BakerSignet BT-普通(gb2312 chinese ci-GB2312)

[chinese mac] Fonts
Fonts begin where
end. The characters defined by the encodings inside your computer are abstract, whereas the glyphs defined by a font are concrete visual forms that can be rendered on screen or paper.
Outline fonts are fonts in which glyphs are described mathematically as &outlines,& i.e., a series of line segments, arcs, and curves. They are thus fully scalable: to print or display a character the outline is scaled to the desired size, then rendered by filling the outline with bits or pixels. The information provided here is limited to what the typical Chinese Mac user might want to know. If you want to learn more about font formats and printing technologies, Ken Lunde's
is very thorough on these topics.
Developed by Adobe, PostScript is a &page-description& language for printers. It supports both graphics and text, with built-in support for fonts. The most common PostScript font format is Type 1. Chinese Postscript fonts use the CID format, which uses Type 1 character descriptions tailored especially for East Asian writing systems. CID stands for &Character Identifier,& which refers to the numbers that are used to index and access the characters in the font. Apple incorporates the Adobe Type Manager rasterizer into OS X (licensed from Adobe), which provides full support for all types of PostScript-based fonts.
In 1991, Microsoft adopted Apple's new TrueType font format. Unfortunately, they used a different approach to storing the font data, so files had to be converted between Windows and Macintosh. Regardless, all TrueType fonts contain &cmap& tables that map the glyphs to encodings. With Mac OS X, Apple introduced support for
Windows TrueType font files, fully implemented on OS X 10.5. The files, however, must contain Unicode cmap tables. Most Windows 98 and later fonts have them, while most Windows 95 and earlier fonts do not.
OpenType is an open standard developed by Microsoft and Adobe in 1996 to absorb the underlying differences between the TrueType and PostScript formats. OpenType fonts also use cmap tables. There are two kinds of OpenType fonts: those that use PostScript Type 1 outlines and carry the .OTF extension, and those that use TrueType outlines and carry the .TTF (or .TTC) extension.
You can learn more from:
The best way for individuals to obtain reliable, high-quality Chinese fonts in weights and styles not already supplied by
is in bundles on retail CDs/DVDs from established foundries. There aren't a lot of these companies. The making of an original Chinese font is a huge undertaking, somewhat less so now with the advent of new approaches and advanced technologies, but producing a finished, unique font is still a monumental task, involving a team of people working for months, if not years. Founder in Beijing has a
(in English) on their process that may give you some idea of what is involved.
OpenType support has been complete since Mac OS 9, while OS X 10.5 and above fully support Windows TrueType formats. Many font bundles include installers (and other software) that only work on Windows, and thus they are sold as Windows-only, but you can always manually install the fonts on a Mac. In OS X, the best place to put them is in a folder of their own within the /Library/Fonts/ folder.
Taiwan. They sell a variety of retail bundles through their online store.
Arphic OpenType 221. [] Arphic's full OpenType set, mostly traditional-Chinese.
Arphic OpenType 43. [] A selection from the full set.
Arphic GB OpenType. [] Twenty simplified-Chinese GB 2312 fonts, with ten GB/T analogs.
There are also a number of good Windows TrueType packages. These will soon be updated for Windows 7, if they haven't already, so you may be able to find the old editions on sale:
Arphic UniFonts 2007 [字博士] [] Arphic's full TrueType set, mostly traditional-Chinese.
Arphic UniFonts 2006 [字達人] [] A selection from the full set.
Note: Arphic's web site is Big5-encoded, while their online checkout process (they ship worldwide) is Unicode-encoded (UTF-8).
Hong Kong. Formerly DynaLab. Maker of the &DynaFont& [金蝶] line. They are the source of the fonts LiHei Pro and LiSong Pro in OS X, as well as the venerable LiGothic Medium, LiSung Light, and BiauKai, which have been part of Apple's Chinese-language support since the beginning. They also make the MingLiU/PMingLiU and DFKai-SB fonts that come with Windows.
DynaFont OpenType 161 H.K. Edition. [] 124 Big5 (at least) fonts, 37 of which have GB5 analogs. This is a professional typography collection, with no extras. The font names and selection match those of DynaFont's high-resolution CID-keyed fonts used by publishers.
DynaFont 2010 H.K. Edition. [] 128 Big5 (at least) fonts, 43 of which have both GB5 analogs and GB 2312 companions. These are Windows TrueType fonts. The system used for the font names is different from the DynaFont OpenType 161 collection, but the selection is largely the same. Includes extras like Hanzi+Pinyin fonts, various ornamental fonts, and more. There is a less-expensive &Home& edition for non-commercial use.
A good place to buy these bundles online (shipping worldwide) is .
Hong Kong. A long time vendor of Chinese OEM fonts, in 2006 Monotype's new owners [Monotype Imaging] also acquired China Type Design [中國字體設計] in Hong Kong. Maker of the &Microsoft ZhengHei& fonts that come with Windows Vista and later. Fonts from both sources are available via
and , albeit priced for the commercial publishing market. Monotype Imaging also sells various combined retail packages in Hong Kong and China:
Note: These fonts are also available in the first truly functional and affordable solution for serving Chinese fonts as web fonts via :
Beijing Hanyi is a well-known Chinese foundry, with an excellent web site showing a fine selection of original fonts, most available online through
and . Unfortunately, the fonts are priced for the commercial publishing market, and they do not seem to offer retail bundles. Nonetheless, they are at least available.
Beijing. Founder Group was created at Beida [北京大学] in 1986 and incorporated in 1992. Now a large, diverse company. Maker of the &Microsoft YaHei& fonts that come with Windows Vista and later, as well as . They continue to produce original fonts. They do sell retail packages:
Founder Lanting [兰亭/蘭亭] TrueType 200. $125 from . A set of
62 GB 2312 fonts, each paired with GB/T analogs (one is GB/T only). Many also have Big5 and/or GB5 companions. If you want simplified-Chinese fonts, this is a good way to get started.
Beijing. ZhongYi is the maker of the standards-compliant SimHei (simhei.ttf), SimSun (simsun.ttf, simsunb.ttf), FangSong (simfang.ttf) and KaiTi (simkai.ttf) OEM fonts that come with Windows.
Another important commercial foundry is SinoType in Changzhou, Jiangsu. They don't sell fonts retail, but their &ST& fonts have been widely distributed on a variety of platforms, including OS X and Microsoft Office.
Adobe has defined two Chinese &character collections& for its fonts. Adobe-GB1-5 supports GB 18030 (including the Yi regional script), with glyphs localized for China/Singapore. Adobe-CNS1-6 supports Big Five (i.e., CNS
Planes 1 and 2) and HKSCS-2008, with glyphs localized for Taiwan/Hong Kong.
Adobe's Creative Suite 5.x installs the following OpenType Chinese fonts:
Adobe Song Std (Light) [Adobe-GB1-5]
Adobe Heiti Std (Regular) [Adobe-GB1-5]
Adobe Kaiti Std (Regular) [Adobe-GB1-5]
Adobe Fangsong Std (Regular) [Adobe-GB1-5]
Adobe Ming Std (Light) [Adobe-CNS1-6]
Adobe Fan Heiti Std (Bold) [Adobe-CNS1-6]
Adobe's &Std& designation means the fonts cover standard character sets, without defining glyph variants or other &Pro& features. Adobe plans to do so in the future, but as of 2009 they do not make &Pro& Chinese fonts. Note that other vendors use the &Pro& designation differently, meaning the font simply has an expanded character set, like the LiHei Pro and LiSong Pro fonts (Big-5E and HKSCS-2001) that come with OS X.
Apple distributes a selection of Chinese outline fonts with OS 9 and OS X 10.2 and above:
File name*
STHeiti Light.ttc+
STHeiti Medium.ttc+
Hiragino Sans GB
Hiragino Sans GB W3.otf
Hiragino Sans GB W6.otf
Fang Song.ttf
LiHei Pro Medium
儷黑 Pro.ttf
LiSong Pro Light
儷宋 Pro.ttf
Apple LiGothic Medium
Apple LiGothic Medium.ttf
Apple LiSung Light
Apple LiSung Light.ttf
Arial Unicode MS
Arial Unicode.ttf
Unicode = Contains the Unicode CJK Unified Ideographs block.
= Contains the CJK Unified Ideographs block, Extension A, and a selection of 6,217 characters from Extension B. This number does not represent an expansion of character-set coverage. Instead, it duplicates the coverage of GB 18030, HKSCS-2001, Japanese JIS X 0213, and Vietnamese Hán-N?m Extension B characters already present in other fonts.
Big-5E HKSCS = Contains 17,607 characters from the CJK Unified Ideographs block, 512 from Extension A, and 1,640 from Extension B. Supports Big-5E and Hong Kong SCS-2001.
* = In OS X 10.2 to 10.5, some Chinese fonts came with the
extension. In OS X 10.6, all Chinese fonts use standard .ttf, .ttc, or .otf extensions.
+ = These are TrueType &font collections& (note the .ttc extension) containing two fonts each: Heiti TC (&Traditional Chinese&) and Heiti SC (&Simplified Chinese&). Each uses the technology of &glyph variants& within Mac OS X 10.6 to provide localized glyphs for users in Taiwan/Hong Kong (the &TC& locale) and China/Singapore (the &SC& locale). The character set remains the same for both fonts, but the glyph used to present a given character may differ between them.
? = Beginning with Mac OS X 10.5, STXihei was expanded, adding 4,235 Extension B characters for Vietnamese Hán-N?m.
Microsoft distributes PMingLiU, SimSun, and SimHei with all editions of Windows 2000/XP. All Chinese editions include DFKai-SB. Simplified Chinese editions also include FangSong and KaiTi. All editions of Vista and Windows 7 come with one set of fonts.
Note: PMingLiU and SimSun are proportional fonts, while MingLiU and NSimSun are monospaced. The difference only applies to Roman text.
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Microsoft JhengHei*
Microsoft YaHei*
Unicode = Contains the Unicode CJK Unified Ideographs block.
UnicodeA = Contains the Unicode CJK Unified Ideographs and Extension A blocks.
UnicodeB = Contains the Extension B block (only).
* = These ClearType system fonts for Vista come in two weights, Regular and Bold.
** = The GB18030 Support Package for Windows 2000/XP includes an extended version of SimSun/NSimSun: SimSun-18030/NSimSin-18030 [simsun18030.ttc]. This font includes four of the regional scripts (Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Yi), unlike the Windows Vista and
later versions of SimSun/NSimSun (Microsoft provides separate fonts for the regional scripts in Windows Vista and later).
+ = Includes MingLiU_HKSCS and MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB.
? = Also supports Unicode's CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A block.
The Office
Proofing Tools CDs all contain the same set of 14 additional Chinese fonts (which also come with all Chinese editions), as follows:
GBK character set: LiSu [SIMLI.TTF, 隶书], YouYuan [SIMYOU.TTF, 幼圆], STXihei [STXIHEI.TTF, 华文细黑], STKaiti [STKAITI.TTF, 华文楷体], STSong [STSONG.TTF, 华文宋体], STZhongsong [STZHONGS.TTF华文中宋], STFangsong [STFANGSO.TTF, 华文仿宋]
GB 2312 and GB/T character sets: FZShuTi [FZSTK.TTF, 方正舒体], FZYaoti [FZYTK.TTF, 方正姚体]
GB 2312 character set: STCaiyun [STCAIYUN.TTF, 华文彩云], STHupo [STHUPO.TTF华文琥珀], STLiti [STLITI.TTF, 华文隶书], STXingkai [STXINGKA.TTF, 华文行楷], STXinwei [STXINWEI.TTF, 华文新魏]
In addition, the Office XP/2003 Proofing Tools (and Chinese editions) include the font
[SURSONG.TTF, 宋体-方正超大字符集]. [This is not the same font as SimSun/NSimSun.] Created in January 2001, it contains over 64,000 hanzi, including most of the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B block. Works perfectly in OS X 10.3 and above. Install it in the /Library/Fonts folder, and re-login after installing it. To avoid problems in OS X 10.4, you should use Font Book to install this font. Use File & Add Fonts...
DFKai-SB has the same PostScript name (&DFKaiShu-SB-Estd-BF&) as BiauKai, which comes with OS X (see above). Only one font with a given PostScript name can be active in Mac OS X at any time. They are the same font in terms of design and weight, but the Apple font is limited to the Big Five character set, while the Windows version is a GBK font. If you want to use this font for both simplified and traditional Chinese, then use Font Book to deactivate BiauKai and activate DFKai-SB instead.
Microsoft YaHei Bold v5.00 (Vista) has the same PostScript name (&MicrosoftYaHei&) as Microsoft YaHei Regular. Only one font with a given PostScript name can be active in Mac OS X at any time. This problem is fixed in v6.02 (Windows 7).
Both mingliu.ttc and/or mingliub.ttc cause application crashes in Adobe Creative Suite 2, notably Photoshop. Upgrade to Creative Suite 3 and above to fix the problem.
The Hanazono fonts are an offshoot of the GlyphWiki project, a database project based in Japan, with all the advantages and drawbacks of the Wiki approach. As of May 2011, GlyphWiki contains more than 180,000 glyphs.
(English translation)
As of May 2011, Hanazono MIncho [花園明朝] is comprised of two fonts with a total of 75,616 Unicode kanji plus 1,632 glyph variants registered in the current
HanaMinA.ttf (CJK Unified Ideographs, Extension A, Compatibility Ideographs, Radicals, Strokes, plus the IVD variants)
HanaMinB.ttf (Extensions B, C, and D)
The Mojikyo fonts are Japanese Shift-JIS (JIS X 0208) fonts for the over 50,000 characters in the Morohashi dictionary [大漢和辞典] and its supplement, along with
additional characters, including coverage beyond Unicode. Each font assigns characters to the code points for 5,641 Shift-JIS kanji [889F–979E, 989F–E79E]. The remaining code points for kanji in Shift-JIS are assigned blank characters.
There is a free &web& version of the fonts, available here:
These are Unicode-based OpenType fonts, perfect for Mac OS X. The Morohashi characters are contained in fonts M101-109. Each character is assigned a six-digit Mojikyo number — the main 48,902 Morohashi numbers first, then the supplement [補遺], then the numbers with primes [ダッシュ付き]. There is an online index to this part of the Mojikyo fonts, with characters listed by Mojikyo number after each radical:
Most of the Morohashi character set is now in Unicode, so the above is mainly just a curiosity. Fonts M110 and above contain characters not in Morohashi. These include oracle-bone characters [甲骨文字, M117–118], Siddham [梵字, M119–121], and Tangut [西夏文字, M202–203]. Many tens of thousands of additional CJK characters appear in fonts M110–116, M133–142, M186–201.
These fonts could be useful to anyone needing a CJK character or glyph not found in Unicode, but good luck finding what you're looking for without purchasing the commercial CD (see below) and running it in Windows. Still, we provide a text file containing the Shift-JIS kanji used by Mojikyo. This will allow you to examine the fonts. []
In OS X, you can use Apple's Font Book for this — just copy the text and paste it into the Preview & Custom window, then select the Mojikyo font you want to see. To use a Mojikyo character, just copy it into your document, then change the font for that character (only) to the correct Mojikyo font.
Kinokuniya distributes a commercial version on a CD which adds over 10,000 seal-script characters [篆書] (a nice feature of the original Morohashi dictionary, so I presume the Mojikyo glyphs are taken from there), and more. [] [] See:
Free. Apple provides a suite of command-line font tools, along with a set of instructions and a tutorial.
Open-source. Tricky installation, steep learning curve, limited feature set, but it is free and it works.
Dutch Type Library's OTMaster
allows you to review and edit the tables and contours of all OpenType and TrueType font formats. Full Unicode support for large CJK fonts and complex-script (Indic, Arabic etc.) fonts.
OS X 10.4 and above. EUR255
Note: OTMaster is available at a considerable discount when bundled with Fontographer 5:
Fontographer 5 handles CJK fonts in all formats. Full Unicode support.
OS X 10.4 and above. $399
FontLab's TypeTool 3 allows you to create new and edit existing TrueType and OpenType fonts. Full Unicode support.
OS X 10.3 to 10.6. $99
FontLab's AsiaFont Studio 4 handles CJK fonts in all formats. Full Unicode support.
OS X 10.3 to 10.6. $1999[720p蓝光版]益智游戏BT下载/中国七巧板/纽约爱情拼图(台) Chinese.Puzzle.p.BluRay.x264-ChineseCasseCouilles 5.46 GB_720P蓝光版电影下载_一路电影网
[720p蓝光版]益智游戏BT下载/中国七巧板/纽约爱情拼图(台) Chinese.Puzzle.p.BluRay.x264-ChineseCasseCouilles 5.46 GB
【译 名】: 中国益智游戏 / 纽约爱情拼图(台) 【片 名】: Casse-tte Chinois 【导 演】: 塞德里克克拉皮斯 Cdric Klapisch 【编 剧】: 塞德里克克拉皮斯 Cdric Klapisch 【主 演】: 罗曼达瑞斯 Romain Duris / ...
【译 名】: 中国益智游戏 / 纽约爱情拼图(台)
【片 名】: Casse-t&te Chinois
【导 演】: 塞德里克&克拉皮斯 C&dric Klapisch
【编 剧】: 塞德里克&克拉皮斯 C&dric Klapisch
【主 演】: 罗曼&达瑞斯 Romain Duris / 奥黛丽&塔图 Audrey Tautou / 西西&迪&法兰丝 C&cile De France / 何家蓓 Sandrine Holt / 凯利&蕾莉 Kelly Reilly / 凯文&毕晓普 Kevin Bishop
【时 长】:
【评 分】: 8.1
【上映时间】: (法国)
【国 家】: 法国
【语 言】: 英语 / 法语
【影片类型】: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情
【影片简介】: 继《西班牙公寓》《俄罗斯玩偶》后该系列原班人马打造的第三部,讲述男主角,40岁的Xavier在纽约的生活。
Length..............: 1h 57mn
(X264 @ 24.000fps)
Bitrate.............: 6663Kbps
Audio...............: DTS 1509 Kbps
Language............: English / French / Spanish / Chinese / Yiddish
Subtitles...........: English
Genre ..............: Comedy | Drama


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