
& 我的部落格
一 日本人竟堂皇在中国内地测绘机要地形Japanese actually a stately confidential terrain mapping in China   “有一名日本人,在中国雇了一辆车,从甘肃沿秦岭一路测量过来,在宝鸡某要地被抓。  ”陕西省测绘地理信息局相关部门负责人日前说。  据了解,我省近年来已抓获美、日等国非法测绘人员多名,民众发现鬼鬼祟祟的测绘者可以报警。  外国人非法测绘屡见不鲜  据介绍,外国人对我国的非法测绘屡见不鲜,当年日本发动侵华战争前,就曾先对大半个中国进行了测绘。而不久前,有关部门还曾抓获一名日籍嫌疑人,他携带测量设备,从甘肃庆阳出发,沿秦岭一路向东测量。在此期间,为掩人耳目,他还雇佣了当地的车辆和司机,装扮成游山玩水的游人,后来因闯入宝鸡某要地被抓获。  还有一名美国人,娶了名中国女子,他利用中国女婿的身份,长期滞留中国。在他的测绘记录中,竟然把巴山分成1000米的网格进行测量,已掌握了很多数据。  目前,这些外国人已被国家有关部门处理,并被驱逐出境。  也许你会疑惑,先进的太空摄影摄像已能把地面物体拍摄得比较清晰,为什么这些国家的人还要偷偷来进行实地测量?“照片再清晰与位置在哪儿没关系,看得见不等于找得到。”上述负责人说。  这名负责人介绍,在实际测绘中,各国都有自己的坐标体系和起算点,这些都属于绝密。因此,外国人就不可能利用我国已公布的数据来计算我国境内某一目标的准确位置,只能实地测量后,用他们的测量数据和GPS对照确定位置。  发现窃取地理信息可报警  近年来,在陕西省发生的窃取地理信息的行为都带有隐蔽性,境外人员往往假借科学研究、旅游探险的形式进行,且往往与我国人员在一起,利用国人当掩护。但如果留心观察,这些人员还是能被识别。  这些窃取地理信息的人员与普通旅游者不同,他们对沿途风景不太关心,对标有军事管理区的路牌视而不见(军事管理区一般都有英文翻译),拿着类似指南针的坐标定位设备或外文版地形图,走走停停,很像在找寻某件物品。他们往往利用GPS接收机采集具有明显特征的房屋角、独立大石、独立大树等的坐标,往往将前进路径或采集的信息在地形图上标注。  手持GPS接收机是类似手机的物件,体积一般有3-5个智能手机大小,颜色单一,略显笨重,往往与地图一起使用。  希望在军事管理区附近生活的群众,能够关注陌生人员的上述行为,发现他们有采集坐标、进入军事目的地的举动时,及时向当地公安或部队举报。(人民网) (常识)地图分三种 地形图最重要  据介绍,地图分为公开出版、内部用图和地形图三种。老百姓经常能见到的挂在墙上的交通、行政区划、旅游等地图;在互联网上看到的谷歌、百度等互联网地图;车载等导航地图都是公开地图。  普通老百姓很难看到的就是地形图,它是国民经济建设的基础。此外,地形图对国防有着巨大帮助,特别是在高端武器使用中作用更为明显。  我国的地形图包括几百个要素,其中有普通地图从来不标注的高程线、坐标、地形地貌等,还有水系、道路、居民地和兴趣点等,当地形图无限放大后,相关区域内的所有信息都能看到。(华商报)Japanese actually a stately confidential terrain mapping in China "There is a Japanese in China hired a car, all the way from Gansu along the Qinling measuring over, in Baoji certain to be caught. "Recently said that Shaanxi Province Bureau of Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information relevant departments. It is understood that the province in recent years has been arrested over illegal surveying and mapping personnel United States, Japan and other countries, people can find sneaky mapping alarm. Mapping uncommon illegal aliens According to reports, mapping of illegal aliens uncommon, Japan launched a war of aggression against the year before, the first of half of China had conducted a mapping. And not long ago, Japanese authorities had also arrested a suspect, he was carrying measuring equipment, starting from Qingyang, measured along the Qinling Mountains eastward. In the meantime, in order to deceive the public, he also hired local vehicles and drivers, dressed as a sightseeing tour of the visitors, and later broke into Baoji because certain to be captured. There are an American, married name Chinese woman, he used the identity of Chinese in-law, long-term retention China. Surveying his record, even Bashan into the grid 1000 meters measured has mastered a lot of data. Currently, these foreigners have been national authorities processed and deported. You might wonder, advanced space photography has been able to shoot relatively clear ground objects, and why these countries who still secretly to conduct site surveys? "Photos and then clear the position where it does not matter, visible does not mean find." The official said. This is the name of the person in charge, in the actual mapping, countries have their own coordinate system and the starting point, these are top secret. Therefore, it is impossible to use the data of foreigners have been published to calculate the exact location of the territory of a goal after only field measurements, with their measurement data to determine the location and GPS controls. Geographic information can be found theft alarm In recent years, geographic information stealing behavior occurs both in Shaanxi Province with a hidden, often under the guise of scientific research personnel abroad, in the form of adventure tourism proceeds, and often together with our staff, using people as cover. However, if carefully observed, these people still recognized. These steal geographic information officer and general tourists different, they do not care about the scenery along the way, to ignore the signs marked with military administrative zones (military administrative zones generally have the English translation), holding a compass coordinates similar pointing device or foreign language version of the topographic map, stop and go, much like looking for an item. They often take advantage of GPS receiver acquisition coordinate housing area, separate boulders, trees and other independent has obvious characteristics, tend to forward path or collection of information marked on topographic maps. Handheld GPS receivers are similar to the phone of the object, the volume of smart phones generally have 3-5 size, color, single, slightly bulky, often used in conjunction with a map. I hope in the people living near military administrative zones, to focus on the above acts strange personnel found that they have collected coordinates destination when entering the military move, promptly report to the local police or troops. (People's Daily) The most important (and common sense) map in three topographic maps According to reports, the map is divided into published internal use charts and topographic maps of three. People often see hanging on the wall of transportation, administrative divisions, on the Internet to see Google, Baidu and other I Car navigation maps are all open maps. Ordinary people is difficult to see topographic maps, it is the foundation of national economic construction. In addition, topographic maps for the defense has a huge help, especially in the use of weapons in the high-end effect is more obvious. Our topographic map includes hundreds of factors, including general map never marked elevation lines, coordinates, topography, etc., as well as water systems, roads, residential areas and points of interest, etc., after the local chart infinite zoom, the relevant region All the information can be seen. (China Daily)
颈肩腰腿痛成为世界第二大流行病Neck and back pain to become the world's second pandemic
  快节奏、高压力以及生活方式的改变使脊柱疾病越来越普遍化和年轻化,脊柱保健知识深入民心,但行业缺乏规范。在近日主题为“健康不分国界,脊柱连接世界”的世界脊柱健康联盟第三届大会上,世界脊柱联盟国际部主席孟建华说,今后将在脊柱保健行业系统地培养脊柱维护专业人员,从身体解剖学开始到病理学,从最基本知识开始到理论实践,全方位了解人体脊柱,从而通过正确的手法进行脊柱保健维护。  脊柱病为第二大流行病  当今是一个快节奏的微时代。快节奏的生活让人们选择以车代步、减少了体力劳动,而白领们长期呆在办公室久坐不起是工作常态。尤其是电脑、手机、平板电脑等各种先进电子设备的出现一方面使人们的生活越来越便捷,另一方面是长期伏案使颈椎病患者越来越多,而且呈年轻化趋势。  世界脊柱健康联盟常务副主席、龙脊康医疗机构首席专家沈彤说,青少年的脊椎疾病如今是很普遍的,国外的调查数据统计显示孩子书包的重量不应超过体重的10%,否则会对孩子的脊椎造成成倍的损伤,但与此对应的是,2013年一项在国内几家小学的调查显示,小学生的书包重量平均超过他们体重的18.5%,大大超出了正常标准。  世界脊柱健康联盟第三届大会主席、荔港国医馆馆长袁建强介绍到,近年来,由于现代人的工作和生活方式的改变,脊柱疾病正呈现逐年增多并逐渐年轻化的趋势,颈肩腰腿痛已经成为世界上除感冒以外的第二大流行病。因此,在脊柱健康问题越来越多地困扰着现代人们的生活,关注人们的脊柱健康,注重日常的脊柱保健,刻不容缓。  专业医生、技术人员缺乏  世界脊柱健康联盟第三届大会联办单位广东省保健协会执行会长张寿生提到,在脊柱保健工作方面,人们真正得到脊椎保健服务的比例较低,尤其是农村地区更是如此。  沈彤表示,脊椎病人四处求医、多方法治疗,有的通过针灸,有的通过按摩,有的去疼痛科求助,有的去找骨科医生,有些说要做手术,有些说千万不要做手术,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。如今治疗脊椎病多数通过手术或者吃止痛药或者锻炼治疗,但是真正专业的脊椎医生并不多,国外很多国家专门设立了诊治脊椎专科医生,以治疗脊椎关节错位和复位为原则,如美国有18所脊椎学院,7万个职业脊椎神经医生。  另外,世界脊柱健康联盟主席陈忠良表示,世脊联倾向于脊柱保健方面,预防脊柱病而非事后治疗,如在一些手法上不建议扭动病人的腰椎或颈椎,通过揉诊等方式也可达到保健和预防的作用。(李劼 韩泳诗) Changes in the fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle and more generalized disease of the spine and younger, spine care knowledge by the public, but the lack of industry norms. In a recent theme of "health knows no boundaries, spine connecting the world" Third World Spine Health Alliance Conference, the International Department of the President of the World Alliance Meng Jianhua spine, said the future will systematically train maintenance spine in spine care industry professionals, from anatomy body began to pathology, from the beginning to the most basic knowledge of theory and practice, comprehensive understanding of the human spine, which by the way were correct spinal health maintenance. Spine disease is the second pandemic Today is a fast-paced micro era. Fast-paced life to let people choose cars, reducing manual labor, while white-collar workers who can not afford long-term stay in the office sedentary work norm. In particular, there is a variety of computers, mobile phones, tablet computers and other advanced electronic equipment on the one hand to make people's lives more convenient, on the other hand is a long desk so that more and more patients with cervical, and were getting younger and younger. World Spine Health Alliance Executive Vice President, Chief Expert medical institutions Dragon Kang Shen Tong said the young spine disease is very common now, survey data statistics show that foreign children schoolbag weight should not exceed 10% of body weight, or would child's spine causing damage exponentially, but this corresponds to that in 2013 an elementary school in several national surveys show that the average weight of schoolbags pupils over 18.5% of their body weight, far beyond the normal standards. Third President of the World Spine Health Alliance Conference, Lai Port State Medical curator Yuan Jianqiang introduced to in recent years, due to changes in modern work and lifestyle, spinal disease is showing increasing year by year and gradually dropping, neck waist leg pain has become the world except the second pandemic flu. Thus, in the spinal health problems plaguing more and more modern people's lives, people's attention spinal health, focusing on the daily spine care, urgent. Medical professionals, technical personnel lack Lower spine Health Alliance Third World Conference Liaison Unit Guangdong Province Health Care Association executive president Zhang Shousheng mentioned in the spine care work, people really get the proportion of spine care services, especially in rural areas especially. Shen Tong, said four patients spine doctor, multi-method treatment, some through acupuncture, massage and some through some pain to families for help, and some went to orthopedic surgeons, some said to surgery, and some say do not do surgery, say, today. Today, the majority of spinal disease treatment through surgery or painkillers or exercise therapy, but really are not many professional spine physicians, many foreign countries set up special diagnosis and treatment of spine specialists to treat spinal joint dislocation and reset to principles such as the United States, 18 the spine Institute, 70000 occupational spinal nerve doctor. In addition, the President of the World Spine Health Alliance Chen Zhongliang said the World Alliance inclined ridge spine care, preventive treatment of spinal disease rather than afterwards, as in some way not recommended for patients with lumbar or cervical spine twisting, rubbing diagnosed by other means can also be to the role of health care and prevention. (Li Jie Han Yong poem)
美前州长夫妇涉腐16万余美元获罪(图片)Former Gov. couple of $ 16million related rot felon (pictures) 麦克唐纳在任州长期间,夫妇俩出席活动照片。当地时间4日,麦克唐纳走出法庭被媒体记者包围。  美国一个联邦陪审团4日作出裁决,认定弗吉尼亚州前州长罗伯特·麦克唐纳及妻子所受腐败指控成立。麦克唐纳是共和党曾经的政治新星,一度被视作2016年总统选举潜在竞选者之一,如今却成为弗州历史上第一位遭刑事指控并获罪的州长,其政治生涯的戏剧性转折在美国政界引起不小震动。  罪名  收取贿赂涉及金额16.5万美元  检方指认,麦克唐纳及夫人涉嫌从当地一家保健产品制造公司的总裁琼尼·威廉姆斯手中收取各种贿赂,包括名牌衣物、劳力士手表、高尔夫用品等贵重礼物以及豪华旅游、大笔贷款等,涉及金额超过16.5万美元。  根据威廉姆斯的证词,接受这些“礼物”后,麦克唐纳夫妇多次出席这家公司的推广活动,甚至在州长官邸举办过一次公司产品发布会。麦克唐纳还安排威廉姆斯与州卫生部门官员会面,帮助后者寻求卫生部门对产品的支持。  今年1月,一个联邦大陪审团决定正式起诉麦克唐纳夫妇,指控包括诈骗、妨碍调查、凭借公职获取财物等刑事罪名。据悉,距离麦克唐纳州长任期结束仅仅10天。  面临各界质疑后,麦克唐纳为自己和威廉姆斯之间的来往向公众道歉,但坚称所收取的属于“合法礼物”,且已悉数归还,而自己并未滥用职权非法向威廉姆斯提供任何好处,所做的只是惯例性质的“政治礼节”。  判决  夫妇俩获罪低头落泪  根据联邦陪审团4日的裁决,麦克唐纳所受13项腐败相关指控中,欺诈、借职务之便获取财产等11项罪名成立。夫人莫林·麦克唐纳13项指控中,妨碍司法公正、欺诈等9项罪名成立。  据报道当法庭书记员陆续宣读出每位陪审团的“有罪”裁决时,麦克唐纳夫妇都低头流下眼泪。  麦克唐纳还有上诉机会,而一旦上诉遭驳回,麦克唐纳夫妇可能最终面临最高20年的牢狱之灾。  据新华社  又讯 弗吉尼亚州联邦法院将于明年1月举行量刑听证会。(宗和)  ■ 审理  州长律师辩称:夫人与贿赂方有“私情”  《华盛顿邮报》称审判过程好像一场肥皂剧。  案件审理期间,曾经“婚姻幸福、事业得意”、膝下有5个孩子的麦克唐纳夫妇被揭开“丑陋一面”。麦克唐纳的律师辩称,莫林·麦克唐纳才是与威廉姆斯“幕后交易”的主使,前州长忙于各种政务,对这些交易不知情;此外,麦克唐纳夫妇感情不睦多年,妻子长期被丈夫“忽视”并对此感到愤怒,转而对威廉姆斯暗生情愫,所以夫妇二人不可能合谋进行幕后交易。证据显示,威廉姆斯曾经将自己昂贵的法拉利借与州长,并支付莫林2万美元在纽约疯狂购物。  但检察官向法庭提交的证据显示,麦克唐纳夫妇感情很好,曾在22个月内进行18次旅行,早已经把威廉姆斯当成“提款机”,比如罗伯特·麦克唐纳曾向威廉姆斯发送语音留言,向其“借2万美元”,威廉姆斯在数分钟内就回复说“办妥了”。(宗和)  ■ 人物从总统潜力股到重罪犯
2012年总统选举中,米特·罗姆尼作为共和党总统候选人与现任总统贝拉克·奥巴马角逐总统宝座,麦克唐纳一度被视作共和党副总统候选人热门人选。  麦克唐纳出任州长期间民望颇高,甚至被视作角逐2016年总统竞选的潜在人选之一,如今却由眼望权力巅峰之人沦为阶下囚。
又讯 这一判决意味着,麦克唐纳不仅是弗吉尼亚州历史上首位被指控犯罪的州长,同时也是首位被因此而定罪的州长。一头银发的麦克唐纳走出法庭时,现场仍有他的女性支持者向他大喊“我们依然爱你。”而这位颇有人气的前州长如今是一名重罪犯。(宗和)
前州长被人们选出来为民众服务,但是他的腐败行为背叛了他们。今天的判决传递一个这样的信息,任何形式、任何政治层面的腐败,都不被容忍。——司法部刑事司助理检察长莱斯利·考德威尔转(新京报)McDonald During the governor, the couple attended the event photos. Local time on the 4th, MacDonald out of court surrounded by media reporters. A federal jury on the 4th U.S. ruling, found the former governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell and his wife suffered corruption charges established. MacDonald is a former Republican political star, was once regarded as one of the potential candidates in 2016 presidential elections, but now it has become history as the first Virginia was convicted of criminal charges and the governor, a dramatic turning point in his political career American politicians caused no small vibration. Charges Involving an amount of $ 165,000 bribes Prosecutors identified, Mike Ms. Tang Naji allegedly collected bribes from a variety of hands Jonny Williams, president of a local health care products manufacturing company, including the brand-name clothes, Rolex watches, golf equipment and other precious gifts and luxury travel, large loans etc., involving an amount of more than 165,000 U.S. dollars. According to Williams' testimony, after receiving these "gifts", Macdonald couple has attended the company's promotional activities, even in the Governor's Mansion, the company held a product launch. McDonald Williams also arranged a meeting with state health officials, health departments to help the latter to seek support for the product. January of this year, a federal grand jury formally charged MacDonald couple, including allegations of fraud, prejudice the investigation, by virtue of public property and other criminal offenses to obtain. It is learned from McDonnell governor term ends just 10 days. After facing all sectors questioned MacDonald for traveling between himself and Williams apologized, but insisted the charges are "legitimate gift", and has fully returned, but he did not abuse illegal to Williams provide any benefits did was customary nature of the "political etiquette." Judgment The couple was convicted bow to tears According to a federal jury's verdict on the 4th, MacDonald suffered 13 corruption-related allegations, fraud, obtaining property by his position, such as 11 convicted. Mrs. Maureen MacDonald 13 allegations, obstruction of justice, fraud and other nine charges. It is reported that when the court clerk when another jury read out each "guilty" verdict, MacDonald couples bow tears. There Macdonald opportunity to appeal, but once the appeal is dismissed, MacDonald couples may eventually face up to 20 years in prison. According to Xinhua News Agency Another hearing Virginia federal court sentencing hearing will be held next year in January. (Cases and) ■ trial Gov. lawyers argued that: Lady with bribery side has "affair" "Washington Post" said that the trial seems a soap opera. During the case hearing, was "happy marriage, career proud," the knee had five kids Macdonald couple were opened "ugly side." MacDonald's lawyer argued that Maureen MacDonald and Williams is "behind the scenes" of dictates, former governor busy with a variety of government, without the knowledge o addition, feelings of discord Macdonald couple years. husband, wife have long been "neglected" and feel angry, turn right Williams seduces the dark, so the couple could not conspiracy behind the deal. Evidence shows that Williams had borrowed his expensive Ferrari and the governor, and pay $ 20,000 shopping spree Moline in New York. But the evidence submitted to the court the prosecutor showed Macdonald couple very good relationship, has conducted 18 trips within 22 months, had already put Williams as a "cash machine", such as Robert MacDonald had Williams send a voice message, their "borrowed $ 20,000," Williams replied within minutes, "completed the." (Cases and) ■ People Potential shares from the president to felon
MacDonald, aged 60, from 2006 to 2009 served as Attorney General of Virginia, subsequently raising the employment rate to revive the economy as policy advocates to run for governor, to be successful. During his tenure, McDonald let the state's unemployment rate fell to 5.2 percent from 7.4 percent.
2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney as the Republican presidential candidate and incumbent President Barack Obama compete for the presidency, McDonald was once seen as the Republican vice presidential candidate candidate. MacDonald served as governor during the high popularity even be regarded as one of the potential candidates competing for the presidential campaign of 2016, but now the pinnacle of power by watching people prisoner.
When the end of his term in January 2014, McDonald's support rate still reached 55%. Virginia due to legal restrictions, MacDonald could not re-elected governor, he was regarded as outside the Republican "rising stars." Although there Macdonald chance to appeal but has been declared the end of his political career. According to Xinhua News Agency
Another hearing the verdict means that MacDonald was the first to be accused of not only the governor of Virginia criminal history, but also the first to be thus convicted governor. When a silver-haired McDonald leave the court scene is still his female supporters shouted to him, "We still love you." And quite popular former governor who is now a felon. (Cases and)
Former governor elected by the people for the people by the service, but his corrupt behavior betrayed them. Today's decision to pass a such information, in any form by any political level corruption, do not be tolerated. - Department of Justice Criminal Division Assistant Attorney Leslie Caldwell Turn (Beijing News)
我们的道德究竟去了哪里?Our moral exactly gone? 北京大学教授何怀宏认为道德仍在人心中,只是由于现实氛围或制度的限制,没有找到合适的表现渠道。“我们的道德究竟去了哪里”?提出这样的问题,言外之意是不是说今天的社会已经失去了道德?我们觉得现今的道德情况确实不容乐观,有时可能还会相当悲观,比如日常看到的一些新闻事件,不断有各种各样匪夷所思的情节发生。如果把伦理分成两个层次,一方面是制度层面,一方面是个人层面,那么,制度层面的道德问题更多。有时我们经常对社会的很多现象不满,但是仔细想一想,又会觉得日常交往的熟人或者亲友都还不错,挺好的。如果某人犯了什么案,周围的人可能还会认为这人平时口碑还可以,看着挺老实。为什么会这样?除了有私德和公德之分,同时也可能有些人本身并不是坏人,而是因为处在某种权力地位上,或者某种诱惑中,才做了不正当的事情。我们的道德究竟去了哪里?虽然现实问题很多,也不单是权力的腐败相当触目惊心,但是,我不相信中国现在的道德就崩溃了,或者说中国人从本性上就是不好的。道德哪里去了?其实还在人心中。比如广东佛山小悦悦事件,很多人路过却没人救助,表现很冷漠,大家都感到很震惊;另外一方面,这件事情又引起轩然大波,冷漠的人受到很多批评,后来有媒体去采访那些当时路过不管的人,绝大部分人说下次再遇到这样的情况一定会做点什么。有时我们实际上是处于一个天平中,也就是一种处境、氛围,向哪边倾斜,带有某种偶然性。比如一个人在大街上掉落几万块钱,路过的第一个人怎么做很重要,如果他开始抢洒落的钱,可能后面的人也跟着抢;如果第一个人帮忙捡钱,后面的人也可能同样会帮忙。人们的恻隐之心,或者说正义感,还是存在的,只是因为各种原因有时可能比较微弱,或者没有得到合适的表现渠道。如果法律不支持见义勇为的人,就可能会压制人们的善意,但这些善意是在人心里的,而且在大多数人中普遍存在。我举一个很极端的例子,有一个人跑到幼儿园,强奸并杀死一位老师,打死一个孩子,而在此之前他已经杀死好几个人,对自己已经绝望,最后怎么判刑他都无所谓。就是这么一个人,在幼儿园掐死第一个孩子后,又去掐第二个孩子的脖子,掐到一半他没有再继续下去,后来他说自己当时心软了。其实,现场没有任何人能制止他,他完全可以把第二个孩子掐死,但就是这么一个人也能产生恻隐之心。所以,如果能够追溯过往,他的善意也许能够被开发出来,不至于走向犯罪。孟子说人皆有恻隐之心,我们还是应该相信,相信有善意,相信有道德。一些纲常或者说是天经地义的内容,比如不要做杀人等伤天害理的事,就在人们心里。人们不是没有善意,但为什么善意不能变成善行?甚至你做了一件善事,可能还会觉得有点惭愧,害怕自己被孤立,比如有些官员认为不收贿赂,自己会被孤立,如果官场形成这样的风气,个人可能就很难抵抗,因此,善意能否变成善行,与氛围和制度的制约有关。一个正常的健康的社会,能够用各种手段把人的善意刺激出来。什么是道德?道德能够引发别人的善行,能够感动别人,这是从人与人的关系来界定的。传统道德与革命道德道德的发展在中国有一个转变的过程。在井冈山时期,确实是相当平等,朱德作为最高军事首长,和士兵一起下山挑粮,虽然有理念的问题,也有客观上的策略问题,但大家能够同甘共苦。到了延安时期,一方面仍相当平等,而另一方面也出现一些变化,当时一般的干部只有周末才能夫妻团聚,其他时间都要住在集体宿舍,但是领袖可以不受此限。因此,干部与普通人之间已经开始出现差异,这种差异使得抱着满腔民主平等理想到延安的人感到很失望。当然,平等的观念已经不胫而走,深入人心。到文革时期,所谓革命道德所导致的问题就是对不同的人有不同要求,倡导者自己往往并不去实践他所倡导的道德,而是要求大家去做,要求社会去做,自己却做不到。这就带来两个方面的问题:第一,人们认为倡导者是不诚实的,或者倡导者认为自己可以是一个例外;第二,对于被要求者来说,他们也就失去了道德主体的资格,因为这是别人要求他们做的,道德就变味了。就道德而言,自己想要做的和别人要求你做的是完全不一样的。也许这一点在上世纪50年代还不那么明显,但到60年代就明显了,也就是说道德失去主体性,倡导者也失去了真正言行一致的诚信。这也就涉及到百年传统和千年传统的比较,百年道德传统和千年道德传统有类似的地方。从道德形态来说,古代的千年道德传统是一种高档的道德,我不用“高调”一词,高调有时会显得是一种批评,是否定性的,高档就是倡导向圣贤看齐,是一种君子道德。而革命道德与君子道德也有类似之处,倡导大公无私,无私奉献,也属于一种高档的道德。现在批评专制为什么往往追溯到古代?有些内容其实可以从儒家或者从古代专制中找到根源,因为两种道德有类似的地方。但是,百年道德传统和千年道德传统又有不一样的地方。千年道德传统讲究公开的等级制,不仅社会等级公开,道德等级也是公开的,道德两分,尊崇君子,对君子的道德要求比一般人高得多,高标准,严要求。他们要精通儒家之学,通过科举考试做官,认为自己处于上层就理应在社会上起示范作用。比如在清朝民众去嫖娼政府不管,而官员去嫖一定要管,是不允许的,对民众和对官员的要求不一样。革命道德有平等的观念介入其中,表面上不是等级制,要求社会所有人都应该遵循同样的道德,做不到的人就会从肉体上或者精神上被批斗。虽然革命道德倡导所有人都应该无私奉献,但是后来慢慢演变成一种隐蔽的等级制,而且它不是像过去传统那样“上严下宽”,而是变成“上宽下严”。在柏拉图的《理想国》中,斯巴达人有某种共产主义制度,而共产的是上层少数人,他们不允许有私有财产,但是有权位,也有声名,能得到社会尊重。斯巴达人的武士也掌握着国家权力,但是绝对不能有自己的财产,这是一种机制。在传统社会,贵族行为理应高尚,有高标准和严要求,但到革命道德时期,面向所有人的平等要求最终变成倡导者要求大众实践道德,而自己可以例外。尤其突出的一个问题就是如何对待君主和最高领导者,三纲中有“君为臣纲”,随着君主制被推翻,好像最早破除的也是“君为臣纲”,但实际上最难废除的恰是“君为臣纲”。文革时期领袖对全社会的控制力,以及领袖的威望是不得了的,甚至古代皇帝也不可比拟。过去天高皇帝远,民众有很多空间,而到了权钱社会,民众的空间变得很小。虽然从形态上看,千年道德和革命道德好像都是很高档的道德,但是又很不一样。近代以来,革命道德对道德本身的伤害是很大的,比如提倡六亲不认等,这应该是对千年纲常的最大破坏。现在很多人忏悔,甚至红卫兵也在忏悔文革时期自己的行为。所以,我讲“新纲常”,实际就是要和传统的千年道德,也和近代的高档伦理做出区分,也是要区分高档的道德和基本的底线道德。当然,这可能不单是中国的问题,甚至是世界性难题,因为过去的纲常是与信仰结合在一起,比如儒家信仰,老百姓认为做了伤天害理的事,会遭到天打五雷轰,而现在道德不容易与某一种信仰联系起来,整个世界都在脱魅。所以,我提出了“新信仰”,采取多元的方式建构一种超越存在的信仰,可能是伊斯兰教方式,也可能是基督教的方式,也可能是佛教的方式,甚至就是一种朴素的自然观,或者只是冥冥中有一种敬畏却不知道敬畏什么,总之,还是需要有信仰的支持。现代伦理是面对所有人的,而且对所有人有平等的要求,都要遵守,精英不能例外,领袖也不应例外。精英不例外,从传统角度来看反而是降低了对他们的要求,传统对精英的要求比对一般人的要求要高。原来有强大的社会压力,你处在更高的地位,就应该承担更多的责任,包含一种自我要求。现代社会应该是客观化的,谁进入这一职位,相应要承担更大责任,属于一种职业伦理。何怀宏,北京大学哲学系教授,伦理学教研室主任,博士生导师。著有《良心论──传统良知的社会转化》。
皮特朱莉婚纱照售500万美元 捐赠(图)Pitt Jolie wedding sell $ 5 million donation (Figure) 腾讯娱乐讯(文/嘟嘟) 好莱坞明星情侣布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)和安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)上个月在法国秘密结婚,同时两人也将婚纱照出售给了《People》和《Hello!》两家杂志,据悉这两家杂志支付的报酬总额达到了500万美元(约3000万人民币),不过朱莉和皮特不会将这笔钱装入个人钱袋,而是会捐给公益事业。朱莉和皮特唯美婚纱照曝光,一家八口均出镜。LOS ANGELES (text / toot) Hollywood star couple Brad Pitt (Brad Pitt) and Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) secretly married last month in France, but they also will be sold to the wedding "People" and "Hello! "Both the magazine, it is learned that the two magazine paid total compensation reached $ 5 million (about 30 million yuan), but Jolie and Pitt are not the money into the personal pocketbook, but will be donated to the public welfare . Jolie and Pitt aesthetic wedding exposure, an eight were photographed.
[SIZE 3]揭开善因善果报应的千古之谜!Uncover the mystery of goodness and good fruit for eternal retribution! 美国40所大学100多项研究:揭开善因善果报应的千古之谜!三世因果,六道轮回,本是佛教理论  现代的实证科学很讲究依据,当有了大量的科学依据时,人们才会承认和认识某种事物。所以,致使很多久远时期留下的传统,因为科学探索手段的局限,而一再在人类受到排挤和异议,善恶有报就是其中一例。  尽管千百年来,善恶有报一直以口耳相传的形式,在民间广泛流传。即使很多的书籍,比如《集福消灾之道》,《因话录》等记载了大量翔实的实例,可以证明善恶有报的真实性,但中间的过程如何运作,却难以使人们接受和理解。毕竟,谁也看不见过程的转化关系,只能单纯的看到报应的结果。  美国凯斯西储大学生命伦理学教授史蒂芬?波斯特和小说家吉尔?奈马克从现代科学和医学的角度出发,对人的种种善行,在“付出”与“回报”之间究竟能产生什么样的关系进行了深度的研究。  研究人员制定了一个详细的测量表,并长期追踪一些乐于付出的人,分门别类的对每一种“付出”带来的“回报”进行物理统计和生理分析,从而揭示了“付出”产生的“医疗作用”和“快乐指数”:“宅心仁厚、乐善好施”的人,这些善行确实对自身心理和身体健康产生巨大而深远的影响: 其自身的社会能力、判断能力、正面情绪以及心态等都会全面提升。哪怕对别人一个会心的微笑,传递一个友好的幽默的表情,这些简单的行为,都会引起唾液中的免疫球蛋白浓度增加。  在他们综合了四十多所美国主要大学一百多项研究成果后,并结合长期追踪的实验报告显示的数据,他们得出了令人惊讶的消息:人们善良的行为,比如赞美、宽恕、勇气、幽默、尊重、同情、忠诚等等,这些行为的付出显示:“付出与回报之间存在着神奇的能量转换秘密,即一个人在付出的同时,回报的能量正通过各种形式向此人返还,只不过在大多数情况下,自己浑然不知……”  科学家在神经化学领域的研究中也发现这样一种现象:当人心怀善念、积极思考时,人体内会分泌出令细胞健康的神经传导物质,免疫细胞也变的活跃,人就不容易生病,正念常存,人的免疫系统就强健;而当心存恶意、负面思考时,走的是相反的神经系统:即负向系统被激发启动,而正向系统被抑制住,身体机能的良性循环会被破坏。  事实上,中国古代的医学巨著《黄帝内经》中就讲到:“静则神藏,燥则消亡”。静,是指人的精神、情志保持在淡泊宁静的状态,神气清静而无杂念,可达到真气内存、心神平安的目的。其实,静的意义很广泛,不是单纯的静止不动,而是人的思想和行为,在受到外因的冲撞时,能有豁达的心胸去包容,去体谅,而不是马上进入热战状态,唇枪舌剑一番。现代的科学研究表明,人在入静后,大脑可以回复到儿童时代的脑电波状态,使得衰老暂时得到“逆转”。  美国有份杂志曾经发表过一篇题为《坏心情产生毒素》的研究报告,报告中称:“在心理实验室中的试验显示,我们人类的恶念,能引起生理上的化学物质变化,在血液中产生一种毒素。当人在正常心态下向一个冰杯内吐气时,凝附着的是一种无色透明的物质;而当人处在怨恨、暴怒、恐怖、嫉妒的心情下,凝聚起的物体便分别显现出不同的颜色,通过化学分析得知,人的负面思想会使人的体液内产生毒素。”美国耶鲁大学和加州大学也曾合作研究了“社会关系如何影响人的死亡率”课题,工作者随机抽取了7000人进行了长达9年的跟踪调查,统计研究发现, 乐于助人且与他人相处融洽的人,其健康状况和预期寿命明显优于常怀恶意、心胸狭隘、损人利己的人,而后者的死亡率比正常人高出1.5到2倍。在不同种族、 阶层、健身习惯的人群中,都得出了相同的结论。 从这些科学研究来看,善恶有报已经超越了有神论所倡导的生命价值取向,而是整个人类在此基础上发展和生存的规律。这些科学研究也从侧面证实了,古人对善恶有报的信,并不是思想的封闭和愚见,而是那个时代,很大一个群体对待生命的根本看法。  对善恶有报的信,也正说明人的思想是开阔的,开明的。心态的开放传达着生命对未知事物保持的谦卑。因为信的本身,就是一种开放的态度,所以不会随意的用极端的思想,去封闭自己的出路,思想境界也很容易摆脱恶念的禁锢,开明的思想产生的效应,自然的能够感应天地之间的和谐。也正如医学古籍中讲的“正气存内,邪不可干”,生命自然健康,自然福寿。40 United States more than 100 research universities: uncover the mystery of goodness and good fruit for eternal retribution! III causality, six reincarnation, this is the Buddhist theory Modern empirical science is very particular about the basis, when there a lot of scientific evidence, people will recognize and know certain things. So, resulting in a long period left many traditions, because the limitations of scientific exploration methods, and repeatedly subjected to exclusion and objection in humans, is an example of good and evil has been reported. Despite thousands of years, good and evil have been reported in the form of word of mouth, in folk widespread. Even though many of the books, such as "set blessing misfortunes of the Road," "because the words" and other records of the large number of detailed examples, can prove the authenticity of good and evil has been reported, but the middle of the process of how it works, but it is difficult to make people accept and understanding. After all, who can not see the process of transformation of the relationship, only to see the results of a simple retribution. Bioethics professor at Case Western Reserve University, USA Stephen? Post and novelist Jill? 奈马克 from the perspective of modern science and medicine point of view, all the good deeds of people, between "paid" and "return" what can actually produce the relationship between the depth of the sample studied. The researchers developed a detailed measurement tables and some willing to pay for long-term tracking of people, different categories for each "pay" to bring the "return" in statistical physics and physiological analysis, which reveals the "pay" resulting "medical role "and" happiness index ":" a good heart, generosity "of the people, these good deeds indeed have a huge and far-reaching effects on their mental and physical health: their own social skills, judgment, positive emotions and state of mind, and this will comprehensive manner. Even for someone a knowing smile, passing a friendly humorous expression, these simple acts will cause salivary immunoglobulin concentration. In their comprehensive research achievements hundred more than forty major American university, and combining the experimental data reported long-term follow show, they come to a surprising news: People kind of behavior, such as praise, forgiveness, courage, humor, respect, compassion, loyalty, etc., to pay these behaviors show: "exists between effort and reward magical energy conversion secret, that a person pay, while positive returns through various forms of energy to this people return, but in most cases, their unaware ...... "Scientists in the field of neurochemistry research also found that such a phenomenon: When people harbor good thoughts, positive thinking, the human body make healthy cells secrete neurotransmitters, immune cells become active, people do not easily get sick , mindfulness always keep the human
feel when malicious, negative thinking, walking is the opposite of the nervous system: the negative to the system is excited to start, and forward system is suppressed, healthy bodily functions cycle will be broken. In fact, the ancient Chinese medical masterpiece "Yellow Emperor" talked about: "quiet possession of the gods, dry the demise." Jing refers to the spiritual, emotional state kept quiet indifferent, air quiet without distractions, can reach infuriating memory, mind peaceful purposes. In fact, very broad sense of quiet, not a simple stationary, but the person's thinking and behavior when subjected to external cause of the collision, to have open mind to embrace, to understand, rather than immediately into hot war status, a war of words fan. Modern scientific research shows that people in the meditation, the brain can revert to childhood brain wave state, making the aging temporarily "reverse." United States have taken the magazine has published an article entitled "bad mood produce toxins," the research report said: "In the psychology lab tests show that our human evil, can cause chemical changes in physiology, in produce a toxin to the blood when a person breathes in a cup of ice in a normal state of mind, condensate attached is a colorless
and when the people in resentment, rage, terror, feelings of jealousy, cohesion since the objects they were showing a different color, by chemical analysis showed that produce toxins within the human body fluids will make people negative thoughts. "Yale University and the University of California has cooperative research "how social relationships affect people's mortality" project, a random sample of 7,000 workers for as long as nine years of follow-up survey, statistical studies found helpful and get along with others rapport, their health status and life expectancy significantly better than Huaikang malicious, narrow-minded, selfish people, and 1.5 to 2 times higher than normal mortality rate of the latter. In different races, classes, fitness habits of the population, have come to the same conclusion. From the scientific point of view, has gone beyond good and evil has been reported theism advocated life values, but the entire human development and survival of the law on this basis. The research also confirmed from the side, the ancients believed to have reported good and evil, not closed and humble thought, but that era, a great view of a group to treat the root of life. Reported on a letter of good and evil, also illustrates the human mind is open, enlightened. An open mind to convey the life of the unknown maintain humility. Because of the letter itself, is a kind of open-minded, so do not use extreme random thoughts, to close their way out, the ideological realm is also very easy to get rid of evil imprisonment, the effect produced by enlightened thinking, able to sense the natural world harmony between. As in ancient medicine also speak of "righteousness, evil can not do", life natural health, natural longevity.
生命的同行者In your life at the same time with you walk together不久以前,我读了一本书。书中把人生比作一次旅行。人生一世,就好比是一次搭车旅行,要经历无数次上下车,时常有事故发生;有时是意外惊喜,有时却是刻骨铭心的悲伤。降生人世,我们就坐上了生命列车。我们以为我们最先见到的那两个人——我们的父母,会在人生旅途中一直陪伴着我们。很遗憾,事实并非如此。他们会在某个车站下车,留下我们,孤独无助。他们的爱,他们的情,他们不可替代的陪伴,再也无从寻找。尽管如此,还有会其它的人上车。他们当中的一些人将对我们有着特殊的意义。他们之中有我们的兄弟姐妹,有我们的亲朋好友。我们还将会体验千古不朽的爱情故事。坐同一班车的人当中,有的轻松旅行。有得却带着深深的悲哀。还有的在列车上四处奔忙,随时准备帮助有需要的人。很多人下车后,其它旅客对他们的回忆历久弥新。但是,也有些人,当他们离开座位时,却没有人察觉。有时候,对你来说情深义重的侣伴却坐到了另一节车厢。你只得远离她,继续你的旅程。当然,在旅途中,你也可以摇摇晃晃地穿过自己的车厢,去别的车厢找她。可惜,你再也无法坐在她身旁,因为那个位置已经让别人给占了。没关系,旅途中充满着挑战、梦想、希望、离别。就是不能回头。善待旅途上遇见的所有旅客,找出人们身上的闪光点。永远记住,在某一段旅程中,有人会犹豫彷徨,因为我们自己也经常会犹豫不决。我们要理解他们,因为我们也需要他人的理解。生命之谜就是:我们在什么地方下车?坐在身旁的伴侣在什么地方下车?我们的朋友在什么地方下车?我们无从知晓。我时常会这样想:到我该下车的时候,我会留恋吗?我想我还是会的。和我的朋友分离,我会痛苦。让我的孩子孤独的前行,我会悲伤。我执著地希望我们大家都要到达的那个终点,我们还会相聚。我的孩子上车时没有什么行李,如果我能在他们的行囊中留下美好的回忆,我会感到幸福。我下车后,和我同行的绿豆都还能记得我,想念我,我将感到欣慰。
献给你,我生命列车上的同行者祝你 旅途愉快Not long ago, I read a book. The book of life compared to a trip. Our lives, is like a ride to travel, to go through to get off countless times,
sometimes surprises, sometimes sad but it is unforgettable. Born into the world, we got on the train of life. We thought we were the first to see that two people - our parents, in life's journey has been accompanied us. Unfortunately, it is not. They will be at a bus stop, leaving us helpless. Their love, their love, their irreplaceable companionship, no longer impossible to find. Nevertheless, there will be other people on the bus. Some of them we will have a special significance. Among them are our brothers and sisters, have our friends and family. We also will experience the immortal love story. Among those who ride the same bus, and some easy travel. Something but with deep sorrow. There's buzz on the train, ready to help people in need. Many people get off other passengers on their memories timeless. However, some people, when they leave their seats, but no one noticed. Sometimes Wife meaning heavy for you, but sat down with the companion of another carriage. You had to stay away from her, and continue your journey. Of course, on the road, you can also staggered through his car, go somewhere else to find her car. Unfortunately, you can no longer sit beside her, because that position has allowed others to account. It does not matter, the road is full of challenges, dreams, hopes, parting. That they can not turn back. Treat all travelers met on the journey to find people who shines. Always remember, in one trip, someone will hesitations, because we ourselves are often hesitant. We want to understand them, because we also need to understand others. The mystery of life is this: Where we get off? Sitting beside companion where to get off? Our friends at any place to get off? We do not know. I often think: To when I get off, I would nostalgia it? I think I will. And my friends apart, I feel the pain. Let my kids alone before the trip, I will sad. I am dedicated to the hope that we have reached the end, we will get together. My child is no baggage car, if I could leave good memories in their luggage, I will feel happy. After I get off, and my fellow green beans are also remember me, miss me, I will feel gratified.
Dedicated to you, fellow travelers on the train of my life I wish you Pleasant journey
【搞笑大师】习近平与奥巴马精彩对话[Humorist] Xi Jinping dialogue with Obama 奥巴马:主席先生,我观察到你们情侣过七夕,就是请对方吃饭。我看过你们《舌尖上的中国》节目,我发现中华文化虽然博大精深,但根本其实就是"吃"的文化。
奥巴马:你看,你们那里工作岗位叫饭碗,谋生叫糊口,过日子叫混饭吃,混得好叫吃得开,受人羡慕叫吃得香,得到照顾叫吃小灶,花积蓄叫吃老本,女人漂亮叫秀色可餐,占女人便宜叫吃豆腐,靠长辈生活的人叫啃老族,男人老花女人的钱叫吃软饭,干活过多叫吃不消,被人伤害叫吃亏,吃亏不敢声张叫哑巴吃黄连,男女嫉妒叫吃醋 ,下定决心叫王八吃秤砣,不听劝告叫 软硬不吃,办事不力叫吃干饭,办事收不了场叫吃不了兜着走……
奥巴马一听,当即晕倒!醒来后习主席语重心长地说:总统先生,对中美新型大国关系的重要性,我们一定要吃深吃透。这方面我们两国都没有老本可吃。世界的游戏规则就是大鱼吃小鱼,但现在冷战思维已不吃香,合作共赢才能吃得开。只要中美两国强强联手,一定能赢者通吃。有些人喜好吃里扒外,吃破坏中美关系这碗饭,跟我们争风吃醋,让我们吃了不少苦头,建设战略伙伴关系更加吃力。我们一定要吃一堑长一智,不能再让他们吃着碗里看着锅里,也好让全世界吃颗定心丸。总统先生,对这些见解您还有什么吃不准的? 如果没有,我很愿意跟您在这个庄园里共进晚餐!
骆家辉在旁边忍不住提醒:总统先生,习主席最后这句话是要您请他吃一顿!Obama: Mr. President, I observed that you had a couple Tanabata, is to ask each other for dinner. I've seen you, "Chinese tongue" program, I found that although the profound Chinese culture, but the fundamental fact is that "eat" culture.
Xi Jinping: Mr. President, how could one say?
Obama: You see, you have to work there called jobs, livelihood called life, live call bread, Hunde Hao called popular, envied by people called eat incense, get special treatment care called to eat and spend the savings called rest on our laurels, beautiful woman called eye candy, representing a woman called cheap eat tofu, people living by the elders called Neet, the old man took the woman's money is called eat soft food, too much work too called, was hurt call suffer, suffer Buganshengzhang called dumb eat berberine, called jealous jealous men, determined to eat weights called bastard, do not listen to advice called soft and hard to eat, eat cooked rice called incompetence, work can not close games called steal sheep ......
Xi President interrupted him: we should discuss Sino-US relations from a strategic perspective, how do you say these silly things, is not enough support did nothing?
Obama one, immediately fainted! After waking up the President Xi said in earnest: Mr. President, the importance of a new type of relations between China and the United right, we must eat deep thoroughly understand. This aspect of our countries do not have their money to eat. The rules of the game is the big fish eat the world, but now the Cold War mentality is not popular, win-win cooperation in order to be popular. As long as the two countries joined forces, must win takes all. Some people like to eat the expense, eating a bowl of rice undermine Sino-US relations, jealousy with us, let us eat a lot of bitterness, building strategic partnerships more difficult. We must eat a cutting wisdom, can not let them eating a bowl watching the pot, beating the world to eat teeth reassurance. Mr. President, for these insights not sure of what you have? If not, I am willing to work with you to dinner at the manor!
Obama stunned, for a long while before saying: Chinese culture really unfathomable! President's words, only the last one did not eat the word!
Locke could not help but remind the next: Mr. President, the President Xi last words to you for him to eat a meal!
中国最能赚钱的20类人China's 20 most profitable categories of people 追求财富是中国人生活的一部分。汉语中有许多有关钱财的俗语,比如“有钱能使鬼推磨”等。本文盘点中国赚钱能力最强的20类人。追求财富是中国人生活的一部分。做生意、挣大钱也成了许多年轻人的愿望。汉语中有许多有关钱财的俗语,比如“有钱能使鬼推磨”等。本文盘点中国赚钱能力最强的20类人。1、喜欢读书尽管有钱人不认为学校的教育能带来多少财富,但他们相信一生坚持学习的重要作用。走进一个富豪的家里,你会看到非常多的图书,他们从中学习让自己更成功的能力。而穷人会读小说,画报、娱乐杂志。2、热爱工作在很多人看来,那些有钱人总是忙个不停。但世界上最聪明的一部分人只是在做他们感兴趣的事,只是从中找到了一个盈利渠道。另一方面,很多穷人在做着他们不喜欢的工作,只是因为他们需要这报酬。他们一根筋地认为,要得到金钱,就要付出自己智力或体力上的努力,根本没有想到双赢。3、不安于现状,不断努力的人“一天三顿饱,老婆孩子热炕头”的人觉得一辈子捧着“铁饭碗”的人,永远没有赚钱的机会,“够用就行,要那么多钱干嘛”这句话是那些不会乃至赚不到钱的人聊以自慰的“名言”。4、真正受过穷的人就像“貌不惊人”的男人一心一意的追求漂亮的女孩往往能成功一样。受穷的人因为感受到了贫穷的切肤之痛,而愈有赚钱的欲望和精神。5、有人生财富目标的人一个人单调的上下班,把固定的工资存在银行,年复一年,到头来也攒不了很多钱。想赚大钱就要立志经商,而且目标也要水涨船高,选定10万、20万、100万为奋斗目标,拥有一千万才算是富翁。6、抛弃“面子”的人想发财要不怕羞,当您在大街小巷推销产品时不要怕被别人看不起。7、勤奋好动的人多看、多想、多做、超越常理,出奇制胜。“鬼点子”越多越能赚钱。8、最能创新的人做生意第一要决就是眼光独到。想别人未想的事,走在别人前面,让别人在后面追。例如:您发现一种商品很符合当地实情,判断自己进回来一定畅销,这是生意人挣钱的准则。等把市场铺开了,别人跟风就晚了。因为您既已赚到了该商品的钱,又赢得了客户。9、很有自信心的人无论做什么事首先要有信心,相信自己是最优秀的,最棒的。这样您就能把自己最大的潜能发挥出来。“信念”是通向经商致富路上的指明灯。10、个性豪爽的人成功的企业家或商人都是爽快人,办事豪爽,干净利落,不拖泥带水。11、善于冒险果断的人办事果断,凭胆量论成败。独木桥的故事:有一座独木桥,桥对面有一片丰硕的果林,果实又大又好。胆大的人,凭胆量快速走过独木桥,摘得很多的硕果。而胆小的人,胆小不敢过桥,而没有摘得一枚硕果。有的即使慢慢过去,也只捡到一些烂果、小果。12、善于学习总结的人在平时的经商中,多与人交流,听取别人的意见和想法。不断总结,以丰富自己的经商经验。13、能吃苦耐劳的人做生意的一年365天都不休息,风里来雨里去,生活没有规律,搬运货物相当辛苦。请您相信“天道酬勤”的道理。14、不断进取的人遇到挫折不屈不挠,哪里摔倒了就在哪里爬起来。例如:您做一次不成功,两次、三次……哪怕是做99次不成功。第100次您成功了,那您这一生就是一个成功的人。15、善于抓住机遇的人在人们的生活中,在自己的身边往往有很多的机遇。只是由于疏忽而没有发现,让机遇溜掉,或者是让别人发现实施了。所以平时生活中对周围的事物多看、多想、多做。对自己发现和创造机遇有很大的好处。16、珍惜时间的人浪费时间就等于浪费财富。对于经商的人来说“时间就是金钱”一点都有没错。赚钱靠的是珍惜时间,利用时间。天天早睡晚起做懒汉是赚不到更多的财富的。人的生命是有限的,特别是在年轻力壮,思维敏捷的年龄阶段,多创造财富,为老来享用。17.有信仰其说宗教是大众的精神鸦片,不如说它是中产阶级的安定剂:资本主义让中国富起来了,如今它正在让中国变得有信仰。18.办事能力和办事效率很强的人一旦有赚钱的生意马上一步一个脚印的去做,要付诸于行动。敢做、敢干,只有这样才能抓住机会。19.酷爱投资波士顿咨询公司2006年的一份报告称,许多中国高净值客户向来习惯于投资实物资产。如:房地产、商业或交易类项目,如:投资土地兴建工业园区或零售园区。这通常被认为,是因为中国富人大多是企业家出身。20.很聪明的人读书学习好与坏与做生意赚钱完全是两码事。读书人往往呆头呆,墨守陈规。而做生意则需要头脑灵活多变,想到就要做到。The pursuit of wealth is a part of Chinese life. There are many Chinese proverb about the money, such as "money talks," and so on. This paper inventory of Chinese money strongest 20 category.The pursuit of wealth is a part of Chinese life. Business, big money has become the desire of many young people. There are many Chinese proverb about the money, such as "money talks," and so on. This paper inventory of Chinese money strongest 20 category. 1, like reading Despite the rich do not think school education can bring much wealth, but they believe that the important role of a lifetime to keep learning. Walked into a wealthy family, you will see a lot of books, they learn the ability to make themselves more successful. And the poor will read novels, magazines, entertainment magazines. 2, love of work In the eyes of many, that the rich are always on the go. But part of the world's most intelligent people are just doing what they are interested in, just to find a profitable channels. On the other hand, a lot of poor people doing jobs they do not like, simply because they need this reward. They believe that a tendon, to get money, we must make efforts on their own mental or physical, did not expect to win. 3, not complacent, who constantly strive to "Eat three meals a day, the wife and kids white picket fence" who think life holding "iron rice bowl" of the people, never have a chance to make money, "enough on the line, why should so much money," this sentence is that not even the earn money people consolation "famous." 4, the real poor people trained Like "unprepossessing" single-minded pursuit of a man often pretty girl like success. People who suffer from poverty because the poor feel the painful experience, and the more there is the desire and spirit money. 5, there are people who target life of wealth A person commuting monotonous, the existence of a fixed salary bank, year after year, in the end it can not save a lot of money. Want to make big money should aspire to do business, but the goal should be gone, selected 100,000, 200,000, 1,000,000 for the goal, with ten million is considered rich. 6, abandon the "face" of the people Want to get rich either shy, when you sell the product in the streets do not afraid of being looked down upon. 7, hardworking people restless Look, think, do, beyond common sense, a surprise move. "Trick" the more profitable. 8, the most innovative people The first decision is to do business with unique vision. Others did not want to think of something, walking in front of others, so that others after him. For example: You find a commodity is in line with local situation, judge themselves back into some selling, which is the criteria businessman money. And so the market spread, others follow suit too late. Now that you earn because of the commodity money, but also to win the customers. 9, very confident person Whatever you do, first of all have faith, believe in yourself is the best, the best. So you will be able to play to their maximum potential. "Faith" is the way to do business the way to get rich beacon. 10, forthright personality who Successful entrepreneurs or businessmen are too generous, generous act, neat, not sloppy. 11, good adventure decisive person Act decisively, with courage on the success. Single-plank bridge story: There is a single-plank bridge, across the bridge there is a rich fruit trees, fruit big and good. Bold person, with the courage to walk a difficult path quickly, won a lot of fruit. The timid man, timid dare not cross the bridge, but not won a fruit. Some even wore on, only to pick up some rotten fruit, small fruit. 12, people who are good at learning summary In the usual business, the multi communicate with people, to listen to others' opinions and ideas. Constantly sum up, in order to enrich their business experience. 13, hard working people Do not do business 365 days a year to rest, go through rain and wind, life is not the law, handling cargo quite hard. Please believe "Him" the truth. 14, the enterprising people Setbacks indomitable, where fell down on where to get up. For example: once you do not succeed, twice, three times ...... even if it is done 99 times unsuccessful. The first 100 times you are successful, this life that you are a successful person. 15, people who are good at seizing opportunities In people's lives, in their own side often have a lot of opportunities. Only because of negligence is not found, let the opportunity slip away, or let others discover implemented. So normal life things around to look, think and do more. Discover and create opportunities for their great advantage. 16, cherish the time people Wasting time is wasting wealth. For business people, "time is money" has little right. Making money on that cherish the time, use of time. Lazy day bed early evening to do is earn more wealth. Human life is limited, especially in the young and strong, quick thinking of the age, to create more wealth for the old to enjoy. 17. Have faith It says that religion is the opium public spirit, as it is the middle class stabilizer: Let China rich capitalist, and now it is making China becomes faith. 18. The competence and efficiency of a strong man Once a profitable business right away to do step by step, to be put into action. Dare, daring, the only way to seize the opportunity. 19. Fond investment Boston Consulting Group report in 2006, said many Chinese have always been accustomed to high net worth clients investment in physical assets. Such as: real estate, business or transaction class projects, such as: investment land to build industrial parks or retail park. It is generally considered, mostly because wealthy Chinese entrepreneurs origin. 20. Very smart people Reading and learning is good or bad and make money doing business is totally different. Scholars often berk stay, legalistic. The business will need flexible minds, thought we should do.
古今诗人家的月饼(幽默)1.李白家的月饼床前摆两筐,疑是没包装。举头望明月。低头闻饼香!2、杜甫家的月饼细草微风岸,今年送礼多。何物能摆阔?月饼最出色!3、柳宗元家的月饼无权鸟飞绝,没钱人踪灭。品饼蓑笠翁,独过中秋节!4、苏轼家的月饼明月几时有?举饼问青天。不知天上月饼,能卖多少钱5、徐志摩家的月饼悄悄的我收了,正如你悄悄的送,我挥一挥衣袖,来年你还送不送!6、琼瑶家 的月饼我有一块月饼,不知与谁能共.多少秘密在其中,送饼之人能懂。饼外情深义重,饼内目的重重。迎来送往惧无踪,徒留一帘幽梦!提前祝大家中秋愉快!
April 2015
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