客官不可以广播剧分享Warhorses of letters广播剧第二季吗?

【BBC广播剧】Warhorses of Letters - Seasons 1+2 () 战马情书 - 两季连发
他俩的鸿雁传情重见天日,揭开了一段尘封已久的爱情故事,他俩的传奇注定前不见古人,后不见来者,因为:—— 他俩是马儿,还是gay horses;—— 还分属两大敌对阵营,一边是法国的拿破仑,一边是他的死对头英国的威灵顿公爵,正是后者率领的英普俄联军,在著名的滑铁卢战役,断送了法国皇帝统治欧洲的伟大梦想。只有英国人的幽默,才敢给爱情故事注入这般惊世骇俗的喜剧元素;只有BBC的才情,方能让你捧腹的同时,依然感受爱情中普遍存在的浪漫、关爱、感伤、嫉妒、痛苦、疯狂。。。Warhorses of Letters (4 Episodes)Written by novelists Robert Hudson and Marie PhillipsDirected by Steven CannyProduced by Gareth EdwardsMarengo ..... Stephen FryCopenhagen ..... Daniel RigbyNarrator ..... Tamsin GreigProduced by Gareth Edwards.Overview:Romantic comedy about the previously untold love story between horses belonging to Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington.Stephen Fry stars as Napoleon's horse with Daniel Rigby as Wellington's horse, in a love story of two horses divided by war, told through their letters to each other.Episode 1:Deep in the British Library tucked into the slipcover of a book on the history of Blenheim Palace a packet of extraordinary letters has been discovered.&Dear Marengo brackets Napoleon's horse close brackets, I've never written a letter like this before...& thus begins the first passionate letter from Copenhagen, the Duke of Wellington's horse, to his hero Marengo in this epistolary equine love story.The first episode charts the early days of their romance and the beginning of the Peninsular Campaign. As their love blossoms, the shadow of impending combat looms over the two heroes.Episode 2:The second episode of this four part series sees Copenhagen becoming a warhorse, and Marengo setting out into the vast Russian Steppe as he carries Napoleon at the head of his vast army towards Moscow.As uncertainty and conflict beset the pair, it puts strains on their new relationship, especially when Copenhagen begins to explore his physical side with quite a lot of other horses, and things begin to go less well for the French army and its horses as winter sets in.Episode 3:Our heroes' fortunes fluctuate as the Napoleonic Wars get bloodier and colder making it much harder to send Valentine's cards.Episode 4:The wars rage on as Copenhagen lives it up in Paris and Marengo tries to enjoy a quiet retirement.听过了第1季?那就听第2季吧,最后一集可是10天前新鲜出炉的哦。Warhorses of Letters - Series 2BBC Radio 4,28 Nov - 19 Dec 2012Episode 1 (28 Nov 2012)The romantic correspondence between two of history's most important horses: Napoleon's mount Marengo and the Duke of Wellington's own Copenhagen. This second series picks up the story of the two lovers sundered by fate as Napoleon returns from Elba. Their letters speak eloquently of love, loss, jealousy and nuts.Episode 2 (5 Dec 2012)The world's greatest epistolary equine love story. The Duke of Wellington's horse Copenhagen's romance with Marengo (Napoleon's horse) has lead to a proposal of marriage. But planning a wedding is fraught with arguments for our gay horses...church or wood? Should people be invited or just horses? And which of them is the groom?Episode 3 (12 Dec 2012)The romantic correspondence between two of history's most important horses: Napoleon's mount Marengo and the Duke of Wellington's own Copenhagen. The opposing armies are on the march through Belgium, but our lovers face a more immediate challenge to their relationship as Marengo's stablemate Marcy turns out to be a stalking horse.Episode 4 (19 December 2012)The romantic correspondence between two of history's most important horses: Napoleon's mount Marengo and the Duke of Wellington's own Copenhagen. It is the eve of Waterloo and our two heroes face the prospect of seeing each other face to face, if only it was not across a battlefield. And is Marengo's life at risk from another more immediate enemy?
超爱这个 xxhoofprint
—— 他俩是马儿,还是gay horses;
XDDD 好喜欢这个系列哇~~
一时冲动推荐给导师了。。希望他可以正视gay horse和一些描述噗~~~~哈哈哈,千万别给我any feedback啊导师。。。
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Academia & 2015BBC Radio 4 - Warhorses of Letters, Series 1, Episode 2
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Episode 2 of 4
This is the world's first epistolary equine love story, comprising the recently discovered passionate love letters between Copenhagen, the Duke of Wellington's horse (played by Daniel Rigby), and his hero Marengo (Stephen Fry). It is the story of two horses united by an uncommon passion, cruelly divided by a brutal conflict.Warhorses of Letters stars Stephen Fry as Marengo, the seasoned, famous and just-a-little-bit-short mount of Emperor Napoleon. Daniel Rigby stars alongside him as Copenhagen, the frisky young former racehorse ridden by the Duke of Wellington. This collection of their moving letters to each other is introduced by Tamsin Greig.Episode 2 sees Copenhagen becoming a warhorse, and Marengo setting out into the vast Russian Steppe as he carries Napoleon at the head of his vast army towards Moscow. As uncertainty and conflict beset our heroes it puts strains on their new relationship, especially when Copenhagen begins to explore his physical side with really quite a lot of other horses, and things begin to go less well for the French army and its horses as winter sets in.Written by novelists Robert Hudson (The Kilburn Social Club) and Marie Phillips (Gods Behaving Badly - soon to be a feature film starring Christopher Walken and Sharon Stone), directed by Steven Canny and produced by Gareth Edwards.
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