing Tools > Options > Partners
Fixed a bug where the Tools > Options > Partners tab could show the incorrect state of the Powerpoint add-in
Fixed a bug where a ‘click to continue’ hotspot could pause at the wrong time
Fixed a bug where media could still be moved onto a locked track
Fixed a bug where using ‘split at all markers’ would create an undo point for every split
Fixed a bug where callouts can look distorted when opening a Camtasia Studio 7 project in Camtasia Studio 8
Fixed a bug where Camtasia would hang when trying to update a media with a file that was restored from the Recycle Bin
Fixed a bug where SCORM reporting could be incorrect when using multiple quizzes in one video
Updated product branding
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