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Set up your Apple ID for iCloud and iTunes - Apple Support
Learn more about Apple IDs, including how to use your Apple ID with Apple services such as iCloud and the iTunes Store. Also learn how to change the Apple ID that you use to sign in to services on your iPhone.
An Apple ID is the email address you use as a login for just about everything you do with Apple, including using iCloud to store your content, buying songs from the iTunes Store, and downloading apps from the App Store.
When you set up your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you can use the same Apple ID for both iCloud services and purchases on the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store. Or, you can also use one Apple ID for iCloud services and a different Apple ID for Store purchases (including&&and&). You'll get all the benefits of iCloud whether you use the same Apple ID for iCloud and Store purchases, or different IDs for each. To change the Apple ID signed in to iCloud or iTunes on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, sign out and use the steps below to sign back in with the updated Apple ID.
Use the same Apple ID for both Store purchases and iCloud (recommended)We recommend that you use the same Apple ID for Store purchases and iCloud. Using multiple Apple IDs&might be confusing and might cause issues with accessing purchased content or using some services.
iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
When you first set up your device running iOS 5 or later, enter the Apple ID you use for iTunes in the setup screens. It will be used for Store purchases and iCloud.
If you skipped the setup process, enter your Apple ID in Settings & iCloud and Settings & iTunes and App Stores.
Enter your Apple ID on your computer:
Mac: Enter your Apple ID in Apple (?) menu & System Preferences & iCloud.
Windows 8: Enter your Apple ID in the iCloud Control Panel. To access the iCloud Control Panel:
Move the pointer to the upper-right corner of the screen to show the Charms bar.
Click the Search charm.
Then click the iCloud Control Panel on the left.
Windows 7 and Vista: Enter the same Apple ID in Control Panel & Network and Internet & iCloud.
Enter your Apple ID in iTunes:
iTunes 10: Store & Sign In.
iTunes 11 or later: iTunes Store & Quick Links: Account.
If you're using Windows 7 or 8 and can't see the menus,&.
Use one Apple ID for iCloud and a different Apple ID for Store purchasesYou can use different Apple IDs for iCloud and Store purchases and still get all of the benefits of iCloud.
iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
When you first set up your device with iOS 5 or later, enter the Apple ID you want to use with iCloud. If you skipped the setup assistant, sign in to Settings & iCloud and enter the Apple ID you’d like to use with iCloud.
In Settings & iTunes and App Stores, sign in with the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases. You might need to sign out first to change the Apple ID.
Enter the Apple ID that you want to use with iCloud on your computer:
Mac: Enter your Apple ID in Apple (?) menu & System Preferences & iCloud.
Windows 8: Enter your Apple ID in the iCloud Control Panel. To access the iCloud Control Panel:
Move the pointer to the upper-right corner of the screen to show the Charms bar.
Click the Search charm.
Then click the iCloud Control Panel on the left.
Windows 7 and Vista: Enter the same Apple ID in Control Panel & Network and Internet & iCloud.
Enter the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases in iTunes:
iTunes 10: Store & Sign In.
iTunes 11 or later: iTunes Store & Quick Links: Account.
If you're using Windows 7 or 8 and can't see the menus,&.
Once a device or computer is associated with your Apple ID for your iTunes Store account, you cannot associate that device or computer with another Apple ID for 90 days.
Learn moreLearn more .
If you use a different Apple ID for iTunes and iCloud, and want to restore from a backup, first enter your Apple ID for iCloud. After your device restarts, you'll be asked to enter the Apple ID that you use with the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store. Learn more .
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