
Application of soil resources inventories. A case study from Val Gerola [Lombardy]
Application of soil resources inventories. A case study from Val Gerola [Lombardy]
Rasio, R. (Ente Regionale di Sviluppo Agricolo della Lombardia (ERSAL), Milan (Italy))
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Application of soil resources inventories. A case study from Val Gerola [Lombardy]
This paper deals with a soil survey carried out in &Val Gerola Watershed (Province of Sondrio - Northern Italy)&, a case study within the EEC research project named &EPOCH&. After a description of project and soil survey purposes, this paper reports materi the results of the inventory and state of the soil resources as mapped at scale 1:50.000, with a legend of 19 guidelines for soil interpretations and perspectives for their application. In conclusion, to review the following research development, the role of this watershed is stressed, as reference in mountain areas for adequate resources inventories and their implementation by land use planners in soil conservation plans and hydrogeological programs
[investigacion, metodos, encuestas forestales, cartografia, ciencia del suelo, ordenacion de cuencas, recherche, methode, amenagement de bassin versant, cartographie, comunidades europeas, lombardie, communautes europeennes, sciences du sol, lombardia, mise en valeur du sol, inventarios forestales, manejo del suelo, enquete forestiere, inventaire forestier]
[Monti e Boschi (Italy)]
This paper deals with a soil survey carried out in &Val Gerola Watershed (Province of Sondrio - Northern Italy)&, a case study within the EEC research project named &EPOCH&. After a description of project and soil survey purposes, this paper reports materi the results of the inventory and state of the soil resources as mapped at scale 1:50.000, with a legend of 19 guidelines for soil interpretations and perspectives for their application. In conclusion, to review the following research development, the role of this watershed is stressed, as reference in mountain areas for adequate resources inventories and their implementation by land use planners in soil conservation plans and hydrogeological programs
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encuestas forestales
ciencia del suelo
ordenacion de cuencas
amenagement de bassin versant
comunidades europeas
communautes europeennes
sciences du sol
mise en valeur du sol
inventarios forestales
manejo del suelo
enquete forestiere
inventaire forestier
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