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cocos2dx项目添加IOS微信分享,出现错误 ld: library not found for -lWeChatSDK_百度知道
cocos2dx项目添加IOS微信分享,出现错误 ld: library not found for -lWeChatSDK
a就出现这个错误ld: error: library not found for -lWeChatSDKclang一添加libWeChatSDK
lWeChatSDK.a 的路径不对,需要重新给定路径
&&&同步助手2.0.9发布 完美支持ios7不越狱照玩
同步助手2.0.9发布 完美支持ios7不越狱照玩
日 15:06&出处:&【原创】 作者:shanxi001 编辑:shanxi001
  泡泡网资讯频道9月25日&7真的是越来越受关注了,随着7正式版和S发布,iPhone5S iOS7的完美越狱已被黑客们安排提前开放越狱,网上也出现了不少黑客们爆出的越狱视频,越狱真的是越来越近了。虽然网上爆出那么多越狱的视频但目前也尚不清除这些视频的真实性,即使视频是真的,我们也不能确定在越狱发布之前就能修复那些黑客们使用的漏洞。期待越狱工具放出的我们唯一能做的就是耐心等待,关注越狱的动态。理论上,iOS7完美越狱最快也要等到iOS7.1发布之后才会放出。
  还需再等上一段时间,不能越狱的你不要着急,同步助手新版2.0.9已经发布,完美支持iOS7,不越狱一样可以装很多很多的软件,省钱省到家!  下面看看同步助手新版的一些特色功能吧!
  首先同步助手提供海量的正版免费下载,你是喜欢花钱去App Store上找乐的主吗?还是愿意来同步助手下载免费的应用游戏?别以为愿意花钱去App Store就是大土豪!
&  其次,在同步助手上下载应用是不需要登录iTunes账号的,简单明了、方便迅速的下载操作不正是广大同胞们所喜爱的吗!大土豪也逃不了!当然别以为大土豪现在有了iPhone 5s、5c就可以藐视同步助手!新版本的同步助手2.0.9完美支持iOS7、iTunes11.1、iPhone5S、iPhone5C!
&  同步助手不仅资源丰富,操作简单,同步助手还拥有强大的备份还原功能!不仅有系统文件备份,短信通讯录通通都能备份。同步助手——不仅仅能备份iTunes能备份的。  请记住,当你要升级设备时,请事先做好备份,别阴沟翻船什么重要的短信、通讯录都消失的无影无踪。在同步助手里,备份就是一件很简单的小事,点击同步助手右上角的“更多功能”就可以瞧见“备份还原”,点击进去就可以轻松的进行备份操作。对于那些不会升级设备却又想要自己升级的小白们来说这是多么美妙的福音!
&  &到这里你是否已经被同步助手强大的功能给亮瞎了双眼?如果还没有,小编再给你一记“重拳”!同步助手不仅可以不越狱修改运营商图标,还可以备份你的wechat聊天记录。还有更绝的,如果你想清理手机里占用内存的系统垃圾,用同步助手3秒搞定。同步助手还提供各种实用到爆的功能,请到同步助手【更多功能】,尽情围观~&
&  不禁遥想起曾经在iOS江湖上盛传的那一首童谣:天王盖地虎,同步助手真是虎!牧童骑黄牛,同步助手实在牛!问君能有几多愁,同步助手来解愁!思悠悠 恨悠悠 同步助手就是优!(ps:你的设备爱上了同步助手了吗?)      相关链接:   同步助手官网:   iOS7越狱资讯:
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Over half a billion people use WeChat, the free messaging & calling app that allows you to easily connect with family & friends across countries. It’s the all-in-one communications app for free text (SMS/MMS), voice & video calls, moments, photo sharing, and games.WHY USE WECHAT:o ALWAYS FREE: No annual subscription fee. Absolutely free for life.o FREE VOICE & VIDEO CALLS: High-quality free calls to anywhere in the world.o GROUP CHAT: Create group chats with up to 500 people.o MULTIMEDIA MESSAGING: Send video, image, text, and voice messages.o STICKER GALLERY: Hundreds of free fun, animated stickers to express your feelings from some of your favorite cartoons and movies.o MOMENTS: Share your best moments on your personal photo stream.o BETTER PRIVACY: WeChat gives you the highest level of control over your privacy. It’s the only messaging app to be certified by TRUSTe.o MEET NEW FRIENDS: Use “Friend Radar”, “People Nearby” and “Shake” to meet others.o ADDICTIVE GAMES: Compete with your friends on some of the hottest games.o REALTIME LOCATION: Instead of having to tell others where you are, just use real-time location sharing.o LANGUAGE SUPPORT: Localized in 20 different languages and can translate messages to any languageo AND MORE: Desktop app, custom wallpaper, custom notifications, group walkie-talkie, official accounts.o WeRun-WeChat: Aceess HealthKit data and challenge friends tobeat their scores via the "WeRun-WeChat" Official Account.
What's New in Version 6.2.3
· Easily migrate chat log from original phone to new device· Send images to friends in chats more quickly· Translate Moments into your language with a long press · Improved WeChat experience on Apple Watch · Access HealthKit data and challenge friends to beat their scores via the "WeRun-WeChat" Official Account· Added progress bar for video downloads in chats and video playback scrubbing· Improved stability with additional 64-bit compatibility
Apple Watch
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadOffers Apple Watch App for iPhoneFreeCategory: Version: 6.2.3Size: 92.6 MBApple Watch: YesLanguages: English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, VietnameseDeveloper: Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company LimitedInfrequent/Mild Sexual Content and NudityCompatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimised for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
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