The software over the world wallall

想要的是“OVER THE WALL”浏览器。。
出门在外也不愁We prize big ideas, but we worship execution and project completion.
We use custom software to extinguish business stress and achieve technological peace.
We bring our customers to business nirvana, by completing software projects and implementing useful solutions.
Where genius gathers to achieve enlightenment
Like the carpenter and the mason, we are craftsmen. Our craft is solving business problems through modern software.
The world of software today is crowded with a lot of noise. Somewhere along the way, solving customer problems was lost as our one true directive and replaced with platform evangelism, buzz words, and pet technologies. The Software Developers at The Monastery in San Diego are here to quiet that noise and refocus the efforts of technical artisans and craftsmen on solving your business problem. The Monastery in San Diego is about building software and creating solutions that lighten your load and calm your business.
In technology there is no one-size-fits-all solution. From custom web, desktop and mobile software development and consulting to commercial product implementation we welcome all software needs to The Monastery in San Diego.
Nobody knows your problem as well as you do. Similarly, nobody knows technology like we do. Working together we design the perfect software solution to your problem.
Sofware development is an art as much as a science. Our team has an artist's passion for their craft, and the technical knowledge and skill to create anything.
You need your problem solved on time. Software that is never delivered, may as well not exist. Software delivered late is equally useless. We will deliver on time, every time.
Its not enough to just write beautiful code, implement creative solutions and throw them over the wall. We take the time to train your team in use, maintenance and extension of your new solution.
This is hands down my most valued vendor and consulting firm. Companies like to throw around their catch phrases about quality, value, integrity, and responsiveness. Ike, John and their team eschew empty words for quantitative action. They are responsible for all of our custom software, business intelligence, and SharePoint initiatives. They listen to us, provide us valuable feedback, and deliver products and projects that are successful, time and time again.
—&IT Director - National RV Dealer
These guys impressed me within 10 minutes of our introduction by asking specific questions about our business, taking my concerns very seriously, and recommending solutions immediately. Within 20 minutes of meeting them, I was at ease, knowing that help had arrived, and that solutions were near. I am not exaggerating when I describe the feeling of confidence I had in them immediately, and the feeling of relief I had after describing the issues facing our business.
—&VP at Higher Education Provider
I’ve known the guys behind The Monastery since 2002 and have thoroughly enjoyed our relationship. They are supreme technologists and have succeeded on every project I have entrusted to them. They have never found complicated technical requirements daunting and have risen to every challenge. They are easy to work with, intelligent, and hold themselves to the highest ethical standards. Every time I have an applicable project I think of them first. They are highly-valued business partners
—&Parter at Legal Tech Provider
Who We Are.
"One hundred years from now, our engineering may seem as archaic as the techniques used by medieval
cathedral builders seem to today's civil engineers, while our craftsmanship will still be honored"
- The Pragmatic Programmer
Respond With Urgency
When you have a problem, a question or a concern, contact us! Every member of our team is dedicated to your project, we always return your call as soon as possible.
Fix Broken Windows
We don’t live with bad designs, wrong decisions, or poor code. We fix these as soon as they are discovered.
Tell Me the Baby’s Ugly
If our customer is about to make a mistake, we inform them of a better solution. We strive to be politely blunt. We expect the same of you, if we're off course, let us know!
It's a Problem, When It's a Problem
One of the biggest reasons software projects fall behind, or never deliver at all, is that too much emphasis is placed on what-ifs. Well-designed software is maintanable and extensible. We don't have to solve the problems of a year from now, today.
We'll Figure it Out
Quiet confidence is the name of the game at The Monastery. We work here because we love solving the problems that don't come with an instruction book. We blaze new trails, getting there is half the fun!
We Care About Our Craft
We aren't just using platitudes when we call ourselves craftsmen. We feel there is no point in developing software unless we care about doing it well.
We Provide Options
We will never make a lame excuse.
We will deliver.
If we can’t deliver, the client will know their options and will have one that they see as a reasonable option to get the needed job done.
Ideas are Prized, Execution is Worshipped
All the great ideas in the world are completely useless if they are never delivered. We love people with good ideas, don't get us wrong, but good ideas are a dime-a-dozen. What really matters is execution, and The Monastery is full of executioners.
Don't Just Throw it Over the Wall
Far too often, after software is built and delivered, the team responsible moves on to the next big thing. We recognize that what happens after delivery is just as important as the creative process itself.
our company. learn more
Building software, creating solutions, solving problems...on time, every time
We created The Monastery in San Diego as a place where the sins of missed deadlines, battered budgets and frustrated managers could be cleansed through meditation on, and the practice of, true software craftsmanship. We don't just write software. We wield the power of modern technology to solve your business problems. Our software development practices are constantly being refined, melted and forged to ensure that your software needs are met with the highest quality possible.
Our software developers lay their ego on the altar, and only focus on great solutions to big problems.
Ike Ellis has been a SQL Server MVP since 2010.
He has 17 years of experience writing software and working with SQL Server.
He speaks at user groups, code camps, SQL Saturdays, and conferences.
He writes books and articles.
Mostly, he codes his brains out.
John Ackerman
John Ackerman has been leading software development teams since he was knee high to a grasshopper.
Missing a deadline is heresy to John, so his teams never miss them.
He codes, he trains, he mentors..this man does it all.
He wrote code for the Mars Rover project.
Yes, John’s code is multi-planetary.
From business intelligence gurus like Lynn to award winning agilists like Llewellyn our talent pool is deep and wide.
Greg is a rockstar UX designer. Scott, the smart guy, smart guys go to when they're stumped, and Thomas who never met a problem he couldn't hack his way through. Our team has your needs covered.
Back-End BI
Back-End Business Intelligence is about the databases, ETL process and OLAP cubes that feed your BI system
Front-End BI
Front-End Business Intelligence is about the visualizations, reports and spreadsheets that your users see every day
stay tuned.
Moving heaven and earth to hit every deadline...on target, all the time.
contact us.
The Monastery in San Diego loves to hear about new and exciting projects, seriously, it's our passion. We'd love to sit down with you over coffee or lunch and hear about the exciting things your business is doing. Give us a call, shoot us an email, or contact us via the form below. The path to creative software solutions and technical peace begins here, we can't wait to hear from you!
The Monastery in San Diego doesn't employ pushy salesmen, only passionate craftsmen who want to hear about your problems and use their unique skills to offer solutions.
Use our contact form
Use this form to let us know what you're working on. If you provide your contact information we will get back to you within 24 hours.
If you'd like to get ahold of us more quickly, please feel free to give Ike a call! His contact information is below.
Phone: 619 922 9801
& Copyright 2013 The Monastery - Built with passion求一可靠的over the wall软件!!_百度知道
求一可靠的over the wall软件!!
谢谢求一可靠的over the wall软件!!
出门在外也不愁谁有 over the wall 的software 啊,可以用的,能发给我吗? Thank you。_百度知道
谁有 over the wall 的software 啊,可以用的,能发给我吗? Thank you。
如题。最好有设置 方式的补充,本人新手,十分感谢~~
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go over the software什么意思
英文:go over the software中文:过去软件很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,


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