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David Perry - From An Earthworm To Gaikai, Sony And A $380m Sale
David Perry, presenting at GDC 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
&&Well, when I started out in the industry I worked for a guy called Andy Lawrie. He was really good, which meant you couldn&t bullsh*t him at all. You couldn&t hide behind anything, because he understood it all.
So, when you work for somebody who is very technical, and understands and has creative solutions to your problems, it spurs you along and stops you making excuses for things. And I found that very useful.
So I&ve always been involved in more than one thing: at GDC (the Game Developers& Conference) I gave the production keynote one year. That doesn&t mean I want to be a producer, it&s just interesting to me. And then I moved onto the next thing: marketing, box design, finance, HR&
I actually once sat at the back of a payroll class in America & just me and 40 women! And I&m sitting back there, learning payroll, because I want to understand it. So that when I talk to people about payroll I know what they&re &talking about. And I set up and managed and ran a full payroll system myself.
So, with venture capital it was the same thing: I wanted to understand it completely, and the only way you can do that is by getting into it&&
&Of course, the big story with Perry is Gaikai. We are talking at Develop, theother&game developers& conference, and industry event for the UK games industry. Last night, Perry had received a lifetime achievement award. He had flown his mother over to see it. I was surprised Sony were allowing press near their new acquisition & a $380m sale declared barely a week before.Gaikai is & for now, at least, although Sony&s plans remain obscure & a streaming service for games. It specializes in delivering demos & letting people play the first half an hour of a game, say, in their browser, without the need to download hundreds of megabytes of data, offering full-featured gaming on, rather than dinky, plinky farming sims.
&When Gaikai started I actually hand-built the first servers on my living room table. Which meant I knew every component, I&d ordered every single component myself online and build the thing.
&I hate&mystery. I think that& I hate sitting there are not really knowing & or being unable to make a decision because I don&t have the right information. &Four years later, in June 2012, Gaikai was at&I/O, showing the People Can Fly shooter Bulletstorm, in all its beauty, playing full-screen in Chrome. There had been similar showings at GeForce&s GRID and AMD&s Fusion developer summits.&We realized we were going to go to each entity and do whatever was necessary to get their support. So we would do whatever it took to get Google to work with us, to get maximum performance out of chrome. We would have ended up doing the same thing with Firefox and Internet Explorer. And we were doing that in every category, like Samsung with their TVs.&Gaikai gaming in Samsung&s Smart TVs is one of the deals in a state of quantum possibility after the announcement. Perry doesn&t know whether Sony plan to keep Gaikai for itself & whether it will end up in Sony TVs, or in Playstation 4s. Or even in Experia phones & one of the early investors in Gaikai was Qualcomm, with an eye to optimizing streaming through their Snapdragon mobile graphics processor.
Money every minute
&Could we create a company where we could generate money for every minute that every videogame or software in the world was running? That was basically the pitch. We wouldn&t need the customers, we wouldn&t take away revenue from the publishers. It was an incredibly disruptive concept. It didn&t exist.
(In the voice of a game publisherq)&&So, wait a second. You know want any of my customers, you don&t want any of my data, you don&t want any of my revenue? Okay, sounds interesting!&
The example I used to help people understand was to talk about Verizon. Verizon doesn&t care what kind of deals you do on their mobile phones. It&s their job to supply dial tone. And that&s what we do: we supply dial tone. Our objective was to supply the highest quality dial tone with the widest possible reach: that&s where our energy went.&
&And if you can do games, with their hardware accelerated graphics and demands for minimal latency, other forms of software would be comparatively trivial, surely?
&We&ve done demonstrations of everything. Some investors find games interesting, but find software more interesting. But we had to make a decision on that. We got guidance that said&Listen, guys. We know you want to say you can do everything, but you&ll confuse people. Gaming is a big enough industry.&
Normally when you talk to investors, you want to&say &It&s huge! It&s mega! It&s big!&&So to hear the investors&say &you&re fine, this is good&&made our lives a lot easier. Because games is what we really wanted to do.&Gaikai pulled in a little more than $50 million in funds & so, $380 million is not a bad multiple for those investors after 31 months. There were rumors that they could have had more, however & rumors that in June Perry was advertising Gaikai for sale at around $500 million.
&We actually weren&t looking. We were&approached&multiple times. It&s been ongoing since the first few months of existence, but we just hadn&t found that right fit.&
The big timeAnd Sony, I venture, offers more than just money & although money is nice, and by any metric Perry will have a lot more of it when the deal closes. Sony has scale. It has money, infrastructure, and hardware to embed into. And it has games, of course.
&The games were a big bait for us. The publishers had a very clear message for us, which was&we like PC but we&love&console&. I think we&ve made a good start, and there is a lot more PC product getting made now, and more people thinking oh, we had better do a PC version as well.
I think we&ve done a lot of evangelism of the PC. But an elephant in the room that I had to keep dealing with was&&&Where is the console, what about console? Do you know console is really important? I like console & how about console? Do you know how big a percentage of revenue console actually is?&
There were only two companies who could answer that question & Microsoft and Sony. We came up with a strategy, which was to keep going at 100 miles an hour, and eventually somebody would say&&over here, we&d like to buy a company&.&[Our valuation] would have kept rising, as we launched Samsung and LG and other great deals that we have in the pipes. There was no sign of waning. But the timing was just so perfect, and I didn&t like the idea of Sony being available to any competitors.&So, killing two birds with one Sony&
&To be honest, somehow Sony have branded me to a point where if I&m buying a game on multiple platforms, I buy the PlayStation 3 version. They did a great job of making it clear to my brain that if I want the best one I should get it for PlayStation 3. And I think that&s ultimately the legacy of PlayStation, from 1 through 2 and 3. They have somehow managed to keep that momentum up.
That&s why I&m excited by the brand. So the brand means the right thing to me, which is quality. Quality is so important. That&s what made me very comfortable. It was a very comfortable discussion, and very easy for me to make the decision because PlayStation to me means top-quality gaming. So let&s see if we can add cloud gaming to that.
[And] Sony paid a lot of money for our company, and I don&t think they would have done that [if cloud gaming were not part of their strategy]. If they had bought us for a million, they could easily just throw us in a cupboard somewhere. When they spend a lot of money, it makes me very comfortable that they are going to really take this very seriously, and listen to what we have to say, and try to use the technology and the team that we have to the best of their ability. So, I feel very comfortable with the size of the deal.&Sony, of course, also has the benefit of being in transition. The mobile phone joint venture with Ericsson has been folded back in in an attempt to further the ecosystem Apple sells so successfully. Its TV division is generally agreed not to be differentiating enough to justify its price premium. Too much of Sony is underperforming, causing lossmaking quarter after lossmaking quarter. A man with a vision & one involving making money & could find this an interesting time to join.And, of course, it and Microsoft are facing each other down over their next-generation consoles, waiting to see who blinks or leaks first. Cloud gaming & and tightening up their cloud offering generally & makes a lot of sense for a company with a TV division and a vast collection of movies and music to license from its purchase in the fat years of CBS Record Group and Columbia Pictures for more than $5 billion, and of EMI for $2.2 billion in June.
Serious funThe deal should complete within a few months, after which Perry plans to lay low for a while & to take a break from publicity and familiarize himself with his new corporate parent. What does a newly-megacorporate multimillionaire do to relax?
&Well, I have a history of doing everything I talked about trying to do all the jobs, so I can understand. I do the same thing with anything else. So, I play a little bit of golf. I&m not going to play golf as a hobby, but I played so I can enjoy it, and know about it and understand it. Then I want to play tennis, then I go scuba diving, then I waterski, then I skydive and I play with helicopters. I want to do all of it.
Whenever I start chatting with somebody in an airplane, and they mention whatever it is they are into, I usually have something to talk about in that space. And if I don&t, that&s something I need to get done.
So, there are still some things I haven&t done yet. Yachting, for example: I want to learn about that. I haven&t done windsurfing to a level where I would say that I understand it. There is a list of maybe 1000 things, and I&m working my way through that list to a point where I am proficient in each thing. I think that&s really fun. So, that defines me to some extent, and it&s very satisfying, you know, when you sit down with somebody and have a beer and start talking about whatever they&re passionate about. If they want to talk about golf, I can hang with them and we can chat about it. And that&s&fun.&Fun indeed. There&s a reporter from TV news waiting to talk to Perry as we chat post-interview. I can imagine that, given the opportunity, Perry will be able to tell him about the kit his cameraman is using, the microphone he is holding, and how he cut a couple of news reports, and understands how hard it is. Perry, and Sony, have a tough road ahead, but they certainly aren&t going to be short of enthusiasm. What that translates into Microsoft, in particular, might be looking at Gaikai&s rivals in the online space and thinking. Hard.&


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