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Abstract:Be known to all, China's accession to the WTO, the biggest impact is the financial industry. According to our country's promise, now open to foreign banks in China's sub national currency business, in March 20, 2007, HSBC, Standard Chartered, East Asia, Citigroup four foreign banks in China to set up legal institutions, and began to operate the national currency business. The entry of foreign banks, to the Chinese banking industry to bring what kind of impact? Other, from the beginning of 2004, China actively promote the comprehensive transformation of the state owned commercial banks, through the process of acceleration of non-performing assets, the money channels for gold, joint-stock reform and listing, etc. full, perfect the corporate governance structure, sound internal control mechanism, construction has the international competitiveness of ancient share-holding system bank. So far, the Bank of China, industrial and commercial bank, construction bank had completed the joint- February 1, 2007, Chinese agriculture is also beginning to stop the joint-stock transformation. What is the result of the transformation? After the transformation of the Bank of China and four foreign banks also exist what kind of gap? How can China's trading banks compete and win in the competition? The answer to these questions is the need to stop the scientific and reasonable performance evaluation of the trade bank. Through the process of international and foreign trade bank performance evaluation system analysis of the target system, the paper builds a financial target system based on profit, cost, risk, asset structure and growth. In addition, this paper analyzes the performance of the 15 banks from 2006 to 2004 by using the single point analysis method, from the horizontal and vertical analysis of the performance of the banks, the gap between China's banks and foreign banks, the 15 banks in 2005 and 2004, 15 banks have not only obtained a comprehensive evaluation, but also analyzes the weak link in operation, and put forward reasonable countermeasures and suggestions.
目录:摘要4-5Abstract5-6第1章 绪论9-16&&&&1.1 问题的提出9&&&&1.2 商业银行绩效评价概述9-14&&&&1.3 本文的研究思路和方法14&&&&1.4 文章结构14-15&&&&1.5 文章创新点15-16第2章 国内外商业银行绩效评价体系分析及借鉴16-30&&&&2.1 西方商业银行绩效评价理论与方法的介绍及借鉴16-22&&&&2.2 我国商业银行绩效评价体系的发展状况分析22-30&&&&&&&&2.2.1 我国商业银行绩效评价的发展历程22-28&&&&&&&&2.2.2 我国商业银行现行绩效评价指标体系优缺点分析28-30第3章 我国商业银行绩效评价体系的构建30-44&&&&3.1 我国商业银行绩效评价体系设立的指导思想及原则30-32&&&&&&&&3.1.1 我国商业银行绩效评价体系设立的指导思想30-31&&&&&&&&3.1.2 我国商业银行绩效评价体系设立的原则31-32&&&&3.2 财务类核心指标的选择32-38&&&&&&&&3.2.1 利润中心指标的选择32-33&&&&&&&&3.2.2 成本中心指标的选择33-34&&&&&&&&3.2.3 风险中心指标的选择34-36&&&&&&&&3.2.4 资产结构中心指标的选择36-37&&&&&&&&3.2.5 发展中心指标的选择37-38&&&&3.3 非财务类指标的选择38-40&&&&&&&&3.3.1 基于顾客角度考核的指标38&&&&&&&&3.3.2 基于内部流程角度考核的指标38-39&&&&&&&&3.3.3 基于学习和成长角度考核的目标39-40&&&&3.4 权重的确定40&&&&3.5 商业银行绩效评价的方法40-44第4章 商业银行绩效评价的实证分析44-71&&&&4.1 单因素绩效评价指标比较分析44-59&&&&&&&&4.1.1 利润中心指标的比较44-47&&&&&&&&4.1.2 成本中心指标的比较47-49&&&&&&&&4.1.3 风险中心指标的比较49-53&&&&&&&&4.1.4 资产结构中心指标的比较53-56&&&&&&&&4.1.5 发展中心指标的比较56-59&&&&4.2 因子分析法对商业银行绩效评价的实证分析59-68&&&&&&&&4.2.1 实证分析过程及得分59-65&&&&&&&&4.2.2 商业银行绩效评价结果及分析65-68&&&&4.3 提高我国商业银行绩效的对策建议68-71结论71-72参考文献72-75攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文75-76致谢76
[1].胡建州. [D]. 苏州大学.
2014[2].吴敏. [D]. 西南财经大学.
2014[3].谢艳. [D]. 安徽医科大学.
2014[4].毕守锋. [D]. 北京交通大学.
2012[5].王寿君. [D]. 哈尔滨工业大学.
2013[6].刘勤勤. [D]. 云南财经大学.
2014[7].齐琪. [D]. 西安科技大学.
2014[8].李磊. [D]. 西安科技大学.
2014[9].许骏. [D]. 吉林大学.
2004[10].李宝宝. [D]. 南京航空航天大学.
2013[11].师琅. [D]. 西安工程大学.
2012[12].彭雪君. [D]. 长江科学院.
2014[13].罗杜娟. [D]. 河北大学.
2014[14].潘麒伊. [D]. 江西财经大学.
2013[15].樊恒希. [D]. 江西财经大学.版权所有:黎明重工
服务热线:8和外国人结婚的优缺点-55BBS 我爱购物网
do you think university students can do to manage their time the best? 你认为大学的学生如何可以管理自己的时间把自己做到最好? I think we should do more planning to make full use of their time together. For example, learning, living, entertainment, sports and more. Every day own a little planning, give yourself time to arrange some rest and relaxation, not only can we maintain the passion to learn, but also make our body
not be too tired. 2. Beijing Olympic Games the Chinese people the greatest achievement? ? 举办北京奥运会中,中国人最大的成就是什么?为什么? Different social roles has its own expectations, are made from their own social roles in
the requirements of the Olympic Games or claim, expect to achieve their goals. Therefore, certain social roles is the biggest harvest of results, not necessarily the largest role in some social gains. People al maximize their own interests to identify, evaluate the results of events, "the greatest harvest" is difficult to form a unified understanding. But in my heart the people of Beijing Olympic Games has left the
a dynamic, reform and opening up, ethnic harmony and peaceful development of the national image, leaving a healthy and promising, hospitality, civility, politeness, dedicated national image and
people today agree that China's development, and this is one of the greatest achievements of the Chinese 3. Please list the pros and cons of marriage
foreigners 和外国人结婚的优缺点。 I think the advantage is that foreigners in general quality of the high points, but they are more adept at communicating, not because a small or a small misunderstanding and quarrel. Furthermore, a very practical thing that the legal rights of residence in foreign countries. Others have included medical, health, insurance,
advantages are more attractive.
your disadvantages of different cultures, so
the inevitable communication barriers Furthermore you are not familiar
the environment of foreign countries, if they lose them you
feel a loss. Finally, the case of children and their parents should also be a big problem. ?
not? 大学生之间的浪漫关系应该被鼓励吗?为什么或者为什么不? I think it should go
the flow. Although the exact dating in college
affect learning, but, if in the right direction, it should be able to expand more good than harm. Ho, not encouraged to aim for, because the deliberate pursuit of this is a vicious cycle of university life is certainly not good. ? 如何能提高他们的父母和孩子相互理解? Parents and children should be more exchanges, more exchanges do not mean a single language, but many of the exchanges. Parents should be more contacts
their children, often
the activities, to travel, to participate in activities together (should be the child's permission to attend) and so on. In doing these things should also understand a child's circle of friends, children and friends can also communicate
their friends
the children home to play. Able to communicate regularly and the kids understand
they like now, to understand fashion items, so the children can maintain communication topic. Infiltration in the exchange from time to time under the parental mean, slo let your children understand the parents hard to understand the
parents, the use of spiritual encouragement, to promote exchanges in the entertainment activities, enhance family. ? Please explain. 名字和性格之间有联系吗?请解释。 名字和性格之间有联系吗?请解释。 I think the character is a child develop, and there is no special link
the name. Unless those people from an early age to understand the deeper meaning of his name, but that for a child,
is impossible. Of course, we can not deny that those
have the name of harmonic overtones can affect a child's personality. 7.
are some of the constructive methods people use to deal
stress? 什么是人们用来处理压力建设性的方法有哪些? To find a true friend to talk Internet to talk
do not kno for good friends, eat and drink, alcohol can reduce the psychological pressure, but do not drink too much, other the
into the feeling of sadness Yeah. The next day I
be a lot easier. Shopping, buy some of my favorite stuff, to encourage their own look. Cry, cry, help people reduce stress. Go to a KTV singing,
the movie at home by myself 8. Please list in the choice of occupation, people often consider the factors and ranked them by importance. 请列举在选择职业时,人们通常考虑的因素,并把它们按重要程度排列。 First, it must be because the
itself interests you, you love this
brings life to your lif Next, choose a job, depending on the job can bring you added value, not just remuneration. To be really protected, can not rely on saving money, but increase the ability to rely on reserves. If you increase the reserve capacity, even if you
to leave you because of various changes in his job and the company is located, you can also find a ne immediately and continue in a ne to protect their lives. Finally, you choose to take, "
to do. " Have the same values and
people more likely to reach a tacit understanding and consensus,
to become pleasant and relaxing, a lot less communication barriers. As a result,
efficiency and
be greatly enhanced. 9.
society can do to help people
disabilities? 什么社会能做去帮助残疾人? I think that helps the disabled, first of all we
them in a position of equality
us up. This is a psychological respect. Moreover, society should create a series of public facilities and improve disabled disability benefits system to ensure that they do not have the pressure of survival can not be solved. Finally, the community should as much as possible to provide people
disabilities to , then they have a place to realize their value of life. 10.
taught us?
we can do to avoid ? 什么战争教给我们?什么我们能做去避免战争?
tells us that fire
only lead to bloodshed and sorrow. We should learn to respect and to cherish, the 's most important is peace. To avoid , the best
is to strengthen its own defense, as other it
be like Iraq. The second is to increase their economy and raise national income, is to enhance the military po to promote economic. Third, to establish good diplomatic relations, so many countries as possible Increase the contact bet the economic, cultural and other aspects of more exchanges. But do not take the initiative to challenge other countries to respect his country's cultural and religious beliefs, and strive to maintain
那要看你是什么样的人了~如果你懂得他们的思维模式,那就会很合的来~他们跟中国式交往模式的差别就是在如何看待个人方面~在某种程度上来说,外国人比中国人要好相处,因为他们相信人是独立的个体,即使在婚姻里也要保持自我的空间,他们在互相尊重,给对方留足自由空间,在隐私权这点上做的很好,和外国男生相处,你不会觉得喘不过气来,反而会觉得你很受尊重。但是相对的,他们家庭观念不够浓,绝对没有我们中国的夫妻为家庭为孩子付出的多再一点就是,与他们交往过程中你会发现,什么都要算的清清楚楚才好,尤其是钱,即使是好朋友之间也是,你可能会觉得没有人情味吧看你了,你对中国传统家庭或别的关系是怎么看的,如果你是抱着想找一个人依赖终身的想法,那就别,外国人不喜欢依赖与被依赖的关系,如我上面所说,他们认为人是相互独立的个体~~如果你不够传统,爱好享受人生,你就最好找个外国的老公,因为,他绝对不会拿不顾家这点来指责你~另外一点就是,他们不会用处女不处女来衡量一个女人的情操够不够高尚,这在中国,是不可能的~~其实我还很想告诉你的是:不要问嫁给外国人好不好,而要问,自己要的到底是什么;不要怕国界和语言的障碍,重要的是沟通,会沟通,就不会遇到跨不过的culture shock~加油~还有,以上说的,有怪僻的外国佬除外~三楼的,你说的那是犯罪的人,我说的是正常的人际交往,你说我瞎说,那你能不能解释一下什么叫文化背景相差太远,具体差在哪你说不出吧?毕竟,做这些违法事的外国人在少数你都说了你是自认为和老外合不来,你说的全是他们的缺点,我觉得你好象没有太多和他们相处的经验,是不是?也许你不需要出国,不需要认真的面对这个问题,但是请你不要误导提问的人,让她觉得老外很不好相处,你这样是不负责任的请你回答问题的时候诚心考虑一下别人的感受~我和楼主的处境是一样的~
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完善个人所得税制的研究 【摘 要】:个人所得税产生于18世纪末发展于20世纪初,是现代直接税产生发展的标志,在现代直接税制结构中个人所得税具有非常重要的地位和作用。本文共包括三个部分,主要从理论和实践出发,对完善个人所得税制作以系统深入的阐述。在第一部分,文章着重论述了个人所得税的含义、历史由来和具有的重要意义。在第二部分,文章对我国现行个人所得税的状况进行了全面论述。总结了我国个人所得税的基本情况,分析现行个人所得税制的弊端,并揭示个人所得税严重流失问题。在第三部分,文章提出完善我国个人所得税制应做好哪些工作。具体措施包括:建立一个分类与综合相结合的混合税制模式,并逐步过度到综合税制模式;调整税制设置,扩大税基,减少级次,合理调整税率和扣除项目、额度;加强宣传,提高公民依法缴纳个人所得税的自觉性;提高征管质量,建立收入监控体系,做到应收尽收,促进公平。【关键词】: 个人所得税 现状分析 制度完善1994年的新税制改革,个人所得税已成为各项税种中增长最快的一种。但随着市场经济的不断发展,再结合世界各国税制发展的总趋势,我国个人所得税在时实践中暴露许问题。因此,对我国个人所得税制度进行总结分析及其制度完善等问题的研究应是十分必要。一、个人所得税的含义、由来以及意义(一)含义(二)历史由来1、西方国家个人所得税的产生和发展 2、个人所得税在我国的产生和发展(三)征收个人所得税的重要意义1、课征个人所得税有利于增加财政收人2、课征个人所得税有利于实现社会公平3、课征个人所得税有利于发挥税收对经济的“自动稳定器”功能4、课征个人所得税有利于实现社会资源的优化配置二、我国现行个人所得税的状况研究(一)个人所得税的基本情况1、个人所得税概况2、个人所得税收入结构的变化(1)由以外国人纳税为主向以国内公民纳税为主的格局转化。(2)纳税主体由高收入阶层向工薪阶层转化。3、个人所得税征收率低(二)现行个人所得税制的弊端1、分类所得税制设计不合理(1)缺乏公平性,易诱发偷、逃税款的行为产生。(2)征管效率低。(3)易产生避税现象。(4)过分依赖扣缴的征管方法,不利于提高国民的纳税意识。2、费用扣除标准过低3、税率结构复杂,税负不公4、课税范围狭窄5、尚未形成良好的征管环境(三)个人所得税流失存在的问题1、纳税意识淡薄2、征管手段不力3、利用税收政策逃税三、完善个人所得税应做好如下工作(一)建立一个分类与综合相结合的混合税制模式,并逐步过度到综合税制模式1、分类模式的优缺点2、综合模式的优缺点3、采用分类与综合相结合模式的优越性(二)调整税制设置,扩大税基,减少级次,合理调整税率和扣除项目、额度1、科学地确定起征点2、简化税制结构3、逐步拓宽税基(三)加强宣传,提高公民依法缴纳个人所得税的自觉性1、广泛利用社会舆论力量和示范影响,加强宣传2、加强对扣缴义务人、纳税人的管理、培训,规范发展税务代理中介结构(四)提高征管质量,建立收入监控体系,做到应收尽收,促进公平1、推行个人所得税自行申报制度,强化申报审核2、建立收入监控体系,加强税收监管
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